NWS Weather Event Simulator
Creating a Case Study Localization

(NOTE: These instruction apply to version 1.0. For versions 1.1 and 1.2 follow the instructions included as a PDF file on the CD-ROM.)

Weather Event Simulator localizations can be developed in two ways:

  1. Obtain a generic localization from the SOO Science and Training Resource Center Web site (see below).
  2. Create your own, with the option of having it mirror that of your AWIPS (see below).

Installing a Generic Localization

You should, at a minimum, create a case study directory. You may populate that directory with appropriate data either before or after you install the localization. For illustrative purposes, I'll use a sample case study directory of 2001Sep01 and the LIX customization.

G1.  Logon as the user "fxa."

G2.  Create a localizationDataSets subdirectory under the /awips/data/2001Sep01 case directory.

> cd  /awips/data/2001Sep01
> mkdir  localizationDataSets
> cd  localizationDataSets

G3.  Aim your Web browser at: www.comet.ucar.edu/resources/cases/drt/localization/ and download the tarred and gzipped file for the desired office (LIX in this example) to the localizationDataSets subdirectory you just created.

G4.  Uncompress the downloaded file with the command:

> zcat  LIX.tar.gz  |  tar  -xvf  -      (substitute your office identifier for LIX!)
This will create a LIX subdirectory under the localizationDataSets directory and place all the required files in it.

G5.  Create the other required subdirectories under the /awips/data/2001Sep01 case directory.

> cd  /awips/data/2001Sep01
> mkdir  procs
> ln  -s  procs  userPrefs
If you haven't already done so, place some AWIPS data into the 2001Sep01 directory (the data don't have to be from 1 Sep 2001!) and confirm that the WES D2D will start and that the D2D interface appears to be localized as it does on your operational AWIPS.

G6.  Copy the WES versions on the localization directories into the /local directory so you will never have to go through this procedure again!

As the user "fxa":
> cd /usr1/data/awips/2001Sep01 > cp -R workFiles /local/LIX/ (substitute your office identifier for LIX) > cp -R localizationDataSets /local/LIX/ (substitute your office identifier for LIX) > cp -R customFiles /local/LIX/ (substitute your office identifier for LIX) > cp -R procs /local/LIX/ (substitute your office identifier for LIX)

G7.  Use the WES versions of your localization directories in another case. I'll assume this case is 2001Nov15.

As the user "fxa":
> cd /usr1/data/awips/2001Nov15 > ln -s /local/LIX/workFiles (substitute your office identifier for LIX) > ln -s /local/LIX/localizationDataSets (substitute your office identifier for LIX) > ln -s /local/LIX/customFiles (substitute your office identifier for LIX) > ln -s /local/LIX/procs (substitute your office identifier for LIX) > ln -s procs  userPrefs

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Creating Your Own WES Localization.

The localization will be developed by running the mainScript.csh program on the WES. Since the mainScript.csh program creates and installs the LINUX version of your customization directories and files into an existing case study directory you should, at a minimum, create such a directory. You can optionally populate that directory with appropriate data either before or after you perform the localization. For illustrative purposes, I'll use a sample case study directory of 2001Sep01.

1.  You should tar and compress (gzip), then copy, the following directories and files from your operational AWIPS to the WES workstation:

I'll assume you called the tarred directories customFiles.tar.gz and localizationFWD.tar.gz, with the files colorMapsFWD.cdl and customColorMapsFWD.cdl retaining their original names, and that you placed on these files on a CD-ROM.
(Remember to substitute your office identifier for FWD in the names of the localization and colorMaps files.)

2.   Note that the /local partition on the WES is an ideal place to put these directories and files. I suggest you first change the ownership of that partition to the user "fxa."

Login as the user "root."
> chown fxa:fxalpha /local

3.  Mount the CD-ROM containing the AWIPS directories and files, then copy them to the /local directory on the WES.

> mount  /mnt/cdrom
> cd  /mnt/cdrom
> cp  customFiles.tar.gz  /local
> cp  localizationFWD.tar.gz  /local     (substitute your office identifier for FWD!)
> cp  colorMaps.nc
> cp  customColorMaps.nc  /local
> cd  /local
> chown  fxa:fxalpha  *
> umount /mnt/cdrom
Log out.

4.  Uncompress and un-tar the directories.

Login as the user "fxa."
> cd /local > zcat customFiles.tar.gz | tar -xvf - > zcat localizationFWD.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
Don't log out!

5.  Create the required case study directories on the WES:

As the user "fxa":
> cd /usr1/data/awips > mkdir 2001Sep01 > cd 2001Sep01 > mkdir workFiles > mkdir localizationDataSets > mkdir localizationDataSets/FWD (substitute your office identifier for FWD!) > mkdir customFiles > mkdir procs > ln -s procs userPrefs
Don't log out!

6.  Copy the AWIPS files into the appropriate case study directories:

As the user "fxa":
> cd  /usr1/data/awips/2001Sep01 > cp -R /local/customFiles/* ./customFiles > cp -R /local/FWD/* ./localizationDataSets/FWD (substitute your office identifier for FWD!)
Don't log out!

7.  Run the mainScript.csh file to create your localization:

As the user "fxa":
> cd  /usr1/awips/fxa/data/localization/scripts > ./mainScript.csh n f FWD FWD (substitute your office identifier for both instances of FWD!)
You should see the following messages on the screen:
starting loc log
starting loc log
starting at {the current date and time are displayed here}

FXA_DATA is /data/awips/1999Aug11

The value of FXA_DATA is the path to the case study being localized (e.g., /data/awips/1997Jul04).

Is FXA-DATA correct? (y/n)

> n <ENTER>		<---  Tell the computer No! That is not correct.

Available cases in /data/awips are:

2001Sep01		<--- There's the case directory we want to use

Enter the casename to be localized (e.g., 1997Jul01)

2001Sep01 <ENTER>	<--- Respond with the case directory

FXA_DATA is /data/awips/2001Sep01

Is FXA-DATA correct? (y/n)

> y  <ENTER>		<---  Tell the computer Yes, that is correct!

FXA_DATA is /data/awips/2001Sep01
FXA_LOCALIIZATION_ROOT is /data/awips/2001Sep01/localizationDataSets
FXA_LOCAL_SITE is FWD		(You should see your office identifier displayed)
FXA_INGEST_SITE is FWD		(You should see your office identifier displayed)
FXA_CUSTOM_FILES is /data/awips/2001Sep01/customFiles

Are these variables set correctly? (y/n)

> y  <ENTER>		<---  Tell the computer Yes, that is correct!
(Much verbiage will follow. You may even see some warnings and error messages. Don't panic! All is likely well. In about two minutes you should see the message:)
making all localization data sets writable
done at  {the current date and time are displayed here}

Don't log out!

8.  Reconvert the colorMaps files from the ASCII CDL format to the netCDF format using the ncgen command, then copy them into the appropriate case study subdirectories:

As the user "fxa":
> cd /usr1/data/awips/2001Sep01 > ncgen -o /local/customColorMaps.nc /local/customColorMapsFWD.cdl    (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > cp /local/customColorMaps.nc workFiles > cd localizationDataSets > ncgen -o /local/colorMaps.nc /local/colorMapsFWD.cdl    (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > cp /local/colorMaps.nc FWD (substitute your office identifier for FWD)
If you haven't already done so, place some AWIPS data into the 2001Sep01 directory (the data don't have to be from 1 Sep 2001!) and confirm that the WES D2D will start and that the D2D interface appears to be localized as it does on your operational AWIPS.

9.  Copy the WES versions on the localization directories into the /local directory so you will never have to go through this procedure again!

As the user "fxa":
> cd /usr1/data/awips/2001Sep01 > cp -R workFiles /local/FWD/ (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > cp -R localizationDataSets /local/FWD/ (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > cp -R customFiles /local/FWD/ (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > cp -R procs /local/FWD/ (substitute your office identifier for FWD)

10.  Use the WES versions of your localization directories in another case. I'll assume this case is 2001Nov15.

As the user "fxa":
> cd /usr1/data/awips/2001Nov15 > ln -s /local/FWD/workFiles (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > ln -s /local/FWD/localizationDataSets (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > ln -s /local/FWD/customFiles (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > ln -s /local/FWD/procs (substitute your office identifier for FWD) > ln -s procs  userPrefs

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created by Bernard N. Meisner
Latest revision: 17 June 2003