-5- LITTLE BOY I ain't gointer play cause you hurt me. HAWK Aw, naw, I din't hurt you. LITTLE BOY Yeah you did too. You pecked me right here. (points to top of his head) HAWK Well if you so touchous you got to cry every time anybody look at you, you can't play wid us. LITTLE BOY (smothering sobs) I ain't cryin'. (He is placed with the other captives. Hawk returns to game.) HAWK Chickie. HEN My chickens sleep! VOICE FROM A DISTANCE Titter! You Titter !!! BIG GIRL Yassum VOICE If you don't come here wid dat soap you better! BIG GIRL (shakes herself poutingly, half sobs) Soon's I git grown I'm gointer run away. Everytime a person gits to havin' fun, it's"come here, Titter and rake de yard." She don't never make Bubber do nothin. (She exits into the store.) HAWK Now we ain't got no hen.