CES8210 Libraries

VME Model CBD8210 VME to CAMAC Branch Driver Specifications

At the time of writing the current library is v1_9

CAMAC IEEE Library for CES CBD8210 CAMAC Driver Documentation

Here is the CES8210 library tarred and gzipped, ces8210.tar.gz

To obtain the most recent version log on to an fnal computer and type
  • "setup ces8210"
  • this will set the environment variable
  • CES8210_DIR=/usr/products/NULL/ces8210/v1_9
  • beneath which you can find the current documentation, library and source

    Here is a C routine, vmemem.c that access memory accross the VMEBUS and times how long the WRITE to memory takes. Here is the Makefile. To build, just type make.

    Thus far we have been unable to read/write from the EOS clearpoint memory modules. Can't find the documentation. Dave Slimmer did provide a memory module with documentation. We set the following flags in vmemem.c.

  • #define VME_MEM_SIZE 0x9F0000
  • #define VME_BASE_ADDR 0x100000
  • VME_attr memdesc = {base: 0xd00000, /* re-assigned */ limit: 0xdfffff, /* re-assigned */ flags: VME_AM_A24(16) | VME_USE_MAP | VME_USE_RMW };

    For the clearpoint modules we nned to knw the VME_BASE_ADDR which we believe to be 0x87800000 (at FNAL) and we need to know what to put in place of VME_AM_A24(16). The relevant include file can be found on the client at /usr/src/linux-2.2.9-bpa/include/linux/vme.h

    Created 20-May-2002 by:David Asner