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Evolution codes:

The LHAPDF interface has to be compiled together with an evolution code. Apart from the evolution code also a wrapper is included which facilitates the communication between LHAPDF and the evolution code. The Makefile which comes with the evolution code will compile the evolution and  LHPDF code to make the libLHAPDF.a library file. Note that the evolution codes are interchangeable. However, a PDF set was fitted using a particular evolution code. This results in a preferred evolution code and setting for each PDF set. The selection is coded in the PDF set input file (extension LHpdf) and can be changed. This might be desirable to extend the allowed x and/or Q range or to trade speed vs accuracy by e.g. changing the number of grid points.
If a PDF set is selected which has a non-matching evolution code, the current evolution code is used using a default setting (which is encoded in the wrapper under entry readevolve and can be edited).


QCDNUM evolution code version 16.12:

The QCDNUM evolution code and LHAPDF wrapper: QCDNUM.tar
Unpacking the tarred file will create in the directory QCDNUM all the relevant files to include the QCDNUM evolution package into the LHAPDF code. The appropriate makefile is included.
The code is selected in the LHpdf file in the evolution module by the entry QCDNUM. The entry is followed by a line containing:
(grid file name, number of x grid points, min. value of x, max. value of x, number of Q grid points, min. value of Q, max. value of Q)


EVLCTEQ evolution code version 1:

The EVLCTEQ evolution code and LHAPDF wrapper: EVLCTEQ.tar
Unpacking the tarred file will create in the directory EVLCTEQ all the relevant files to include the EVLCTEQ evolution package into the LHAPDF code. The appropriate makefile is included.
The code is selected in the LHpdf file in the evolution module by the entry EVLCTEQ. The entry is followed by a line containing:
(min. value of x, max. value of Q, number of x grid points, number of Q grid points)


Template code version 1:

Contains a template wrapper for a evolution code: TEMPLATE.tar
Unpacking the tarred file will create in the current directory the template file wrapevolve.f. This file has to be modified to include your own evolution code. The appropriate makefile is included.
Note: This code does not include actual evolution code. It is intended to accommodate inclusion of your own evolution code.

Comments and/or Problems
=The LHAPDF home page= Theory = LHAPDF ready MC's = Downloads = online manual =