Table of contents for Creative serging : innovative applications to get the most from your serger / Nancy Bednar & Anne van der Kley.

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Chapter 1 -- Parts of a Serger?Serger Models and Features
Chapter 2 -- Serger Serendipity
Chapter 3 -- Serger Tapas
Chapter 4 -- Check It Out
Chapter 5 -- Inside Out and Upside Down
Chapter 6 -- Ethereal Scarves?The Scarf Challenge
Chapter 7 -- Wardrobe Challenge
Chapter 8 -- Home Dec Challenge
Chapter 9 -- Quilt Challenge 
[From Anne:]
Where do I begin to explain the way this book came about? I had met Nance on one of my teaching and book promotion trips to the US and immediately realized that she and I were both "sergerholics" of the first order. While the serger is not the only equipment in our sewing repertoire (yes we can both do a ton of stuff at the sewing machine and computer too), we both felt it was suffering from some tired ideas as to what it was capable of in the twenty-first century with the next generation of serger available with Coverstitch and Chainstitch. We corresponded with the magic of the intergalactic airwaves, aka the Internet, and met whenever I was in her neck of the woods around Chicago.
I can't remember which of us started the "fabric challenge": we would buy equal amounts of the same outrageous or simply stunning fabric, me from Australia, Nancy on her travels stateside, and plan to challenge ourselves as to what we would do with it . . . somehow, this idea took wing when we were celebrating our restraint (I had only made one credit card sob with distress that it was being wrung out more than was considered possible) at a wonderful tapas restaurant we had discovered at our personal fabric Mecca at Vogue Fabrics in Evanston, a suburb of Chicago. Perhaps it was the second carafe of sangria that stimulated the creative sergins in us, but I know we sat there and drew up our book proposal on the spot.
As I write I am still astounded at how our book reflects so closely our sangria enriched ideas: we have kept as true to the original ideas as we had planned, having to eliminate some projects because we just had far too many projects for this book. I hope our different styles, ideas, and projects stimulate you all to take a new look at your serger, and explore the textile art tool of the twenty-first century.
[From Anne:]
I would like to thank some of the remarkable women in my life who have nurtured, taught, and encouraged me to be where I am now. There is something special about the camaraderie of women that defies explanation.
Mum for insisting that I finish my nursing career at a very low spot for me, so that I would have an education and something to "fall back on," a possibility that was not really an option for her as the middle of 13 children in the years of the second worlds war. It took me until I was a wife and mother with a new career in sewing that I was able to understand how lucky I was -- and still am -- that each day still sees me loving my work and looking forward to the challenges of the day and the future.
Gai Haviland for being a tutor of the first order and stickler for doing it properly: Janice Ferguson for being a mentor by accident and her unconditional help on my first teaching visits to the US, easing the way for me.
To those Queens and Goddesses who love sewing, serging, and embellishing with a passion that is shared and cannot be explained, to all the women who are developing their creative spirit just because they can, thank you. I am proud to be a member of the team.
And always, to the team at home, who support me no matter whether they want to or not, it just goes with the territory: Phil, Dirk, and Nina, I won't promise that there won't be another book, I just am grateful that you have given me the opportunity 3 times already.
[From Nancy:]
Some relationships are just meant to be.. I knew that Anne and I were kindred spirits from the moment I met her at a lecture she was giving here in the States. Striking up a conversation, we both realized that we were of a similar mindset regarding our thoughts on serging. There was much too much that had been repeated from the past and so much more available if we could just unlock the right creative door. We felt that we held the keys to open the way to urging serger owners to experiment and enjoy their sergers as never before. During a lunch break during a fabric shopping trip, we were urged (with the help of a lot of excellent sangria) to put thoughts to paper. What if we wrote a book unlike anything else on the market? What would we put in it? How far could we push the creative limits? Hastily scribbling our notes on a napkin, I drafted a proposal and send it to my publisher, Sterling. They accepted it immediately as we were on our way. We thoroughly enjoyed our creative journey with the projects in this book and hope our readers do too. It is our wish that they inspire you to dust off that serger box, reread your instruction manual and enjoy your serger.
[From Nancy:]
Dedication and Thanks
I'd like to dedicate this book to my wonderful children, Sarah and Adam. They both have been patient and understanding personal supporters in the midst of mountains of fabric, piles of paper and countless thread snippets that they and our dog regularly wear out the door. Supplying me with meals when I was too busy to cook, cleaning the house or offering creative input when I got jammed, they propped me up when I was too tired to go on. They never complained, always supported and for this I thank them. Love you, kids!
Thanks, also, to the editors of the now defunct Sewing and Serging Update Newsletter for giving me my first public writing assignments. They took a chance on an unknown writer and opened up a literary door I never thought was available to me. They challenged me with "what if" assignments and started me on a creative journey to break the rules and see what happens.
Thank you also to all my creative pals in the industry, Bernina staff and educators, fellow writers, suppliers who did not hesitate to supply me and Anne with countless supplies and my serging buddy, Anne. We did it!
Lastly, I am grateful for my faith in a power greater than myself for getting me through these past few years. The road has not always been smooth, but somehow I got through. My talents, my inquiring mind and my wonderful children all stem from a place much larger than myself. I am humbled and thankful to be as blessed as I am.

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