*MY NASA DATA E-note (Number 29) December 2008* /Greetings MY NASA DATA Alumni and Newslist members! The monthly E-note is sent to anyone who is interested in learning more about or keeping up to date with the MY NASA DATA project. If you know someone who is interested in this information, the sign-up can be found at: http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/HPDOCS/email_registration.html/ *1) Lessons added to Teacher Plans collection 2) New Air Quality data now available in the LAS 3) Teacher Feedback button 4) Where will we be next? 5) New science project idea* *1) New lessons added to Teacher Plans collection* Two more new lessons from the 2008 workshop group are available on the website’s Teacher Plans page http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/User_lessons.html: /Lesson #65 The Fabled Maine Winter/ contributed by Marshalyn Baker and Barbara Fortier, both from Maine /Lesson #66 How Does the Earth's Energy Budget Relate to Polar Ice?/ contributed by Kathy Doerner from Virginia and Terri Wolski from Michigan. Keep checking the website for updates to the lesson collection! *2) New Air Quality data now available in the LAS * If you are looking for more recent Air Quality data, Monthly Total Column Carbon Monoxide (CO) from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument aboard the Aura satellite has been added to the Live Access Server (LAS). The new CO data covers November 2004 to March 2008 at a resolution of 4 degrees longitude by 2 degrees latitude. This provides less spatial resolution than the Monthly Daylight Column Carbon Monoxide (MOPITT) data already in the LAS, but covers a more recent time period. Monthly Total Column Ozone from TES covering November 2004 to March 2008 is also available. This new data provides an opportunity for comparison with other ozone datasets in the LAS from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) project. *3) Teacher Feedback button * We need your input! If you use a lesson, please take a few minutes to enter your comments using the Teacher Feedback button located on each lesson’s front page. It only takes a minute or two, since your comments may be very brief! Both your positive comments and your suggestions for improvement are very important to us. We want to continue to improve our resources to meet your needs! *4) Where will we be next?* MY NASA DATA team member, Dennis Diones, will present a demonstration at the Virginia Technology Leadership Conference (VTLC) in Roanoke, VA, December 9-11. Also, Dr. Lin Chambers, MND project director, will present a poster at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting in San Francisco, CA. Her session is on Friday afternoon, Dec. 19, at 1:40 pm in Hall D of the Moscone Center. One or more MY NASA DATA workshop alumni may be joining her there. MY NASA DATA will also be mentioned that morning in a presentation from workshop alumni and NASA education and outreach lead Brooke Carter-Hsu. *5) New Science Project Idea!* Another great project idea has been added to the Science Projects Page: /Measuring the Temperature of the Sky and Clouds/, http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/P18.html. If your students complete a research project using any of the microsets from MY NASA DATA, please let us know!