Table of contents for Linear statistical inference and its applications [by] C. Radhakrishna Rao.

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Chapter 1
Algebra of Vectors and Matrices
Vector Spaces
1a.1 Definition of Vector Spaces and Subspaces, 1a.2 Basis of a Vector Space, 1a.3 Linear Equations, 1a.4 Vector Spaces with an Inner Product
Complements and Problems
lb. Theory of Matrices and Determinants
1b.1 Matrix Operations, 1b.2 Elementary Matrices and Diagonal Reduction of a Matrix,1b.3 Determinants, 1b.4 Transformations 1b.5 Generalized Inverse of a Matrix, 1b.6 Matrix Representation, of Vector Spaces, Bases, etc., 1b.7 Idempotent Matrices, 1b.8 Special Products of Matrices
Complements and Problems
1c. Eigenvalues and Reduction of Matrices 1c.1 Classification and Transformation of Quadratic Forms, 1c.2 Roots of Determinantal Equations, 1c.3 Canonical Reduction of Matrices, 1c.4 Projection Operator, 1c.5 Further Results on g-Inverse, 1c.6 Restricted Eigenvalue Problem
1d. Convex Sets in Vector Spaces
1d.1 Definitions, 1d.2 Separation Theorems for Convex Sets
1e. Inequalities
1e.1 Cauchy-Schwarz (C-S) Inequality, 1e.2 Holder's Inequality, 1e.3 Hadamard's Inequality, 1e.4 Inequalities Involving Moments, 1e.5 Convex Functions and Jensen's Inequality, 1e.6 Inequalities in Information Theory, 1e.7 Stirling's Approximation
1f. Extrema of Quadratic Forms
1f.1 General Results, 1f. 2 Results Involving Eigenvalues and Vectors 1f. 3 Minimum Trace Problems
Complements and Problems
Chapter 2
Probability Theory, Tools and Techniques
2a. Calculus of Probability
2a.l The Space of Elementary Events, 2a.2 The Class of Subsets (Events), 2a.3 Probability as a Set Function, 2a.4 Borel Field ([sigma]-field) and Extension of Probability Measure, 2a.5 Notion of a Random Variable and Distribution Function, 2a.6 Multidimensional Random Variable, 2a. 7 Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence, 2a.8 Conditional Distribution of a Random Variable
2b. Mathematical Expectation and Moments of Random Variables
2b.1 Properties of Mathematical Expectation, 2b.2 Moments, 2b.3 Conditional Expectation, 2b.4 Characteristic Function (c.f.), 2b.5 Inversion Theorems, 2b.6 Multivariate Moments
2c. Limit Theorems
2c.1 Kolmogorov Consistency Theorem, 2c.2 Convergence of a Sequence of Random Variables, 2c.3 Law of Large Numbers, 2c.4 Convergence of a Sequence of Distribution Functions, 2c.5 Central Limit Theorems, 2c.6 Sums of Independent Random Variables
2d. Family of Probability Measures and Problems of Statistics
2d.1 Family of Probability Measures, 2d.2 The Concept of a Sufficient Statistic, 2d.3 Characterization of Sufficiency
Appendix 2A. Stieltjes and Lebesgue Integrals
Appendix 2B. Some Important Theorems in Measure Theory and Integration
Appendix 2C. Invariance
Appendix 2D. Statistics, Subfields, and Sufficiency
Appendix 2E. Non-Negative Definiteness of a Characteristic Function
Complements and Problems
Chapter 3
Continuous Probability Models
3a. Univariate Models
3a.1 Normal Distribution, 3a.2 Gamma Distribution, 3a.3 Beta Distribution, 3a.4 Cauchy Distribution, 3a.5 Student's t Distribution, 3a.6 Distributions Describing Equilibrium States in Statistical Mechanics, 3a.7 Distribution on a Circle
3b. Sampling Distributions 
3b.1 Definitions and Results, 3b.2 Sum of Squares of Normal Variables, 3b.3 Joint Distribution of the Sample Mean and Variance, 3b.4 Distribution of Quadratic Forms, 3b.5 Three Fundamental Theorems of the least Squares Theory, 3b.6 The p-Variate Normal Distribution, 3b.7 The Exponential Family of Distributions
3c. Symmetric Normal Distribution
3c.1 Definition, 3c.2 Sampling Distributions
3d. Bivariate Normal Distribution
3d.1 General Properties, 3d. 2 Sampling Distributions
Complements and Problems
Chapter 4
The Theory of least Squares and Analysis of Variance
4a. Theory of least Squares (Linear Estimation)
4a.1 Gauss-Markoff Setup (Y, X[beta], [sigma]2I), 4a.2 Normal Equations and least Squares (l.s.) Estimators, 4a.3 g-Inverse and a Solution of the Normal Equation, 4a.4 Variances and Covariances of l.s. Estimators, 4a.5 Estimation of [sigma]2, 4a.6 Other Approaches to the l.s. Theory (Geometric Solution), 4a.7 Explicit Expressions for Correlated Observations, 4a.8 Some Computational Aspects of the l.s. Theory, 4a.9 least Squares Estimation with Restrictions on Parameters,
4a.10 Simultaneous Estimation of Parametric Functions, 4a.11 least Squares Theory when the Parameters Are Random Variables, 4a.12 Choice of the Design Matrix
4b. Tests of Hypotheses and Interval Estimation
4b.1 Single Parametric Function (Inference), 4b.2 More than One Parametric Function (Inference), 4b.3 Setup with Restrictions
4c. Problems of a Single Sample
4c.1 The Test Criterion, 4c.2 Asymmetry of Right and left Femora (Paired Comparison)
4d. One-Way Classified Data
4d.1 The Test Criterion, 4d.2 An Example
4e. Two-Way Classified Data
4e.1 Single Observation in Each Cell, 4e.2 Multiple but Equal Numbers in Each Cell, 4e.3 Unequal Numbers in Cells
4f. A General Model for Two-Way Data and Variance Components
4f.1 A General Model, 4f.2 Variance Components Model, 4f.3 Treatment of the General Model
4g. The Theory and Application of Statistical Regression 
4g.1 Concept of Regression (General Theory), 4g.2 Measurement of Additional Association, 4g.3 Prediction of Cranial Capacity (a Practical Example), 4g.4 Test for Equality of the Regression Equations, 4g.5 The Test for an Assigned Regression Function, 4g.6 Restricted Regression
4h. The General Problem of least Squares with Two Sets of Parameters 
4h.1 Concomitant Variables, 4h.2 Analysis of Covariance, 4h.3 An Illustrative Example
4i. Unified Theory of Linear Estimation
4i.1 A Basic Lemma on Generalized Inverse, 4i.2 The General Gauss-Markoff Model (GGM), 4i.3 The Inverse Partitioned Matrix (IPM) Method, 4i.4 Untried Theory of Least Squares
4j. Estimation of Variance Components
4j.1 Variance Components Model, 4j.2 Minque Theory, 4j.3 Computation under the Euclidian Norm
4k. Biased Estimation in Linear Models
4k.1 Best Linear Estimator (BLE), 4k.2 Best Linear Minimum Bias Estimation (BLIMBE)
Complements and Problems
Chapter 5
Criteria and Methods of Estimation
5a. Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimation
5a.1 Minimum Variance Criterion, 5a.2 Some Fundamental Results on Minimum Variance Estimation, 5a.3 The Case of Several Parameters, 5a.4 Fisher's Information Measure, 5a.5 An Improvement of Un-biased Estimators
5b. General Procedures
5b.1 Statement of the General Problem (Bayes Theorem), 5b.2 Joint d.f. of ([Teata], x) Completely Known, 5b.3 The Law of Equal Ignorance, 5b.4 Empirical Bayes Estimation Procedures, 5b.5 Fiducial Probability, 5b.6 Minimax Principle, 5b.7 Principle of Invariance
5c. Criteria of Estimation in Large Samples
5c.1, Consistency, 5c.2 Efficiency
5d. Some Methods of Estimation in Large Samples
5d.1 Method of Moments, 5d.2 Minimum Chi-Square and Associated Methods, 5d. 3 Maximum Likelihood
5e. Estimation of the Multinomial Distribution
5e.1 Nonparametric Case, 5e.2 Parametric Case
5f. Estimation of Parameters in the General Case
5f.1 Assumptions and Notations, 5f.2 Properties of m.l. Equation Estimators
5g. The Method of Scoring for the Estimation of Parameters
Complements and Problems
Chapter 6
Large Sample Theory and Methods
6a. Some Basic Results
6a.1 Asymptotic Distribution of Quadratic Functions of Frequencies, 6a.2 Some Convergence Theorems
6b. Chi-Square Tests for the Multinomial Distribution
6b.1 Test of Departure from a Simple Hypothesis, 6b.2 Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit, 6b.3 Test for Deviation in a Single Cell, 6b.4 Test Whether the Parameters Lie in a Subset, 6b.5 Some Examples, 6b.6 Test for Deviations in a Number of Cells
6c. Tests Relating to Independent Samples from Multinomial Distributions
6c.1 General Results, 6c.2 Test of Homogeneity of Parallel Samples, 6c.3 An Example
6d. Contingency Tables
6d.1 The Probability of an Observed Configuration and Tests in Large Samples, 6d.2 Tests of Independence in a Contingency Table, 6d.3. Tests of Independence in Small Samples
6e. Some General Classes of Large Sample Tests
6e.1 Notations and Basic Results, 6e.2 Test of a Simple Hypothesis, 6e.3 Test of a Composite Hypothesis
6f. Order Statistics
6f.1 The Empirical Distribution Function, 6f.2 Asymptotic Distribution of Sample Fractiles
6g. Transformation of Statistics
6g.1 A General Formula, 6g.2 Square Root Transformation of the Poisson Variate, 6g.3 Sin-1 Transformation of the Square Root of the Binomial Proportion, 6g.4 Tanh-1 Transformation of the Correlation Coefficient
6h. Standard Errors of Moments and Related Statistics
6h.1 Variances and Covariances of Raw Moments, 6h.2 Asymptotic Variances and Covariances of Central Moments, 6h.3 Exact Expressions for Variances and Covariances of Central Moments
Complements and Problems
Chapter 7
Theory of Statistical Inference
7a. Testing of Statistical Hypotheses
7a.1 Statement of the Problem, 7a.2 Neyman-Pearson Fundamental
Lemma and Generalizations, 7a.3 Simple Ho against Simple H, 7a.4 Locally Most Powerful Tests, 7a.5 Testing a Composite Hypothesis, 7a.6 Fisher-Behrens Problem, 7a.7 Asymptotic Efficiency of Tests
7b. Confidence Intervals
7b.1 The General Problem, 7b.2 A General Method of Constructing a
Confidence Set, 7b.3 Set Estimators for Functions of [Teata]
7c. Sequential Analysis
7c.1 Wald's Sequential Probability Ratio Test, 7c.2 Some Properties of the S.P.R.T., 7c.3 Efficiency of the S.P.R.T., 7c.4 An Example of Economy of Sequential Testing, 7c.5 The Fundamental Identity of Sequential Analysis, 7c.6 Sequential Estimation, 7c.7 Sequential Tests with Power One
7d. Problem of Identification--Decision Theory
7d.1 Statement of the Problem, 7d.2 Randomized and Nonrandomized Decision Rules, 7d.3 Bayes Solution, 7d.4 Complete Class of Decision Rules, 7d.5 Minimax Rule
7e. Nonparametric Inference
7e.1 Concept of Robustness, 7e.2 Distribution-Free Methods, 7e.3 Some Nonparametric Tests, 7e.4 Principle of Randomization
7f. Ancillary Information
Complements and Problems
Chapter 8
Multivariate Analysis
8a. Multivariate Normal Distribution
8a.1 Definition, 8a.2 Properties of the Distribution, 8a.3 Some
Characterizations of Np, 8a.4 Density Function of the Multivariate Normal Distribution, 8a.5 Estimation of Parameters, 8a.6 Np as a Distribution with Maximum Entropy
8b. Wishart Distribution
8b.1 Definition and Notation, 8b.2 Some Results on Wishart Distribution
8c. Analysis of Dispersion
8c.1 The Gauss-Markoff Setup for Multiple Measurements, 8c.2 Estimation of Parameters, 8c.3 Tests of Linear Hypotheses, Analysis of Dispersion (A.D.), 8c.4 Test for Additional Information, 8c.5 The Distribution of A, 8c.6 Test for Dimensionality (Structural Relationship), 8c.7 Analysis of Dispersion with Structural Parameters (Growth Model)
8d. Some Applications of Multivariate Tests
8d.1 Test for Assigned Mean Values, 8d.2 Test for a Given Structure of Mean Values, 8d.3 Test for Differences between Mean Values of Two Populations, 8d.4 Test for Differences in Mean Values between Several Populations, 8d.5 Barnard's Problem of Secular Variations in Skull Characters
8e. Discriminatory Analysis (Identification)
8e.1 Discriminant Scores for Decision, 8e.2 Discriminant Analysis in Research Work, 8e.3 Discrimination between Composite Hypotheses
8f. Relation between Sets of Variates
8f.1 Canonical Correlations, 8f.2 Properties of Canonical Variables, 8f.3 Effective Number of Common Factors, 8f.4 Factor Analysis
8g. Orthonormal Basis of a Random Variable
8g.1 The Gram-Schmidt Basis, 8g.2 Principal Component Analysis
Complements and Problems
Publications of the Author
Author Index
Subject Index

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Mathematical statistics