. ‚ ~ederal Writers ‚ Project, fl~siriCt ~f5, Sikestofl, £~Lssouri. 240-—1olklore, ~ . 251 An Interview with Mrs. hattie i~latthews, ~ged 58, McCorxnick,~ Street, Farm- . ington, ~jssouri. u-3— Butd0 slabes sure could hoodoo each other. somebody whowanted ta hoodoo somebody else wud tak snakeJ an frogs an pulverize um an put de stuff in a bottle. Dey den dug a hole j_n de grOt~fl under de step ai~‘buried de bottle in de hole. When de person (for whom the boodoo was intended) took a ~tep aber dis spot dey md habe pains in deir legs. Ma grandmUthU~ cud see de sr •akes corne up inside deir legs an dey had to cut a hole in deir 1~gs ta let de snakes out. Sometimes dey ud get a person ta take de si~es an frogs fruin a person, and den de person who put de hoodoo under de step or,~rueh ud lose deir chanT and die. ~ grandrnuthersay she ~•aw maïiy a frog an snake corse out ob a person‘s mouth. ~e ~lab~s were turrible ta each other. All such as dis went ou in de dose days. Thi~3 here iOOdOO business still goes on down in Mississipr3i. I‘m shure glad I don‘t 11119 dovr~ thar. ~~1a cousin got~into anargurnent witha negro girl down thar an ~ey cou~en‘t settle hit. So she (my cousin) wrote to somebody who -wrote back antole ma cousin all bout this here other girl such as her smount or insurance, etc. .~‚ ~ ~ F‘ „ ‚ „ ~ .‚ ty~‘ ~‚ .~ ~ ~ „ ‚~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .‘\. ~