Av. Malagueño s/n-Complejo Industrial U. CO. MA. Ferreyra, C.P. X5020CST, Córdoba, Argentina.


Foliar fertilization in bread wheat and hexaploid triticale.

W. Londero, Stoller Argentina S.A., and L.E. Torres and R. Maich College of Agriculture (Córdoba National University).

A trial to evaluate the effect of the foliar fertilizer Mastermins® on agronomic performance in bread wheat (eight entries) and hexaploid triticale (nine entries) under rainfed conditions was conducted at the experimental farm of the College of Agriculture (Córdoba National University, 31^o^29'S, 64^o^00'W). Each plot consisted of four 7-m rows, 0.20 m apart, and was sown in May 2002 at seeding rate of 200 seeds/m^2^. A complete randomized block design with three replications was used. Each block was subdivided transversely in order to pulverize a 6 l/Ha dose of Mastermins® on a half block during growth stage 4 (Feeke's scale). At harvest, we measured or estimated grain yield, aerial biomass, harvest index, grain number/m^2^, and 1,000-kernel weight. Data were processed with ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. No significant differences were noted between treatments for any of the analyzed traits. Similar results were observed when analyzing each species separately. Overall, a positive effect of the foliar fertilizer over all characters, except grain number/m2, was found in bread wheat. On the other hand, the fertilizer effect was negative, except on harvest index, in hexaploid triticale.