Table Name: harmonized_imports
Field Name: harmim_heading_code
Field Name: harmim_code
Field Name: harmim_name
Field Name: harmim_descr
Field Name: harmim_uom

"0101","010110","PUREBRED BREEDING ANIMAL","Purebred breeding animals","78"
"0101","010111","HORSES, LIVE PURE","Horses, live pure-bred breeding","78"
"0101","010119","HORSES, LIVE","Horses, live except pure-bred breeding","78"
"0101","010120","ASSES/MULES, LIVE","Asses, mules and hinnies, live","78"
"0101","010190","LIVE HORSES, ASSES NESOI","Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies, other than purebred breeding animals","78"
"0102","010210","BOVINE LIVE, PURE","Bovine animals, live pure-bred breeding","78"
"0102","010290","BOVINE LIVE","Bovine animals, live, except pure-bred breeding","78"
"0103","010310","SWINE, LIVE PURE","Swine, live pure-bred breeding","78"
"0103","010391","SWINE, LIVE <50","Swine, live except pure-bred breeding <50kg","78"
"0103","010392","SWINE, LIVE >50","Swine, live except pure-bred breeding >50kg","78"
"0104","010410","SHEEP, LIVE","Sheep, live","78"
"0104","010420","GOATS, LIVE","Goats, live","78"
"0105","010511","LIVE FOWL, <.185KG","Live fowl (gallus domesticus) chicks <=0.185kg","78"
"0105","010512","LIVE TURKEY CHICKS","Live turkey chicks <=0.185kg","78"
"0105","010519","LIVE DUCKLING","Live duckling, gosling, guinea chicks <=0.185kg","78"
"0105","010591","CHICKENS,LIVE,>185G","Chickens, Live, Weighing more than 185 G (6.53 OZ.) each","78"
"0105","010592","LIVE FOWL, .185-2KG","Live fowl (gallus domesticus) weighing 0.185-2kg","78"
"0105","010593","LIVE FOWL, > 2KG","Live fowl (gallus domesticus)  >2kg","78"
"0105","010599","POULTRY, LIVE >.185","Poultry, live except gallus domesticus >0.185kg","78"
"0106","010600","ANIMAL,LIVE,NOT FARM","Animals, live, except farm animals","78"
"0106","010611","PRIMATES, LIVE","Primates, live","78"
"0106","010612","LIVE WHALES, DOLPHINS","Whales, dolphins, porpoises (order cetacea); manatees, dungongs (order sirenia), live","78"
"0106","010619","MAMMALS, LIVE, NESOI","Mammals, live, nesoi","78"
"0106","010620","LIVE REPTILES","Live reptiles (including snakes and turtles)","78"
"0106","010631","LIVE BIRDS OF PREY","Live birds of prey","78"
"0106","010632","PSITTACIFORMES, LIVE","Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos), live","78"
"0106","010639","BIRDS, LIVE, NESOI","Birds, live, nesoi","78"
"0106","010690","ANIMALS, LIVE, NESOI","Animals, live, nesoi","95"
"0201","020110","BOVINE CARCASS FR/CH","Bovine carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled","70"
"0201","020120","BOVINE BONE IN FR/CH","Bovine cuts bone in, fresh or chilled","70"
"0201","020130","BOVINE BONELESS FR/C","Bovine cuts boneless, fresh or chilled","70"
"0202","020210","BOVINE CARCASS FROZ","Bovine carcasses and half carcasses, frozen","70"
"0202","020220","BOVINE BONE IN FROZ","Bovine cuts bone in, frozen","70"
"0202","020230","BOVINE BONELESS FROZ","Bovine cuts boneless, frozen","70"
"0203","020311","SWINE CARCASS FR/CH","Swine carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled","70"
"0203","020312","SWINE HAMS, FR/CH","Swine hams, shoulders & cuts bone in, fresh or chille","70"
"0203","020319","SWINE CUTS, FR/CH","Swine cuts, fresh or chilled, nes","70"
"0203","020321","SWINE CARCASS FROZ","Swine carcasses and half carcasses, frozen","70"
"0203","020322","SWINE HAMS, FROZ","Hams, shoulders and cuts, of swine, bone in, frozen","70"
"0203","020329","SWINE CUTS, FROZ","Swine cuts, frozen nes","70"
"0204","020410","LAMB CARCASS FR/CH","Lamb carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled","70"
"0204","020421","SHEEP CARCASS FR/CH","Sheep carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled","70"
"0204","020422","SHEEP CUTS, BONE IN","Sheep cuts, bone in, fresh or chilled","70"
"0204","020423","SHEEP CUTS, BONELESS","Sheep cuts, boneless, fresh or chilled","70"
"0204","020430","LAMB CARCASS FROZ","Lamb carcasses and half carcasses, frozen","70"
"0204","020441","SHEEP CARCASS FROZ","Sheep carcasses and half carcasses, frozen","70"
"0204","020442","SHEEP CUTS, BONE IN","Sheep cuts, bone in, frozen","70"
"0204","020443","SHEEP CUTS, BONELESS","Sheep cuts, boneless, frozen","70"
"0204","020450","GOAT MEAT","Goat meat, fresh, chilled or frozen","70"
"0205","020500","HORSE,ASS,MULE MEAT","Horse, ass, mule, hinny meat, fresh, chilled or froze","70"
"0206","020610","BOVINE OFFAL FR/CH","Bovine edible offal, fresh or chilled","70"
"0206","020621","BOVINE TONGUES, FROZ","Bovine tongues, frozen","70"
"0206","020622","BOVINE LIVERS, FROZ","Bovine livers, frozen","70"
"0206","020629","BOVINE OFFAL FROZ","Bovine edible offal, frozen except livers and tongues","70"
"0206","020630","SWINE OFFAL FR/CH","Swine edible offal, fresh or chilled","70"
"0206","020641","SWINE LIVERS, FROZEN","Swine livers, frozen","70"
"0206","020649","SWINE OFFAL FROZ","Swine edible offal, frozen except livers","70"
"0206","020680","ANIMAL OFFAL FR/CH","Sheep, goat, ass, mule, hinnie offal, fresh or chille","70"
"0206","020690","ANIMAL OFFAL FROZ","Sheep, goat, ass, mule, hinnie edible offal, frozen","70"
"0207","020710","WHOLE POULTRY, FR/CHILLED","Meat of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and guineas, not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled","70"
"0207","020711","FOWLS, WHOLE FR/CH","Fowls (gallus domesticus), whole, fresh or chilled","70"
"0207","020712","FOWLS, WHOLE FROZ","Fowls (gallus domesticus), whole, frozen","70"
"0207","020713","FOWLS, CUTS FR/CH","Fowls (gallus domesticus), cuts & offal, fresh/chille","70"
"0207","020714","FOWLS, CUTS FROZ","Fowls (gallus domesticus), cuts & offal, frozen","70"
"0207","020721","WHOLE CHICKEN, FROZEN","Meat of chickens, not cur in pieces, frozen","70"
"0207","020722","WHOLE TURKEYS, FROZEN","Meat of turkeys, not cut in pieces, frozen","70"
"0207","020723","WHOLE POULTRY, FROZEN","Meat of ducks, geese and guineas, not cut in pieces, frozen","70"
"0207","020724","TURKEY, WHOLE FR/CH","Turkey, whole. fresh or chilled","70"
"0207","020725","TURKEY, WHOLE FROZ","Turkey, whole, frozen","70"
"0207","020726","TURKEY, CUTS FR/CH","Turkey, cuts & offal, fresh or chilled","70"
"0207","020727","TURKEY, CUTS FROZ","Turkey, cuts & offal, frozen","70"
"0207","020731","FATTY LIVERS, FR/CHILLED","Fatty livers of geese or ducks, fresh or chilled","70"
"0207","020732","DUCKS, WHOLE FR/CH","Ducks/geese/guinea fowl, whole, fresh or chilled","70"
"0207","020733","DUCKS, WHOLE FROZ","Ducks/geese/guinea fowl, whole, frozen","70"
"0207","020734","DUCKS, LIVERS FR/CH","Ducks/geese/guinea fowl, fatty livers, fresh/chilled","70"
"0207","020735","DUCKS, CUTS FR/CH","Ducks/geese/guinea fowl, cuts/offal nes, fresh/chille","70"
"0207","020736","DUCKS, CUTS FROZ","Ducks/geese/guinea fowl, cuts/offal, frozen","70"
"0207","020739","POULTRY CUTS","Poultry cuts of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and guineas and edible offal (except fatty livers)","70"
"0207","020741","CHICKEN, CUTS, OFFAL, FRZ","Chicken cuts and edible offal (except livers), frozen","70"
"0207","020742","TURKEY, CUTS, OFFAL, FRZ","Turkey cuts and edible offal (except livers), frozen","70"
"0207","020743","OTHER POULTRY CUTS, FRZ","Duck, goose or guinea cuts and edible offal (except livers), frozen","70"
"0207","020750","POULTRY LIVERS, FROZEN","Poultry livers, frozen","70"
"0208","020810","RABBIT FR/CH/FROZ","Rabbit or hare meat, offal, fresh, chilled or frozen","70"
"0208","020820","FROG LEGS, FR/CH/FRZ","Frog legs, fresh, chilled or frozen","70"
"0208","020830","MEAT/OFL PRIMATE FR/CH/FZ","Meat/edible offal of primates, fresh, chilled or frozen","70"
"0208","020840","MEAT/OFL WHALE FR/CH/FZ","Meat/edible offal whale/dolphin/porpoise (cetacea); manatees,dugongs (sirenia),fresh/chilled/frozen","70"
"0208","020850","MEAT/OFL REPTILE FR/CH/FZ","Meat/edible offal of reptiles (including snakes and turtles), fresh, chilled, or frozen","70"
"0208","020890","MEAT OTHER FR/CH/FRZ","Meat and edible offal nes fresh, chilled or frozen","70"
"0209","020900","PIG/POULTRY FAT","Pig and poultry fat, unrendered","70"
"0210","021011","HAMS SALT/DRY/SMOKE","Hams and shoulders, swine, salted, dried or smoked","70"
"0210","021012","SWINE BELLIES","Bellies (streaky) of swine, salted, dried or smoked","70"
"0210","021019","SWINE MEAT, SALTED","Swine meat, salted/dried/smoked not ham/shoulder/bell","70"
"0210","021020","BOVINE MEAT, SALTED","Bovine meat salted, dried or smoked","70"
"0210","021090","MEAT, OFFAL CURED","Meat and edible meat offal cured, flours, meals nes","70"
"0210","021091","MEAT/OFL PRIMATE ST/DR/SM","Meat/edible offal of primates, salted, in brine, dried, or smoked, edible flours/meals of poultry","70"
"0210","021092","MEAT/OFL WHALE SLT/DR/SMK","Meat/edible meat offal of whales/dolphins/manatees, salted,dried,smoked, edible flours/meals","70"
"0210","021093","MEAT/OFL REPTILE ST/DR/SM","Reptile meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried, or smoked, edible flours/meals","70"
"0210","021099","MEAT/OFL NESOI ST/DRD/SMK","Meat/edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried, smoked, including edible flours/meals, nesoi","70"
"0301","030110","ORNAMENTAL FISH LIVE","Ornamental fish, live","70"
"0301","030191","TROUT, LIVE","Trout, live","70"
"0301","030192","EELS, LIVE","Eels, live","70"
"0301","030193","CARP, LIVE","Carp, live","70"
"0301","030194","TUNA, BLUEFIN, LIVE","TUNA, BLUEFIN, LIVE","70"
"0301","030199","FISH LIVE, OTHER","Fish live, except trout, eel or carp","70"
"0302","030211","TROUT WHOLE FR/CH","Trout, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030212","SALMON WHOLE FR/CH","Salmon fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030219","SALMONIDAE WHOLE","Salmonidae, not trout or salmon,fresh or chilled whol","70"
"0302","030221","HALIBUT WHOLE FR/CH","Halibut, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030222","PLAICE WHOLE FR/CH","Plaice, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030223","SOLE, WHOLE FR/CH","Sole, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030229","FLATFISH WHOLE FR/CH","Flatfish, fresh/chilled not halibut/plaice/sole, whol","70"
"0302","030231","TUNA, WHOLE FR/CH","Tuna(albacore,longfin) fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030232","TUNA, WHOLE FR/CH","Tuna(yellowfin) fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030233","SKIPJACK WHOLE FR/CH","Skipjack,stripe-belly bonito, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030234","BIG EYE TUNAS FRESH/CHILL","Big eye tunas (thunnus obesus), excluding fillets, livers, roes, fresh or chilled","70"
"0302","030235","BLUEFIN TUNAS FRESH/CHILL","Bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus), excluding fillets, livers, roes; fresh or chilled","70"
"0302","030236","SOUTHN BLUEFIN TUNA FR/CH","Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus maccoyii), excluding fillets, livers, roes; fresh or chilled","70"
"0302","030239","TUNA NES WHOLE FR/CH","Tuna nes, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030240","HERRING, WHOLE FR/CH","Herring, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030250","COD, WHOLE FR/CH","Cod, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030261","SARDINES, WHOLE FRES","Sardines,brisling,sprats, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030262","HADDOCK, WHOLE FR/CH","Haddock, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030263","COALFISH, WHOLE FRES","Coalfish, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030264","MACKEREL, WHOLE FRES","Mackerel, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030265","DOGFISH, WHOLE FR/CH","Dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030266","EELS, WHOLE FR/CH","Eels, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030269","FISH NES, WHOLE FR/C","Fish nes, fresh or chilled, whole","70"
"0302","030270","FISH LIVERS AND ROES","Fish livers and roes, fresh or chilled","70"
"0303","030310","SALMON PAC,FRZ WHOLE","Salmon, Pacific, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030311","SOCKEYE SALMON, FROZEN","Sockeye salmon (red salmon) (oncorhynchus nerka), excluding fillets, livers, roes, frozen","70"
"0303","030319","PACIFIC SALMON NESOI FROZ","Pacific salmon (other than sockeye salmon) excluding fillets, livers, roes, frozen","70"
"0303","030321","TROUT, FROZEN, WHOLE","Trout, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030322","SALMON ATL,FRZ WHOLE","Salmon Atlantic or Danube, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030329","SALMONIDAE, NES,FROZ","Salmonidae, nes,frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030331","HALIBUT, FRZ, WHOLE","Halibut, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030332","PLAICE, FRZ, WHOLE","Plaice, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030333","SOLE, FROZEN, WHOLE","Sole, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030339","FLATFISH,FRZ WHOLE","Flatfish except halibut, plaice or sole, frozen, whol","70"
"0303","030341","TUNAS(AL),FRZ WHOLE","Tunas(albacore,longfin), frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030342","TUNAS(YEL),FRZ WHOLE","Tunas(yellowfin) frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030343","SKIPJACK,FRZ WHOLE","Skipjack,stripe-bellied bonito, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030344","BIGEYE TUNAS, FROZEN","Bigeye tunas (thunnus obesus) excluding fillets, livers, roes, frozen","70"
"0303","030345","BLUEFIN TUNAS, FROZEN","Bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus), excluding fillets, livers, roes; frozen","70"
"0303","030346","SOUTHERN BLUEFIN TUNA, FZ","Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus maccoyii), not fillets/livers/roes and fish of heading 0304, frozen","70"
"0303","030349","TUNAS NES,FRZ WHOLE","Tunas nes, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030350","HERRINGS, FRZ WHOLE","Herrings, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030351","HERRINGS, FRZ WHOLE","Herrings, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030352","COD, FROZEN, WHOLE","Cod, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030360","COD, FROZEN, WHOLE","Cod, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030371","SARDINES,FRZ WHOLE","Sardines,brisling,sprats, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030372","HADDOCK, FRZ WHOLE","Haddock, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030373","COALFISH,FRZ WHOLE","Coalfish, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030374","MACKEREL,FRZ WHOLE","Mackerel, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030375","DOGFISH, FRZ WHOLE","Dogfish and other sharks, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030376","EELS, FRZ, WHOLE","Eels, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030377","SEA BASS, FRZ WHOLE","Sea bass, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030378","HAKE, FRZ, WHOLE","Hake, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030379","FISH NES, FRZ WHOLE","Fish nes, frozen, whole","70"
"0303","030380","FISH LIVERS AND ROES","Fish livers and roes, frozen","70"
"0304","030410","FISH FILLETS, FR/CH","Fish fillet or meat, fresh or chilled, not liver, roe","70"
"0304","030419","FISH FILLETS, FR/CH","Fish fillet or meat, fresh or chilled, not liver, roe","70"
"0304","030420","FISH FILLETS, FRZ","Fish fillets, frozen","70"
"0304","030429","FISH FILLETS, FRZ","Fish fillets, frozen","70"
"0304","030490","FISH MEAT & MINCE","Fish meat & mince, except liver, roe & fillets, froze","70"
"0304","030499","FISH MEAT AND MINCE","Fish meat and mince, except liver, roe and fillets, frozen","70"
"0305","030510","FISH FLOURS, MEALS","Flours, meals & pellets of fish for human consumption","70"
"0305","030520","LIVERS AND ROES","Livers and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brine","70"
"0305","030530","FISH FILLETS, DRIED","Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, not smoked","70"
"0305","030541","SALMON, SMOKED","Salmon, smoked, including fillets","70"
"0305","030542","HERRINGS, SMOKED","Herrings, smoked, including fillets","70"
"0305","030549","SMOKED FISH","Smoked fish & fillets other than herrings or salmon","70"
"0305","030551","COD DRIED","Cod dried, whether or not salted but not smoked","70"
"0305","030559","DRIED FISH, OTHER","Dried fish, other than cod, not smoked","70"
"0305","030561","HERRINGS, SALTED","Herrings, salted or in brine, not dried or smoked","70"
"0305","030562","COD, SALTED","Cod, salted or in brine, not dried or smoked","70"
"0305","030563","ANCHOVIES, SALTED","Anchovies, salted or in brine, not dried or smoked","70"
"0305","030569","FISH NES, SALTED","Fish nes, salted or in brine, not dried or smoked","70"
"0306","030611","ROCK LOBSTER","Rock lobster and other sea crawfish, frozen","70"
"0306","030612","LOBSTERS (HOMARUS)","Lobsters (Homarus) frozen","70"
"0306","030613","SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS","Shrimps and prawns, frozen","70"
"0306","030614","CRABS, FROZEN","Crabs, frozen","70"
"0306","030619","CRUSTACEANS NES,","Crustaceans nes, frozen,","70"
"0306","030621","ROCK LOBSTER","Rock lobster and other sea crawfish not frozen","70"
"0306","030622","LOBSTERS (HOMARUS)","Lobsters (Homarus), not frozen","70"
"0306","030623","SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS","Shrimps and prawns, not frozen","70"
"0306","030624","CRABS, NOT FROZEN","Crabs, not frozen","70"
"0306","030629","CRUSTACEANS NES","Crustaceans nes, not frozen","70"
"0307","030721","SCALLOPS, LIVE","Scallops, live, fresh or chilled","70"
"0307","030729","SCALLOPS, DEAD","Scallops other than live, fresh or chilled","70"
"0307","030731","MUSSELS, SHELLED","Mussels, shelled or not, live, fresh or chilled","70"
"0307","030739","MUSSELS, FROZEN,","Mussels, frozen, dried, salted or in brine","70"
"0307","030741","CUTTLE FISH, LIVE","Cuttle fish, squid, live, fresh or chilled","70"
"0307","030749","CUTTLE FISH, FRZ","Cuttle fish, squid, frozen, dried, salted or in brine","70"
"0307","030751","OCTOPUS, LIVE","Octopus, live, fresh or chilled","70"
"0307","030759","OCTOPUS, FROZEN","Octopus, frozen, dried, salted or in brine","70"
"0307","030760","SNAILS","Snails, edible (except sea snails)","70"
"0307","030791","AQUATIC INVERT LIVE","Aquatic invertebrates nes, fresh or chilled, live","70"
"0307","030799","AQUATIC INVERT FRZ","Aquatic invertebrates nes, frozen or preserved","70"
"0401","040110","MILK <1% FAT","Milk not concentrated nor sweetened <1% fat","55"
"0401","040120","MILK 1-6% FAT","Milk not concentrated nor sweetened 1-6% fat","55"
"0401","040130","MILK >6% FAT","Milk and cream not concentrated nor sweetened >6% fat","55"
"0402","040210","MILK POWDER <1.5% FA","Milk powder <1.5% fat","70"
"0402","040221","MILK POWDER UNSWEET","Milk and cream powder unsweetened <1.5% fat","70"
"0402","040229","MILK POWDER SWEET","Milk and cream powder sweetened <1.5% fat","70"
"0402","040291","MILK UNSWEET CONCENT","Milk and cream unsweetened, concentrated","70"
"0402","040299","MILK AND CREAM NES","Milk and cream nes sweetened or concentrated","70"
"0403","040390","BUTTERMILK","Buttermilk, curdled milk, cream, kephir, etc.","70"
"0404","040490","NATURAL MILK PRODUCT","Natural milk products nes","70"
"0405","040500","BUTTER","Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk","70"
"0405","040520","DAIRY SPREADS","Dairy spreads","70"
"0405","040590","FATS, OILS, MILK","Fats and oils derived from milk nes","70"
"0406","040610","FRESH CHEESE","Fresh cheese, unfermented whey cheese, curd","70"
"0406","040620","CHEESE, GRATED","Cheese, grated or powdered, of all kinds","70"
"0406","040630","CHEESE PROCESSED","Cheese processed, not grated or powdered","70"
"0406","040640","CHEESE, BLUE-VEINED","Cheese, blue-veined","70"
"0406","040690","CHEESE EXCEPT FRESH","Cheese except fresh, grated, processed or blue-veined","70"
"0407","040700","BIRDS EGGS, IN SHELL","Birds eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked","37"
"0408","040811","EGG YOLKS DRIED","Egg yolks dried","70"
"0408","040819","EGG YOLKS","Egg yolks except dried","70"
"0408","040891","BIRD EGGS, DRIED","Eggs, bird, not in shell, dried","70"
"0408","040899","BIRD EGGS, NOT DRIED","Eggs, bird, not in shell not dried","70"
"0409","040900","HONEY, NATURAL","Honey, natural","70"
"0410","041000","ANIMAL PRODUCTS NES","Edible products of animal origin nes","70"
"0501","050100","HAIR, HUMAN","Hair, human, unworked, waste of human hair","70"
"0502","050210","BRISTLES, HAIR","Bristles, hair & waste thereof of pigs, hogs or boars","70"
"0502","050290","BADGER, HAIR","Hair & waste of badger and of other brush making hair","70"
"0503","050300","HORSEHAIR, WASTE","Horsehair, waste","70"
"0504","050400","GUTS, BLADDERS","Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals except fish","70"
"0505","050510","FEATHERS, STUFFING","Feathers and down used for stuffing","70"
"0505","050590","FEATHERS, NOT STUFF","Feathers, down, etc. of birds, except for stuffing","70"
"0506","050610","OSSEIN, BONES, ACID","Ossein and bones treated with acid","70"
"0506","050690","BONES UNWORKED","Bones and horn-cores unworked or simply worked nes","70"
"0507","050710","IVORY, UNWORKED","Ivory, unworked or simply prepared, powder and waste","70"
"0507","050790","WHALEBONE, HORNS","Whalebone, horns, etc unworked or simply prepared nes","70"
"0508","050800","CORAL, SEASHELL","Coral,seashell,cuttle bone,etc, unworked,powder,waste","70"
"0509","050900","SPONGES, NATURAL","Sponges, natural, of animal origin","70"
"0510","051000","AMBERGRIS","Ambergris, civet, musk, etc for pharmaceutical use","70"
"0511","051110","SEMEN BOVINE","Semen bovine","70"
"0511","051191","FISH, SHELLFISH","Fish, shellfish and crustaceans (non-food)","70"
"0511","051199","ANIMAL PRODUCTS","Animal products and domestic animal carcass (non-food","78"
"0601","060110","BULBS, TUBERS, DORM","Bulbs, tubers, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant","60"
"0601","060120","BULBS, TUBERS, GROW","Bulbs, tubers, corms etc in growth, chicory plants","60"
"0602","060210","CUTTINGS AND SLIPS","Cuttings and slips, not rooted","60"
"0602","060220","TREES, SHRUBS","Trees, shrubs or bushes bearing edible nuts","60"
"0602","060230","RHODODENDRONS","Rhododendrons and azaleas","60"
"0602","060290","PLANTS LIVE, NES","Plants live, nes","70"
"0602","060291","MUSHROOM SPAWN","Mushroom spawn","70"
"0602","060299","LIVE PLANTS","Live plants (including their roots), trees and shrubs, nesoi","60"
"0603","060310","CUT FLOWERS  FRESH","Cut flowers and flower buds for bouquets, etc., fresh","70"
"0603","060311","ROSES, CUT, FRESH","ROSES, CUT, FRESH","60"
"0603","060312","CARNATIONS, FRESH","CARNATIONS, FRESH","60"
"0603","060313","ORCHIDS, CUT, FRESH","ORCHIDS, CUT, FRESH","60"
"0603","060319","CUT FLOWERS  FRESH","Cut flowers and flower buds for bouquets, etc., fresh","60"
"0603","060390","CUT FLOWERS  DRIED","Cut flowers and flower buds for bouquets, dried, etc.","70"
"0604","060410","MOSSES AND LICHENS","Mosses and lichens for bouquets, ornamental purposes","70"
"0604","060491","FOLIAGE,BRANCHES FR","Foliage,branches, for bouquets, etc. - fresh","70"
"0604","060499","FOLIAGE,BRANCHES NES","Foliage,branches, for bouquets, etc. - except fresh","70"
"0701","070110","POTATOES SEED, FRESH","Potatoes seed, fresh or chilled","70"
"0701","070190","POTATOES, FRESH","Potatoes, fresh or chilled except seed","70"
"0702","070200","TOMATOES, FRESH","Tomatoes, fresh or chilled","70"
"0703","070310","ONIONS AND SHALLOTS","Onions and shallots, fresh or chilled","70"
"0703","070320","GARLIC, FRESH","Garlic, fresh or chilled","70"
"0703","070390","LEEKS, FRESH","Leeks & other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled","70"
"0704","070410","CAULIFLOWERS FRESH","Cauliflowers and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled","70"
"0704","070420","BRUSSELS SPROUTS, FR","Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled","70"
"0704","070490","EDIBLE BRASSICAS NES","Edible brassicas nes, fresh or chilled","70"
"0705","070511","CABBAGE LETTUCE","Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) fresh or chilled","70"
"0705","070519","LETTUCE, FRESH","Lettuce, fresh or chilled except cabbage lettuce","70"
"0705","070521","WITLOOF CHICORY, FR","Witloof chicory, fresh or chilled","70"
"0705","070529","CHICORY, FRESH","Chicory, fresh or chilled, except witloof","70"
"0706","070610","CARROTS AND TURNIPS","Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled","70"
"0706","070690","BEETROOT,SALSIFY","Beetroot,salsify,celeriac,radishes etc. fresh, chille","70"
"0707","070700","CUCUMBERS, GHERKINS","Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled","70"
"0708","070810","PEAS, FRESH","Peas, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled","70"
"0708","070820","BEANS, FRESH","Beans, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled","70"
"0708","070890","LEGUMES, FRESH","Legumes except peas & beans, fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070910","GLOBE ARTICHOKES, FR","Globe artichokes, fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070920","ASPARAGUS, FRESH","Asparagus, fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070930","AUBERGINES, FRESH","Aubergines(egg-plants), fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070940","CELERY, FRESH","Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070951","MUSHROOMS, FRESH","Mushrooms, fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070952","TRUFFLES, FRESH","Truffles, fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070959","MUSHROOMS, NESOI, FR/CH","Mushrooms, fresh or chilled, nesoi","70"
"0709","070960","PEPPERS, FRESH","Peppers (Capsicum, Pimenta) fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070970","SPINACH FRESH","Spinach fresh or chilled","70"
"0709","070990","VEGETABLES, FRESH","Vegetables, fresh or chilled nes","70"
"0710","071010","POTATOES, FROZEN","Potatoes, frozen, uncooked steamed or boiled","70"
"0710","071021","PEAS, FROZEN","Peas, frozen, uncooked steamed or boiled","70"
"0710","071022","BEANS, FROZEN","Beans, frozen, uncooked steamed or boiled","70"
"0710","071029","LEGUMES, FROZEN","Legumes, except peas and beans, frozen","70"
"0710","071030","SPINACH, FROZEN","Spinach, frozen, uncooked steamed or boiled","70"
"0710","071040","SWEET CORN, FROZEN","Sweet corn, frozen, uncooked steamed or boiled","70"
"0710","071080","VEGETABLES, FROZEN","Vegetables, frozen nes, uncooked steamed or boiled","70"
"0710","071090","FROZEN VEGETABLE MIX","Frozen vegetable mixtures, uncooked, boiled or steame","70"
"0711","071110","ONIONS, PRESERVED","Onions, provisionally preserved","70"
"0711","071120","OLIVES, PRESERVED","Olives, provisionally preserved","70"
"0711","071130","CAPERS, PRESERVED","Capers, provisionally preserved","70"
"0711","071140","CUCUMBERS, PRESERVED","Cucumbers and gherkins provisionally preserved","70"
"0711","071151","MUSHROOMS, AGARICUS PRES","Mushrooms or the genus agaricus, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable for immediate consumption","70"
"0711","071159","MUSHROOMS, NESOI, PRES","Mushrooms/truffles, provisionaly preserved, but unsuitable for immediate consumption, nesoi","70"
"0711","071190","VEGIES OTHER PRESERV","Vegetables nes and mixtures provisionally preserved","70"
"0712","071210","POTATOES, DRIED","Potatoes, dried, whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared","70"
"0712","071220","ONIONS, DRIED","Onions, dried, not further prepared","70"
"0712","071230","MUSHROOMS, DRIED","Mushrooms and truffles, dried, not further prepared","70"
"0712","071231","MUSHROOMS, AGARICUS DRIED","Dried mushrooms agaricus, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared","70"
"0712","071232","WOOD EARS, DRIED","Wood ears (auricularia spp), dried, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, not further prepared","70"
"0712","071233","JELLY FUNGI, DRIED","Jelly fungi (tremella spp), dried, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, not further prepared","70"
"0712","071239","MUSHROOMS, NESOI DRIED","Mushrooms/truffles, dried, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but further prepared, nesoi","70"
"0712","071290","VEGETABLES NES DRIED","Vegetables nes & mixtures, dried, not further prepare","70"
"0713","071310","PEAS DRIED, SHELLED","Peas dried, shelled","70"
"0713","071320","CHICKPEAS, DRIED","Chickpeas, dried, shelled","70"
"0713","071331","URD,MUNG,BLACK DRIED","Urd,mung,black or green gram beans dried shelled","70"
"0713","071332","BEANS, RED, DRIED","Beans, small red (Adzuki) dried, shelled","70"
"0713","071333","KIDNEY BEANS, DRIED","Kidney beans and white pea beans dried shelled","70"
"0713","071339","BEANS DRIED, SHELLED","Beans dried, shelled, nes","70"
"0713","071340","LENTILS DRIED, SHELL","Lentils dried, shelled","70"
"0713","071350","BROAD BEANS, DRIED","Broad beans and horse beans dried, shelled","70"
"0713","071390","LEGUMINOUS VEGETABLE","Leguminous vegetables dried, shelled","70"
"0714","071410","MANIOC (CASSAVA)","Manioc (cassava), fresh or dried","70"
"0714","071420","SWEET POTATOES","Sweet potatoes, fresh or dried","70"
"0714","071490","ARROWROOT, SALEP","Arrowroot, salep, etc fresh or dried and sago pith","70"
"0801","080110","COCONUTS","Coconuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled","70"
"0801","080111","COCONUTS, DESSICATED","Coconuts, dessicated","70"
"0801","080119","COCONUTS, OTHER","Coconuts, excluding dessicated","70"
"0801","080120","BRAZIL NUTS","Brazil nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled","70"
"0801","080121","BRAZIL NUTS, IN SHEL","Brazil nuts, in shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0801","080122","BRAZIL NUTS, WITHOUT","Brazil nuts, without shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0801","080130","CASHEW NUTS","Cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled","70"
"0801","080131","CASHEW NUTS, IN SHEL","Cashew nuts, in shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0801","080132","CASHEW NUTS, WITHOUT","Cashew nuts, without shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080211","ALMONDS, IN SHELL","Almonds, in shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080212","ALMONDS, NO SHELL","Almonds, without shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080221","HAZELNUTS, IN SHELL","Hazelnuts and filberts, in shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080222","HAZELNUTS, NO SHELL","Hazelnuts and filberts, without shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080231","WALNUTS, IN SHELL","Walnuts, in shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080232","WALNUTS, NO SHELL","Walnuts, without shell, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080240","CHESTNUTS","Chestnuts, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080250","PISTACHIOS","Pistachios, fresh or dried","70"
"0802","080290","NUTS EDIBLE, NESOI","Nuts edible, fresh or dried, nes","70"
"0803","080300","BANANAS","Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried","70"
"0804","080410","DATES","Dates, fresh or dried","70"
"0804","080420","FIGS","Figs, fresh or dried","70"
"0804","080430","PINEAPPLES","Pineapples, fresh or dried","70"
"0804","080440","AVOCADOS","Avocados, fresh or dried","70"
"0804","080450","GUAVAS, MANGOES","Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried","70"
"0805","080510","ORANGES","Oranges, fresh or dried","70"
"0805","080520","MANDARIN, CLEMENTINE","Mandarin, clementine & citrus hybrids, fresh or dried","70"
"0805","080530","LEMONS AND LIMES","Lemons and limes, fresh or dried","70"
"0805","080540","GRAPEFRUIT","Grapefruit, fresh or dried","70"
"0805","080550","LEMONS/LIMES, FRESH/DRIED","Lemons and limes, fresh or dried","70"
"0805","080590","CITRUS FRUITS, FRESH","Citrus fruits, fresh or dried, nes","70"
"0806","080610","GRAPES, FRESH","Grapes, fresh","70"
"0806","080620","GRAPES, DRIED","Grapes, dried","70"
"0807","080710","MELONS","Melons, including cantaloupes and watermelons, fresh","70"
"0807","080711","WATERMELONS, FRESH","Watermelons, fresh","70"
"0807","080719","MELONS, FRESH","Melons, fresh, other than watermelons","70"
"0807","080720","PAPAWS (PAPAYAS)","Papaws (papayas), fresh","70"
"0808","080810","APPLES, FRESH","Apples, fresh","70"
"0808","080820","PEARS, FRESH","Pears and quinces, fresh","70"
"0809","080910","APRICOTS, FRESH","Apricots, fresh","70"
"0809","080920","CHERRIES, FRESH","Cherries, fresh","70"
"0809","080930","PEACHES, NECTARINES,","Peaches, nectarines, fresh","70"
"0809","080940","PLUMS, SLOES, FRESH","Plums, sloes, fresh","70"
"0810","081010","STRAWBERRIES, FRESH","Strawberries, fresh","70"
"0810","081020","RASPBERRY, BLACKBERR","Raspberry, blackberry, mulberry and loganberry, fresh","70"
"0810","081030","CURRANTS,BLK,RED,WHT","Black, white or red currants and gooseberries, fresh","70"
"0810","081040","CRANBERRIES","Cranberries, bilberries, similar fruits, fresh","70"
"0810","081050","KIWIFRUIT, FRESH","Kiwifruit, fresh","70"
"0810","081060","DURIANS, FRESH","Durians, fresh","70"
"0810","081090","FRUITS, FRESH NES","Fruits, fresh nes","70"
"0811","081110","STRAWBERRIES, FRZ","Strawberries, (uncooked steamed or boiled), frozen","70"
"0811","081120","RASPBERRIES, FRZ","Rasp-, mul-berries, etc (uncooked, steam, boil),froze","70"
"0811","081190","FRUITS AND NUTS FRZ","Fruits and nuts (uncooked, steamed, boiled) frozen,ne","70"
"0812","081210","CHERRIES PRESERVED","Cherries provisionally preserved","70"
"0812","081220","STRAWBERRIES PRESERV","Strawberries provisionally preserved","70"
"0812","081290","FRUITS AND NUTS, PRE","Fruits and nuts, provisionally preserved nes","70"
"0813","081310","APRICOTS, DRIED","Apricots, dried","70"
"0813","081320","PRUNES, DRIED","Prunes, dried","70"
"0813","081330","APPLES, DRIED","Apples, dried","70"
"0813","081340","FRUITS, DRIED NES","Fruits, dried nes","70"
"0813","081350","MIXTURES OF NUTS","Mixtures of edible nuts, dried and preserved fruits","70"
"0814","081400","PEEL OF CITRUS FRUIT","Peel of citrus fruit or melons","70"
"0901","090111","COFFEE  NOT ROASTED","Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated","70"
"0901","090112","COFFEE, NOTROSET DEF","Coffee, not roasted, decaffeinated","70"
"0901","090121","COFFEE, ROASTED","Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated","70"
"0901","090122","COFFEE, ROASTED, DEF","Coffee, roasted, decaffeinated","70"
"0901","090130","COFFEE HUSKS AND SKINS","Coffee husks and skins","70"
"0901","090140","COFFEE SUBS, WITH COFFEE","Coffee substitutes containing coffee","70"
"0901","090190","COFFEE HUSKS","Coffee husks and skins, coffee substitutes","70"
"0902","090210","TEA, GREEN <3KG","Tea, green (unfermented) in packages <3kg","70"
"0902","090220","TEA, GREEN >3KG","Tea, green (unfermented) in packages >3kg","70"
"0902","090230","TEA, BLACK <3KG","Tea, black (fermented or partly) in packages <3kg","70"
"0902","090240","TEA, BLACK >3KG","Tea, black (fermented or partly) in packages >3kg","70"
"0904","090411","PEPPER WHOLE","Pepper of the genus Piper, whole","70"
"0904","090412","PEPPER GROUND","Pepper of the genus Piper, crushed or ground","70"
"0904","090420","CAPSICUM OR PIMENTA","Capsicum or Pimenta, dried, crushed or ground","70"
"0905","090500","VANILLA BEANS","Vanilla beans","70"
"0906","090610","CINNAMON WHOLE","Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers whole","70"
"0906","090620","CINNAMON CRUSHED","Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers crushed or ground","70"
"0907","090700","CLOVES","Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems)","70"
"0909","090910","ANISE OR BADIAN SEED","Anise or badian seeds","70"
"0909","090920","CORIANDER SEEDS","Coriander seeds","70"
"0909","090930","CUMIN SEEDS","Cumin seeds","70"
"0909","090940","CARAWAY SEEDS","Caraway seeds","70"
"0909","090950","FENNEL SEEDS, JUNIPE","Fennel seeds, juniper berries","70"
"0910","091030","TURMERIC (CURCUMA)","Turmeric (curcuma)","70"
"0910","091040","THYME AND BAY LEAVES","Thyme and bay leaves","70"
"0910","091091","MIXTURES OF SPICES","Mixtures of spices","70"
"0910","091099","SPICES NES","Spices nes","70"
"1001","100110","DURUM WHEAT","Durum wheat","70"
"1001","100190","WHEAT EXCEPT DURUM","Wheat except durum wheat, and meslin","70"
"1005","100510","MAIZE (CORN) SEED","Maize (corn) seed","70"
"1005","100590","MAIZE EXCEPT SEED","Maize except seed corn","70"
"1006","100610","RICE IN THE HUSK","Rice in the husk (paddy or rough)","70"
"1006","100620","RICE, HUSKED (BROWN)","Rice, husked (brown)","70"
"1006","100630","RICE, SEMI-MILLED","Rice, semi-milled or wholly milled","70"
"1006","100640","RICE, BROKEN","Rice, broken","70"
"1007","100700","GRAIN SORGHUM","Grain sorghum","70"
"1008","100830","CANARY SEED","Canary seed","70"
"1008","100890","CEREALS UNMILLED NES","Cereals unmilled nes","70"
"1101","110100","WHEAT OR MESLIN FLOU","Wheat or meslin flour","70"
"1102","110210","RYE FLOUR","Rye flour","70"
"1102","110220","MAIZE (CORN) FLOUR","Maize (corn) flour","70"
"1102","110230","RICE FLOUR","Rice flour","70"
"1102","110290","CEREAL FLOUR","Cereal flour except wheat, meslin, rye, maize, rice","70"
"1103","110311","WHEAT MEAL","Wheat meal","70"
"1103","110312","OAT GROATS OR MEAL","Oat groats or meal","70"
"1103","110313","MAIZE (CORN) GROATS","Maize (corn) groats or meal","70"
"1103","110314","RICE GROATS OR MEAL","Rice groats or meal","70"
"1103","110319","CEREAL GROATS MEAL","Cereal groats or meal except wheat, maize, rice, oats","70"
"1103","110320","WHEAT/CEREAL PELLETS","Pellets of wheat and of other cereals","70"
"1103","110321","WHEAT PELLETS","Wheat pellets","70"
"1103","110329","CEREAL PELLETS","Cereal pellets except wheat","70"
"1104","110411","BARLEY, ROLLED","Barley, rolled or flaked grains","70"
"1104","110412","OATS, ROLLED","Oats, rolled or flaked grains","70"
"1104","110419","CEREALS, ROLLED","Cereals, rolled or flaked grains nes","70"
"1104","110421","BARLEY, HULLED","Barley, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled","70"
"1104","110422","OATS, HULLED","Oats, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled","70"
"1104","110423","MAIZE (CORN), HULLED","Maize (corn), hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled","70"
"1104","110429","CEREALS, HULLED","Cereals, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled nes","70"
"1104","110430","GERM OF CEREALS","Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground","70"
"1105","110510","POTATO FLOUR OR MEAL","Potato flour or meal","70"
"1105","110520","POTATO FLAKES","Potato flakes, granules and pellets","70"
"1106","110610","FLOUR, MEAL, DRIED","Flour or meal of dried legumes","70"
"1106","110620","FLOUR, MEAL, SAGO","Flour or meal of sago, starchy roots or tubers","70"
"1106","110630","FLOUR, MEAL, POWDER","Flour, meal, powder of fruit/nut, citrus or melon pee","70"
"1107","110710","MALT, NOT ROASTED","Malt, not roasted","70"
"1107","110720","MALT, ROASTED","Malt, roasted","70"
"1108","110811","WHEAT, STARCH","Wheat, starch","70"
"1108","110812","MAIZE (CORN) STARCH","Maize (corn) starch","70"
"1108","110813","POTATO STARCH","Potato starch","70"
"1108","110814","MANIOC (CASSAVA) STA","Manioc (cassava) starch","70"
"1108","110819","STARCHES OTHER","Starches except wheat, maize, potato, manioc","70"
"1109","110900","WHEAT GLUTEN","Wheat gluten","70"
"1201","120100","SOYA BEANS","Soya beans","70"
"1202","120210","GROUND-NUTS IN SHELL","Ground-nuts in shell not roasted or cooked","70"
"1202","120220","GROUND-NUTS SHELLED,","Ground-nuts shelled, not roasted or cooked","70"
"1205","120500","RAPE OR COLZA SEEDS","Rape or colza seeds","70"
"1205","120510","RAPE/COLZA SEED, ERUCIC","Low erucic acid rape or colza seed, whether of not broken","70"
"1205","120590","RAPE/COLZA SEED, NESOI","Rape or colza seed, whether or not broken, nesoi","70"
"1206","120600","SUNFLOWER SEEDS","Sunflower seeds","70"
"1207","120710","PALM NUTS AND KERNEL","Palm nuts and kernels","70"
"1207","120720","COTTON SEEDS","Cotton seeds","70"
"1207","120730","CASTOR OIL SEEDS","Castor oil seeds","70"
"1207","120740","SESAMUM SEEDS","Sesamum seeds","70"
"1207","120750","MUSTARD SEEDS","Mustard seeds","70"
"1207","120760","SAFFLOWER SEEDS","Safflower seeds","70"
"1207","120791","POPPY SEEDS","Poppy seeds","70"
"1207","120792","SHEA NUTS (KARITE NU","Shea nuts (karite nuts)","70"
"1207","120799","OIL SEEDS AND OLEAGI","Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, nes","70"
"1208","120810","SOYA BEAN FLOUR","Soya bean flour or meal","70"
"1208","120890","FLOUR, MEAL, OILSEED","Flour or meal of oil seed, fruit, except mustard, soy","70"
"1209","120910","SUGAR BEET SEED FOR SOWIN","Sugar beet seed of a kind used for sowing","70"
"1209","120911","SEED, SUGAR BEET","Seed, sugar beet, for sowing","70"
"1209","120919","SEED, BEET OTHER","Seed, beet, except sugar, for sowing","70"
"1209","120921","SEED, LUCERNE","Seed, lucerne (alfalfa), for sowing","70"
"1209","120922","SEED, CLOVER","Seed, clover, for sowing","70"
"1209","120923","SEED, FESCUE","Seed, fescue, for sowing","70"
"1209","120924","SEED, KENTUCKY BLUE","Seed, Kentucky blue grass, for sowing","70"
"1209","120925","SEED, RYE GRASS","Seed, rye grass, for sowing","70"
"1209","120926","SEED, TIMOTHY GRASS","Seed, Timothy grass, for sowing","70"
"1209","120929","SEED, FORAGE PLANTS","Seed, forage plants, for sowing nes","70"
"1209","120930","SEED, FLOWER","Seed, flower, for sowing","70"
"1209","120991","SEED, VEGETABLE NES","Seed, vegetable, nes for sowing","70"
"1209","120999","SEED, FRUITS","Seed, fruits and spores for sowing, nes","70"
"1210","121010","HOP CONES, NOT GROUN","Hop cones, not ground, powdered or pelleted","70"
"1210","121020","HOP CONES, GROUND","Hop cones, ground, powdered or pelleted and lupulin","70"
"1211","121110","LIQUORICE ROOTS","Liquorice roots","70"
"1211","121120","GINSENG ROOTS","Ginseng roots","70"
"1211","121130","COCA LEAF, FRESH/DRIED","Coca leaf, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered","70"
"1211","121140","POPPY STRAW, FRESH/DRIED","Poppy straw, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered","70"
"1211","121190","PLANTS & PARTS","Plants & parts, pharmacy, perfume, insecticide use ne","70"
"1212","121210","LOCUST BEANS, SEED","Locust beans, locust seeds","70"
"1212","121220","SEAWEEDS, OTHER","Seaweeds and other algae,","70"
"1212","121230","APRICOT, PEACH STONE","Apricot, peach and plum stones & kernels, human food","70"
"1212","121291","SUGAR BEET","Sugar beet","70"
"1212","121292","SUGAR CANE","Sugar cane","70"
"1212","121299","VEGETABLE PRODUCTS","Vegetable products nes for human consumption","70"
"1213","121300","CEREAL STRAW","Cereal straw & husks, unprepared","70"
"1214","121410","LUCERNE (ALFALFA)","Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets","70"
"1214","121490","OTHER FODDER","Other fodder and forage products, roots, etc.","70"
"1301","130120","GUM ARABIC","Gum arabic","70"
"1301","130190","NATURAL GUM, RESIN","Natural gum, resin, gum-resin, balsam, not gum arabic","70"
"1302","130211","OPIUM SAP","Opium sap","70"
"1302","130212","LIQUORICE EXTRACT","Liquorice extract","70"
"1302","130213","HOP EXTRACT","Hop extract","70"
"1302","130214","PYRETHRUM, ROOTS","Pyrethrum, roots containing rotenone, extracts","70"
"1302","130219","VEGETABLE SAPS","Vegetable saps and extracts nes","70"
"1302","130220","PECTIC SUBSTANCES","Pectic substances, pectinates, pectates","70"
"1302","130232","MUCILAGES","Mucilages & thickeners, from locust bean, guar seeds","70"
"1302","130239","MUCILAGES OTHER","Mucilages and thickeners nes","70"
"1401","140110","BAMBOOS","Bamboos used primarily for plaiting","70"
"1401","140120","RATTAN","Rattan used primarily for plaiting","70"
"1401","140190","VEGIE MATERIAL PLAIT","Vegetable materials nes, used primarily for plaiting","70"
"1402","140200","VEG MAT STUFF/PAD","Vegetable materials used primarily as stuffing or padding, whether or not put up as a layer","70"
"1402","140290","VEGIE MATERIAL STUFF","Vegetable hair/material, for use as stuffing/padding","70"
"1402","140291","VEGIE HAIR, STUFFING","Vegetable hair used primarily as stuffing or padding, whether or not put up as a layer with or","70"
"1402","140299","VEGIE MATERIALS, STUFFING","Vegetable materials used primarily as stuffing or padding, nesoi, whether or not put up as a l","70"
"1403","140300","VEG MAT BROOM/BRUSH","Vegetable materials used primarily in brooms or brushes, whether or not in hanks or bundles","70"
"1403","140310","BROOM CORN","Broom corn used in brooms or brushes","70"
"1403","140390","VEGIE MATERIAL BROOM","Vegetable material nes used in brooms or brushes","70"
"1404","140410","RAW VEGIE DYE","Raw vegetable materials for dyeing or tanning","70"
"1404","140420","COTTON LINTERS","Cotton linters","70"
"1404","140490","VEGETABLE PRODS NES","Vegetable products nes","70"
"1501","150100","LARD, PIG, POULTRY","Lard, other pig fat and poultry fat, rendered","70"
"1502","150200","FATS, BOVINE, SHEEP","Bovine, sheep and goat fats, raw or rendered","70"
"1503","150300","LARD STEARIN","Lard stearin, oleostearin & oils, natural tallow oil","70"
"1504","150410","FISH-LIVER OILS","Fish-liver oils, fractions, not chemically modified","70"
"1504","150420","FISH OILS OTHER","Fish oils except liver, not chemically modified","70"
"1504","150430","MARINE MAMMAL FATS","Marine mammal fats, oils, etc. not chemically modifie","70"
"1505","150500","WOOL GREASE, FATTY SUBS","Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin)","70"
"1505","150510","WOOL GREASE, CRUDE","Wool grease, crude","70"
"1505","150590","WOOL GREASE, DERIV","Derivatives of wool grease (including lanolin)","70"
"1506","150600","ANIMAL FATS,OILS","Animal fats,oils,fractions not chemically modified ne","70"
"1507","150710","SOYA-BEAN OIL CRUDE","Soya-bean oil crude, whether or not degummed","70"
"1507","150790","SOYA-BEAN OIL REFINE","Refined soya-bean oil, not chemically modified","70"
"1508","150810","GROUND-NUT OIL, CRUD","Ground-nut oil, crude","70"
"1508","150890","GROUND-NUT OIL, REFI","Refined ground-nut oil not chemically modified","70"
"1509","150910","OLIVE OIL, VIRGIN","Olive oil, virgin","70"
"1509","150990","OLIVE OIL, REFINED","Olive oil, fractions, refined, not chemically modifie","70"
"1510","151000","OLIVE OIL, BLENDS","Olive oil, fractions, blends, not chemically modified","70"
"1511","151110","PALM OIL, CRUDE","Palm oil, crude","70"
"1511","151190","PALM OIL, REFINED","Palm oil or fractions simply refined","70"
"1512","151211","SAF/SUN OIL, CRUDE","Sunflower-seed or safflower oil, crude","70"
"1512","151219","SAT/SUN OIL, REFINED","Sunflower or safflower oil,fractions simply refined","70"
"1512","151221","COTTONSEED OIL CRUDE","Cotton-seed oil crude","70"
"1512","151229","COTTONSEED OIL REFIN","Cotton-seed or fractions simply refined","70"
"1513","151311","COCONUT OIL, CRUDE","Coconut (copra) oil crude","70"
"1513","151319","COCONUT OIL, REFINE","Coconut (copra) oil or fractions simply refined","70"
"1513","151321","PALM KERNEL OIL, CRUDE","Palm kernel or babassu oil, crude","70"
"1513","151329","PALM KERNEL OIL, REFINED","Palm kernel & babassu oil, fractions, simply refined","70"
"1514","151410","RAPE/COLZA OIL CRUDE","Canola, rape, colza or mustard oil, crude","70"
"1514","151411","RAPESEED/COLZA OIL, CRD","Rapeseed or colza oil and their fractions, low erucic acid, crude, not chemically modified","70"
"1514","151419","RAPESEED/COLZA OIL, NES","Rapeseed or colza oil and their fractions, low erucic acid, not chemically modified, nesoi","70"
"1514","151490","RAPE/COLZA OIL REFIN","Canola, rape, colza or mustard oil, fractions, refine","70"
"1514","151491","RAPESED/COLZA/MSTRD CRD","Rapeseed, colza or mustard oil, and fractions thereof, crude, nesoi","70"
"1514","151499","RAPESED/COLZA/MSTRD NES","Rapeseed, colza or mustard oil, and fractions thereof, nesoi","70"
"1515","151511","LINSEED OIL, CRUDE","Linseed oil, crude","70"
"1515","151519","LINSEED OIL, REFINED","Linseed oil,fractions, refined not chemically modifie","70"
"1515","151521","MAIZE OIL CRUDE","Maize oil crude","70"
"1515","151529","MAIZE OIL REFINED","Maize oil, fractions, refined not chemically modified","70"
"1515","151530","CASTOR OIL","Castor oil or fractions not chemically modified","70"
"1515","151540","TUNG OIL","Tung oil or fractions not chemically modified","70"
"1515","151550","SESAME OIL","Sesame oil or fractions not chemically modified","70"
"1515","151560","JOJOBA OIL","Jojoba oil or fractions not chemically modified","70"
"1515","151590","VEG FATS, OILS NES","Veg fats, oils nes, fractions, not chemically modifie","70"
"1516","151610","FATS, ANUMAL, HYDRO","Animal fats, oils, fractions, hydrogenated, esterifie","70"
"1516","151620","FATS, VEGIE, HYDRO","Veg fats, oils or fractions hydrogenated, esterified","70"
"1517","151710","MARGARINE","Margarine, except liquid margarine","70"
"1517","151790","FAT/OIL, EDIBLE PREP","Edible mix & preparations of animal & veg fat, oil ne","70"
"1518","151800","PROCESS OIL, AN/VEG","Processed animal, vegetable oils, industrial preps ne","70"
"1519","151911","STEARIC ACID","Stearic acid","70"
"1519","151912","OLEIC ACID","Oleic acid","70"
"1519","151913","TALL OIL FATTY ACIDS","Tall oil fatty acids","70"
"1519","151919","INDUSTRIAL MONOCARBOX","Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids, nesoi; acid oils from refining","47"
"1519","151920","ACID OILS","Acid oils from refining","70"
"1519","151930","INDUSTRIAL FATTY ACLOHOL","Industrial fatty alcohols","70"
"1520","152000","GLYCEROL CRUDE","Glycerol crude, waters and lyes","46"
"1520","152010","GLYCEROL, CRUDE","Glycerol (glycerine), crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes","47"
"1520","152090","GLYCEROL, NOT CRUDE","Glycerol (glycerine) except crude, including synthetic glycerol","47"
"1521","152110","VEGETABLE WAXES","Vegetable waxes except triglycerides","70"
"1521","152190","BEESWAX","Beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti","70"
"1522","152200","DEGRAS","Degras, residues from treatment animal & veg waxes","70"
"1601","160100","SAUSAGES","Sausages, similar products of meat, meat offal & bloo","70"
"1602","160210","HOMOGENIZED PREPS","Homogenized preparations of meat and meat offal","70"
"1602","160220","LIVERS OF ANY ANIMAL","Livers of any animal prepared or preserved","70"
"1602","160231","TURKEY MEAT, PREP","Turkey meat, offal prepared or preserved, except live","70"
"1602","160232","FOWL MEAT, PREP","Fowl (gallus domesticus) meat, prepared/preserved","70"
"1602","160239","DUCK MEAT, PREP","Ducks/geese/guinea fowl meat, prepared/preserved","70"
"1602","160241","SWINE HAMS, PREP","Swine hams & cuts thereof, prepared or preserved","70"
"1602","160242","SWINE SHOULDERS PREP","Swine shoulders & cuts thereof, prepared or preserved","70"
"1602","160249","SWINE MEAT, PREP","Swine meat or offal nes, prepared,preserved, not live","70"
"1602","160250","BOVINE MEAT, PREP","Bovine meat, offal nes, not livers, prepared/preserve","70"
"1602","160290","MEAT, OTHER, PREP","Meat, meat offal and blood, prepared or preserved, ne","70"
"1603","160300","JUICES, MEAT, FISH","Extracts, juices of meat, fish, aquatic invertebrates","70"
"1604","160411","SALMON PREPARED","Salmon prepared or preserved, not minced","70"
"1604","160412","HERRINGS, PREPARED","Herrings, prepared or preserved, not minced","70"
"1604","160413","SARDINE, PREP","Sardine, brisling, sprat prepared/preserved,not mince","70"
"1604","160414","TUNA, PREP","Tuna, skipjack, bonito, prepared/preserved, not mince","70"
"1604","160415","MACKEREL, PREPARED","Mackerel, prepared or preserved, not minced","70"
"1604","160416","ANCHOVIES, PREPARED","Anchovies, prepared or preserved, not minced","70"
"1604","160419","FISH NES, PREPARED","Fish nes, prepared or preserved, not minced","70"
"1604","160420","FISH PREPARED","Fish prepared or preserved, except whole, in pieces","70"
"1604","160430","CAVIAR","Caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs","70"
"1605","160510","CRAB, PREPARED","Crab, prepared or preserved","70"
"1605","160520","SHRIMPS, PREP","Shrimps and prawns, prepared or preserved","70"
"1605","160530","LOBSTER, PREPARED","Lobster, prepared or preserved","70"
"1605","160540","CRUSTACEANS NES, PRE","Crustaceans nes, prepared or preserved","70"
"1605","160590","MOLLUSCS, PREP","Molluscs and shellfish nes, prepared or preserved","70"
"1701","170111","RAW SUGAR, CANE","Raw sugar, cane","70"
"1701","170112","RAW SUGAR, BEET","Raw sugar, beet","70"
"1701","170191","REFINED SUGAR, FLAVR","Refined sugar, in solid form, flavoured or coloured","70"
"1701","170199","REFINED SUGAR, NES","Refined sugar, in solid form, nes, pure sucrose","70"
"1702","170210","LACTOSE, SOLID, SYRUP","Lactose in solid form and lactose syrup","70"
"1702","170211","LACTOSE >99%","Lactose and lactose syrup, >99% lactose on dry matter","70"
"1702","170219","LACTOSE <99%","Lactose and lactose syrup, <99% lactose on dry matter","70"
"1702","170220","MAPLE SUGAR","Maple sugar and maple syrup","70"
"1702","170230","GLUCOSE <20%","Glucose, glucose syrup <20% fructose","70"
"1702","170240","GLUCOSE 20-50%","Glucose including syrup of 20%-50% dry weight fructos","70"
"1702","170250","FRUCTOSE, PURE","Fructose, chemically pure","70"
"1702","170260","FRUCTOSE, SYRUP >50%","Fructose, syrup >50% fructose, not pure fructose","70"
"1702","170290","SUGAR NES","Sugar nes, invert sugar, caramel and artificial honey","70"
"1703","170310","CANE MOLASSES","Cane molasses","50"
"1703","170390","MOLASSES, OTHER","Molasses, except cane molasses","70"
"1704","170410","CHEWING GUM","Chewing gum containing sugar, except medicinal","70"
"1704","170490","SUGAR CONFECTIONERY","Sugar confectionery not chewing gum, no cocoa content","70"
"1801","180100","COCOA BEANS","Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted","70"
"1802","180200","COCOA SHELLS, HUSKS","Cocoa shells, husks, skins and waste","70"
"1803","180310","COCOA PASTE","Cocoa paste not defatted","70"
"1803","180320","COCOA PASTE DEFATTED","Cocoa paste wholly or partly defatted","70"
"1804","180400","COCOA BUTTER, FAT","Cocoa butter, fat, oil","70"
"1805","180500","COCOA POWDER, NT SWT","Cocoa powder, unsweetened","70"
"1806","180610","COCOA POWDER, SWEET","Cocoa powder, sweetened","70"
"1806","180620","CHOCOLATE >2KG","Chocolate and other food preps containing cocoa >2kg","70"
"1806","180631","CHOCOLATE FILLED","Chocolate, cocoa preps, block, slab, bar, filled, >2k","70"
"1806","180632","CHOCOLATE NOT FILLED","Chocolate, cocoa prep, block/slab/bar, not filled,>2k","70"
"1806","180690","CHOCOLATE, NESOI","Chocolate/cocoa food preparations nes","70"
"1901","190110","INFANT FOODS","Infant foods of cereals, flour, starch or milk, retai","70"
"1901","190120","MIXES AND DOUGHS","Mixes and doughs for bread, pastry, biscuits, etc.","70"
"1901","190190","MALT EXTRACT","Malt extract & limited cocoa pastrycooks products nes","70"
"1902","190211","UNCOOKED EGG PASTA","Uncooked egg pasta not stuffed or prepared","70"
"1902","190219","UNCOOKED PASTA","Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or prepared, without eggs","70"
"1902","190220","STUFFED PASTA","Stuffed pasta","70"
"1902","190230","PASTA OTHER","Pasta except uncooked or stuffed","70"
"1903","190300","TAPIOCA","Tapioca and tapioca substitutes","70"
"1904","190410","CEREAL FOODS ROAST","Cereal foods obtained by swelling, roasting of cereal","70"
"1904","190420","CEREAL FOODS UNROAST","Prepared foods of unroasted cereal flakes, mixtures","70"
"1904","190430","BULGUR WHEAT, PREPARED","Bulgur wheat, pre-cooked or otherwise prepared","70"
"1904","190490","CEREAL FOODS, NESOI","Cereals, except maize grain, prepared nes","70"
"1905","190520","GINGERBREAD","Gingerbread and the like","70"
"1905","190530","SWEET BISCUITS","Sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers","70"
"1905","190531","COOKIES (SWEET BISCUITS)","Cookies (sweet biscuits)","70"
"1905","190532","WAFFLES AND WAFERS","Waffles and wafers","70"
"1905","190540","RUSKS, TOASTED BREAD","Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products","70"
"1905","190590","OTHER BAKERS WARES","Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and similar baked products, and puddings, whether or not containing c","70"
"2001","200110","CUCUMBERS, VINEGAR","Cucumbers,gherkins, prepared or preserved by vinegar","70"
"2001","200120","ONIONS, VINEGAR","Onions prepared or preserved by vinegar","70"
"2001","200190","VEG, FRUIT, VINEGAR","Veg, fruit, nuts nes prepared or preserved by vinegar","70"
"2002","200210","TOMATOES,WHOLE,PREP","Tomatoes, whole/pieces, prepared/preserved, no vinega","70"
"2002","200290","TOMATOES NES, PREP","Tomatoes nes, prepared or preserved, not in vinegar","70"
"2003","200310","MUSHROOMS, PREP","Mushrooms, prepared or preserved, not in vinegar","70"
"2003","200320","TRUFFLES, PREP","Truffles, prepared or preserved, not in vinegar","70"
"2003","200390","MUSHROOMS,NESOI,PREP/PRES","Mushrooms, nesoi, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid","70"
"2004","200410","POTATOES, PREPARED","Potatoes, prepared, frozen","70"
"2004","200490","VEGETABLES NES FRZ","Vegetables nes and mixtures, prepared, frozen","70"
"2005","200510","HOMOGENIZED VEGIE","Homogenized vegetable preparations, not frozen/vinega","70"
"2005","200520","POTATOES, PREPARED","Potatoes, prepared or preserved, not frozen/vinegar","70"
"2005","200530","SAUERKRAUT","Sauerkraut, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen","70"
"2005","200540","PEAS, PREPARED","Peas, prepared or preserved, not frozen/vinegar","70"
"2005","200551","BEANS, SHELLED, PREP","Beans, shelled, prepared/preserved, not frozen/vinega","70"
"2005","200559","BEANS NES, PREPARED","Beans nes, prepared or preserved, not frozen/vinegar","70"
"2005","200560","ASPARAGUS, PREPARED","Asparagus, prepared or preserved, not frozen/vinegar","70"
"2005","200570","OLIVES, PREPARED","Olives, prepared or preserved, not frozen/vinegar","70"
"2005","200580","SWEET CORN, PREPARED","Sweet corn, prepared or preserved, not frozen/vinegar","70"
"2005","200590","VEG NES, MIXES, PREP","Veg nes, mixes, prepared/preserved, not frozen/vinega","70"
"2005","200599","VEG NES, MIXES, PREP","Veg nes, mixes, prepared/preserved, not frozen","70"
"2006","200600","FRUITS, NUTS, SUGAR","Fruits, nuts, fruit-peel, etc preserved by sugar","70"
"2007","200710","HOMOGENISED JAMS","Homogenised jams, jellies, etc","70"
"2007","200791","CITRUS BASED JAMS","Citrus based jams jellies marmalade, etc.","70"
"2007","200799","JAMS, FRUIT JELLIES","Jams, fruit jellies, purees and pastes, except citrus","70"
"2008","200811","GROUND-NUTS PREP","Ground-nuts otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200819","NUTS, SEEDS PREP","Nuts, seeds & mixes, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200820","PINEAPPLES, PREP","Pineapples, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200830","CITRUS OTHER, PREP","Citrus fruits, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200840","PEARS, PREP","Pears, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200850","APRICOTS, PREP","Apricots, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200860","CHERRIES, PREP","Cherries, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200870","PEACHES, PREP","Peaches, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200880","STRAWBERRIES, PREP","Strawberries, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200891","PALM HEARTS, PREP","Palm hearts, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200892","FRUIT MIXTURES, PREP","Fruit mixtures, otherwise prepared or preserved","70"
"2008","200899","FRUIT OTHER, PREP","Fruit, edible plants nes otherwise prepared/preserved","70"
"2009","200911","ORANGE JUICE, FROZEN","Orange juice, frozen, not fermented or spirited","50"
"2009","200912","ORANGE JUICE, BRIX <= 20","Orange juice, not frozen, of a brix value not exceeding 20","50"
"2009","200919","ORANGE JUICE","Orange juice, not fermented, spirited, or frozen","50"
"2009","200920","GRAPEFRUIT JUICE","Grapefruit juice, not fermented or spirited","50"
"2009","200921","GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, BRIX<21","Grapefruit juice, of a brix value <=20, not fortified, unfermented, no added spirit","50"
"2009","200929","GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, NESOI","Grapefruit juice, nesoi, not fortified, unfermented and not containing added spirit","50"
"2009","200930","CITRUS JUICE NES","Citrus juice nes (one fruit) not fermented or spirite","50"
"2009","200931","CITRUS JUICE, BRIX <=20","Juice from a single citrus fruit, of brix value <=20, not fortified, unfermented, not add spirit","50"
"2009","200939","CITRUS JUICE, NESOI","Juice of any other single citrus fruit, not fortified, unfermented and no added spirits, nesoi","50"
"2009","200940","PINEAPPLE JUICE","Pineapple juice, not fermented or spirited","50"
"2009","200941","PINEAPPLE JUICE, BRIX<=20","Pineapple juice of a brix value <=20, not fortified, unfermented, and not containing added spirit","50"
"2009","200949","PINEAPPLE JUICE, NESOI","Pineapple juice, not fortified, unfermented and not containing added spirit, nesoi","50"
"2009","200950","TOMATO JUICE","Tomato juice not fermented or spirited","50"
"2009","200960","GRAPE JUICE","Grape juice or must not fermented or spirited","50"
"2009","200961","GRAPE JUICE, BRIX <= 20","Grape juice (including grape must), of a bix value <=20, not fortified, unfermented, no added spirit","50"
"2009","200969","GRAPE JUICE, NESOI","Grape juice (including grape must), nesoi, not fortified, unfermented, not containing added spirit","50"
"2009","200970","APPLE JUICE","Apple juice not fermented or spirited","50"
"2009","200971","APPLE JUICE, BIRX <=20","Apple juice, of a brix value not exceeding 20, not fortified, unfermented, no added spirit","50"
"2009","200979","APPLE JUICE, NESOI","Apple juice, nesoi, not fortified, unfermented, no added spirit, whether or not sweetened","50"
"2009","200980","SINGLE FRUIT, JUICE","Single fruit, veg juice nes, not fermented or spirite","50"
"2009","200990","MIXTURES OF JUICES","Mixtures of juices not fermented or spirited","50"
"2101","210110","COFFEE EXTRACTS","Coffee extracts, essences and concentrates, and preparations with a basis of these products or","70"
"2101","210111","COFFEE EXTRACTS","Coffee extracts, essences, concentrates","70"
"2101","210112","COFFEE PREPARATIONS","Coffee preparations based on extract/essence/conc.","70"
"2101","210120","TEA AND MATE EXTRACT","Tea and mate extracts, essences and concentrates","70"
"2101","210130","CHICORY, COFFEE SUBS","Chicory & other coffee substitutes, roasted & product","70"
"2102","210210","YEASTS, ACTIVE","Yeasts, active","70"
"2102","210220","YEASTS, INACTIVE","Yeasts, inactive, dead unicellular organisms nes","70"
"2102","210230","BAKING POWDERS, PREP","Baking powders, prepared","70"
"2103","210310","SOYA SAUCE","Soya sauce","70"
"2103","210320","TOMATO KETCHUP/SAUCE","Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces","70"
"2103","210330","MUSTARD FLOUR, MEAL","Mustard flour or meal and prepared mustard","70"
"2103","210390","SAUCES NES,","Sauces nes, mixed condiments, mixed seasoning","70"
"2104","210410","SOUPS, BROTHS","Soups and broths and preparations thereof","70"
"2104","210420","FOOD PREPS, HOMOGEN","Homogenised composite food preparations","70"
"2105","210500","ICE CREAM","Ice cream and other edible ice","70"
"2106","210610","PROTEIN CONCENTRATES","Protein concentrates and textured protein substances","70"
"2106","210690","FOOD PREPS, NESOI","Food preparations nes","70"
"2201","220110","MINERAL WATER","Mineral and aerated waters not sweetened or flavoured","55"
"2201","220190","ICE, SNOW, POTABLE","Ice, snow and potable water not sweetened or flavoure","70"
"2202","220210","BEVERAGE WATERS","Beverage waters, sweetened or flavoured","50"
"2202","220290","NON-ALCOHOL BEVERAGE","Non-alcoholic beverages nes, except fruit, veg juices","50"
"2203","220300","BEER MADE FROM MALT","Beer made from malt","50"
"2204","220410","GRAPE WINES, SPARKLE","Grape wines, sparkling","50"
"2204","220421","GRAPE WINES NES","Grape wines nes, fortified wine or must, pack <2l","50"
"2204","220429","GRAPE WINES, ALCOHOL","Grape wines, alcoholic grape must nes","50"
"2204","220430","GRAPE MUST, UNFERMEN","Grape must, unfermented, except as fruit juice","50"
"2205","220510","VERMOUTH <21","Vermouth and other flavoured grape wines - pack <2l","50"
"2205","220590","VERMOUTH >21","Vermouth and other flavoured grape wines - pack >2l","50"
"2206","220600","FERMENTED BEVERAGES","Fermented beverages nes (eg cider, perry, mead, etc)","50"
"2207","220710","ETHYL ALCOHOL, UNDEN","Undenatured ethyl alcohol >80% by volume","55"
"2207","220720","ETHYL ALCOHOL, DENAT","Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured","55"
"2208","220810","COMPOUND ALCOHOLIC PREP","Compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages","47"
"2208","220820","SPIRITS, GRAPE DIST","Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine, grape marc","56"
"2208","220840","RUM AND TAFIA","Rum and tafia","56"
"2208","220850","GIN AND GENEVA","Gin and Geneva","56"
"2208","220870","LIQUEURS AND CORDIAL","Liqueurs and cordials","56"
"2208","220890","ALCOHOLIC LIQUEURS","Alcoholic liqueurs nes","56"
"2209","220900","VINEGAR","Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar from acetic acid","50"
"2301","230110","FLOUR PELLET, MEAT","Flour or meal, pellet of meat or offal for animal fee","70"
"2301","230120","FLOUR PELLET, FISH","Flour or meal, pellet, fish, etc, for animal feed","70"
"2302","230210","MAIZE BRAN, SHARPS","Maize bran, sharps, other residues","70"
"2302","230220","RICE BRAN, SHARPS","Rice bran, sharps, other residues","70"
"2302","230230","WHEAT BRAN, SHARPS","Wheat bran, sharps, other residues","70"
"2302","230240","CEREAL BRAN, SHARPS","Cereal bran, sharps, residue except maize, wheat, ric","70"
"2302","230250","BRAN, SHARPS, LEGUM","Bran, sharps and other residues of leguminous plants","70"
"2303","230310","RESIDUES OF STARCH","Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues","70"
"2303","230320","BEET-PULP, SUGAR","Beet-pulp, bagasse & other waste of sugar manufacture","70"
"2303","230330","BREWING WASTE","Brewing or distilling dregs and waste","70"
"2304","230400","SOYA-BEAN RESIDUE","Soya-bean oil-cake and other solid residues","70"
"2305","230500","GROUND-NUT RESIDUE","Ground-nut oil-cake and other solid residues","70"
"2306","230610","COTTON SEED OIL-CAKE","Cotton seed oil-cake and other solid residues","70"
"2306","230620","LINSEED OIL-CAKE","Linseed oil-cake and other solid residues","70"
"2306","230630","SUNFLOWER OIL-CAKE","Sunflower seed oil-cake and other solid residues","70"
"2306","230640","RAPE/COLZA OIL-CAKE","Rape or colza seed oil-cake and other solid residues","70"
"2306","230641","RAPE/COLZA SEED LOW ERUCI","Rape/colza seed oilcake, other solid residues, low erucic acid, from extraction of seed oil","70"
"2306","230649","RAPE/COLZA SEED, NESOI","Rape/colza seed oilcake, other solid residues, nesoi, from extraction of seed oil, in pellets","70"
"2306","230650","COCONUT/COPRA OILCAK","Coconut or copra oil-cake and other solid residues","70"
"2306","230660","PALM OIL-CAKE","Palm nut or kernel oil cake and other solid residues","70"
"2306","230670","CORN OIL-CAKE","Maize/corn germ oil-cake and solid residues","70"
"2306","230690","VEGETABLE OIL-CAKE","Vegetable oil-cake and other solid residues nes","70"
"2307","230700","WINE LEES, ARGOL","Wine lees, argol","70"
"2308","230800","VEG MAT, ANIMAL FEED NESO","Vegetable materials, waste, residues and by-products used in animal feed, including pellets, nesoi","70"
"2308","230810","ACORNS, HORSECHEST","Acorns and horse-chestnuts for animal feed","70"
"2308","230890","VEGETABLE WASTES NES","Vegetable wastes and residues nes for animal feed","70"
"2309","230910","DOG OR CAT FOOD","Dog or cat food (retail)","70"
"2309","230990","ANIMAL FEED PREP NES","Animal feed preparations nes","70"
"2401","240110","TOBACCO, UNMAN,","Tobacco, unmanufactured, not stemmed or stripped","70"
"2401","240120","TOBACCO, UNMAN, STEM","Tobacco, unmanufactured, stemmed or stripped","70"
"2401","240130","TOBACCO REFUSE","Tobacco refuse","70"
"2402","240210","CIGARS, CHEROOTS","Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco","60"
"2402","240220","CIGARETTES","Cigarettes containing tobacco","60"
"2402","240290","CIGARS, CHEROOTS","Cigars, cheroots, cigarettes, with tobacco substitute","60"
"2403","240310","CIGARETTE OR PIPE","Cigarette or pipe tobacco and tobacco substitute mixe","70"
"2403","240391","HOMOGENIZED TOBACCO","Homogenized or reconstituted tobacco","70"
"2403","240399","PRODUCTS OF TOBACCO","Products of tobacco, substitute nes, extract, essence","70"
"2503","250300","SULFUR","Sulfur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulfur, precipitated sulfur and colloidal sulfor","99"
"2620","262060","ASH/RES, ARSENIC","Ash/residues with arsenic, mercury, thallium or their mixtures, used for extraction of those metals","70"
"2620","262091","ASH/RES, ANTIMONY","Ash/residues of antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium or thier mixtures, nesoi","70"
"2620","262099","ASH/RES, NESOI","Ash and residues nesoi, containing metals or metallic compounds nesoi","70"
"2621","262100","SLAG AND ASH, OTHER","Ash and slag nesoi, including seaweed ash (kelp)","70"
"2621","262110","ASH/RES, MUNICIPAL WASTE","Ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste","70"
"2621","262190","ASH/SLAG, SEAWEED","Ash and slag, including seaweed ash (kelp), nesoi","70"
"2701","270111","ANTHRACITE","Anthracite, not agglomerated","70"
"2701","270112","BITUMINOUS COAL","Bituminous coal, not agglomerated","70"
"2701","270119","COAL","Coal except anthracite or bituminous, not agglomerate","70"
"2701","270120","COAL BRIQUETTES","Coal briquettes, ovoids, similar made solid fuels","70"
"2702","270210","LIGNITE, NOT AGGLO","Lignite, not agglomerated","70"
"2702","270220","LIGNITE, AGGLOMERATE","Lignite, agglomerated","70"
"2703","270300","PEAT","Peat (including peat litter)","70"
"2704","270400","COKE","Coke, semi-coke of coal, lignite, peat & retort carbo","70"
"2705","270500","COAL GAS, WATER GAS","Coal gas, water gas, etc. (not gaseous hydrocarbons)","70"
"2706","270600","TAR FROM COAL","Tar from coal, lignite or peat, other mineral tars","70"
"2707","270750","AROMATIC HYDROCARBON","Aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures from coal tar, nes","70"
"2707","270791","CREOSOTE OILS","Creosote oils","70"
"2707","270799","COAL TAR DISTILL NES","Coal tar distillation products nes","70"
"2708","270820","PITCH COKE","Pitch coke","70"
"2709","270900","PETROLEUM OILS, OILS","Petroleum oils, oils from bituminous minerals, crude","70"
"2710","271000","PETROLEUM OILS","Petroleum oils&oils obta","70"
"2710","271011","AVIATION SPIRIT","Aviation spirit","70"
"2710","271012","PETROLEUM SPIRIT","Petroleum spirit for motor vehicles","70"
"2710","271013","PETROLEUM SPIRIT NES","Petroleum spirit except aviation or motor fuel","70"
"2710","271014","PETROLEUM SPIRIT TYP","Petroleum spirit-type fuel","70"
"2710","271015","WHITE SPIRIT","White spirit","70"
"2710","271016","PETROLEUM NAPHTHA","Petroleum naphtha","70"
"2710","271019","LIGHT PETROLEUM","Light petroleum distillates nes","70"
"2710","271021","KEROSENE JET FUEL","Kerosene jet fuel","70"
"2710","271022","KEROSENE, FURNACES","Kerosene, for furnaces","70"
"2710","271025","KEROSENE LAMP OIL","Kerosene lamp oil, motor kerosene, light diesel, etc","70"
"2710","271026","GAS OILS","Gas oils - bunker oil, No.1 furnace, motor diesel","70"
"2710","271027","DIESEL OILS","Diesel oils- No.2 furnace, marine diesel","70"
"2710","271029","FUEL OILS NES,","Fuel oils nes, heavy distillates","70"
"2710","271091","HEAVY FURNACE OIL","Heavy furnace oil (heating or motor fuel) <1% sulphur","70"
"2710","271093","HEAVY FURNACE OIL NE","Heavy furnace oil nes","70"
"2710","271094","PETROLEUM OIL","Petroleum oil used in road building","70"
"2710","271095","PETROLEUM LUB OIL","Petroleum lubricating oils","70"
"2710","271096","PETROLEUM LUB GREASE","Petroleum lubricating greases","70"
"2710","271099","PETROLEUM OILS NES","Petroleum oils and products nes","70"
"2711","271111","NATURAL GAS","Natural gas, liquefied","70"
"2711","271112","PROPANE, LIQUEFIED","Propane, liquefied","70"
"2711","271113","BUTANES, LIQUEFIED","Butanes, liquefied","70"
"2711","271114","ETHYLENE, PROPYLENE","Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene, liquefied","70"
"2711","271119","PETROLEUM GASES","Petroleum gases & gaseous hydrocarbons nes, liquefied","70"
"2711","271121","NATURAL GAS","Natural gas in gaseous state","70"
"2711","271129","PETROLEUM GASES","Petroleum gases and gaseous hydrocarbons nes, as gas","70"
"2712","271210","PETROLEUM JELLY","Petroleum jelly","70"
"2712","271220","PARAFFIN WAX","Paraffin wax containing <0.75% oil","70"
"2712","271290","MINERAL WAXES NES","Mineral waxes nes","70"
"2713","271311","PETROLEUM COKE","Petroleum coke, not calcined","70"
"2713","271312","PETROLEUM COKE, CALC","Petroleum coke, calcined","70"
"2713","271320","PETROLEUM BITUMEN","Petroleum bitumen","70"
"2713","271390","RESIDUES OF PETROL","Residues of petroleum oils etc. nes","70"
"2714","271410","BITUMINOUS, OIL SHAL","Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands","70"
"2714","271490","BITUMEN AND ASPHALT","Bitumen and asphalt, asphaltites and asphaltic rocks","70"
"2715","271500","BITUMINOUS MIX, MAS","Bituminous mix, mastic from asphalt, bitumen/tar/pitc","70"
"2716","271600","ELECTRICAL ENERGY","Electrical energy","70"
"2809","280920","PHOSPHORIC ACID","Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids","99"
"2814","281410","ANHYDROUS AMMONIA","Anhydrous ammonia","99"
"2814","281420","AMMONIA AQUEOUS","Ammonia in aqueous solution","99"
"2901","290110","SATURATED ACYCLIC","Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons","70"
"2901","290122","PROPENE (PROPYLENE)","Propene (propylene)","70"
"2901","290123","BUTENE (BUTYLENE)","Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof","70"
"2901","290124","ISOPRENE","Buta-1, 3-diene and isoprene","70"
"2901","290129","UNSATURATED ACYCLIC","Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons nes","70"
"2902","290219","CYCLANES, CYCLENES","Cyclanes, cyclenes and cycloterpenes nes","70"
"2902","290244","MIXED XYLENE ISOMERS","Mixed xylene isomers","70"
"2902","290290","CYCLIC HYDROCARBONS","Cyclic hydrocarbons nes","70"
"2903","290311","CHLOROMETHANE","Chloromethane and chloroethane","70"
"2903","290312","DICHLOROMETHANE","Dichloromethane (methylene chloride)","70"
"2903","290313","CHLOROFORM","Chloroform (trichloromethane)","70"
"2903","290314","CARBON TETRACHLORIDE","Carbon tetrachloride","70"
"2903","290315","1,2-DICHLOROETHANE","1,2-dichloroethane(ethylene dichloride)","70"
"2903","290316","1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE","1,2-dichloropropane and dichlorobutanes","70"
"2903","290319","CHLORINATED DERIVS","Chlorinated derivs saturated acyclic hydrocarbons, ne","70"
"2903","290321","VINYL CHLORIDE","Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene)","70"
"2903","290323","TETRACHLOROETHYLENE","Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene)","70"
"2903","290329","CHLORINATED DERIVS","Chlorinated derivs unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbon ne","70"
"2903","290330","FLUORATED DERIVS","Fluor-/brom-/iodin-ated derivs of acyclic hydrocarbon","70"
"2903","290345","FLUORINE/CHLORINE","Fluorine/chlorine perhalogenated derivatives nes","70"
"2903","290346","BROMOCHLORO","Bromochloro - di/tri/tetra - fluoromethanes","70"
"2903","290347","PERHALOGENATED","Perhalogenated derivatives nes","70"
"2903","290349","MULTI-HALOGENATED","Multi-halogenated derivs of acyclic hydrocarbons nes","70"
"2903","290359","HALOGENATED CYCLANIC","Halogenated cyclanic/cyclenic/cycloterpen hydrocarbon","70"
"2903","290361","CHLOROBENZENE","Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene and p-dichlorobenzen","70"
"2903","290362","HEXACHLOROBENZENE","Hexachlorobenzene and DDT","70"
"2903","290369","HALOGENATED DERIVAT","Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, nes","70"
"2904","290410","SULPHONATED HYDROCAR","Sulphonated hydrocarbons, salts and ethyl esters","70"
"2904","290420","NITRATED, NITROSATED","Nitrated, nitrosated hydrocarbons","70"
"2904","290490","HYDROCARBON DERIVS","Hydrocarbon derivs, mixed sulpho/nitro/nitroso groups","70"
"2905","290511","METHYL ALCOHOL","Methyl alcohol","70"
"2905","290512","PROPYL ALCOHOL","Propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol","70"
"2905","290513","N-BUTYL ALCOHOL","N-butyl alcohol","70"
"2905","290514","BUTANOLS NES","Butanols nes","70"
"2905","290515","PENTANOL, ISOMERS","Pentanol, isomers","70"
"2905","290516","OCTANOL","Octanol(octyl alcohol), isomers","70"
"2905","290517","DODECAN, HEXADECAN","Dodecan-1-ol, hexadecan-1-ol and octadecan-1-ol","70"
"2905","290519","SATURATED MONOHYDRIC","Saturated monohydric acyclic alcohols nes","70"
"2905","290522","ACYCLIC TERPENE","Acyclic terpene alcohols","70"
"2905","290529","UNSATURATED MONOHYDR","Unsaturated monohydric acyclic alcohols nes","70"
"2905","290531","ETHYLENE GLYCOL","Ethylene glycol (ethanediol)","70"
"2905","290532","PROPYLENE GLYCOL","Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol)","70"
"2905","290539","DIOLS EXCEPT ETHYLEN","Diols except ethylene and propylene glycol","70"
"2905","290544","D-GLUCITOL","D-glucitol (sorbitol)","70"
"2905","290549","POLYHYDRIC ACYCLIC","Polyhydric acyclic alcohols nes","70"
"2905","290550","ACYCLIC ALCHOL DERIV","Derivatives of acyclic alcohols","70"
"2906","290612","CYCLOHEXANOL","Cyclohexanol,methylcyclohexanol, dimethylcyclohexanol","70"
"2906","290613","STEROLS AND INOSITOL","Sterols and inositols","70"
"2906","290619","CYCLIC ALCOHOLS","Cyclic alcohols, derivatives, other than aromatic, ne","70"
"2906","290621","BENZYL ALCOHOL","Benzyl alcohol","70"
"2906","290629","AROMATIC ALCOHOLS","Aromatic alcohols, derivatives, except benzyl alcohol","70"
"2907","290711","PHENOL","Phenol (hdroxybenzene), salts","70"
"2907","290712","CRESOLS, SALTS","Cresols, salts","70"
"2907","290713","OCTYLPHENOL","Octylphenol, nonylphenol and isomers, salts thereof","70"
"2907","290714","XYLENOLS, SALTS","Xylenols, salts","70"
"2907","290715","NAPHTHOLS, SALTS","Naphthols, salts","70"
"2907","290719","MONOPHENOLS NES","Monophenols nes","70"
"2907","290721","RESORCINOL, SALTS","Resorcinol, salts","70"
"2907","290722","HYDROQUINONE","Hydroquinone (quinol), salts","70"
"2907","290723","BISPHENOL A","Bisphenol A, diphenylolpropane, salts","70"
"2907","290729","POLYPHENOLS NES","Polyphenols nes","70"
"2908","290810","HALOGEN DERIVS","Halogen derivs of phenols or phenol-alcohols, & salts","70"
"2908","290820","SULPHO DERIVS","Sulpho- derivs of phenols or phenol-alcohols, & salts","70"
"2908","290890","PHENOL DERIV NES","Derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols, nes","70"
"2909","290911","DIETHYL ETHER","Diethyl ether","70"
"2909","290919","ACYCLIC ETHERS NES","Acyclic ethers nes, derivatives of acyclic ethers","70"
"2909","290920","CYCLANIC, CYCLENIC","Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ethers and derivs","70"
"2909","290930","AROMATIC ETHERS","Aromatic ethers, derivatives","70"
"2909","290941","OXYDIETHANOL","2,2-oxydiethanol(diethylene glycol)                  
"2909","290942","MONOMETHYL ETHERS","Monomethyl ethers of ethylene and diethylene glycol","70"
"2909","290943","MONOBUTYL ETHERS","Monobutyl ethers of ethylene and diethylene glycol","70"
"2909","290944","MONOALKYL ETHERS","Monoalkyl ethers of ethylene, diethylene glycol, nes","70"
"2909","290949","ETHER-ALCOHOLS NES","Ether-alcohols nes, derivatives of ether-alcohols","70"
"2909","290950","ETHER-PHENOLS","Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols and derivatives","70"
"2909","290960","ALCOHOL, ETHER","Alcohol, ether, ketone peroxides, derivatives","70"
"2910","291010","OXIRANE","Oxirane (ethylene oxide)","70"
"2910","291020","METHYLOXIRANE","Methyloxirane (propylene oxide)","70"
"2910","291090","EPOXIDES","Epoxides, epoxy-alcohols,-phenols,-ethers nes, derivs","70"
"2911","291100","ACETALS DERIV","Acetals and hemiacetals, derivatives","70"
"2912","291211","METHANAL","Methanal (formaldehyde)","70"
"2912","291212","ETHANAL","Ethanal (acetaldehyde)","70"
"2912","291213","BUTANAL","Butanal (butyraldehyde, normal isomer)","70"
"2912","291219","ACYCLIC ALDEHYDES","Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function, nes","70"
"2912","291229","CYCLIC ALDEHYDES","Cyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function, nes","70"
"2912","291249","ALDEHYDES, DERIVS","Aldehydes, derivs with other oxygen function","70"
"2912","291250","CYCLIC POLYMERS","Cyclic polymers of aldehydes","70"
"2913","291300","HYDROGENATED","Hydrogenated, sulphonated, nitrated aldehydes","70"
"2914","291412","BUTANONE","Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone)","70"
"2914","291413","METHYLPENTAN","4-methylpentan-2-one(methyl isobutyl ketone)","70"
"2914","291419","ACYCLIC KETONES","Acyclic ketones without other oxygen function, nes","70"
"2914","291422","CYCLOHEXANONE","Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones","70"
"2914","291423","IONONES","Ionones and methylionones","70"
"2914","291429","AROMATIC KETONES","Aromatic ketones without oxygen function","70"
"2914","291431","PHENYLACETONE","Phenylacetone (phenylpropan-2-one)","70"
"2914","291439","AROMATIC KETONES","Aromatic ketones without oxygen function, nes","70"
"2914","291440","KETONE-ALCOHOLS","Ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes","70"
"2914","291450","KETONE-PHENOLS","Ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function","70"
"2914","291469","QUINONES","Quinones other than anthraquinone","70"
"2914","291470","KETONES DERIV","Derivatives of ketones and quinones","70"
"2915","291511","FORMIC ACID","Formic acid","70"
"2915","291512","SALTS OF FORMIC ACID","Salts of formic acid","70"
"2915","291513","ESTERS OF FORMIC ACI","Esters of formic acid","70"
"2915","291521","ACETIC ACID","Acetic acid","70"
"2915","291522","SODIUM ACETATE","Sodium acetate","70"
"2915","291523","COBALT ACETATES","Cobalt acetates","70"
"2915","291524","ACETIC ANHYDRIDE","Acetic anhydride","70"
"2915","291529","ACETIC ACID SALTS","Acetic acid salts except cobalt and sodium","70"
"2915","291531","ETHYL ACETATE","Ethyl acetate","70"
"2915","291532","VINYL ACETATE","Vinyl acetate","70"
"2915","291533","N-BUTYL ACETATE","N-butyl acetate","70"
"2915","291534","ISOBUTYL ACETATE","Isobutyl acetate","70"
"2915","291535","2-ETHOXYETHYL","2-ethoxyethyl acetate","70"
"2915","291539","ACETIC ACID ESTERS","Acetic acid esters nes","70"
"2915","291540","CHLORACETIC ACIDS","Mono-, di-, tri-chloroacetic acids, salts & esters","70"
"2915","291550","PROPIONIC ACID","Propionic acid, its salts & esters","70"
"2915","291560","BUTYRIC ACIDS","Butyric acids, valeric acids, their salts & esters","70"
"2915","291570","PALMITIC ACID","Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts & esters","70"
"2915","291590","SATURATED ACYCLIC","Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, derivs, nes","70"
"2916","291611","ACRYLIC ACID, SALTS","Acrylic acid, salts","70"
"2916","291612","ACRYLIC ACID ESTERS","Acrylic acid esters","70"
"2916","291613","METHACRYLIC SALTS","Methacrylic acid, salts","70"
"2916","291614","METHACRYLIC ESTERS","Methacrylic acid esters","70"
"2916","291615","OLEIC,LINOLEIC","Oleic,linoleic or linolenic acids, salts & esters","70"
"2916","291619","UNSATURATED ACYCLIC","Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, derivatives","70"
"2916","291620","MONOCARBONXYLIC ACID","Cyclan-/cyclen-/cycloterpen-monocarboxylic acid/deriv","70"
"2916","291631","BENZOIC ACID","Benzoic acid, its salts & esters","70"
"2916","291632","BENZOYL PEROXIDE","Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride","70"
"2916","291634","PHENYLACETIC ACID","Phenylacetic acid, its salts","70"
"2916","291635","ESTERS OF PHENYLACET","Esters of phenylacetic acid","70"
"2916","291639","AROMATIC MONOCARBOXY","Aromatic monocarboxylic acids and derivatives, nes","70"
"2917","291711","OXALIC ACID","Oxalic acid, its salts & esters","70"
"2917","291712","ADIPIC ACID","Adipic acid, its salts & esters","70"
"2917","291713","AZELAIC ACID","Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their salts & esters","70"
"2917","291714","MALEIC ANHYDRIDE","Maleic anhydride","70"
"2917","291719","ACYCLIC POLYCARBOXYL","Acyclic polycarboxylic acids, derivatives, nes","70"
"2917","291720","CARBOXYLIC ACID","Cyclan-, cyclen-, cycloterpen-poly-carboxylic acids","70"
"2917","291731","DIBUTYL ORTHOPHTHALA","Dibutyl orthophthalates","70"
"2917","291732","DIOCTYL ORTHOPHTHALA","Dioctyl orthophthalates","70"
"2917","291733","DINONYL OR DIDECYL","Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates","70"
"2917","291734","ORTHOPHTHALIC ACID","Orthophthalic acid esters, nes","70"
"2917","291735","PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE","Phthalic anhydride","70"
"2917","291736","TEREPHTHALIC ACID","Terephthalic acid, its salts","70"
"2917","291737","DIMETHYL TEREPHTHALA","Dimethyl terephthalate","70"
"2917","291739","AROMATIC POLYCARBOXY","Aromatic polycarboxylic acids, derivatives, nes","70"
"2918","291811","LACTIC ACID","Lactic acid, its salts & esters","70"
"2918","291812","TARTARIC ACID","Tartaric acid","70"
"2918","291813","TARTARIC SALTS","Salts & esters of tartaric acid","70"
"2918","291814","CITRIC ACID","Citric acid","70"
"2918","291815","CITRIC SALTS","Salts & esters of citric acid","70"
"2918","291816","GLUCONIC ACID","Gluconic acid, its salts & esters","70"
"2918","291817","PHENYLGLYCOLIC ACID","Phenylglycolic acid, its salts & esters","70"
"2918","291819","CARBOXYLIC ACIDS","Carboxylic acids (alcohol function only), derivatives","70"
"2918","291821","SALICYLIC ACID, SALT","Salicylic acid, salts","70"
"2918","291822","O-ACETYLSALICYLIC","O-acetylsalicylic acid, its salts & esters","70"
"2918","291823","SALICYLIC ACID ESTER","Salicylic acid esters, nes, salts","70"
"2918","291829","CARBOXYLIC ACIDS","Carboxylic acids (phenol function only) & derivatives","70"
"2918","291830","CARBOXYLIC ACIDS","Carboxylic acids (aldehyde, ketone function), derivs","70"
"2918","291890","CARBOXYLIC ACIDS NES","Carboxylic acids nes, derivativess","70"
"2918","291899","ANISIC ACID","ANISIC ACID","70"
"2919","291900","PHOSPHORIC ESTERS","Phosphoric esters, their salts and derivatives","70"
"2920","292010","THIOPHOSPHORIC ESTER","Thiophosphoric esters(phosphorothioates),salts,derivs","70"
"2920","292090","ESTERS OF INORGANIC","Esters of inorganic acids, nes, their salts, derivs","70"
"2921","292111","METHYLAMINE","Methylamine, di- or trimethylamine, salts","70"
"2921","292112","DIETHYLAMINE","Diethylamine, its salts","70"
"2921","292119","ACYCLIC MONOAMINES","Acyclic monoamines nes, derivatives and salts","70"
"2921","292121","ETHYLENEDIAMINE","Ethylenediamine, its salts","70"
"2921","292122","HEXAMETHYLENEDIAMINE","Hexamethylenediamine, its salts","70"
"2921","292129","ACYCLIC POLYAMINES","Acyclic polyamines nes, their derivatives and salts","70"
"2921","292130","CYCLANIC, CYCLENIC","Cyclanic, cyclenic and cycloterpenic amines, compound","70"
"2921","292141","ANILINE","Aniline and its salts","70"
"2921","292142","ANILINE DERIVATIVES","Aniline derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2921","292143","TOLUIDINES, DERIVATI","Toluidines, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2921","292144","DIPHENYLAMINE, DERIV","Diphenylamine, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2921","292145","NAPHTHYLAMINES, DERI","Naphthylamines, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2921","292149","AROMATIC MONOAMINES","Aromatic monoamines nes, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2921","292151","PHENYLENEDIA","O-,M-,P-phenylenediamine,diaminotoluenes, derivs,salt","70"
"2921","292159","AROMATIC POLYAMINES","Aromatic polyamines nes, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2922","292211","MONOETHANOLMINE","Monoethanolmine, salts","70"
"2922","292212","DIETHANOLAMINE, SALT","Diethanolamine, salts","70"
"2922","292213","TRIETHANOLAMINE, SAL","Triethanolamine, salts","70"
"2922","292219","AMINO-ALCOHOLS NES","Amino-alcohols nes, their ethers and esters, salts","70"
"2922","292221","AMINOHYDROXYNAPHTHAL","Aminohydroxynaphthalene sulphonic acids and salts","70"
"2922","292222","ANISIDINES","Anisidines, dianisidines, phenetidines, and salts","70"
"2922","292229","AMINO-NAPHTHOLS","Amino-naphthols/phenols nes, their ethers/esters/salt","70"
"2922","292230","AMINO-ALDEHYDES","Amino-aldehydes, ketones and quinones, salts thereof","70"
"2922","292239","AMINO-ALDEHYDES","Amino-aldehydes, amino-ketones and amino-quinones, other than those containing more than one kind of","70"
"2922","292241","LYSINE, ESTERS, SALT","Lysine, esters, salts thereof","70"
"2922","292242","GLUTAMIC ACID, SALTS","Glutamic acid, salts","70"
"2922","292243","ANTHRANILIC ACID","Anthranilic acid and its salts","70"
"2922","292249","AMINO-ACIDS NES, EST","Amino-acids nes, esters, salts thereof","70"
"2922","292250","AMINO-ALCOHOL-PHENOL","Amino-alcohol-phenols etc with oxygen function","70"
"2923","292310","CHOLINE, SALTS","Choline, salts","70"
"2923","292320","LECITHINS AND OTHER","Lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids","70"
"2923","292390","QUARTERNARY AMMONIUM","Quarternary ammonium salts and hydroxides, nes","70"
"2924","292410","ACYCLIC AMIDES, DERI","Acyclic amides, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2924","292421","UREINES, DERIVATIVES","Ureines, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2924","292422","2-ACETOMIDOBENZOIC","2-Acetomidobenzoic acid","70"
"2924","292429","CYCLIC AMIDES, DERIV","Cyclic amides, derivatives, nes, salts thereof","70"
"2925","292511","SACCHARIN, SALTS","Saccharin, salts","70"
"2925","292519","IMIDES EXCEPT SACCHA","Imides except saccharin, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2925","292520","IMINES, DERIVATIVES","Imines, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2926","292620","1-CYANOGUANIDINE","1-cyanoguanidine (dicyandiamide)","70"
"2926","292690","NITRILE-FUNCTION","Nitrile-function compounds, nes","70"
"2927","292700","DIAZO-COMPOUNDS","Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds","70"
"2928","292800","ORGANIC DERIVATIVES","Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine","70"
"2929","292990","COMPOUNDS NITROGEN","Compounds with other nitrogen function, nes","70"
"2930","293010","DITHIOCARBONATES","Dithiocarbonates (xanthates)","70"
"2930","293020","THIOCARBAMATES","Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates","70"
"2930","293030","THIURAM MONOSULPHIDE","Thiuram mono-, di- or tetra-sulphides","70"
"2930","293090","ORGANO-SULPHUR COMPO","Organo-sulphur compounds, nes","70"
"2931","293100","ORGANO-INORGANIC COM","Organo-inorganic compounds, nes","70"
"2932","293212","2-FURALDEHYDE","2-furaldehyde (furfuraldehyde)","70"
"2932","293213","FURFURYL ALCOHOL","Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol","70"
"2932","293219","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds with unfused furan ring, nes","70"
"2932","293221","COUMARIN, METHYLCOUM","Coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins","70"
"2932","293229","LACTONES","Lactones, other than coumarins","70"
"2932","293299","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atoms nes","70"
"2933","293311","PHENAZONE","Phenazone (antipyrin), derivatives","70"
"2933","293319","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds with unfused pyrazole ring, ne","70"
"2933","293321","HYDANTOIN, DERIVATIV","Hydantoin, derivatives","70"
"2933","293329","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds with unfused imidazole ring,ne","70"
"2933","293331","PYRIDINE, SALTS","Pyridine, salts","70"
"2933","293332","PIPERIDINE","Piperidine and its salts","70"
"2933","293339","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds with unfused pyridine ring,nes","70"
"2933","293340","HETEROCYC COMPOUNDS","Heterocyc compounds, quinoline ring not further fused","70"
"2933","293349","HETEROCYCLIC QUINOLINE","Heterocyclic comp w/ quinoline etc ring-system,nes","70"
"2933","293351","BARBITURIC ACID, DER","Barbituric acid, derivatives, salts thereof","70"
"2933","293359","HETERCYCLIC COMPOUND","Hetercyclic compounds with pyrimidine ring nes","70"
"2933","293369","HETEROCYCLIC COMPDS","Heterocyclic compds with an unfused triazine ring nes","70"
"2933","293371","6-HEXANELACTAM","6-hexanelactam (epsilon-captolactam)","70"
"2933","293379","LACTAMS","Lactams other than 6-hexanelactam","70"
"2933","293390","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds with N-hetero-atom(s) only, ne","70"
"2933","293399","HETEROCYCLIC NITROGEN","Heterocyclic comp w nitrogen hetero-atm only nesoi","70"
"2934","293410","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds with an unfused thiazole ring","70"
"2934","293420","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds containing a benzothiazole rin","70"
"2934","293430","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds containing a phenothiazine rin","70"
"2934","293490","HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUN","Heterocyclic compounds, nes","70"
"2934","293499","NUCLEIC ACIDS/SALTS","Nucleic acids and there salts, wheter or not chemically defined; other heterocyclic compounds, nesoi","70"
"2935","293500","SULPHONAMIDES","Sulphonamides in bulk","70"
"2936","293610","PROVITAMINS, UNMIXED","Provitamins, unmixed","70"
"2936","293621","VITAMINS A, DERIVATI","Vitamins A, derivatives, unmixed","70"
"2936","293622","VITAMIN B1, DERIVATI","Vitamin B1, derivatives, unmixed","70"
"2936","293623","VITAMIN B2, DERIVATI","Vitamin B2, derivatives, unmixed","70"
"2936","293624","VITAMIN B3 & B5","Vitamin B3 & B5, D-or DL-panthothenic acid,derivative","70"
"2936","293625","VITAMIN B6, DERIVATI","Vitamin B6, derivatives, unmixed","70"
"2936","293626","VITAMIN B12, DERIVAT","Vitamin B12, derivatives, unmixed","70"
"2936","293627","VITAMIN C, DERIVATIV","Vitamin C, derivatives, unmixed","70"
"2936","293628","VITAMIN E, DERIVATIV","Vitamin E, derivatives, unmixed","70"
"2936","293629","VITAMINS NES, DERIVA","Vitamins nes, derivatives, unmixed","70"
"2936","293690","VITAMIN CONCENTRATES","Vitamin concentrates, intermixtures of vitamins","70"
"2937","293710","PITUITARY ANTERIOR","Pituitary anterior hormones and derivatives, in bulk","70"
"2937","293721","CORTISONE,HYDROCORTI","Cortisone,hydrocortisone,prednisone,prednisolone, bul","70"
"2937","293722","HALOGENATED DERIVS","Halogenated derivs adrenalal cortical hormones, bulk","70"
"2937","293729","ADRENAL CORTICAL HOR","Adrenal cortical hormones nes, in bulk, derivatives","70"
"2937","293791","INSULIN, SALTS","Insulin, salts, in bulk","70"
"2937","293792","OESTROGENS","Oestrogens and progestogens, in bulk","70"
"2937","293799","HORMONES NES, DERIVA","Hormones nes, derivatives, in bulk, steroids nes","70"
"2938","293810","RUTOSIDE (RUTIN)","Rutoside (rutin), derivatives, in bulk","70"
"2938","293890","GLYCOSIDES AND SALTS","Glycosides and salts, ethers, esters, derivs nes, bul","70"
"2939","293910","OPIUM ALKALOIDS","Opium alkaloids, their derivs, in bulk, salts thereof","70"
"2939","293911","POPPY STRAW CONCENTRATES","Concentrates of poppy straw; bupren(inn), codeine, dihydrocode(inn), ethlymor, etorp morphine","70"
"2939","293919","OPIUM ALKALOIDS","Alkaloids of opium and their derivatives, slats thereof, nesoi","70"
"2939","293921","QUININE, SALTS","Quinine, salts, in bulk","70"
"2939","293929","CINCHONA ALKALOIDS","Cinchona alkaloids, derivatives nes, in bulk, salts","70"
"2939","293930","CAFFEINE, SALTS","Caffeine, salts, in bulk","70"
"2939","293941","EPHEDRINE","Ephedrine and its salts","70"
"2939","293942","PSEUDOEPHEDRINE","Pseudoephedrine (INN) and its salts","70"
"2939","293949","EPHEDRINES","Ephedrines & their salts, nes","70"
"2939","293950","THEOPHYLLINE","Theophylline and aminophylline, derivs, in bulk, salt","70"
"2939","293961","ERGOMETRINE","Ergometrine (INN) and its salts","70"
"2939","293962","ERGOTAMINE","Ergotamine (INN) and its salts","70"
"2939","293963","LYSERGIC ACID","Lysergic acid and its slts","70"
"2939","293969","RYE ERGOT ALKALOIDS","Rye ergot alkaloids and their salts, nes","70"
"2939","293970","NICOTINE, SALTS","Nicotine, salts, in bulk","70"
"2939","293990","VEGETABLE ALKALOIDS","Vegetable alkaloids nes, salts, ethers, esters in bul","70"
"2940","294000","SUGARS, CHEM PURE","Sugars, chem pure, their ethers, esters, salts in bul","70"
"2941","294110","PENICILLINS, DERIVAT","Penicillins, derivatives, in bulk, salts","70"
"2941","294120","STREPTOMYCINS, DERIV","Streptomycins, derivatives, in bulk, salts","70"
"2941","294130","TETRACYCLINES, DERIV","Tetracyclines, derivatives, in bulk, salts","70"
"2941","294140","CHLORAMPHENICOL, DER","Chloramphenicol, derivatives, in bulk, salts","70"
"2941","294150","ERYTHROMYCIN, DERIVA","Erythromycin, derivatives, in bulk, salts","70"
"2941","294190","ANTIBIOTICS NES","Antibiotics nes, in bulk","70"
"2942","294200","ORGANIC COMPOUNDS","Organic compounds, nes","70"
"3001","300110","GLANDS ETC, DRIED","Glands and other organs, dried, for therapeutic uses","70"
"3001","300120","EXTRACTS OF GLANDS","Extracts of glands etc. for therapeutic use","70"
"3001","300190","HEPARIN, SALTS","Heparin, salts, for therapeutic use","70"
"3002","300210","ANTISERA","Antisera and other blood fractions","70"
"3002","300220","VACCINES, HUMAN USE","Vaccines, human use","70"
"3002","300230","VACCINES, VETERINARY","Vaccines, veterinary use","70"
"3002","300290","BLOOD, TOXINS, CULTU","Blood, toxins, cultures, medical use, nes","70"
"3003","300310","PENICILLINS","Penicillins or streptomycins and derivatives, in bulk","70"
"3003","300320","ANTIBIOTICS NES","Antibiotics nes, formulated, in bulk","70"
"3003","300331","INSULIN, FORMULATED","Insulin, formulated, in bulk","70"
"3003","300339","HORMONES NES,","Hormones nes, no antibiotics, bulk, not contraceptive","70"
"3003","300340","ALKALOIDS, DERIVS","Alkaloids, derivs, without antibiotics, hormones, bul","70"
"3003","300390","MEDICAMENTS NES","Medicaments nes, formulated, in bulk","70"
"3004","300410","PENICILLINS","Penicillins and streptomycins, derivs, in dosage","70"
"3004","300420","ANTIBIOTICS NES","Antibiotics nes, in dosage","70"
"3004","300431","INSULIN, IN DOSAGE","Insulin, in dosage","70"
"3004","300432","ADRENAL CORTICAL","Adrenal cortical hormones, in dosage","70"
"3004","300439","HORMONES NES","Hormones nes, except contraceptives, in dosage","70"
"3004","300440","ALKALOIDS, DERIVS","Alkaloids, derivs, no antibiotics, hormones, in dosag","70"
"3004","300450","VITAMINS, DERIVATIVE","Vitamins, derivatives,in dosage","70"
"3004","300490","MEDICAMENTS NES","Medicaments nes, in dosage","70"
"3005","300510","MEDICAL DRESSINGS","Medical dressings etc. having an adhesive layer","70"
"3005","300590","MEDICAL DRESSINGS","Medical dressings etc except those with adhesive laye","70"
"3006","300610","SUTURE MATERIALS","Suture materials, sterile surgical and dental goods","70"
"3006","300620","BLOOD-GROUPING","Blood-grouping reagents","70"
"3006","300630","OPACIFYING PREPS","Opacifying preparations, x-ray, diagnostic reagents","70"
"3006","300640","DENTAL CEMENTS","Dental cements and other dental fillings, bone cement","70"
"3006","300650","FIRST-AID BOXES","First-aid boxes and kits","70"
"3006","300660","CONTRACEPTIVE PREPS","Contraceptive preps based on hormones or spermicides","70"
"3101","310100","FERTILIZER, AN/VEG","Animal or vegetable fertilizers, in packs >10kg","70"
"3102","310210","UREA","Urea, including aqueous solution in packs >10kg","70"
"3102","310221","AMMONIUM SULPHATE","Ammonium sulphate, in packs >10kg","70"
"3102","310229","AMMONIUM SULPHATE","Ammonium sulphate-nitrate mix, double salts, pack>10k","70"
"3102","310230","AMMONIUM NITRATE","Ammonium nitrate, including solution, in pack >10kg","70"
"3102","310240","AMMONIUM NITRATE","Ammonium nitrate limestone etc mixes, pack >10kg","70"
"3102","310250","SODIUM NITRATE","Sodium nitrate, in packs >10kg","70"
"3102","310260","CALCIUM-AMMONIUM","Calcium-ammonium nitrate mix, double salts pack >10kg","70"
"3102","310270","CALCIUM CYANAMIDE","Calcium cyanamide in packs >10kg","70"
"3102","310280","UREA-AMMONIUM","Urea-ammonium nitrate mixes in solution, pack >10kg","70"
"3102","310290","NITROGENOUS FERTILIZ","Nitrogenous fertilizers, mixes, nes, pack >10kg","70"
"3103","310310","SUPERPHOSPHATES","Superphosphates, in packs >10kg","70"
"3103","310320","BASIC SLAG","Basic slag, in packs >10kg","70"
"3103","310390","PHOSPHATIC FERTILIZE","Phosphatic fertilizers, mixes, nes, pack >10kg","70"
"3104","310410","CARNALLITE, SYLVITE","Carnallite, sylvite, crude potassium salts nes, >10kg","70"
"3104","310420","POTASSIUM CHLORIDE","Potassium chloride, in packs >10kg","70"
"3104","310430","POTASSIUM SULPHATE","Potassium sulphate, in packs >10kg","70"
"3104","310490","POTASSIC FERTILIZERS","Potassic fertilizers, mixes, nes, pack >10kg","70"
"3105","310510","FERTILIZER MIXES","Fertilizer mixes in tablets etc or in packs <10kg","70"
"3105","310520","NITROGEN-PHOSPHORUS","Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, pack >10kg","70"
"3105","310530","DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE","Diammonium phosphate, in packs >10kg","70"
"3105","310540","MONOAMMONIUM PHOSPHA","Monoammonium phosphate & mix with diammonium, <=10kg","70"
"3105","310551","FERTILIZERS NITRATES","Fertilizers with nitrates and phosphates, nes, <=10kg","70"
"3105","310559","FERTILIZERS NITRATES","Fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus nes, <=10kg","70"
"3105","310560","FERTILIZERS PHOSPHOR","Fertilizers containing phosphorus & potassium, <=10kg","70"
"3105","310590","FERTILIZERS, MIXES","Fertilizers, mixes, nes","70"
"3201","320110","QUEBRACHO TAN EXTRAC","Quebracho tanning extract","70"
"3201","320120","WATTLE TANNING EXTRA","Wattle tanning extract","70"
"3201","320190","VEGETABLE TAN EXTRAC","Vegetable tanning extracts nes, tannins, salts, deriv","70"
"3202","320210","SYNTHETIC, TAN SUBS","Synthetic organic tanning substances","70"
"3202","320290","INORGANIC TAN PREP","Inorganic tanning and pre-tanning preparations","70"
"3203","320300","COLOURING MATTER","Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin","70"
"3204","320411","DISPERSE DYES","Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon","70"
"3204","320412","ACID AND MORDANT DYE","Acid and mordant dyes and preparations based thereon","70"
"3204","320413","BASIC DYES","Basic dyes and preparations based thereon","70"
"3204","320414","DIRECT DYES","Direct dyes and preparations based thereon","70"
"3204","320415","VAT DYES","Vat dyes and preparations based thereon","70"
"3204","320416","REACTIVE DYES","Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon","70"
"3204","320417","SYNTHETIC PIGMENTS","Synthetic organic pigments and preps based thereon","70"
"3204","320419","SYNTHETIC COLOUR MAT","Synthetic organic colouring matter nes","70"
"3204","320420","SYNTHETIC BRIGHT AG","Synthetic organic fluorescent brightening agents","70"
"3204","320490","SYNTHETIC LUMINOPHOR","Synthetic organic products used as luminophores","70"
"3205","320500","COLOUR LAKES, PREPS","Colour lakes, preparations based thereon","70"
"3206","320611","TITANIUM PIGMENTS","Titanium pigments and preps, >80% titanium oxide","70"
"3206","320619","TITANIUM PIGMENTS","Titanium pigments and preps, <80% titanium oxide","70"
"3206","320620","PIGMENTS, CHROMIUM","Pigments and preparations based on chromium compounds","70"
"3206","320630","PIGMENTS, CADMIUM","Pigments and preparations based on cadmium compounds","70"
"3206","320641","ULTRAMARINE","Ultramarine and preparations based thereon","70"
"3206","320642","PIGMENTS, ZINC SULPH","Pigments etc based on zinc sulphide, lithophone","70"
"3206","320643","PIGMENTS, HEXACYANO","Pigments and preparations based on hexacyanoferrates","70"
"3206","320649","INORGANIC COLOUR NES","Inorganic colouring matter nes, including preparation","70"
"3206","320650","INORGANIC LUMINOPHOR","Inorganic products used as luminophores","70"
"3207","320710","PIGMENT, OPACIFIER","Pigment, opacifier, colours etc for ceramics or glass","70"
"3207","320720","VITRIFIABLE ENAMELS","Vitrifiable enamels, glazes etc for ceramics and glas","70"
"3207","320730","LIQUID LUSTRES","Liquid lustres and similar preparations","70"
"3207","320740","GLASS FRIT","Glass frit and other glass (powder, granules, flakes)","70"
"3208","320810","POLYESTER BASED PAIN","Polyester based paints, varnishes, non-aqueous medium","70"
"3208","320820","ACRYLIC PAINT","Acrylic or vinyl polymer paint or varnish, non-aqueou","70"
"3208","320890","POLYMER BASED PAINT","Polymer based paint, varnish in non-aqueous medium ne","70"
"3209","320910","ACRYLIC BASED PAINT","Acrylic & vinyl polymer based paint, varnish, in wate","70"
"3209","320990","POLYMER BASED PAINTS","Polymer based paints & varnishes nes, aqueous medium","70"
"3210","321000","PAINTS LEATHER","Paints and varnishes nes, water pigments for leather","70"
"3211","321100","PREPARED DRIERS","Prepared driers","70"
"3212","321210","STAMPING FOILS","Stamping foils","70"
"3212","321290","PIGMENTS FOR PAINTS","Pigments for paints, dyes, etc packaged for retail","70"
"3213","321310","COLOURS IN SETS","Colours in sets","70"
"3213","321390","ARTIST COLOUR SMALL","Artist, student & signwriter colours, small packs nes","70"
"3214","321410","MASTICS","Mastics, painters fillings                           
"3214","321490","NON-REF SURFACE PREP","Non-refractory surfacing preparations nes","70"
"3215","321511","PRINTING INK, BLACK","Printing ink, black","70"
"3215","321519","PRINTING INK, OTHER","Printing ink, other than black","70"
"3215","321590","INK, OTHER","Ink, other than printing ink","70"
"3301","330111","ESSENTIAL OILS, BERG","Essential oils of bergamot","70"
"3301","330112","ESSENTIAL OILS, ORAN","Essential oils of orange","70"
"3301","330113","ESSENTIAL OILS, LEMO","Essential oils of lemon","70"
"3301","330114","ESSENTIAL OILS, LIME","Essential oils of lime","70"
"3301","330119","ESSENTIAL OILS, CITR","Essential oils of citrus fruits, nes","70"
"3301","330121","ESSENTIAL OILS, GERA","Essential oils of geranium","70"
"3301","330122","ESSENTIAL OILS, JASM","Essential oils of jasmin","70"
"3301","330123","ESSENTIAL OILS, LAVE","Essential oils of lavender or of lavandin","70"
"3301","330124","ESSENTIAL OILS, PEPP","Essential oils of peppermint","70"
"3301","330125","ESSENTIAL OILS, MINT","Essential oils of other mints","70"
"3301","330126","ESSENTIAL OILS, VETI","Essential oils of vetiver","70"
"3301","330129","ESSENTIAL OILS, NES","Essential oils, nes","70"
"3301","330190","ESSENTIAL OILS, TERP","Essential oils, terpenic by-products etc., nes","70"
"3302","330210","MIX ODOR SUB FOOD","Mixed odoriferous substances - food & drink industrie","70"
"3302","330290","MIX ODOR SUB OTHER","Mixed odoriferous substances - industrial use nes","70"
"3303","330300","PERFUMES","Perfumes and toilet waters","70"
"3304","330410","LIP MAKE-UP PREPS","Lip make-up preparations","70"
"3304","330420","EYE MAKE-UP PREPS","Eye make-up preparations","70"
"3304","330430","MANICURE PREPS","Manicure or pedicure preparations","70"
"3304","330491","POWDERS, FOR SKIN","Powders, for skin care and make-up","70"
"3304","330499","SUNTAN, MAKEUP PREP","Beauty, makeup and suntan preparations nes","70"
"3305","330510","HAIR SHAMPOOS","Hair shampoos","70"
"3305","330520","HAIR WAVING PREP","Hair waving or straightening preparations","70"
"3305","330530","HAIR LACQUERS","Hair lacquers","70"
"3305","330590","HAIR PREPS, NESOI","Hair preparations, nes","70"
"3306","330620","DENTAL FLOSS","Dental floss, yarn used to clean between teeth","70"
"3306","330690","DENTAL PREPS, OTHER","Oral & dental hygiene preparations, except dentifrice","70"
"3307","330710","SHAVING PREPS","Pre-shave, shaving and after shaving preparations","70"
"3307","330720","PERSONAL DEODORANTS","Personal deodorants and antiperspirants","70"
"3307","330730","PERFUMED BATH SALTS","Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations","70"
"3307","330741","AGARBATTI, ODORIFERS","Agarbatti, odorifers operated by burning","70"
"3307","330749","ROOM PERFUMING","Room perfuming or deodorizing preparations, nes","70"
"3307","330790","PERFUMERY, PREPS","Perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations, nes","70"
"3401","340111","SOAPS, TOILET, SOLID","Soaps, for toilet use, solid","70"
"3401","340119","SOAPS, OTHER, SOLID","Soaps for purposes other than toilet soap, solid","70"
"3401","340120","SOAPS NES","Soaps nes","70"
"3402","340211","ANIONIC AGENTS","Anionic surface-active agents","70"
"3402","340212","CATIONIC AGENTS","Cationic surface-active agents","70"
"3402","340213","NON-IONIC AGENTS","Non-ionic surface active agents","70"
"3402","340219","ACTIVE AGENTS OTHER","Organic surface-active agents, nes","70"
"3402","340220","WASHING PREPS","Washing and cleaning preparations, retail","70"
"3402","340290","SURFACTANT PREPS","Organic surfactant washing, cleaning preparations nes","70"
"3403","340311","LUBRICANT <70% PETRO","Lubricant <70% petroleum oil, textile or leather use","70"
"3403","340319","LUBRICATING OIL ETC","Lubricating oil etc containing <70% petroleum oil nes","70"
"3403","340391","LUBRICANTS ETC, NO P","Lubricants etc, no petroleum oil, textile, leather us","70"
"3403","340399","LUBRICATING PREPS","Lubricating preparations, zero petroleum content, nes","70"
"3404","340410","WAXES, MOD LIGNITE","Artificial & prepared waxes, of modified lignite","70"
"3404","340420","WAXES, POLYETHYLENE","Artificial and prepared waxes, of polyethylene glycol","70"
"3404","340490","WAXES, OTHER","Artificial and prepared waxes, nes","70"
"3405","340510","POLISHES, LEATHER","Polishes, creams etc. for footwear or leather","70"
"3405","340520","POLISHES, WOOD","Polishes, creams etc. for maintenance of woodwork","70"
"3405","340530","POLISHES, COACH","Polishes etc. for coachwork, except metal polishes","70"
"3405","340540","SCOURING PASTES","Scouring pastes and powders and other scouring preps","70"
"3405","340590","POLISHES, OTHER","Polishes, creams and similar preparations, nes","70"
"3406","340600","CANDLES, TAPERS","Candles, tapers and the like","70"
"3407","340700","MODEL PASTE, DENTAL","Model paste, dental paste and wax, etc.","70"
"3501","350190","CASEIN GLUES","Casein glues, caseinates and other casein derivatives","70"
"3502","350210","EGG ALBUMIN","Egg Albumin","70"
"3502","350211","EGG ALBUMIN, DRIED","Egg albumin, dried","70"
"3502","350219","EGG ALBUMIN, OTHER","Egg albumin, other than dried","70"
"3502","350220","MILK ALBUMIN","Milk albumin, incl concentrates of several proteins","70"
"3502","350290","ALBUMINS NES","Albumins nes, albuminates & other albumin derivatives","70"
"3503","350300","GELATIN & DERIVATIVE","Gelatin & derivatives, isinglass, glues (animal) nes","70"
"3504","350400","PEPTONES, PROTEINS","Peptones, proteins and derivatives, nes, hide powder","70"
"3505","350510","DEXTRINS","Dextrins and other modified starches","70"
"3505","350520","GLUES BASED STARCH","Glues based on starches, or modified starches","70"
"3506","350610","GLUES AND ADHESIVES","Glues and adhesives of all kinds, package <1kg","70"
"3506","350691","ADHESIVES, RUBBER","Adhesives based on rubber or plastic, package >1kg","70"
"3506","350699","GLUES, OTHER","Glues or adhesives, prepared nes, package >1kg","70"
"3507","350710","RENNET","Rennet and concentrates thereof","70"
"3507","350790","ENZYMES NES","Enzymes nes, prepared enzymes nes, except rennet","70"
"3801","380110","ARTIFICIAL GRAPHITE","Artificial graphite","70"
"3801","380120","COLLOIDAL GRAPHITE","Colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite","70"
"3801","380130","CARBONACEOUS PASTES","Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes, furnace linings","70"
"3801","380190","GRAPHITE BASED PROD","Graphite based products nes","70"
"3802","380210","ACTIVATED CARBON","Activated carbon","70"
"3802","380290","ACTIVATED NATURAL","Activated natural mineral products, animal black, nes","70"
"3803","380300","TALL OIL","Tall oil, whether or not refined","70"
"3804","380400","RESIDUAL LYES","Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp","70"
"3805","380510","GUM, WOOD OILS","Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils","55"
"3805","380520","PINE OIL","Pine oil","70"
"3805","380590","TERPENIC OILS NES","Terpenic oils nes, crude dipentene, paracymene","70"
"3806","380610","ROSIN AND RESIN ACID","Rosin and resin acids","70"
"3806","380620","ROSIN SALTS OR RESIN","Rosin salts or resin acid salts","70"
"3806","380630","ESTER GUMS","Ester gums","70"
"3806","380690","RESIN ACIDS AND DERI","Resin acids and derivs nes, rosin derivs nes","70"
"3807","380700","WOOD TAR, TAR OILS","Wood tar, tar oils, creosote, naphtha, veg. pitches","70"
"3808","380810","INSECTICIDES","Insecticides, packaged for retail sale","70"
"3808","380820","FUNGICIDES","Fungicides, packaged for retail sale","70"
"3808","380830","HERBICIDES","Herbicides, sprouting and growth regulators","70"
"3808","380840","DISINFECTANTS","Disinfectants, packaged for retail sale","70"
"3808","380890","PESTICIDES","Pesticides, rodenticides, nes, for retail sale","70"
"3808","380891","INSECTICIDES","Insecticides, packaged for retail sale","70"
"3809","380910","FINISHING AGENTS AMY","Finishing agents & dye carriers, amylaceous","70"
"3809","380991","FINISHING AGENTS TEX","Finishing agents & dye carriers - textile industry","70"
"3809","380992","FINISHING AGENTS PAP","Finishing agents & dye carriers - paper industry","70"
"3809","380993","FINISHING AGENTS LEA","Finishing agents & dye carriers - leather industry","70"
"3809","380999","FINISHING AGENTS","Finishing agents & dye carriers - other","70"
"3810","381010","METAL PICKLING PREPS","Metal pickling preps, solder and brazing flux, etc.","70"
"3810","381090","ELECTRO-WELD ROD","Electro-weld rod cores, coatings, etc.","70"
"3811","381111","ANTI-KNOCK PREP LEAD","Anti-knock preparations based on lead compounds","70"
"3811","381119","ANTI-KNOCK PREP NES","Anti-knock preparations, except lead compounds","70"
"3811","381121","LUBRICATING OIL PETR","Lubricating oil additives with petroleum, bitumen oil","70"
"3811","381129","LUBRICATING OIL NES","Lubricating oil additives, no petroleum, bitumen oils","70"
"3811","381190","OIL ADDITIVES NES","Oil additives nes, oxidation, corrosion, gum inhibito","70"
"3812","381210","RUBBER ACCELERATOR","Prepared rubber accelerators","70"
"3812","381220","COMPOUND PLASTICISER","Compound plasticisers for rubber or plastic, nes","70"
"3812","381230","ANTI-OXIDISERS","Anti-oxidisers and stabilizers for rubber or plastics","70"
"3813","381300","FIRE-EXTIN CHARGES","Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers","70"
"3814","381400","COMPOSITE SOLVENTS","Organic composite solvents, paint, varnish remover et","70"
"3815","381511","SUP CATALY NICKEL","Supported catalysts, nickel based","70"
"3815","381512","SUP CATALY PRE METAL","Supported catalysts, precious metal based","70"
"3815","381519","SUP CATALY OTHER","Supported catalysts, except nickel or precious metal","70"
"3815","381590","REACTION INITIATORS","Reaction initiators, accelerators, catalysts, nes","70"
"3816","381600","REFRACTORY CEMENTS","Refractory cements, mortars, concretes except graphit","70"
"3817","381710","MIXED ALKYLBENZENES","Mixed alkylbenzenes, nes","70"
"3817","381720","MIXED ALKYLNAPHTHALE","Mixed alkylnaphthalenes, nes","70"
"3818","381800","COMPOUND WAFERS","Chemical element/compound wafers doped for electronic","70"
"3819","381900","HYDRAULIC BRAKE","Hydraulic brake, transmission fluid <70% petroleum oi","70"
"3820","382000","ANTI-FREEZING PREP","Anti-freezing preps and prepared de-icing fluids","70"
"3821","382100","CULTURE MEDIA","Prepared culture media for developing micro-organisms","70"
"3822","382200","LAB REAGENTS","Composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents, nes","70"
"3823","382311","STEARIC ACID","Stearic acid","70"
"3823","382312","OLEIC ACID","Oleic acid","70"
"3823","382313","TALL OIL FATTY ACIDS","Tall oil fatty acids","70"
"3823","382319","FATTY ACIDS OTHER","Industrial fatty acids, acid oils nes","46"
"3823","382370","INDUST FATTY ALCOHOL","Industrial fatty alcohols","70"
"3823","382390","CHEMICAL INDUSTRY PRODS","Chemical products and preparations and residual products of the chemical or allied industries,","70"
"3824","382410","PREPARED BINDERS","Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores","70"
"3824","382420","NAPHTHENIC ACIDS","Naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts, esters","70"
"3824","382430","NON-AGGL METAL CARBI","Non-agglomeratd mixed metal carbides","70"
"3824","382440","ADDITIVE CERAMICS","Prepared additives for ceramics, mortars, concretes","70"
"3824","382450","MOTARS","Non-refractory mortars and concretes","70"
"3824","382460","SORBITOL","Sorbitol (other than D-glucitol)","70"
"3824","382471","PERHALOGEN MIXTURES","Mixtures containing perhalogenated acyclics of Cl+F","70"
"3824","382479","PERHALOGEN MIXTURES","Mixtures containing perhalogenated acyclics ex Cl+F","70"
"3824","382490","CHEMICAL/ALLIED PREP","Chemical/allied industry preparations/prods nes","70"
"3901","390110","POLYETHYLENE <0.94","Polyethylene - specific gravity <0.94 in primary form","70"
"3901","390120","POLYETHYLENE >0.94","Polyethylene - specific gravity >0.94 in primary form","70"
"3901","390130","ETHYLENE-VINYL","Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers in primary forms","70"
"3901","390190","POLYMERS OF ETHYLENE","Polymers of ethylene nes, in primary forms","70"
"3902","390210","POLYPROPYLENE","Polypropylene in primary forms","70"
"3902","390220","POLYISOBUTYLENE","Polyisobutylene in primary forms","70"
"3902","390230","PROPYLENE COPOLYMERS","Propylene copolymers in primary forms","70"
"3902","390290","POLYMERS OF PROPYLEN","Polymers of propylene, olefins nes in primary forms","70"
"3903","390311","POLYSTYRENE","Polystyrene, expansible in primary forms","70"
"3903","390319","POLYSTYRENE","Polystyrene, except expansible in primary forms","70"
"3903","390320","STYRENE-ACRYLONITRIL","Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, primary forms","70"
"3903","390330","ACRYLONITRILE","Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers","70"
"3903","390390","POLYMERS OF STYRENE","Polymers of styrene except SAN or ABS in primary form","70"
"3904","390410","POLYVINYL CHLORIDE","Polyvinyl chloride in primary forms","70"
"3904","390421","POLYVINYL CHLORIDE","Polyvinyl chloride nes, not plasticised, primary form","70"
"3904","390422","POLYVINYL CHLORIDE","Polyvinyl chloride nes, plasticised in primary forms","70"
"3904","390430","VINYL CHLORIDE-VINYL","Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers, primary form","70"
"3904","390440","VINYL CHLORIDE COPOL","Vinyl chloride copolymers nes in primary forms","70"
"3904","390450","VINYLIDENE CHLORIDE","Vinylidene chloride polymers in primary forms","70"
"3904","390461","POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYL","Polytetrafluoroethylene in primary forms","70"
"3904","390469","FLUORO-POLYMERS NES","Fluoro-polymers nes in primary forms","70"
"3904","390490","POLYMERS OF VINYL","Polymers of vinyl chloride & halogenated olefins nes","70"
"3905","390512","POLYVINYL ACETATE","Polyvinyl acetate, in aqueous dispersion","70"
"3905","390519","POLYVINYL ACETATE","Polyvinyl acetate except aqueous dispersion, primary","70"
"3905","390521","VINYL ACETATE","Vinyl acetate copolymers in aquous solution","70"
"3905","390529","VINYL ACETATE","Vinyl acetate copolymers, except aqueous solutions","70"
"3905","390530","POLYVINYL ALCOHOL","Polyvinyl alcohol (incl. w. unhydrolysed acetate g)","70"
"3905","390591","COPOLYMERS OF VINYL","Copolymers of vinyl","70"
"3905","390599","POLYMERS OF VINYL","Polymers of vinyl acetate, vinyl esters, nes","70"
"3906","390610","POLYMETHYL METHACRYL","Polymethyl methacrylate, in primary forms","70"
"3906","390690","ACRYLIC POLYMERS NES","Acrylic polymers nes, in primary forms","70"
"3907","390710","POLYACETALS","Polyacetals, in primary forms","70"
"3907","390720","POLYETHERS NES","Polyethers nes, in primary forms","70"
"3907","390730","EPOXIDE RESINS","Epoxide resins, in primary forms","70"
"3907","390740","POLYCARBONATES","Polycarbonates, in primary forms","70"
"3907","390750","ALKYD RESINS","Alkyd resins, in primary forms","70"
"3907","390760","POLYETHYLENE","Polyethylene terephthalate, in primary forms","70"
"3907","390791","POLYESTERS NES","Polyesters nes, unsaturated, in primary forms","70"
"3907","390799","POLYESTERS NES","Polyesters nes, in primary forms","70"
"3908","390810","POLYAMIDE","Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12","70"
"3908","390890","POLYAMIDES NES","Polyamides nes, in primary forms","70"
"3909","390910","UREA RESINS","Urea resins, thiourea resins, in primary forms","70"
"3909","390920","MELAMINE RESINS","Melamine resins, in primary forms","70"
"3909","390930","AMINO-RESINS NES","Amino-resins nes, in primary forms","70"
"3909","390940","PHENOLIC RESINS","Phenolic resins, in primary forms","70"
"3909","390950","POLYURETHANES","Polyurethanes in primary forms","70"
"3910","391000","SILICONES","Silicones in primary forms","70"
"3911","391110","PETROLEUM RESINS","Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene, polyterpenes","70"
"3911","391190","POLYSULPHIDES","Polysulphides, polysulphones etc, nes in primary form","70"
"3912","391211","CELLULOSE ACETATES","Cellulose acetates, non-plasticised, in primary forms","70"
"3912","391212","CELLULOSE ACETATES","Cellulose acetates, plasticised, in primary forms","70"
"3912","391220","CELLULOSE NITRATES","Cellulose nitrates, collodions, in primary forms","70"
"3912","391231","CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULO","Carboxymethylcellulose, salts, in primary forms","70"
"3912","391239","CELLULOSE ETHERS NES","Cellulose ethers nes, in primary forms","70"
"3912","391290","CELLULOSE DERIVATIVE","Cellulose derivatives nes, in primary forms","70"
"3913","391310","ALGINIC ACID","Alginic acid, its salts & esters, in primary forms","70"
"3913","391390","POLYMERS, NATURAL","Polymers, natural or modified nes in primary forms ne","70"
"3914","391400","ION EXCHANGERS","Ion exchangers based on polymers in primary forms","70"
"3915","391510","POLYETHYLENE WASTE","Polyethylene waste or scrap","70"
"3915","391520","POLYSTYRENE WASTE","Polystyrene waste or scrap","70"
"3915","391530","POLYVINYL CHLORIDE","Polyvinyl chloride waste or scrap","70"
"3915","391590","PLASTICS WASTE NES","Plastics waste or scrap nes","70"
"3916","391610","MONOFILAMENT ETHYL","Monofilament(>1mm), rods, etc, ethylene polymers","70"
"3916","391620","MONOFILAMENT VINYL","Monofilament(>1mm), rods, etc, vinyl-chloride polymer","70"
"3916","391690","MONOFILAMENT OTHER","Monofilament(>1mm), rods,not ethylene or vinyl polyme","70"
"3917","391710","SAUSAGE CASINGS","Sausage casings of hardened protein, cellulose","70"
"3917","391721","TUBE, PIPE POLYETHY","Tube, pipe or hose, rigid, of polyethylene","70"
"3917","391722","TUBE, PIPE POLYPROP","Tube, pipe or hose, rigid, of polypropylene","70"
"3917","391723","TUBE, PIPE POLYVINY","Tube, pipe or hose, rigid, of polyvinyl chloride","70"
"3917","391729","PLASTIC TUBE NES","Plastic tube, pipe or hose, rigid, nes","70"
"3917","391731","PLASTIC TUBE, FLEX","Plastic tube, pipe or hose, flexible, mbp >27.6 MPa","70"
"3917","391732","PLAST TUBE FLEX NOFT","Flexible plastic tube/hose not reinforced, no fitting","70"
"3917","391733","PLAST TUBE FLEX FIT","Flexible plastic tube/hose with fitting not reinforce","70"
"3917","391739","PLAST TUBE FLEX NES","Plastic tube, pipe or hose, flexible, nes","70"
"3917","391740","FITTINGS PLAST TUBE","Fittings for plastic tube, pipe or hose","70"
"3918","391810","FLOOR COVER VINYL","Floor, wall, ceiling cover, roll, tile, vinyl chlorid","70"
"3918","391890","FLOOR COVER OTHER","Floor/wall/ceiling cover, roll/tile not vinyl chlorid","70"
"3919","391910","ADHES PLATES <20CM","Self-adhesive plastic, rolls <20cm wide","70"
"3919","391990","ADHES PLATES >20CM","Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, plastic, w >20cm","70"
"3920","392010","SHEET/FILM ETHYLENE","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polymers of ethylene","70"
"3920","392020","SHEET/FILM PROPYLENE","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polymers of propylene","70"
"3920","392030","SHEET/FILM STYRENE","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polymers of styrene","70"
"3920","392041","SHEET/FILM POLYMER","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf rigid vinyl polymer","70"
"3920","392042","SHEET/FILM VINYL POL","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf flexible vinyl polymer","70"
"3920","392051","SHEET/FILM POLYMETHY","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polymethyl methacrylate","70"
"3920","392059","SHEET/FILM ACRYLIC","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf acrylic polymers nes","70"
"3920","392061","SHEET/FILM POLYCARBO","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polycarbonates","70"
"3920","392062","SHEET/FILM POLYETHYL","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polyethylene terephthal","70"
"3920","392063","SHEET/FILM UNSAT POL","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf unsaturated polyesters","70"
"3920","392069","SHEET/FILM POLYESTER","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polyesters nes","70"
"3920","392071","SHEET/FILM CELLULOSE","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf regenerated cellulose","70"
"3920","392072","SHEET/FILM RUBBER","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf vulcanised rubber","70"
"3920","392073","SHEET/FILM ACETATE","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf cellulose acetate","70"
"3920","392079","SHEET/FILM CELL DERV","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf cellulose derivs nes","70"
"3920","392091","SHEET/FILM BUTYRAL","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polyvinyl butyral","70"
"3920","392092","SHEET/FILM POLYAMIDE","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf polyamides","70"
"3920","392093","SHEET/FILM AMINO","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf amino-resins","70"
"3920","392094","SHEET/FILM PHENOLIC","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf phenolic resins","70"
"3920","392099","SHEET/FILM OTHER","Sheet/film not cellular/reinf plastics nes","70"
"3921","392111","SHEET ETC, POLYMERS","Sheet etc, cellular of polymers of styrene","70"
"3921","392112","SHEET ETC, VINYL","Sheet etc, cellular of polymers of vinyl chloride","70"
"3921","392113","SHEET ETC, POLYURETH","Sheet etc, cellular of polyurethane","70"
"3921","392114","SHEET ETC, REGEN CEL","Sheet etc, cellular of regenerated cellulose","70"
"3921","392119","SHEET ETC, OTHER","Sheet etc, cellular of plastics nes","70"
"3921","392190","PLASTIC SHEET, NESOI","Plastic sheet, film, foil or strip, nes","88"
"3922","392210","BATHS, BASINS","Baths, shower-baths and wash basins, of plastics","70"
"3922","392220","LAVATORY SEATS","Lavatory seats and covers of plastics","70"
"3922","392290","BATHROOM WARES NES","Bathroom wares nes, of plastics","70"
"3923","392310","BOXES, CASES, CRATES","Boxes, cases, crates etc. of plastic","70"
"3923","392321","SACKS & BAGS","Sacks & bags (including cones) of polymers of ethylen","70"
"3923","392329","PLASTIC SACKS, BAGS","Plastic sacks, bags, cone except of ethylene polymers","70"
"3923","392330","PLASTIC BOTTLES","Plastic carboys, bottles and flasks, etc","70"
"3923","392340","PLASTIC SPOOLS","Plastic spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports","70"
"3923","392350","PLASTIC STOPPERS","Plastic stoppers, lids, caps and other closures","70"
"3923","392390","PLASTIC PACKING","Plastic articles for goods conveyance or packing nes","70"
"3924","392410","PLASTIC TABLE","Plastic table and kitchen ware","70"
"3924","392490","PLASTIC HOUSEHOLD","Plastic household, toilet articles not table, kitchen","70"
"3925","392510","PLASTIC RESERVOIRS","Plastic reservoirs, tanks, vats, etc, capacity <300l","70"
"3925","392520","PLASTIC DOORS","Plastic doors and windows and frames thereof","70"
"3925","392530","PLASTIC SHUTTERS","Plastic shutters and blinds (including Venetian)","70"
"3925","392590","PLASTIC BUILD WARE","Plastic builders ware nes                            
"3926","392610","PLASTIC OFFICE AND S","Plastic office and school articles and supplies","70"
"3926","392620","PLASTIC APPAREL","Plastic apparel and clothing accessories","70"
"3926","392630","PLASTIC FITTINGS","Plastic fittings for furniture, coachwork, etc","70"
"3926","392640","PLASTIC STATUETTES","Plastic statuettes and other ornamental articles","70"
"3926","392690","PLASTIC ART OTHER","Plastic articles nes","70"
"4001","400110","NATURAL RUBBER LATEX","Natural rubber latex, including prevulcanised","70"
"4001","400121","NATURAL RUBBER SMOKE","Natural rubber in smoked sheets","70"
"4001","400122","NATURAL RUBBER TSNR","Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR)","70"
"4001","400129","NATURAL RUBBER NES","Natural rubber in other forms","70"
"4001","400130","BALATA","Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar gum","70"
"4002","400211","STY RUBBER LATEX","Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR/XSBR) latex","70"
"4002","400219","STY RUBBER OTHER","Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR/XSBR) except latex","70"
"4002","400220","BUTADIENE RUBBER","Butadiene rubber (BR)","70"
"4002","400231","ISOBUTENE RUBBER","Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (IIR)","70"
"4002","400239","HALO-ISOBUTENE RUBBE","Halo-isobutene-isoprene rubber (CIIR/BIIR)","70"
"4002","400241","CHLO RUBBER LATEX","Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber (CR) latex","70"
"4002","400249","CHLO RUBBER OTHER","Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber (CR) except late","70"
"4002","400251","ACRY RUBBER LATEX","Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), latex","70"
"4002","400259","ACRY RUBBER OTHER","Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) except as latex","70"
"4002","400260","ISOPRENE RUBBER","Isoprene rubber (IR)","70"
"4002","400270","ETHYLENE RUBBER","Ethylene-propylene-non-conj diene rubber (EPDM)","70"
"4002","400280","MIXTURES OF RUBBER","Mixtures of natural and synthetic rubbers","70"
"4002","400291","SYNTHETIC RUBBER","Synthetic rubber or factice latex from oils, nes","70"
"4002","400299","SYNTHETIC RUBBER NES","Synthetic rubber, factice except latex from oils, nes","70"
"4003","400300","RECLAIMED RUBBER","Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in sheets","70"
"4004","400400","RUBBER WASTE","Rubber waste, parings and scrap (except hard rubber)","70"
"4005","400510","COMPOUNDED RUBBER","Compounded (carbon black, silica) unvulcanised rubber","70"
"4005","400520","RUBBER SOLUTIONS","Rubber solutions, dispersions nes","70"
"4005","400591","COMP RUBBER PLATE","Compounded unvulcanised rubber in plate, sheet, strip","70"
"4005","400599","COMP RUBBER OTHER","Compounded unvulcanised rubber in primary forms nes","70"
"4006","400610","CAMEL-BACK STRIPS","Camel-back strips for retreading rubber tyres","70"
"4006","400690","RUBBER UNVUL OTHER","Rubber unvulcanised as rods, tubes, profiles, etc","70"
"4007","400700","RUBBER THREAD VULCAN","Vulcanised rubber thread and cord","70"
"4008","400811","PLATE, VUL CELL RUBB","Plate, sheet, strip of vulcanised cellular rubber","70"
"4008","400819","ROD  VUL CELL RUBBER","Rod and profile shapes of vulcanised cellular rubber","70"
"4008","400821","PLATE, VUL NONCELL","Plate, sheet, strip of vulcanised non-cellular rubber","70"
"4008","400829","RODS, VUL NONCELL","Rods, profile shapes of vulcanised non-cellular rubbe","70"
"4011","401161","NEW TIRES HERRING BONE","New pneumatic tires or rubber, herring-bone or similar tread, used on ag or foresty vehicles","78"
"4011","401191","TIRES, HERRING","New pneumatic tires, of rubber, Having a herring-bone or similar tread","78"
"4011","401192","NEW TIRES,USED ON AG MACH","New pneumatic tires, of rubber, of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines","78"
"4011","401199","TIRES, OTHER","New Pneumatic tires, of rubber, not herring-bone","78"
"4012","401210","RETREADED TIRES","Retreaded Tires","78"
"4012","401219","RETREADED TIRES","Retreaded tires of rubber, nesoi","78"
"4012","401220","TIRES, USED","Used pneumatic tires","78"
"4013","401390","INNER TUBES","Inner tubes, of rubber, other","78"
"4101","410110","BOVINE SKINS, WHOLE","Bovine skins, whole, raw","80"
"4101","410120","HIDES/SKIN, <=8KG WHOLE","Whole hides/skins, wt/skin <=8kg dried,10kg dry-salted, 16kg fresh, wet-salted or preserved, bov/eq","88"
"4101","410121","BOVINE HIDES, WHOLE","Bovine hides, whole, fresh or wet-salted","80"
"4101","410122","BOVINE BUTTS, BENDS","Butts and bends, bovine, fresh or wet-salted","70"
"4101","410129","HIDE SECT, BOVINE","Hide sections, bovine, nes, fresh or wet-salted","70"
"4101","410130","BOVINE HIDES, OTHER","Bovine hides, raw, nes","80"
"4101","410140","EQUINE HIDES, OTHER","Equine hides and skins, raw","80"
"4101","410150","HIDES/SKINS, >16KG WHOLE","Whole hides/skins, weight >16 kg, or bovine/equine animals, whether or not dehaired or split","88"
"4101","410190","BUTTS/BELLIES BOVINE/EQUN","Raw hides,nesoi including butts, bends/bellies of bovine/equine animals","88"
"4102","410210","SHEEP SKINS, WOOL ON","Sheep or lamb skins, raw, wool on, except Persian etc","80"
"4102","410221","SHEEP SKINS, NO WOOL","Sheep or lamb skins, pickled, without wool","80"
"4102","410229","SHEEP SKINS, OTHER","Sheep or lamb skins, raw, except pickled, no wool","80"
"4103","410310","GOAT OR KID HIDES","Goat or kid hides and skins, raw, nes","80"
"4103","410320","REPTILE SKINS, RAW","Reptile skins, raw","80"
"4103","410330","HIDED/SKINS, SWINE","Swine raw hides/skin (not pretanned, fresh or salted, dried, limed, pickled or preserved","88"
"4103","410390","RAW HIDE/SKINS NES","Raw hide/skins except bovine/equine/sheep/goat/reptil","80"
"4104","410410","BOVINE SKIN LEATHER","Bovine skin leather, whole","88"
"4104","410411","HIDE/SKIN, BOV/EQ, WET","Tanned/crust hides/skins of bv/eq w/o hair on, full grains, unsplit; grain split; in the wet state","88"
"4104","410419","HIDE/SKIN, BOC/EQ WET NES","Tanned/crust hides/skins of bovine/equines, w/o hair on, in the wet state, nesoi","88"
"4104","410421","BOVINE LEATHER, VEGE","Bovine leather, vegetable pre-tanned except whole ski","88"
"4104","410422","BOVINE LEATHER, PRE","Bovine leather, otherwise pre-tanned except whole ski","88"
"4104","410429","BOVINE LEATHER, TAN","Bovine and equine leather, tanned or retanned, nes","88"
"4104","410431","BOVINE LEATHER, FULL","Bovine and equine leather, full or split grain, nes","88"
"4104","410439","BOVINE LEATHER, NES","Bovine and equine leather, nes","70"
"4104","410441","HIDE/SKIN, BOV/EQ, DRY","Tanned/crust hides/skins of bv/eq, w/o hair on, full grains, unsplit; grain splits, in the dry state","88"
"4104","410449","HIDE/SKIN, BOV/EQ DRY NES","Tanned/crust hides/skins of bovine/equine animals, w/o hair on, in the dry state, nesoi","88"
"4105","410510","SHEEP/LAMB SKIN, WET","Sheep/lamb skin, tanned, wet state (including wet-blue), no wool on , split/unsplt, not prepared","88"
"4105","410511","SHEEP LEATHER, VEG","Sheep or lamb skin leather, vegetable pre-tanned","88"
"4105","410512","SHEEP LEATHER, PRE","Sheep or lamb skin leather, otherwise pre-tanned","88"
"4105","410519","SHEEP LEATHER, TAN","Sheep or lamb skin leather, tanned or retanned, nes","88"
"4105","410520","SHEEP LEATHER, NES","Sheep or lamb skin leather, nes","88"
"4105","410530","SHEEP/LAMB SKIN, DRY","Sheep or lamb crust skin, without wool on, in the dry state, whether or not split, not prepared","88"
"4106","410611","GOAT LEATHER, VEG","Goat or kid skin leather, vegetable pre-tanned","88"
"4106","410612","GOAT LEATHER, PRE","Goat or kid skin leather, otherwise pre-tanned","88"
"4106","410619","GOAT LEATHER, TAN","Goat or kid skin leather, tanned or retanned, nes","88"
"4106","410620","GOAT LEATHER, NES","Goat or kid skin leather, nes","88"
"4106","410621","GOAT/KID SKIN, WET","Goat/kid tanned skins (including wet-blue), wet state, no wool on, whether or not split, not prep","88"
"4106","410622","GOAT OR KID SKIN, DRY","Goat or kid crusted skins, without wool on, dry state, whether or not split, but not prepared","88"
"4106","410631","SWINE SKIN, WET","Swine tanned skins (including wet-blue), wet state, no wool on, whether ornot split, not prepared","88"
"4106","410632","SWINE SKINS, DRY","Swine crusted skins, without wool on, dry state, whether or not split, but not further prepared","88"
"4106","410640","REPTILE SKINS, TANNED","Reptile skins, tanned or crusts, whether or not split, but not further prepared","88"
"4106","410691","TANNED SKINS, WET, NES","Tanned animal skins, nesoi, wet state (including wet-blue), no wool on, split/unsplt, not prepared","88"
"4106","410692","CRUST SKINS, DRY, NES","Crust animal skins, nesoi, dry state, no wool or hair on, whether or not split, but not prepared","88"
"4107","410710","SWINE LEATHER","Swine leather","88"
"4107","410711","HIDE/SKIN, LEATHER, SPLT","Whole hides/skins leather, full grains, unsplit, prep after tan/crust, of bv/eq animals, not 4114","88"
"4107","410712","HIDE/SKIN, LEATHER, UNSPT","Whole hides/skins leather, full grains, grain split, preped after tan/crust, bv/eq, w/o hair,nt 4114","88"
"4107","410719","HIDE/SKIN, BV/EQ, PREP","Whole hides/sknis, full grains, nesoi, preped after tan/crust, bovine/equine, w/o hr, not 4114","88"
"4107","410721","REPTILE LEATHER, VEG","Reptile leather, vegetable pre-tanned","88"
"4107","410729","REPTILE LEATHER, OTH","Reptile leather, other than vegetable pre-tanned","88"
"4107","410790","LEATHER, ONESOI","Leather, of animals nes","88"
"4107","410791","LTR,NESOI, UNSPLIT, BV/EQ","Leather,nesoi, sides full grains, unsplit, prep after tan/crust, bovine/equine, not of head 4114","88"
"4107","410792","LTR,NESOI, SPLIT, BV/EQ","Leather, nes, sides full grains, grain split, preped after tan/crust, bovine/equine, w/o hr, nt 4114","88"
"4107","410799","LTR,NESOI, PREP, BV/EQ","Leather, other, sides, preped after tan/crust, bovine/equine, w/o hair on, nt of hd 4114,nesoi","88"
"4108","410800","CHAMOIS LEATHER","Chamois (including combination chamois) leather","88"
"4109","410900","PATENT LEATHER","Patent leather, metallised leather","88"
"4110","411000","LEATHER WASTE","Parings and other waste of leather","70"
"4111","411100","COMPOSITION LEATHER","Composition leather, in slabs, sheets or strip","70"
"4112","411200","LTR, SHEEP/LAMB, PREP","Leather prepared after tan/crust, parchment-dressed, sheep/lamb,w/o wool on,split/unsplt, nt 4114","88"
"4113","411310","LTR, GOAT/KIDS, PREP","Leather prepared after tan/crust, parchment-dressed, goats/kids, w/o hair on, split/unsplt, nt 4114","88"
"4113","411320","LTR, SWINE, PREP","Swine leather prepared after tan/crust, parchment-dressed, w/o hair on, split/unsplt, nesoi","88"
"4113","411330","LTR, REPTILE, PREP","Reptile leather prepared after tan/crust, parchment-dressed, w/o hair on, split/unsplt, nesoi","88"
"4113","411390","LTR, ANIMAL, PREP","Leather of animals, nesoi, prepared after tan/crust, parchment-dressed, w/o hair on, split/unsplt","88"
"4114","411410","CHAMOIS LEATHER","Chamois (including combination chamois) leather","88"
"4114","411420","PATENT LEATHER","Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallized leather","88"
"4115","411510","COMPOSITION LEATHER","Composition leather, basis of leather fiber, in slabs, sheets or strips, whether or not in rolls","70"
"4115","411520","LEATHER WASTE","Parings, waste or compsition leather, not suitable for the manufacture, dust; powder and flour","70"
"4201","420100","SADDLERY AND HARNESS","Saddlery and harness, of any material","95"
"4202","420211","TRUNKS, OUT LEATHER","Trunks, suit-cases/etc, outer surface leather","78"
"4202","420212","TRUNKS, OUT PLASTIC","Trunks, suit-cases, etc, outer surface plastic/textil","78"
"4202","420219","TRUNKS, OUT OTHER","Trunks, suit-cases and similar containers, outer nes","78"
"4202","420221","HANDBAGS, LEATHER","Handbags with outer surface of leather","78"
"4202","420222","HANDBAGS, PLASTIC","Handbags with outer surface plastics, textile materia","78"
"4202","420229","HANDBAGS, FIBRE","Handbags, of vulcanised fibre or paperboard","78"
"4202","420231","ART HANDBAG LEATHER","Articles for pocket or handbag, leather outer surface","78"
"4202","420232","ART HANDBAG PLASTIC","Articles for pocket or handbag, plastic, textile oute","78"
"4202","420239","ART HANDBAG OTHER","Articles for pocket or handbag, nes","78"
"4202","420291","CONTAINERS LEATHER","Containers nes, outer surface of leather","78"
"4202","420292","CONTAINERS PLASTIC","Containers nes, outer surface plastic or textile","78"
"4202","420299","CASES OTHER","Gun, musical instrument, camera, etc cases, nes","78"
"4203","420310","APPAREL LEATHER","Articles of apparel of leather or composition leather","78"
"4203","420321","LEATHER, GLOVES","Leather, composition sports gloves, mittens and mitts","78"
"4203","420329","LEATHER, GLOVES","Leather, composition gloves & mittens except sports","100"
"4203","420330","LEATHER, BELTS","Belts and bandoliers of leather or composition leathe","95"
"4203","420340","CLOTHING, LEATH NES","Clothing accessories nes, of leather or composition","95"
"4204","420400","LEATHER, TECHNICAL","Articles of leather & composition for technical uses","47"
"4205","420500","LEATHER, OTHER","Articles of leather and composition leather, nes","95"
"4206","420600","CATGUT, ARTICLES","CATGUT, ARTICLES","95"
"4206","420610","ARTICLES OF CATGUT","Articles of catgut","60"
"4206","420690","ARTICLES OF GUT, NES","Articles of gut, goldbeater skin, bladder, tendons ne","95"
"4301","430110","RAW MINK FURSKINS","Raw mink furskins, whole","78"
"4301","430120","RAW RABBIT FURSKINS","Raw rabbit or hare furskins, whole","78"
"4301","430130","RAW LAMB FURSKINS","Raw Persian and similar lamb furskins, whole","78"
"4301","430140","RAW BEAVER FURSKINS","Raw beaver furskins, whole","78"
"4301","430150","RAW MUSK-RAT FURSKIN","Raw musk-rat furskins, whole","78"
"4301","430160","RAW FOX FURSKINS","Raw fox furskins, whole","78"
"4301","430170","RAW SEAL FURSKINS","Raw seal furskins, whole","78"
"4301","430180","RAW FURSKINS OTHER","Raw furskins of other animals, whole","78"
"4301","430190","RAW FURSKIN PIECES","Raw furskin pieces (e.g. heads, tails, paws)","95"
"4302","430211","TANNED, MINK","Tanned or dressed mink furskins, whole, unassembled","78"
"4302","430212","TANNED, RABBIT","Tanned, dressed rabbit, hare skins, whole, unassemble","78"
"4302","430213","TANNED, LAMB","Tanned,dressed Persian/etc lambskin, whole,unassemble","78"
"4302","430219","TANNED, OTHER","Tanned,dressed whole furs except lamb/mink/rabbit/har","78"
"4302","430220","TANNED, PIECES","Tanned or dressed furskin pieces (heads, tails, paws)","95"
"4302","430230","TANNED, PIECES","Tanned or dressed whole furskins and pieces, assemble","95"
"4303","430310","APPAREL, FURSKIN","Articles of apparel & clothing accessories of furskin","78"
"4303","430390","FURSKIN, OTHER","Articles of furskin except clothing and accessories","95"
"4304","430400","ARTIFICIAL FUR","Artificial fur and articles thereof","95"
"4401","440110","FUEL WOOD","Fuel wood","70"
"4401","440121","WOOD IN CHIPS, CONIF","Wood in chips, coniferous","70"
"4401","440122","WOOD IN CHIPS, NON-C","Wood in chips, non-coniferous","70"
"4401","440130","SAWDUST, WOOD WASTE","Sawdust, wood waste or scrap","70"
"4402","440200","WOOD CHARCOAL","Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal)","70"
"4402","440290","WOOD CHARCOAL","Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal)","70"
"4403","440310","POLES, TREATED","Poles, treated or painted with preservatives","26"
"4403","440320","LOGS, POLES, CONIFER","Logs, poles, coniferous not treated or painted","26"
"4403","440331","LOGS, MERANTI","Tropical dark red meranti, light red meranti and meranti bakau wood in the rough, whether or n","26"
"4403","440332","LOGS, LAUAN, SERAYA","Tropical white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti and alan wood in the rough,","26"
"4403","440333","LOGS, KERUING, RAMIN","Tropical keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong and kempas wood in the rough,","26"
"4403","440334","LOGS, OKOUME, OBECHE","Tropical okoume, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'afrique, makore and iroko wood in the rough,","26"
"4403","440335","LOGS, TIAMA, MANSONIA","Tropical tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibetou, limba and azobe wood in the rough, whether or not s","26"
"4403","440341","LOGS, MERANTI RED","Logs, Meranti red(dark, light, bakau) in rough","26"
"4403","440349","LOGS, TROPICAL","Logs, tropical hardwoods nes","26"
"4403","440391","LOGS, OAK","Logs, Oak (Quercus spp)","26"
"4403","440392","LOGS, BEECH","Logs, Beech (Fagus spp)","26"
"4403","440399","LOGS, NON-CONIFEROUS","Logs, non-coniferous nes","78"
"4404","440410","POLES, PILES ETC","Poles, piles etc, coniferous, pointed but not sawn","70"
"4404","440420","POLES, PILES NON-CON","Poles, piles etc, non-coniferous, pointed, not sawn","70"
"4405","440500","WOOD WOOL/FLOUR","Wood wool, wood flour","70"
"4406","440610","TIES, WOOD, NOT IMPR","Ties, railway or tramway, wood not impregnated","26"
"4406","440690","TIES, WOOD, IMPREGNA","Ties, railway or tramway, impregnated wood","26"
"4407","440710","LUMBER, CONIFEROUS","Lumber, coniferous (softwood) thickness <6mm","26"
"4407","440721","LUMBER, MERANTI RED/WHITE","Tropical wood sawn etc., meranti (white to dark red), white lauan and seraya, alan, keruing, r","26"
"4407","440722","LUMBER, OKOUME, OBECHE","Tropical wood sawn etc., okoume, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'afrique, makore, iroko, tiama","26"
"4407","440723","LUMBER, BABOEN, MAHOGANY","Tropical wood sawn etc., baboen, mahogany (swietenia spp.), imbuia and balsa, sliced or peeled","26"
"4407","440724","LUMBER, VIROLA","Lumber, Virola, Mahogany, Imbuia, Balsa, sawn >6mm","26"
"4407","440725","LUMBER, MERANTI","Lumber, Meranti (red, bakau) sawn lengthwise >6mm","26"
"4407","440726","LUMBER, MERANTI NES","Lumber, Meranti nes, Lauan, Seraya, alan sawn >6mm","26"
"4407","440729","LUMBER, TROPICAL","Lumber, tropical hardwood nes, sawn lengthwise >6mm","26"
"4407","440791","LUMBER, OAK","Lumber, Oak (Quercus spp) cut lengthwise >6mm","26"
"4407","440792","LUMBER, BEECH","Lumber, Beech (Fagus spp) cut lengthwise >6mm","26"
"4407","440799","LUMBER, NON-CONIFERO","Lumber, non-coniferous nes, cut lengthwise >6mm","26"
"4408","440810","VENEER, CONIFEROUS","Veneer or ply sheet, coniferous (softwood) <6mm thick","95"
"4408","440820","VENEER, TROPICAL","Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, etc. whether or not planed, etc., not over 6 mm (.236 in","95"
"4408","440831","VENEER, MERANTI RED","Veneer, Meranti Red(dark red, light red, bakau) <6mm","88"
"4408","440839","VENEER, TROPICAL","Veneer, tropical woods nes, <6mm thick","88"
"4408","440890","SAWN SHEET WOOD NES","Sawn sheet wood nes, <6mm thick","95"
"4409","440910","CONIFEROUS WOOD SHAP","Coniferous wood continuously shaped along any edges","88"
"4409","440920","NON-CONIFER WOOD SHA","Non-conifer wood continuously shaped along any edges","26"
"4410","441010","PARTICLE BOARD, WOOD","Particle board and similar board of wood, whether or not agglomerated with resins or other org","26"
"4410","441011","WAFERBOARD","Waferboard, including oriented strand board of wood","26"
"4410","441019","PARTICLE BOARD WOOD","Particle board of wood nes","26"
"4410","441021","WAFERBOARD, UNWORKED","Oriented strand/waferboard of wood, unworked or not further worked than sanded","26"
"4410","441029","WAFERBOARD, NESOI","Oriented strand board/waferboard, of wood, nesoi","26"
"4410","441031","PARTICLE BOARD, UNWORKED","Particle/similar board of wood,unworked or not further worked than sanded","26"
"4410","441032","PARTICLE BOARD, MALAMINE","Particle/similar board of wood, surface-covered w/ melamine-impregnated paper","26"
"4410","441033","PARTICLE BOARD, LAMINATES","Particle/similar board of wood, surface-covered with decorative laminates of plastic","26"
"4410","441039","PARTICLE BOARD, NESOI","Particle board, ligneous materials, nt wood, w/n agglomerated resins/other organic binding substance","26"
"4410","441090","PARTICLE BOARD LIGNE","Particle board of ligneous materials except wood","26"
"4411","441111","FIBREBOARD NOT WORK","Fibreboard >0.8g/cm2 not worked or surface covered","26"
"4411","441119","FIBREBOARD WORKED","Fibreboard >0.8g/cm2 worked/surface covered","26"
"4411","441121","FIBREBOARD NOT WORK","Fibreboard 0.5 - 0.8g/cm2 not worked/surface covered","26"
"4411","441129","FIBREBOARD WORKED","Fibreboard 0.5 - 0.8g/cm2 worked/surface covered","26"
"4411","441131","FIBREBOARD NOT WORK","Fibreboard 0.35- 0.5g/cm2 not worked/surface covered","26"
"4411","441139","FIBREBOARD WORKED","Fibreboard 0.35- 0.5g/cm2 worked/surface covered","26"
"4411","441191","FIBREBOARD NES","Fibreboard nes not worked or surface covered nes","26"
"4411","441199","FIBREBOARD NES, WORK","Fibreboard nes, worked or surface covered","26"
"4412","441210","PLYWOOD, BAMBOO","Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood: of bamboo","26"
"4412","441211","PLYWOOD, TROPICAL","Plywood with at least one outer ply of tropical woods, consisting solely of sheets of wood, ea","26"
"4412","441212","PLYWOOD, NON-CONIFER","Plywood with at least one outer ply of nonconiferous wood other than tropical wood, consisting","26"
"4412","441213","PLYWOOD, TROPICAL","Plywood, outer ply of tropical hardwood, ply <6mm","26"
"4412","441214","PLYWOOD, NON-CONIFER","Plywood, outer ply of non-conifer wood nes,ply <6mm","26"
"4412","441219","PLYWOOD, SOFTWOOD","Plywood, all softwood, each ply <6mm thick","26"
"4412","441221","PANELS, NON-CONIFER","Plywood nesoi, veneered panels and similar laminated wood with at least one outer ply of nonco","26"
"4412","441222","PANELS, TROPICAL","Panels, outer ply non-conifer + ply tropical wood","26"
"4412","441223","PANELS, PARTICLE","Panels, outer ply non-conifer + particle board","26"
"4412","441229","PANELS NES, NON-CONF","Panels nes, outer ply non-coniferous wood","26"
"4412","441291","PANELS, CONIFER","Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, nesoi, containing at least one layer of p","26"
"4412","441292","PANELS NES, TROPICAL","Panels nes, 1 ply tropicical hardwood","26"
"4412","441293","PANELS NES, PARTICLE","Panels nes, 1 layer particle board","26"
"4412","441299","PANELS, LAMINATED","Panels, laminated wood, nes","26"
"4413","441300","DENSIFIED WOOD","Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile","70"
"4414","441400","WOODEN FRAMES","Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors etc","78"
"4415","441510","WOODEN CASES","Wooden cases, boxes, crates, drums and containers","78"
"4415","441520","WOODEN PALLETS","Wooden pallets, box pallets and load boards","78"
"4416","441600","WOODEN CASKS","Wooden casks, barrels, vats, tubs, etc.","78"
"4417","441700","TOOLS, BROOM HANDLES","Tools, broom handles,bodies, etc, of wood","70"
"4418","441810","WINDOWS","Windows, French-windows, frames, of wood","78"
"4418","441820","DOORS, FRAMES","Doors, frames and thresholds, of wood","78"
"4418","441830","PARQUET PANELS","Parquet panels and tiles, of wood","88"
"4418","441840","SHUTTERING","Shuttering for concrete constructional work, of wood","70"
"4418","441850","SHINGLES AND SHAKES","Shingles and shakes, of wood","87"
"4418","441860","BUILDERS JOINERY","Builders joinery and carpentry of wood nes","70"
"4418","441890","BUILDERS JOINERY","Builders joinery and carpentry of wood nes           
"4419","441900","TABLEWARE WOOD","Tableware and kitchenware, of wood","70"
"4420","442010","STATUETTES","Statuettes and other ornaments of wood","70"
"4420","442090","WOOD MARQUETRY","Wood marquetry, laid; caskets & cases for jewels, etc","78"
"4421","442110","CLOTHES HANGERS","Clothes hangers of wood","70"
"4421","442190","WOODEN ARTICLES NES","Wooden articles nes","78"
"4501","450110","NATURAL CORK, RAW","Natural cork, raw or simply prepared","70"
"4501","450190","WASTE CORK, CRUSHED","Waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground","70"
"4502","450200","NATURAL CORK, DEBACK","Natural cork, debacked, roughly squared, in blocks et","70"
"4503","450310","CORKS AND STOPPERS","Corks and stoppers, natural cork","70"
"4503","450390","NATURAL CORK OTHER","Natural cork articles other than corks or stoppers","70"
"4504","450410","BLOCKS, SHEETS, CORK","Blocks, sheets, strip and tiles of agglomerated cork","70"
"4504","450490","AGGLOMERATED CORKNES","Articles of agglomerated cork","70"
"4601","460110","PLAITS AND PRODUCTS","Plaits and products of plaiting materials","70"
"4601","460120","MATS, MATTING","Mats, matting and screens, vegetable plaiting materia","70"
"4601","460191","PLAITED VEGETABLE","Plaited vegetable material articles not mats or scree","70"
"4601","460199","PRODUCTS OF NON-VEGE","Products of non-vegetable plaiting materials","70"
"4602","460210","BASKETWORK, VEGIE","Basketwork, wickerwork products of vegetable material","70"
"4602","460290","BASKETWORK, NON-VEGE","Basketwork and wickerwork products, non-vegetable","70"
"4701","470100","MECHANICAL WOOD PULP","Mechanical wood pulp","70"
"4702","470200","CHEMICAL WOOD PULP","Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades","70"
"4703","470311","CHEM WOOD PULP, SODA","Chem wood pulp, soda or sulphate, conifer, unbleached","70"
"4703","470319","CHEM WOOD PULP, SODA","Chem wood pulp, soda/sulphate, non-conifer, unbleache","70"
"4703","470321","CHEM WOOD PULP, SODA","Chem wood pulp, soda or sulphate, conifer, bleached","70"
"4703","470329","CHEM WOOD PULP, SODA","Chem wood pulp, soda/sulphate, non-conifer, bleached","70"
"4704","470411","CHEM WOOD PULP, SULP","Chem wood pulp, sulphite, coniferous unbleached","70"
"4704","470419","CHEM WOOD PULP, SULP","Chem wood pulp, sulphite, non-coniferous, unbleached","70"
"4704","470421","CHEM WOOD PULP, SULP","Chem wood pulp, sulphite, coniferous bleached","70"
"4704","470429","CHEM WOOD PULP, SULP","Chem wood pulp, sulphite, non-coniferous, bleached","70"
"4705","470500","SEMI-CHEMICAL WOOD","Semi-chemical wood pulp","70"
"4706","470610","COTTON LINTERS PULP","Cotton linters pulp","70"
"4706","470620","PULPS OF FIBERS DERI","Pulps of fibers derived from recovered waste paper","70"
"4706","470630","PULPS OF BAMBOO","Description 6-digit Schedule B
"4706","470691","MECHANICAL PULPS","Mechanical pulps of other fibrous material","70"
"4706","470692","CHEMICAL PULPS","Chemical pulps of other fibrous material","70"
"4706","470693","SEMI-CHEMICAL PULPS","Semi-chemical pulps of other fibrous material","70"
"4707","470710","WASTE OR SCRAP KRAFT","Waste or scrap of unbleached kraft or paperboard","70"
"4707","470720","WASTE, SCRAP CHEMICA","Waste, scrap of paper, board of bleached chemical pul","70"
"4707","470730","WASTE OR SCRAP MECH","Waste or scrap of paper or board of mechanical pulp","70"
"4707","470790","WASTE, SCRAP OF PAPE","Waste, scrap of paper, board, nes (including unsorted","70"
"4802","480210","PAPER, HAND-MADE","Paper, hand-made, uncoated","70"
"4802","480220","PAPER, SENSITISING","Paper, sensitising base stock","70"
"4802","480230","PAPER, CARBONISING","Paper, carbonising base, uncoated","70"
"4802","480240","PAPER, WALLPAPER","Paper, wallpaper base, uncoated","70"
"4802","480251","PAPER, FINE, <40","Paper, fine, woodfree, <40g/m2, uncoated, nes","70"
"4802","480252","PAPER, FINE, 40-150","Paper, fine, woodfree, 40 - 150g/m2, uncoated","70"
"4802","480253","PAPER, FINE, >150","Paper, fine, woodfree, >150g/m2, uncoated, nes","70"
"4802","480258","PAPERBAORD, NESOI","Paperboard, nesoi, <=10% (wt) of fibers (if any) mechanical process, >150 g/m2, uncoated, rolls/sht","70"
"4802","480260","PAPER, FINE, WOOD","Paper, fine, wood-containing, uncoated, nes","70"
"4803","480300","PAPER, HOUSEHOLD","Paper, household, sanitary, width >36 centimetres","70"
"4804","480411","PAPER, KRAFTLINER","Paper, Kraftliner, unbleached, uncoated","70"
"4804","480419","PAPER, KRAFTLINER","Paper, Kraftliner, other than unbleached, uncoated","70"
"4804","480421","PAPER, SACK KRAFT","Paper, sack kraft, unbleached, uncoated","70"
"4804","480429","PAPER, SACK KRAFT","Paper, sack kraft, other than unbleached, uncoated","70"
"4804","480431","PAPER, KRAFT, <150G","Paper, kraft, <150g/m2, unbleached, uncoated, nes","70"
"4804","480439","PAPER, KRAFT, <150G","Paper, kraft, <150g/m2, uncoated, nes","70"
"4804","480441","PAPER, KRAFT, 150-22","Paper, kraft, 150-225g/m2, unbleached,uncoated nes","70"
"4804","480442","PAPER, KRAFT, 150-22","Paper, kraft, 150-225g/m2, chem pulp not bleach/coat","70"
"4804","480449","PAPER, KRAFT, 150-22","Paper, kraft, 150-225g/m2, uncoated, nes","70"
"4804","480451","PAPER, KRAFT, >225G","Paper, kraft, >225g/m2, unbleached, uncoated, nes","70"
"4804","480452","PAPER, KRAFT, >225G","Paper, kraft, >225g/m2,chemical pulp,bleached,uncoate","70"
"4804","480459","PAPER, KRAFT, >225G","Paper, kraft, >225g/m2, uncoated, nes","70"
"4805","480510","PAPER, FLUTING","Paper, fluting, in rolls, semi-chemical, uncoated","70"
"4805","480511","SEMICHEMICAL FLUTING","Semichemical fluting paper (corrugating medium), uncoated, in rolls or sheets","70"
"4805","480512","STRAW FLUTING PAPER","Straw fluting paper, uncoated, in rolls/sheets, not work/ processed, specified in note 3-48","70"
"4805","480519","FLUTING PAPER","Fluting paper, uncoated, in rolls/sheets, not workedor processed as specified in note 3-48, nesoi","70"
"4805","480521","PAPER, MULTI-PLY","Paper, multi-ply, each layer bleached, uncoated, nes","70"
"4805","480522","PAPER, MULTI-PLY","Paper, multi-ply, one layer bleached, uncoated","70"
"4805","480523","PAPER, MULTI-PLY","Paper, multi-ply, <4 layers, outer bleached, uncoated","70"
"4805","480525","TESTLINER, >150","Testliner recycled liner, uncoated, in rolls/sheets, nt fur worked specified note 3-48, >150 gm2","70"
"4805","480529","PAPER, MULTI-PLY","Paper, multi-ply, uncoated, nes","70"
"4805","480530","PAPER, SULPHITE WRAP","Paper, sulphite wrapping, uncoated","70"
"4805","480540","PAPER, FILTER","Paper, filter, uncoated","70"
"4805","480550","PAPER, FELT","Paper, felt, uncoated","70"
"4805","480560","PAPER, WEIGHING 150G","Paper, weighing 150g/m2 or less, uncoated, nes","70"
"4805","480570","PAPER, WEIGHING 150","Paper, weighing 150 - 225g/m2, uncoated, nes","70"
"4805","480580","PAPER, WEIGHING 225G","Paper, weighing 225g/m2 or more, uncoated, nes","70"
"4805","480591","PAPERBOARD, <=150","Paper/paperboard, uncoated, weighing 150 g/m2 or less, in rolls or sheets, nesoi","70"
"4805","480592","PAPERBOARD, >150-225","Paper/paperboard, uncoated, in rolls/sheets, >150 but <225 g/m2, nesoi","70"
"4805","480593","PAPERBOARD, >225","Paper/paperboard, uncoated, in rolls/sheets, weighing 225 g/m2 or more, nesoi","70"
"4806","480610","PAPER, VEGETABLE","Paper, vegetable parchment","70"
"4806","480620","PAPER, GREASEPROOF","Paper, greaseproof","70"
"4806","480630","PAPER, TRACING","Paper, tracing","70"
"4806","480640","PAPER, GLASSINE","Paper, glassine, glazed transparent or translucent ne","70"
"4807","480700","PAPERBOARD, COMPOSITE","Composite paper (sticking flat layers together w/ an adhesive), not sur-coated, impregnated, rl/sht","70"
"4807","480710","PAPER, LAMINATED","Paper, laminated with bitumen tar or asphalt, uncoate","70"
"4807","480790","COMPOSITE PAPER","Composite paper and board, uncoated, nes","70"
"4807","480791","STRAW PAPER OR BOARD","Straw paper and paperboard, whether or not covered with paper other than straw paper, not surf","0"
"4807","480799","PAPER, NOT COATED","Paper, composite, nes, not coated","47"
"4808","480810","PAPER, CORRUGATED","Paper, corrugated","70"
"4808","480820","PAPER, SACK KRAFT","Paper, sack kraft, creped or crinkled","70"
"4808","480830","PAPER, KRAFT, CREPED","Paper, kraft, creped or crinkled, not corrugated, sac","70"
"4808","480890","PAPER CREPE, CRINKLE","Paper crepe, crinkle, embossed, perforated, not kraft","70"
"4809","480910","PAPER, CARBON","Paper, carbon or similar width >36cm","70"
"4809","480920","PAPER, SELF-COPY","Paper, self-copy, width >36cm","70"
"4809","480990","PAPER, COPYING","Paper, copying or transfer, width >36cm","70"
"4810","481011","PAPER, FINE, WOODFRE","Paper, fine, woodfree, <150g/m2, clay coated","70"
"4810","481012","PAPER, FINE, WOODFRE","Paper, fine, woodfree, >150g/m2, clay coated","70"
"4810","481021","PAPER, FINE, LIGHT","Paper, fine, light weight coated","70"
"4810","481029","PAPER, FINE, WOOD","Paper, fine, wood containing clay coated, except ligh","70"
"4810","481031","PAPER, KRAFT,>95%","Paper, kraft,>95% chem pulp,<150 g,bleached,clay coat","70"
"4810","481032","PAPER, KRAFT,>95%","Paper, kraft,>95% chem pulp,>150 g,bleached,clay coat","70"
"4810","481039","PAPER, KRAFT, CLAY","Paper, kraft, clay coated, nes","70"
"4810","481091","PAPER, MULTI-PLY,","Paper, multi-ply, clay coated, nes","70"
"4810","481092","PAPERBOARD, CLAY","Paper and paperboard (other than kraft or graphic), multi-ply, clay coated, in rolls or sheets","70"
"4810","481099","PAPER, CLAY COATED","Paper, clay coated, nes","70"
"4811","481110","PAPER, TARRED,","Paper, tarred, bituminised or asphalted, nes","70"
"4811","481121","PAPER, SELF-ADHESIVE","Paper, self-adhesive except labels","70"
"4811","481129","PAPER, GUMMED","Paper, gummed or adhesive except self-adhesive, label","70"
"4811","481131","PAPER, >150G/M2","Paper, >150g/m2, bleached, plastic coated/impregnated","70"
"4811","481139","PAPER, COATED","Paper, coated, impregnated, covered with plastics, ne","70"
"4811","481140","PAPER, COAT/IMPREGNA","Paper, coat/impregnated with wax/stearin/glycerol, ne","70"
"4811","481151","PAPERBOARB, PLASTIC","Paperboard, coated, impregnated or covered with plastics (excluding adhesives), bleached, >150 g/m2","70"
"4811","481190","PAPER, COATED/IMPREG","Paper, coated/impregnated/covered/coloured/printed ne","70"
"4812","481200","FILTER BLOCKS","Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp","70"
"4813","481310","PAPER, CIGARETTE","Paper, cigarette, in the form of booklets or tubes","70"
"4813","481320","PAPER, CIGARETTE","Paper, cigarette, in rolls of a width <5cm","70"
"4813","481390","PAPER, CIGARETTE","Paper, cigarette, except in rolls <5cm wide","70"
"4814","481410","WALLPAPER "INGRAIN"","Wallpaper "Ingrain"","70"
"4814","481420","WALLPAPER, COATED","Wallpaper, coated or covered with a decorated plastic","70"
"4814","481430","WALLPAPER, COVERED","Wallpaper, covered one side with plaiting material","70"
"4814","481490","WALLPAPER OTHER","Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, nes","70"
"4815","481500","FLOOR COVERINGS","Floor coverings on a base of paper","70"
"4816","481610","PAPER, CARBON PAPER","Paper, carbon or similar copying, except rolls w >36c","70"
"4816","481620","PAPER, SELF-COPY","Paper, self-copy, except in rolls >36cm wide","70"
"4816","481630","DUPLICATOR STENCILS","Duplicator stencils","70"
"4816","481690","PAPER, COPYING NES","Paper, copying or transfer, nes","70"
"4817","481710","ENVELOPES OF PAPER","Envelopes of paper","70"
"4817","481720","LETTER OR CORRESPOND","Letter or correspondence cards, plain postcards","70"
"4817","481730","BOXES, POUCHES","Boxes, pouches, wallets, etc of stationary","70"
"4818","481810","TOILET PAPER","Toilet paper","70"
"4818","481820","PAPER HANDKERCHIEFS","Paper handkerchiefs, cleansing, facial tissues, towel","70"
"4818","481830","PAPER TABLECLOTHS","Paper tablecloths and serviettes","70"
"4818","481840","SANITARY ARTICLES","Sanitary articles of paper, sanitary towels, diapers","70"
"4818","481850","CLOTHING, PAPER","Clothing and accessories nes, of paper","70"
"4818","481890","HOUSEHOLD, HOSPITAL","Household, hospital & sanitary supplies, of paper, ne","70"
"4819","481910","CARTONS, BOXES","Cartons, boxes & cases, of corrugated paper or board","70"
"4819","481920","CARTONS, BOXES","Cartons, boxes & cases, folding, non-corrugated paper","70"
"4819","481930","SACKS AND BAGS","Sacks and bags, of paper, having a width >40cm","70"
"4819","481940","SACKS AND BAGS","Sacks and bags, of paper, nes, including cones","70"
"4819","481950","CONTAINERS, PACKING","Containers, packing, nes of paper","70"
"4819","481960","OFFICE BOX FILES","Office box files, letter trays etc., of paper","70"
"4820","482010","REGISTERS","Registers, account books, note books, diaries etc","70"
"4820","482020","SCHOOL, ETC, BOOKS","School, etc, exercise books","70"
"4820","482030","BINDERS, NOT BOOK","Binders, not book covers, folder or file covers, pape","70"
"4820","482040","BUSINESS FORMS","Business forms, interleaved carbon sets, etc","70"
"4820","482050","ALBUMS FOR SAMPLES","Albums for samples or for collections, of paper","70"
"4820","482090","OFFICE SUPPLIES NES","Office supplies nes, of paper, book covers, blotters","70"
"4821","482110","PAPER LABELS PRINT","Paper labels of all kinds, printed","70"
"4821","482190","PAPER LABELS NOT PRT","Paper labels of all kinds, not printed","70"
"4822","482210","BOBBINS, SPOOLS ETC","Bobbins, spools etc of paper, used for textile yarn","70"
"4822","482290","BOBBINS, SPOOLS","Bobbins, spools and similar supports of paper, nes","70"
"4823","482311","PAPER, SELF-ADHESIVE","Paper, self-adhesive, cut to size, in strips or rolls","70"
"4823","482319","PAPER, GUMMED","Paper, gummed, adhesive nes, cut to size, strip, roll","70"
"4823","482320","PAPER, FILTER","Paper, filter, cut to size or shape","70"
"4823","482340","PAPER ROLLS, SHEETS","Paper rolls, sheets & dials for recording instruments","70"
"4823","482351","PAPER, FINE, CUT","Paper, fine, cut, printed, embossed, perforated, nes","70"
"4823","482359","PAPER, FINE, CUT","Paper, fine, cut to size or shape, nes","70"
"4823","482360","TRAYS, DISHES, PLATE","Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, of paper","70"
"4823","482370","MOULDED OR PRESSED","Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp","70"
"4823","482390","PAPER AND PAPER NES","Paper and paper articles, nes","70"
"5001","500100","SILK-WORM COCOONS","Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling","70"
"5002","500200","RAW SILK","Raw silk (not thrown)","70"
"5003","500310","SILK WASTE, NOT CARD","Silk waste, not carded or combed","70"
"5003","500390","SILK WASTE, CARDED","Silk waste, carded or combed","70"
"5004","500400","SILK YARN","Silk yarn (except from waste) not retail","70"
"5005","500500","YARN SPUN FROM WASTE","Yarn spun from silk waste, not retail","70"
"5006","500600","SILK YARN RETAIL","Silk yarn retail, silk worm gut","70"
"5007","500710","WOVEN FABRIC OF NOIL","Woven fabric of noil silk","70"
"5007","500720","WOVEN FABRIC >85% SI","Woven fabric >85% silk (except noil silk)","70"
"5007","500790","WOVEN FABRIC OF SILK","Woven fabric of silk, nes","70"
"5101","510111","GREASY SHORN WOOL","Greasy shorn wool, not carded or combed","70"
"5101","510119","GREASY WOOL","Greasy wool (other than shorn) not carded or combed","70"
"5101","510121","DEGREASED SHORN WOOL","Degreased shorn wool, not carded, combed or carbonize","70"
"5101","510129","DEGREASED WOOL NES","Degreased wool nes, not carded, combed or carbonized","70"
"5101","510130","CARBONIZED WOOL","Carbonized wool, not carded or combed","70"
"5102","510210","FINE ANIMAL HAIR","Fine animal hair, not carded or combed","70"
"5102","510211","ANIMAL HAIR KASHMIR","Fine animal hari of kashmir (cashmere) goats, not carded or combed","70"
"5102","510219","ANIMAL HAIR, NESOI","Fine animal hair (other than of kashmir goats) not carded or combed","70"
"5102","510220","COARSE ANIMAL HAIR","Coarse animal hair, not carded or combed","70"
"5103","510310","NOILS OF WOOL","Noils of wool or of fine animal hair","70"
"5103","510320","WASTE OF WOOL","Waste of wool or fine hair, not noils, garnetted stoc","70"
"5103","510330","WASTE OF COARSE HAIR","Waste of coarse animal hair, except garnetted stock","70"
"5104","510400","GARNETTED STOCK WOOL","Garnetted stock of wool or of animal hair","70"
"5105","510510","CARDED WOOL","Carded wool","70"
"5105","510521","COMBED WOOL IN FRAGM","Combed wool in fragments","70"
"5105","510529","WOOL TOPS","Wool tops & other combed wool, except combed fragment","70"
"5105","510530","FINE ANIMAL HAIR","Fine animal hair, carded or combed","70"
"5105","510531","ANIMAL HAIR KASHMIR, CARD","Wool/fine animal hair, of kashmir (cashmere) goats, carded or combed (combed wool in fragments)","70"
"5105","510539","ANIMAL HAIR, CARDED, NES","Fine animal hair, carded or combed, nesoi","70"
"5105","510540","COARSE ANIMAL HAIR","Coarse animal hair, carded or combed","70"
"5106","510610","YARN OF CARDED WOOL","Yarn of carded wool, >85% wool, not retail","70"
"5106","510620","YARN OF CARDED WOOL","Yarn of carded, wool, <85% wool, not retail","70"
"5107","510710","YARN OF COMBED WOOL","Yarn of combed wool, >85% wool, not retail","70"
"5107","510720","YARN OF COMBED WOOL","Yarn of combed wool, <85% wool, not retail","70"
"5108","510810","YARN OF CARDED FINE","Yarn of carded fine animal hair, not retail","70"
"5108","510820","YARN OF COMBED FINE","Yarn of combed fine animal hair, not retail","70"
"5109","510910","YARN OF WOOL","Yarn of wool or fine hair, >85% such fibres, retail","70"
"5109","510990","YARN OF WOOL","Yarn of wool or fine hair, <85% such fibres, retail","70"
"5110","511000","YARN OF COARSE ANIMA","Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair","70"
"5111","511111","WOVEN FABRIC, >85%","Woven fabric, >85% carded wool or fine hair, <300g/m2","70"
"5111","511119","WOVEN FABRIC, >85%","Woven fabric, >85% carded wool or fine hair, >300g/m2","70"
"5111","511120","WOVEN FABRIC, CARDED","Woven fabric, carded wool or hair + manmade filament","70"
"5111","511130","WOVEN FABRIC, CARDED","Woven fabric, carded wool or hair + manmade staple fi","70"
"5111","511190","WOVEN FABRIC, CARDED","Woven fabric, carded wool or hair with natural fibre","70"
"5112","511211","WOVEN FABRIC, >85%","Woven fabric, >85% combed wool or fine hair, <300g/m2","70"
"5112","511219","WOVEN FABRIC, >85%","Woven fabric, >85% combed wool or fine hair, >300g/m2","70"
"5112","511220","WOVEN FABRIC, COMBED","Woven fabric, combed wool or hair + manmade filament","70"
"5112","511230","WOVEN FABRIC, COMBED","Woven fabric, combed wool or hair + manmade staple fi","70"
"5112","511290","WOVEN FABRIC, COMBED","Woven fabric, combed wool or hair with natural fibres","70"
"5113","511300","WOVEN FABRIC OF COAR","Woven fabric of coarse animal hair or horse hair","70"
"5201","520100","COTTON, NOT CARDED","Cotton, not carded or combed","70"
"5202","520210","COTTON YARN WASTE","Cotton yarn waste (including thread waste)","70"
"5202","520291","GARNETTED STOCK COTT","Garnetted stock of cotton","70"
"5202","520299","COTTON WASTE","Cotton waste, except garnetted stock","70"
"5203","520300","COTTON, CARDED","Cotton, carded or combed","70"
"5204","520411","COTTON SEWING THREAD","Cotton sewing thread >85% cotton, not retail","22"
"5204","520419","COTTON SEWING THREAD","Cotton sewing thread, <85% cotton, not retail","70"
"5204","520420","COTTON SEWING THREAD","Cotton sewing thread, retail","22"
"5205","520511","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single uncombed >714 dtex,not retail","22"
"5205","520512","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single uncombed 714-232 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520513","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single uncombed 232-192 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520514","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single uncombed 192-125 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520515","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single uncombed <125 dtex, not retai","22"
"5205","520521","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single combed >714dtex, not retail","22"
"5205","520522","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single combed 714-232 dtex,not retai","22"
"5205","520523","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single combed 232-192 dtex,not retai","22"
"5205","520524","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single combed 192-125 dtex,not retai","22"
"5205","520525","COTTON YARN,>85%,SINGLE","Cotton yarn nesoi, 85% or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale, single combed","22"
"5205","520526","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single combed 125-106 dtex,not retai","22"
"5205","520527","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single combed 106- 83 dtex,not retai","22"
"5205","520528","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% single combed <83.33 dtex,not retail","22"
"5205","520531","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple uncombed >714 dtex, not ret","22"
"5205","520532","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple uncomb 714-232 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520533","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple uncomb 232-192 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520534","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple uncomb 192-125 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520535","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple uncombed <125 dtex, not ret","22"
"5205","520541","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple combed >714 dtex,not retail","22"
"5205","520542","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple combed 714-232 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520543","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple combed 232-192 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520544","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple combed 192-125 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520545","COTTON YARN,>85%,MULTI","Cotton yarn nesoi, 85% or more (wt.) cotton, not for retail sale, multiple or cabled combed ya","22"
"5205","520546","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple combed 125-106 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520547","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple combed 106- 83 dtex,not ret","22"
"5205","520548","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn >85% multiple combed <83.33 dtex,not ret.","22"
"5206","520611","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single uncombed >714dtex, not retail","70"
"5206","520612","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single uncombed 714-232 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520613","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single uncombed 232-192 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520614","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single uncombed 192-125 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520615","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single uncombed <125 dtex, not retai","70"
"5206","520621","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single combed >714 dtex, not retail","70"
"5206","520622","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single combed 714-232 dtex,not retai","70"
"5206","520623","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single combed 232-192 dtex,not retai","70"
"5206","520624","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single combed 192-125 dtex,not retai","70"
"5206","520625","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% single combed <125 dtex, not retail","70"
"5206","520631","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple uncombed >714, not ret., ne","70"
"5206","520632","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple uncomb 714-232 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520633","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple uncomb 232-192 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520634","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple uncomb 192-125 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520635","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple uncombed <125 dtex,not ret.","70"
"5206","520641","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple combed >714, not retail, ne","70"
"5206","520642","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple combed 714-232 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520643","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple combed 232-192 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520644","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple combed 192-125 dtex,not ret","70"
"5206","520645","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn <85% multiple combed <125 dtex, not retai","70"
"5207","520710","COTTON YARN >85%","Cotton yarn (except sewing thread) >85% cotton, retai","22"
"5207","520790","COTTON YARN <85%","Cotton yarn (except sewing thread) <85% cotton, retai","70"
"5208","520811","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% <100g/m2, unbleached","22"
"5208","520812","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% 100-200g/m2, unbleached","22"
"5208","520813","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% <200g/m2, unbleached","22"
"5208","520819","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% <200g/m2, unbleached","22"
"5208","520821","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% <100g/m2, bleached","22"
"5208","520822","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% 100-200g/m2, bleached","22"
"5208","520823","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% <200g/m2, bleached","22"
"5208","520829","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% <200g/m2, bleached","22"
"5208","520831","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% <100g/m2, dyed","22"
"5208","520832","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% 100-200g/m2, dyed","22"
"5208","520833","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% <200g/m2, dyed","22"
"5208","520839","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% <200g/m2, dyed","22"
"5208","520841","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% <100g/m2, yarn dyed","22"
"5208","520842","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% 100-200g/m2, yarn dyed","22"
"5208","520843","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% <200g/m2, yarn dyed","22"
"5208","520849","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% <200g/m2, yarn dyed","22"
"5208","520851","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% <100g/m2, printed","22"
"5208","520852","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% 100-200g/m2, printed","22"
"5208","520853","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% <200g/m2, printed","22"
"5208","520859","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% <200g/m2, printed","22"
"5209","520911","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, unbleached","22"
"5209","520912","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, unbleached","22"
"5209","520919","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% >200g/m2, unbleached, nes","22"
"5209","520921","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, bleached","22"
"5209","520922","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, bleached","22"
"5209","520929","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% >200g/m2, bleached, nes","22"
"5209","520931","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, dyed","22"
"5209","520932","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, dyed","22"
"5209","520939","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% >200g/m2, dyed, nes","22"
"5209","520941","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, yarn dyed","22"
"5209","520942","DENIM COTTON >85%","Denim cotton >85% >200g/m2","22"
"5209","520943","TWILL COTTON","Twill cotton except denim, >85% >200g/m2, yarn dyed","22"
"5209","520949","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% >200g/m2, yarn dyed, nes","22"
"5209","520951","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, printed","22"
"5209","520952","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, >85% >200g/m2, printed","22"
"5209","520959","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, >85% >200g/m2, printed, nes","22"
"5210","521011","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton <85% +manmade fibre <200g unbleach","88"
"5210","521012","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton <85% +manmade fibre <200g unbleach","88"
"5210","521019","WOVEN COTTON NES <85","Woven cotton nes <85% +manmade fibre <200g, unbleache","88"
"5210","521021","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton <85% +manmade fibre, <200g bleache","88"
"5210","521022","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton <85% +manmade fibre, <200g bleache","88"
"5210","521029","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, <200g bleached","88"
"5210","521031","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, <85% +manmade fibre, <200g/m2 dye","88"
"5210","521032","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, <85% +manmade fibre, <200g/m2 dye","88"
"5210","521039","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, <200g/m2 dyed","88"
"5210","521041","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton,<85% +manmade fibre,<200g yarn dye","88"
"5210","521042","TWILL COTTON , <85%","Twill cotton , <85% +manmade fibre, <200g/m2 yarn dye","88"
"5210","521049","WOVEN NES COTTON,<85","Woven nes cotton,<85% +manmade fibre, <200g yarn dyed","88"
"5210","521051","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, <85% +manmade fibre, <200g print","88"
"5210","521052","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, <85% +manmade fibre, <200g print","88"
"5210","521059","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, <200g/m2 print","88"
"5211","521111","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g/m2 unb","88"
"5211","521112","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g/m2 unb","88"
"5211","521119","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g/m2 unbl","88"
"5211","521121","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton <85% +manmade fibre >200g bleached","88"
"5211","521122","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton <85% +manmade fibre >200g bleached","88"
"5211","521129","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g, bleache","88"
"5211","521131","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g, dyed","88"
"5211","521132","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g, dyed","88"
"5211","521139","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g/m2, dyed","88"
"5211","521141","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton,<85% +manmade fibre,>200g,yarn dye","88"
"5211","521142","DENIM COTTON NES","Denim cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g/m2","88"
"5211","521143","TWILL COTTON NOT DEN","Twill cotton not denim<85% +manmade fibre,>200g y-dye","88"
"5211","521149","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g,yarn dye","88"
"5211","521151","PLAIN WEAVE COTTON","Plain weave cotton , <85% +manmade fibre, >200g, prin","88"
"5211","521152","TWILL WEAVE COTTON","Twill weave cotton , <85% +manmade fibre, >200g, prin","88"
"5211","521159","WOVEN COTTON NES","Woven cotton nes, <85% +manmade fibre, >200g, printed","88"
"5212","521211","WOV COT >200 UNBLEA","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, unbleached, nes","88"
"5212","521212","WOV COT >200 BLEACH","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, bleached, nes","88"
"5212","521213","WOV COT >200 DYE","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, dyed, nes","88"
"5212","521214","WOV COT >200 YARN","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, yarns mixed colours","88"
"5212","521215","WOV COT >200 PRINT","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, printed, nes","88"
"5212","521221","WOV COT >200 UNBLEA","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, unbleached, nes","88"
"5212","521222","WOV COT >200 BLEACH","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, bleached, nes","88"
"5212","521223","WOV COT >200 DYE","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, dyed, nes","88"
"5212","521224","WOV COT >200 YARN","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, yarns mixed colours","88"
"5212","521225","WOV COT >200 PRINT","Woven cotton fabric, >200g/m2, printed, nes","88"
"5301","530110","FLAX FIBRE, RAW","Flax fibre, raw or retted","70"
"5301","530121","FLAX FIBRE, BROKEN","Flax fibre, broken or scutched","70"
"5301","530129","FLAX FIBRE, OTHER","Flax fibre, otherwise processed but not spun","70"
"5301","530130","FLAX TOW, WASTE","Flax tow, waste including yarn waste, garnetted stock","70"
"5302","530210","TRUE HEMP FIBRE, RAW","True hemp fibre, raw or retted","70"
"5302","530290","TRUE HEMP FIBRE OTHE","True hemp fibre otherwise processed but not spun","70"
"5303","530310","JUTE RAW","Jute and other textile bast fibres, raw or retted","70"
"5303","530390","JUTE NOT SPUN","Jute and other bast fibres, not spun, nes, tow, waste","70"
"5304","530410","SISAL AND AGAVE, RAW","Sisal and Agave, raw","70"
"5304","530490","SISAL AND AGAVE, PRO","Sisal and Agave, processed but not spun, tow & waste","70"
"5305","530511","COCONUT FIBRE RAW","Coconut (coir) fibre, raw","70"
"5305","530519","COCONUT FIBRE PROCES","Coconut (coir) fibre,processed not spun, tow & waste","70"
"5305","530521","ABACA FIBRE, RAW","Abaca fibre, raw","70"
"5305","530529","ABACA FIBRE, PROCESS","Abaca fibre, processed but not spun, tow, noils, wast","70"
"5305","530590","VEG TXT FIB, NESOI","Other vegetable textile fibers nesoi, raw/processed nt spun tow noils/waste (yarn waste garnet stck)","70"
"5305","530591","VEGETABLE TEXTILE","Vegetable textile fibres nes, raw","70"
"5305","530599","VEGETABLE FIBRE NES","Vegetable fibre nes, processed not spun, tow & waste","70"
"5306","530610","FLAX YARN SINGLE","Flax yarn single","70"
"5306","530620","FLAX YARN MULTIPLE","Flax yarn multiple (folded) or cabled","70"
"5307","530710","YARN OF JUTE, SINGLE","Yarn of jute or textile bast fibres nes, single","70"
"5307","530720","YARN OF JUTE. MULTI","Yarn of jute, textile bast fibre nes, multiple, cable","70"
"5308","530810","COIR YARN","Coir yarn","70"
"5308","530820","TRUE HEMP YARN","True hemp yarn","70"
"5308","530830","PAPER YARN","Paper yarn","70"
"5308","530890","YARN OF OTHER VEGETA","Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres","70"
"5309","530911","WOVEN FABRIC, >85%","Woven fabric, >85% flax, unbleached or bleached","88"
"5309","530919","WOVEN FABRIC, >85%","Woven fabric, >85% flax, except unbleached or bleache","88"
"5309","530921","WOVEN FABRIC OF FLAX","Woven fabric of flax, <85% flax, unbleached/bleached","88"
"5309","530929","WOVEN FABRIC OF FLAX","Woven fabric of flax, <85% flax, except unbl/bleached","88"
"5310","531010","WOVEN FABRIC OF JUTE","Woven fabric of jute/bast fibres, unbleached/bleached","88"
"5310","531090","WOVEN FABRIC OF JUTE","Woven fabric of jute/bast fibre, not unbleach/bleache","88"
"5311","531100","WOVEN FABRIC OF OTHE","Woven fabric of other vegetable textile fibre, paper","70"
"5401","540110","SEWING THREAD OF SYN","Sewing thread of synthetic filaments","70"
"5401","540120","SEWING THREAD OF ART","Sewing thread of artificial filaments","70"
"5402","540210","HI-TEN YARN OF NYLON","Hi-ten yarn of nylon, polyamide, not sewing or retail","70"
"5402","540211","HI-TEN YARN OF NYLON","Hi-ten yarn of nylon, polyamide, not sewing or retail","70"
"5402","540219","HI-TEN YARN OF NYLON","Hi-ten yarn of nylon, polyamide, not sewing or retail","70"
"5402","540220","HI-TEN YARN, POLYEST","Hi-ten yarn, polyester filament, not sewing or retail","70"
"5402","540231","TEXT YARN NES <50","Textured yarn nes, nylon, polyamide <50dtex not retai","70"
"5402","540232","TEXT YARN NES >50","Textured yarn nes, nylon, polyamide >50dtex not retai","70"
"5402","540233","TEXTURED YARN NES","Textured yarn nes, of polyester filaments, not retail","70"
"5402","540234","TEXTURED YARN, SYNTH","Textured yarn, synthetic filament, nes, not retail","70"
"5402","540239","TEXTURED YARN, SYNTH","Textured yarn, synthetic filament, nes, not retail","70"
"5402","540241","YARN,NYLON/POLYAMIDE","Yarn,nylon/polyamide, single untwisted nes, not retai","70"
"5402","540242","YARN, POLYESTER","Yarn, polyester, part oriented, single, not retail","70"
"5402","540243","YARN, POLYESTER","Yarn, polyester, single, untwisted nes, not retail","70"
"5402","540245","YARN,NYLON/POLYAMIDE","Yarn,nylon/polyamide, single untwisted nes, not retail","70"
"5402","540246","YARN, POLYESTER","Yarn, polyester, part oriented, single, not retail","70"
"5402","540247","YARN, POLYESTER","Yarn, polyester, single, untwisted nes, not retail","70"
"5402","540249","YARN, SYNTH FILAMENT","Yarn, synth filament, single untwisted nes, not retai","70"
"5402","540251","YARN, NYLON, POLYAMI","Yarn, nylon, polyamide, single >50 turn/m, not retail","70"
"5402","540252","YARN, POLYESTER, SIN","Yarn, polyester, single, >50 turn/m, not retail","70"
"5402","540259","YARN SYNTH FILAMENT","Yarn synth filament, single, >50 turn/m nes not retai","70"
"5402","540261","YARN NYLON/POLYAMIDE","Yarn nylon/polyamide filament multiple nes, not retai","70"
"5402","540262","YARN OF POLYESTER","Yarn of polyester filament, multiple, nes, not retail","70"
"5402","540269","YARN SYNTHETIC FILAM","Yarn synthetic filament, multiple, nes, not retail","70"
"5403","540310","HI-TEN YARN NOT SEW","Hi-ten yarn not sewing, viscose rayon, not retail","70"
"5403","540320","TEXTURED YARN NES","Textured yarn nes, of artificial filaments, not retai","70"
"5403","540331","YARN OF VISCOSE RAYO","Yarn of viscose rayon, single untwisted nes not retai","70"
"5403","540332","YARN, VISCOSE RAYON","Yarn, viscose rayon, single >120turn/m nes, not retai","70"
"5403","540333","YARN OF CELLULOSE","Yarn of cellulose acetate, single, nes, not retail","95"
"5403","540339","YARN OF ARTIFICIAL","Yarn of artificial filament, single, nes, not retail","70"
"5403","540341","YARN OF VISCOSE RAYO","Yarn of viscose rayon, multiple, nes, not retail","70"
"5403","540342","YARN, CELLULOSE ACET","Yarn, cellulose acetate, multiple, nes, not retail","70"
"5403","540349","YARN OF ARTIFICIAL","Yarn of artificial filament, multiple-nes, not retail","70"
"5404","540410","SYNTHETIC MONOFILAME","Synthetic monofilament, >67 dtex, thickness <1mm","70"
"5404","540411","SYNTHETIC MONOFILAMENT","Synthetic monofilament, >67 dtex, thickness <1mm","70"
"5404","540412","SYNTHETIC MONOFILAMENT","Synthetic monofilament, >67 dtex, thickness <1mm","70"
"5404","540419","SYNTHETIC MONOFILAMENT","Synthetic monofilament, >67 dtex, thickness <1mm","70"
"5404","540490","STRIP, STRAW, ETC","Strip, straw, etc. synth textile material,<5mm thick","70"
"5405","540500","ARTIF MONOFILAMENT","Artif monofilament >67dtex t<1mm, strip, straws t<5mm","70"
"5406","540610","YARN OF SYNTHETIC","Yarn of synthetic filament not sewing thread, retail","70"
"5406","540620","YARN OF ARTIFICIAL","Yarn of artificial filament not sewing thread, retail","70"
"5407","540710","WOVEN HI-TEN FILAMEN","Woven hi-ten filament, nylon, polyamide or polyester","70"
"5407","540720","WOVEN FABRIC STRIP","Woven fabric of strip etc, synthetic textile material","70"
"5407","540730","FABRIC FROM LAYERS","Fabric from layers of woven synthetic filament yarns","88"
"5407","540741","WOV FAB >85 NYL BLEA","Woven fabric >85% nylon, polyamide, unbl/bleached,nes","70"
"5407","540742","WOV FAB >85 NYL DYE","Woven fabric >85% nylon, polyamide, dyed, nes","70"
"5407","540743","WOV FAB >85 NYL YARN","Woven fabric >85% nylon, polyamide, yarn dyed,nes","70"
"5407","540744","WOV FAB >85 NYL PRNT","Woven fabric >85% nylon, polyamide, printed, nes","70"
"5407","540751","WOV FAB >85 POLY BLE","Woven fabric >85% textured polyester unbl/bleached,ne","70"
"5407","540752","WOV FAB >85 POLY DYE","Woven fabric >85% textured polyester, dyed, nes","70"
"5407","540753","WOV FAB >85 POLY YRN","Woven fabric >85% textured polyester, yarn dyed, nes","70"
"5407","540754","WOV FAB >85 POLY PRT","Woven fabric >85% textured polyester, printed, nes","70"
"5407","540761","WOV FAB >85 N/TXT PO","Woven fabric >85% non-textured polyester filaments","70"
"5407","540769","WOV FAB >85 POLY NES","Woven fabric >85% polyester filaments, nes","70"
"5407","540771","WOV FAB >85 SYN NES","Woven fabric >85% synthetic filament, nes","70"
"5407","540772","WOV FAB >85 DYE NES","Woven fabric >85% synthetic filament, dyed, nes","70"
"5407","540773","WOV FAB >85 YARN NES","Woven fabric >85% synthetic filament, yarn dyed, nes","70"
"5407","540774","WOV FAB >85 PRNT NES","Woven fabric >85% synthetic filament, printed, nes","70"
"5407","540781","WOV FAB <85 COT NES","Woven fabric synthetic filament, <85% +cotton, nes","70"
"5407","540782","WOV FAB <85 COT DYE","Woven fabric synthetic filament <85% +cotton, dyed ne","70"
"5407","540783","WOV FAB <85 COT YARN","Woven fabric synthetic filament <85% +cotton, yarn dy","70"
"5407","540784","WOV FAB <85 COT PRNT","Woven fabric synthetic filament, <85% +cotton, printe","70"
"5407","540791","WOV FAB SYN NES","Woven fabric synthetic filament nes","70"
"5407","540792","WOV FAB SYN DYE NES","Woven fabric synthetic filament, dyed, nes","70"
"5407","540793","WOV FAB SYN YARN NES","Woven fabric synthetic filament, yarn dyed, nes","70"
"5407","540794","WOV FAB SYN PRNT NES","Woven fabric synthetic filament, printed, nes","70"
"5408","540810","WOVEN FABRIC OF HI-T","Woven fabric of hi-ten filament yarns of viscose rayo","70"
"5408","540821","WOVEN FABRIC >85%","Woven fabric >85% artif filament/strip, unbl/blchd ne","70"
"5408","540822","WOVEN FABRIC >85%","Woven fabric >85% artificial filament/strip, dyed, ne","70"
"5408","540823","WOVEN FABRIC >85%","Woven fabric >85% artif filament/strip, yarn dyed, ne","70"
"5408","540824","WOVEN FABRIC >85%","Woven fabric >85% artif filament/strip, printed, nes","70"
"5408","540831","WOVEN FABRIC OF ARTI","Woven fabric of artif filament, unbl/bleached, nes","70"
"5408","540832","WOVEN FABRIC OF ARTI","Woven fabric of artificial filament, dyed, nes","70"
"5408","540833","WOVEN FABRIC OF ARTI","Woven fabric of artificial filament, yarn dyed, nes","70"
"5408","540834","WOVEN FABRIC OF ARTI","Woven fabric of artificial filament, printed, nes","70"
"5501","550110","FILAMENT TOW OF NYLO","Filament tow of nylon, polyamides","70"
"5501","550120","FILAMENT TOW OF POLY","Filament tow of polyesters","70"
"5501","550130","FILAMENT TOW OF ACRY","Filament tow of acrylic or modacrylic","70"
"5501","550190","SYNTHETIC FILAMENT","Synthetic filament tow, nes","70"
"5502","550200","ARTIFICIAL FILAMENT","Artificial filament tow","70"
"5503","550310","STAPLE FIBRES OF NYL","Staple fibres of nylon, polyamides, not carded, combe","70"
"5503","550320","STAPLE FIBRES OF POL","Staple fibres of polyesters, not carded or combed","70"
"5503","550330","STAPLE FIBRES OF ACR","Staple fibres of acrylic, modacrylic,not carded/combe","70"
"5503","550340","STAPLE FIBRES OF POL","Staple fibres of polypropylene, not carded or combed","70"
"5503","550390","SYNTHETIC STAPLE FIB","Synthetic staple fibres, not carded or combed nes","70"
"5504","550410","STAPLE FIBRES OF VIS","Staple fibres of viscose rayon, not carded or combed","70"
"5504","550490","ARTIF STAPLE FIBRES","Artif staple fibres, except rayon,not carded or combe","70"
"5505","550510","WASTE OF SYNTHETIC","Waste of synthetic fibres","70"
"5505","550520","WASTE OF ARTIFICIAL","Waste of artificial fibres","70"
"5506","550610","STAPLE FIBRES NYLON","Staple fibres nylon, polyamides, carded or combed","70"
"5506","550620","STAPLE FIBRES OF POL","Staple fibres of polyesters, carded or combed","70"
"5506","550630","STAPLE FIBRES OF ACR","Staple fibres of acrylic, modacrylic, carded or combe","70"
"5506","550690","SYNTHETIC STAPLE FIB","Synthetic staple fibres, carded or combed nes","70"
"5507","550700","ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FI","Artificial staple fibres, carded or combed, not spun","70"
"5508","550810","SEWING THREAD OF SYN","Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres","70"
"5508","550820","SEWING THREAD OF ART","Sewing thread of artificial staple fibres","70"
"5509","550911","YARN >85% NYLON, ETC","Yarn >85% nylon, etc staple fibres, single, not retai","70"
"5509","550912","YARN >85% NYLON, ETC","Yarn >85% nylon, etc staple fibre, multiple,not retai","70"
"5509","550921","YARN >85% POLYESTER","Yarn >85% polyester staple fibres, single, not retail","70"
"5509","550922","YARN >85% POLYESTER","Yarn >85% polyester staple fibres, multiple,not retai","70"
"5509","550931","YARN >85% ACRYLIC ST","Yarn >85% acrylic staple fibres, single, not retail","70"
"5509","550932","YARN >85% ACRYLIC ST","Yarn >85% acrylic staple fibres, multiple  not retail","70"
"5509","550941","YARN >85% OTHER SYNT","Yarn >85% other synth staple fibres, single not retai","70"
"5509","550942","YARN >85% OTHER SYNT","Yarn >85% other synth staple fibre multiple not retai","70"
"5509","550951","YARN OF POLY ARTIF","Yarn of polyester & artif staple fibres, not retail","70"
"5509","550952","YARN OF POLY WOOL","Yarn of polyester & wool or hair, not retail, nes","70"
"5509","550953","YARN OF POLY COTTON","Yarn of polyester & cotton, not retail, nes","70"
"5509","550959","YARN OF POLY NESOI","Yarn of polyester staple fibres, not retail, nes","70"
"5509","550961","YARN OF ACRY WOOL","Yarn of acrylic staple fibre & wool or hair,not retai","70"
"5509","550962","YARN OF ACRY COTTON","Yarn of acrylic staple fibres & cotton, not retail","70"
"5509","550969","YARN OF ACRY NESOI","Yarn of acrylic staple fibres, not retail, nes","70"
"5509","550991","YARN OF SYN WOOL","Yarn of other synthetic staple with wool or hair, nes","70"
"5509","550992","YARN OF SYN COTTON","Yarn of other synth staple fibres + cotton not retail","70"
"5509","550999","YARN OF SYN NESOI","Yarn of other synth staple fibres + cotton not retail","70"
"5510","551011","YARN >85% ARTIFICIAL","Yarn >85% artificial staple fibres, single, not retai","70"
"5510","551012","YARN >85% ARTIF STAP","Yarn >85% artif staple fibres, multiple,not retail,ne","70"
"5510","551020","YARN OF ARTIF STAPLE","Yarn of artif staple fibres & wool or hair, not retai","70"
"5510","551030","YARN OF ARTIFICIAL","Yarn of artificial staple fibres & cotton, not retail","70"
"5510","551090","YARN OF ARTIFICIAL","Yarn of artificial staple fibres, not retail, nes","70"
"5511","551110","YARN >85% SYNTHETIC","Yarn >85% synthetic staple fibres, retail, not sewing","70"
"5511","551120","YARN <85% SYNTHETIC","Yarn <85% synthetic staple fibres, retail not sewing","70"
"5511","551130","YARN OF ARTIFICIAL","Yarn of artificial fibres except sewing thread, retai","70"
"5512","551211","WOV FAB >85 POLY BLE","Woven fabric >85% polyester staple fibre unbl/bleache","70"
"5512","551219","WOV FAB >85 POLY NES","Woven fabric >85% polyester staple fibres, nes","70"
"5512","551221","WOV FAB >85 ACRY BLE","Woven fabric >85% acrylic staple fibres, unbl/bleache","70"
"5512","551229","WOV FAB >85 ACRY NES","Woven fabric >85% acrylic staple fibres, nes","70"
"5512","551291","WOV FAB >85 SYN BLEA","Woven fabric >85% synth staple fibre nes unbl/bleache","70"
"5512","551299","WOV FAB >85 SYN NES","Woven fabric >85% synthetic staple fibre nes","70"
"5513","551311","WOV PLAIN >85 BLEACH","Woven plain >85% polyester+cotton, <170g/m2 unbl/blch","70"
"5513","551312","WOV TWILL >85 BLEACH","Woven twill >85% polyester+cotton, <170g/m2 unbl/blch","70"
"5513","551313","WOVENS NES >85 BLEAC","Wovens nes >85% polyester+cotton, <170g/m2 unbl/blchd","70"
"5513","551319","WOVEN FABRIC >85%","Woven fabric >85% synth nes+cotton,<170g/m2 unbl/blch","70"
"5513","551321","WOV PLAIN >85 DYE","Woven plain >85% polyester + cotton, <170g/m2 dyed","70"
"5513","551322","WOV TWILL >85 DYE","Woven twill >85% polyester + cotton, <170g/m2 dyed","70"
"5513","551323","WOV FAB NES >85 DYE","Woven fabric nes>85% polyester + cotton,<170g/m2 dyed","70"
"5513","551329","WOVEN FABRIC>85%","Woven fabric>85% synthetic nes + cotton, <170g/m2 dye","70"
"5513","551331","WOV PLAIN >85 YARN","Woven plain >85% polyester + cotton,<170g/m2 yarn dye","70"
"5513","551332","WOV TWILL >85 YARN","Woven twill >85% polyester + cotton,<170g/m2 yarn dye","70"
"5513","551333","WOVEN NES >85% POLYE","Woven nes >85% polyester + cotton, <170g/m2 yarn dyed","70"
"5513","551339","WOVEN FABRIC>85% SYN","Woven fabric>85% synth nes + cotton,<170g/m2 yarn dye","70"
"5513","551341","WOVEN PLAIN >85% POL","Woven plain >85% polyester + cotton, <170g/m2 printed","70"
"5513","551342","WOVEN TWILL >85% POL","Woven twill >85% polyester + cotton, <170g/m2 printed","70"
"5513","551343","WOVEN NES >85% POLYE","Woven nes >85% polyester + cotton, <170g/m2 printed","70"
"5513","551349","WOVEN FABRIC>85% SYN","Woven fabric>85% synth nes + cotton, <170g/m2 printed","70"
"5514","551411","WOVEN PLAIN >85% POL","Woven plain >85% polyester+cotton, >170g/m2 unbl/blch","70"
"5514","551412","WOVEN TWILL >85% POL","Woven twill >85% polyester+cotton, >170g/m2 unbl/blch","70"
"5514","551413","WOVEN NES >85% POLYE","Woven nes >85% polyester + cotton, >170g/m2 unbl/blch","70"
"5514","551419","WOVEN FABRIC>85% SYN","Woven fabric>85% synth nes+cotton, >170g/m2 unbl/blch","70"
"5514","551421","WOVEN PLAIN >85% POL","Woven plain >85% polyester + cotton, >170g/m2 dyed","70"
"5514","551422","WOVEN TWILL >85% POL","Woven twill >85% polyester + cotton, >170g/m2 dyed","70"
"5514","551423","WOVEN NES >85% POLYE","Woven nes >85% polyester + cotton, >170g/m2 dyed","70"
"5514","551429","WOVEN FABRIC>85% SYN","Woven fabric>85% synthetic nes + cotton, >170g/m2 dye","70"
"5514","551431","WOVEN PLAIN >85% POL","Woven plain >85% polyester + cotton,>170g/m2 yarn dye","70"
"5514","551432","WOVEN TWILL >85% POL","Woven twill >85% polyester + cotton,>170g/m2 yarn dye","70"
"5514","551433","WOVEN NES >85% POLYE","Woven nes >85% polyester + cotton, >170g/m2 yarn dyed","70"
"5514","551439","WOVEN FABRIC>85% SYN","Woven fabric>85% synth nes + cotton,>170g/m2 yarn dye","70"
"5514","551441","WOVEN PLAIN >85% POL","Woven plain >85% polyester + cotton, >170g/m2 printed","70"
"5514","551442","WOVEN TWILL >85% POL","Woven twill >85% polyester + cotton, >170g/m2 printed","70"
"5514","551443","WOVEN NES >85% POLYE","Woven nes >85% polyester + cotton, >170g/m2 printed","70"
"5514","551449","WOVEN FABRIC >85% SY","Woven fabric >85% synthetic nes+cotton, >170g/m2 prin","70"
"5515","551511","WOVEN FAB POLY RAYON","Woven fabric polyester + viscose rayon, nes","70"
"5515","551512","WOVEN FAB POLY MANM","Woven fabric polyester + manmade filament, nes","70"
"5515","551513","WOVEN FAB POLY WOOL","Woven fabric polyester + wool or hair, nes","70"
"5515","551519","WOVEN FAB POLY NES","Woven fabric polyester staple fibres, nes","70"
"5515","551521","WOVEN FAB ACRY MANM","Woven fabric acrylics + manmade filament, nes","70"
"5515","551522","WOVEN FAB ACRY WOOL","Woven fabric acrylics + wool or hair, nes","70"
"5515","551529","WOVEN FAB ACRY NES","Woven fabric acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, nes","70"
"5515","551591","WOVEN FAB SYN MANMAD","Woven fabric synthetic staple fibre with manmade, nes","70"
"5515","551592","WOVEN FAB SYN WOOL","Woven fabric synthetic staple with wool or hair nes","70"
"5515","551599","WOVEN FAB SYN NES","Woven fabric synthetic staple fibres, nes","70"
"5516","551611","WOVEN FAB <85 BLEACH","Woven fabric <85% artif staple fibres, unbl/bleached","70"
"5516","551612","WOVEN FAB <85 DYE","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple fibres, dyed","70"
"5516","551613","WOVEN FAB <85 YARN","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple fibre, yarn dyed","70"
"5516","551614","WOVEN FAB <85 PRINT","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple fibres, printed","70"
"5516","551621","WOV FAB <85 MAN BLE","Woven fabric <85% artif staple + manmade fibre unbl/b","70"
"5516","551622","WOV FAB <85 MAN DYE","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple+manmade fibre dye","70"
"5516","551623","WOV FAB <85 MAN YARN","Woven fabric <85% artif staple + manmade fil yarn dye","70"
"5516","551624","WOV FAB <85 MAN PRNT","Woven fabric <85% artif staple + manmade fil, printed","70"
"5516","551631","WOV FAB <85 WOOL BLE","Woven fabric <85% artif staple+wool/hair,unbl/bleache","70"
"5516","551632","WOV FAB <85 WOOL DYE","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple+wool or hair, dye","70"
"5516","551633","WOV FAB <85 WOOL YRN","Woven fabric <85% artif staple+wool or hair, yarn dye","70"
"5516","551634","WOV FAB <85 WOOL PRT","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple+wool/hair, printe","70"
"5516","551641","WOV FAB <85 COT BLEC","Woven fabric <85% artif staple+cotton, unbl/bleached","70"
"5516","551642","WOV FAB <85 COT DYE","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple+cotton, dyed","70"
"5516","551643","WOV FAB <85 COT YARN","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple+cotton, yarn dyed","70"
"5516","551644","WOV FAB <85 COT PRNT","Woven fabric <85% artificial staple+cotton, printed","70"
"5516","551691","WOV FAB <85 BLEA NES","Woven fabric <85% artif staples, unbl/bleached, nes","70"
"5516","551692","WOV FAB <85 DYE NES","Woven fabric <85% artificial staples, dyed, nes","70"
"5516","551693","WOV FAB <85 YARN NES","Woven fabric <85% artificial staples, yarn dyed, nes","70"
"5516","551694","WOV FAB <85 PRNT NES","Woven fabric <85% artificial staples, printed, nes","70"
"5601","560110","SANITARY TOWELS","Sanitary towels, diapers and similar articles","70"
"5601","560121","WADDING, PROD COT","Wadding, products, of cotton, except sanitary article","70"
"5601","560122","WADDING, PROD MANM","Wadding, products, manmade fibres, not sanitary items","70"
"5601","560129","WADDING, PROD NES","Wadding, products, material nes, not sanitary article","70"
"5601","560130","TEXTILE FLOCK","Textile flock, dust or mill neps","70"
"5602","560210","NEEDLELOOM FELT","Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabric","70"
"5602","560221","FELT NOT NEEDLELOOM","Felt not needleloom, wool/hair, not impregnated/coate","70"
"5602","560229","FELT, NOT OF WOOL","Felt, not of wool or hair, not impregnated or coated","70"
"5602","560290","FELT, IMPREGNATED","Felt, impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated","70"
"5603","560300","NONWOVEN TEXTILES,X FELT","Nonwovens (of textile materials), whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated","70"
"5603","560311","NONWOVENS, MAN <25E","Nonwovens, man-made filaments weighing <25g/m2","70"
"5603","560312","NONWOVENS, MAN 25-70","Nonwovens, man-made filaments weighing 25-70g/m2","70"
"5603","560313","NONWOVENS,MAN 70-150","Nonwovens, man-made filaments weighing 70-150g/m2","70"
"5603","560314","NONWOVENS, MAN >150","Nonwovens, man-made filaments weighing >150g/m2","70"
"5603","560391","NONWOVENS NES <25","Nonwovens nes weighing <25g/m2","70"
"5603","560392","NONWOVENS NES 25-70","Nonwovens nes weighing 25-70g/m2","70"
"5603","560393","NONWOVENS NES 70-150","Nonwovens nes weighing 70-150g/m2","70"
"5603","560394","NONWOVENS NES >150","Nonwovens nes weighing >150g/m2","70"
"5604","560410","RUBBER THREAD","Rubber thread and cord, textile covered","70"
"5604","560420","HI-TEN MANMADE YARN","Hi-ten manmade yarn rubber, plastic coated/impregnate","70"
"5604","560490","TEXTILE YARN/STRIP","Textile yarn/strip, rubber, plastic impregnated/coate","70"
"5605","560500","METALLISED YARN","Metallised yarn","70"
"5606","560600","CHENILLE, LOOP WHALE","Chenille, loop whale, gimped (except metallised) yarn","70"
"5607","560710","TWINE, ROPE, JUTE","Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of jute, bast fibre","70"
"5607","560721","BINDER, SISAL","Binder or baler twine, of sisal or agave","70"
"5607","560729","TWINE, ROPE, SISAL","Twine nes, cordage, ropes and cables, of sisal","70"
"5607","560730","TWINE, ROPE, ABACA","Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of abaca etc","70"
"5607","560741","BINDER, POLY","Binder or baler twine, of polyethylene, polypropylene","70"
"5607","560749","TWINE, ROPE, POLY","Twine nes, cordage, ropes, polyethylene, polypropylen","70"
"5607","560750","TWINE, ROPE, SYN","Twine, cordage, ropes & cables, other synthetic fibre","70"
"5607","560790","TWINE, ROPE, NES","Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of other materials","70"
"5608","560811","MADE UP FISHING NETS","Made up fishing nets, of manmade textile materials","70"
"5608","560819","KNOTTED NET MANMADE","Knotted netting, nets not fishing of manmade textiles","70"
"5608","560890","KNOTTED NET NATURAL","Knotted netting, nets, of of natural materials","70"
"5609","560900","ART YARN STRIP,TWINE","Articles of yarn strip, twine, cordage or rope, nes","70"
"5701","570110","CARPETS OF WOOL","Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, knotted","88"
"5701","570190","CARPETS OF MATERIALS","Carpets of materials nes, knotted","70"
"5702","570210","HAND MADE RUGS","Hand made rugs including Kelem,Schumacks,Karamanie,et","88"
"5702","570220","FLOOR COVERINGS","Floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir)","88"
"5702","570231","CARPET, WOOL NT MADE","Carpets of wool or hair, woven pile, not made up, nes","70"
"5702","570232","CARPET, MANM NT MADE","Carpets of manmade yarn, woven pile, not made up, nes","70"
"5702","570239","CARPET, YARN NT MADE","Carpets of yarn nes, woven pile, not made up, nes","22"
"5702","570241","CARPET, WOOL MADE UP","Carpets of wool or hair, woven pile, made up, nes","70"
"5702","570242","CARPET, MANM MADE UP","Carpets of manmade yarn, woven pile, made up,nes","70"
"5702","570249","CARPET, YARN MADE UP","Carpets of yarn nes, woven pile, made up, nes","22"
"5702","570250","CARPET, WOOL NES NMU","Carpets of wool or hair, woven, not made up, nes","70"
"5702","570251","CARPET, WOOL NES NMU","Carpets of wool or hair, woven, not made up, nes","70"
"5702","570252","CARPET, MANM NES NMU","Carpets of manmade yarn, woven, not made up, nes","70"
"5702","570259","CARPET, YARN NES NM","Carpets of yarn nes, woven, not made up, nes","22"
"5702","570291","CARPET, WOOL NES MDE","Carpets of wool or fine hair, woven, made up, nes","70"
"5702","570292","CARPET, MANM NES MDE","Carpets of manmade yarn, woven, made up, nes","70"
"5702","570299","CARPET, YARN NES MDE","Carpets of yarn nes, woven, made up, nes","70"
"5703","570310","CARPETS OF WOOL","Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, tufted","88"
"5703","570320","CARPETS NYLON, POLYA","Carpets nylon, polyamides, tufted","70"
"5703","570330","CARPETS OF OTHER MAN","Carpets of other manmade textile materials, tufted","70"
"5703","570390","CARPETS OF MATERIALS","Carpets of materials nes, tufted","88"
"5704","570410","TILES OF FELT","Tiles of felt of textile materials, area <0.3m2","70"
"5704","570490","CARPETS OF FELT","Carpets of felt of textile materials, area >0.3m2","70"
"5705","570500","CARPETS AND TEXTILE","Carpets and textile floor coverings, nes","70"
"5801","580110","WOVEN PILE FAB WOOL","Woven pile fabric of wool or fine animal hair, w >30c","70"
"5801","580121","WOVEN UNCUT WEFT","Woven uncut weft pile cotton fabric not terry, w >30c","22"
"5801","580122","CUT CORDUROY COTTON","Cut corduroy cotton fabric, width >30cm","22"
"5801","580123","WOVEN WEFT PILE COT","Woven weft pile cotton fabric, nes, width >30cm","22"
"5801","580124","WOV WARP PILE COT EP","Woven warp pile cotton, epingle (uncut),except terry","22"
"5801","580125","WOV WARP PILE COT CT","Woven warp pile cotton, cut, except terry, w >30cm","22"
"5801","580126","CHENILLE COTTON FAB","Chenille cotton fabric, width >30cm","22"
"5801","580131","WOV WEFT PILE UNCUT","Woven uncut weft pile fabric of manmade fibre","70"
"5801","580132","CUT CORDUROY FABRIC","Cut corduroy fabric manmade fibre, width >30cm","70"
"5801","580133","WOVEN WEFT PILE FAB","Woven weft pile fabric manmade fibres, nes","70"
"5801","580134","WOV WARP PILE UNCUT","Woven warp pile fabric manmade fibre, epingle (uncut)","70"
"5801","580135","WOV WARP PILE CUT","Woven warp pile fabric manmade fibre, cut, not terry","70"
"5801","580136","CHENILLE FABRIC","Chenille fabric of manmade fibres, except <30cm wide","70"
"5801","580190","WOVEN PILE, CHENILLE","Woven pile, chenille fabric of yarn nes, except terry","70"
"5802","580211","TERRY TOWEL COTTON","Terry towelling etc of cotton, not narrow fabric, unb","22"
"5802","580219","TERRY TOWEL COT NES","Terry towelling etc of cotton nes, width >30cm","22"
"5802","580220","TERRY TOWEL OTHER","Terry towelling etc, other than cotton, width >30cm","70"
"5802","580230","TUFTED TEXTILE FAB","Tufted textile fabric, except carpets","88"
"5803","580310","COTTON GAUZE >30CM","Cotton gauze >30cm wide","22"
"5803","580390","GAUZE, EXCEPT COTTON","Gauze, except cotton, >30cm wide","70"
"5804","580410","TULLES, OTHER NETS","Tulles, other nets (not woven, knit or crochet)","70"
"5804","580421","MECHANICAL LACE, MAN","Mechanical lace, manmade fibre (piece, strip, motif)","70"
"5804","580429","MECHANICAL LACE, OTH","Mechanical lace, other material (piece, strip, motif)","70"
"5804","580430","HAND-MADE LACE,","Hand-made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs","70"
"5805","580500","HAND-WOVEN TAPESTRY","Hand-woven and needle-worked tapestries, kit sets","70"
"5806","580610","WOVEN PILE FABRIC","Woven pile fabric and narrow chenille fabric","22"
"5806","580620","WOVEN FABRIC, ELASTI","Woven fabric, elasticised, <30cm wide","70"
"5806","580631","WOVEN COTTON FABRIC","Woven cotton fabric, nes, <30cm wide","22"
"5806","580632","WOVEN FABRIC MANMADE","Woven fabric manmade fibres, nes, <30cm wide","70"
"5806","580639","WOVEN FABRIC MATERIA","Woven fabric materials nes, <30cm wide","70"
"5806","580640","FABRIC HAVING WARP","Fabric having warp, no weft, assembled using adhesive","70"
"5807","580710","LABEL, BADGE, WOVEN","Label, badge, etc, of woven textile not embroidered","70"
"5807","580790","LABEL, BADGE, OTHER","Label, badge, etc, non-embroidered textile, not woven","70"
"5808","580810","BRAIDS IN THE PIECE","Braids in the piece","70"
"5808","580890","ORNAMENTAL TRIMMINGS","Ornamental trimmings in the piece","70"
"5809","580900","WOVEN FABRIC METAL","Woven fabric incorporating metal threads, nes","70"
"5810","581010","EMBROIDERY WITHOUT","Embroidery without visible ground","70"
"5810","581091","EMBROIDERY OF COTTON","Embroidery of cotton","22"
"5810","581092","EMBROIDERY OF MANMAD","Embroidery of manmade fibres","70"
"5810","581099","EMBROIDERY OF NATURA","Embroidery of natural textile fibres except cotton","70"
"5811","581100","QUILTED TEXTILE PROD","Quilted textile products in piece (not embroidered)","70"
"5901","590110","GUM OR AMYLACEOUS","Gum or amylaceous covered textiles for book covers et","70"
"5901","590190","TRACING CLOTH, PAINT","Tracing cloth, painting canvas, stiffened textile nes","70"
"5902","590210","TYRE CORD FAB NYLON","Tyre cord fabric of nylon, polyamides","70"
"5902","590220","TYRE CORD FAB POLYES","Tyre cord fabric of polyester","70"
"5902","590290","TYRE CORD FAB RAYON","Tyre cord fabric of viscose rayon","70"
"5903","590310","FABRIC IMPREG PLAST","Fabric impregnated, coated, covered with pvc plastic","70"
"5903","590320","FABRIC IMPREG POLYU","Fabric impregnated, coated, covered with polyurethane","70"
"5903","590390","FABRIC IMPREG OTHER","Fabric impregnated, coated, covered with plastic nes","70"
"5904","590490","FLOOR COVERINGS, NESOI","Floor coverings, nt linoleum, coating/covering applied on a textile backing, cut to shape or not","70"
"5904","590491","FLOOR COVER FELT","Floor covering (not linoleum) with felt,non-woven bas","70"
"5904","590492","FLOOR COVER OTHER","Floor covering (not linoleum) with other textile base","70"
"5905","590500","TEXTILE WALL COVER","Textile wall coverings","70"
"5906","590610","RUB TEXT ADHES TAPE","Rubberised textile adhesive tape <20cm wide","70"
"5906","590691","RUB TEXT KNIT FAB","Rubberised textile knit or crochet fabric","70"
"5906","590699","RUBBERISED WOVEN","Rubberised woven textile fabric, except adhesive tape","70"
"5907","590700","TEXTILE FABRIC TREAT","Textile fabric treated for theatrical backdrops etc","70"
"5908","590800","TEXTILE WICKS, GAS","Textile wicks, gas mantles","70"
"5909","590900","TEXTILE HOSEPIPING","Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing","70"
"5910","591000","TRANSMISSION BELTS","Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of textile","70"
"5911","591110","TEXTILE FABRIC TECH","Textile fabric for card clothing, technical use","70"
"5911","591120","TEXTILE BOLTING","Textile bolting cloth, whether or not made up","88"
"5911","591131","TEXT FAB PAPER <650","Textile fabric used in paper-making etc, <650g/m2","70"
"5911","591132","TEXT FAB PAPER >650","Textile fabric used in paper-making etc, >650g/m2","70"
"5911","591140","TEXTILE STRAINING","Textile straining cloth used in oil presses etc","70"
"5911","591190","TEXTILE PRODUCTS","Textile products and articles for technical uses, nes","70"
"6001","600110","LONG PILE KNIT","Long Pile knit or crochet textile fabric            
"6001","600121","LOOP PILE KNIT COTTO","Looped pile knit or crochet fabric, of cotton","22"
"6001","600122","LOOP PILE KNIT MANMA","Looped pile knit or crochet fabric, of manmade fibres","70"
"6001","600129","LOOP PILE KNIT OTHER","Loop pile knit/crochet fabric, natural yarn not cotto","70"
"6001","600191","PILE KNIT COTTON","Pile knit or crochet fabric, of cotton, nes","22"
"6001","600192","PILE KNIT MANMADE","Pile knit or crochet fabric, of manmade fibres, nes","70"
"6001","600199","PILE KNIT OTHER","Pile knit, crochet fabric, natural yarn not cotton ne","70"
"6002","600210","KNIT FAB <30CM ELAST","Knit or crochet fabric, width <30cm, >5% elastomer","70"
"6002","600220","KNIT FAB <30CM","Knit, crochet textile fabric, of a width <30cm, nes","70"
"6002","600230","KNIT FAB >30CM","Knit or crochet fabric, width >30cm, >5% elastomer","70"
"6002","600240","KNIT FAB, ELASTOMERIC","Knitted/crocheted fabrics < 30 cm, by wt >=5% elastomeric yarn not rubber thread, othr than 6001","70"
"6002","600241","WARP KNIT FAB WOOL","Warp knit fabric of wool or fine animal hair, nes","70"
"6002","600242","WARP KNIT FAB COT","Warp knit fabric of cotton, nes","22"
"6002","600243","WARP KNIT FAB MANM","Warp knit fabric of manmade fibres, nes","70"
"6002","600249","WARP KNIT FAB NES","Warp knit fabric of other materials, nes","70"
"6002","600290","KNIT FAB, ELAST NESOI","Knit/crochet fabrics <30cm, wt >5% elastomeric yarn/ rubber thread, other than heading 6001, nesoi","70"
"6002","600291","KNIT FAB WOOL","Knit, crochet fabric of wool or fine animal hair, nes","70"
"6002","600292","KNIT FAB COTTON","Knit or crochet fabric of cotton, nes","70"
"6002","600293","KNIT FAB MANMADE","Knit or crochet fabric of manmade fibres, nes","70"
"6002","600299","KNIT FAB OTHER","Knit or crochet fabric of other materials, nes","70"
"6003","600310","KNIT FAB, WOOL","Knit/crocheted fabrics <=30 cm, other than of headings 6001 or 6002, of wool or fine animal hair","70"
"6003","600320","KNIT FAB, COTTON","Knit/crocheted fabrics <=30 cm, other than of headings 6001 or 6002, of cotton","70"
"6003","600330","KNIT FAB, SYNTHETIC","Knit or crocheted fabrics <=30cm, of synthetic fibers, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002","70"
"6003","600340","KNIT FAB, ARTIFICIAL","Knit or crocheted fabrics <=30cm, of artificial fibers, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002","70"
"6003","600390","KNIT FAB, NESOI","Knit/crocheted fabrics <=30cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002, nesoi","70"
"6004","600410","KNIT FAB, ELAST, NO RUB","Knitted/crocheted fabrics <=30 cm, >=5% of elastomeric yarn but w/0 ribber thread","70"
"6004","600490","KNIT FAB, ELAST, NESOI","Knitted/crocheted fabrics,>30cm, >5% elastomeric yarn/rubber thread, other than 6001, nesoi","70"
"6005","600510","WARP KNIT, WOOL","Warp knit fabrics nesoi (galloon knitting machines), of wool or fine animal hair","70"
"6005","600521","WARP KNIT, BLEACH COTTON","Warp knit fabrics (including made on galloon knitting machines) of unbleached or bleached cotton","70"
"6005","600522","WARP KNIT, DYED COTTON","Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of dyed cotton","70"
"6005","600523","WARP KNIT, COTTON YARNS","Warp knit fabrics (including made on galloon knitting machines) cotton of yarns of different color","70"
"6005","600524","WARP KNIT, PRINTED COTTON","Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of printed cotton","70"
"6005","600531","WARP KNIT, BLEACH SYNTH","Warp knit fabrics (including galloon knitting machines) unbleached/bleached synthetic fibers","70"
"6005","600532","WARP KNIT, DYED SYNTHERIC","Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of dyed synthetic fibers","70"
"6005","600533","WARP KNIT, SYNTH YARN","Warp knit fabrics (including galloon knitting machines) synthetic fibers yarns of different color","70"
"6005","600534","WARP KNIT, PRINTED SYNTH","Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of printed synthetic fibers","70"
"6005","600541","WARP KNIT, BLEACH ARTIFIC","Warp knit fabrics (including galloon knitting machines) of unbleached or bleached artificial fibers","70"
"6005","600542","WARP KNIT, DYED ARTIFICIA","Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of dyed artificial fibers","70"
"6005","600543","WARP KNIT, ARTIFICIAL YAR","Warp knit fabrics (including galloon knitting machines) artificial fibers yarns of different color","70"
"6005","600544","WARP KNIT, PRINTED ARTIFI","Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of printed artificial fibers","70"
"6005","600590","WARP KNIT, NESOI","Warp knit fabrics nesoi (including galloon knitting machines), of textile materials nesoi","70"
"6006","600610","KNIT FAB, NESOI","Knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, of wool or fine animal hair","70"
"6006","600621","KNIT FAB, COT, BLEACH NES","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, unbleached or bleached, nesoi","70"
"6006","600622","KNIT FAB, COTTON, DYED, N","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, dyed, nesoi","70"
"6006","600623","KNIT FAB, COTTON, YARN NE","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, of yarns of different colors, nesoi","70"
"6006","600624","KNIT FAB, COTTON, PRINT N","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, oc cotton, printed, nesoi","70"
"6006","600631","KNIT FAB, SYN, BLEACH NES","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of synthetic fibers, unbleached or bleached, nesoi","70"
"6006","600632","KNIT FAB, SYN, DYED, NES","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of synthetic fibers, dyed, nesoi","70"
"6006","600633","KNIT FAB, SYN, YARN NES","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of synthetic fibers, of yarns of different colors, nesoi","70"
"6006","600634","KNIT FAB, SYN, PRINTED NE","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of synthetic fibers, printed, nesoi","70"
"6006","600641","KNIT FAB, ARTIFBLEACH NES","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of artificial fibers, unbleached or bleached, nesoi","70"
"6006","600642","KNIT FAB, ARTIF, DYED, NE","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of artificial fibers, dyed, nesoi","70"
"6006","600643","KNIT FAB, ARTF, YARN NES","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of artificial fibers, of yarns of different colors, nesoi","70"
"6006","600644","KNIT FAB, ARTIF, PRINT NE","Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of artificial fibers, printed, nesoi","70"
"6006","600690","KNIT FAB, NESOI","Knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, of textile materials nesoi","70"
"6101","610110","MENS, COATS, WOOL","Mens, boys overcoats, etc, of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6101","610120","MENS, COATS, COTTON","Mens, boys overcoats, etc, of cotton, knit","22"
"6101","610130","MENS, COATS, MANMADE","Mens, boys overcoats, etc, of manmade fibres, knit","70"
"6101","610190","MENS, COATS, OTHER","Mens, boys overcoats, etc, of material nes, knit","70"
"6102","610210","WOMENS, COATS, WOOL","Womens, girls overcoats, etc, of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6102","610220","WOMENS, COATS, COTTO","Womens, girls overcoats, etc, of cotton, knit","22"
"6102","610230","WOMENS, COATS, MANMA","Womens, girls overcoats, etc, manmade fibres, knit","70"
"6102","610290","WOMENS, COATS, OTHER","Womens, girls overcoats, etc, material nes, knit","70"
"6103","610310","MENS, BOYS, SUITS","Mens, boys suits","70"
"6103","610311","MENS, SUITS, WOOL","Mens, boys suits, of wool, fine animal hair, knit","70"
"6103","610312","MENS, SUITS, SYN","Mens, boys suits, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6103","610319","MENS, SUITS, OTHER","Mens, boys suits, of materials nes, knit","70"
"6103","610321","MENS, ENSEM, WOOL","Mens, boys ensembles, of wool animal hair, knit","70"
"6103","610322","MENS, ENSEM, COTTON","Mens, boys ensembles, of cotton, knit","22"
"6103","610323","MENS, ENSEM, SYN","Mens, boys ensembles, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6103","610329","MENS, ENSEM, OTHER","Mens, boys ensembles, of material nes, knit","70"
"6103","610331","MENS, JACKETS, WOOL","Mens, boys jackets & blazers, wool or hair, knit","70"
"6103","610332","MENS, JACKETS, COTTO","Mens, boys jackets & blazers, cotton, knit","22"
"6103","610333","MENS, JACKETS, SYN","Mens, boys jackets & blazers, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6103","610339","MENS, JACKETS, OTHER","Mens, boys jackets & blazers, material nes, knit","70"
"6103","610341","MENS, PANTS, WOOL","Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6103","610342","MENS, PANTS, COTTON","Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, knit","22"
"6103","610343","MENS, PANTS, SYN","Mens, boys trousers, shorts, of synthetic fibres, kni","70"
"6103","610349","MENS, PANTS, OTHER","Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of material nes, knit","70"
"6104","610411","WOMENS, SUITS, WOOL","Womens, girls suits, of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6104","610412","WOMENS, SUITS, COTTO","Womens, girls suits, of cotton, knit","22"
"6104","610413","WOMENS, SUITS, SYN","Womens, girls suits, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6104","610419","WOMENS, SUITS, OTHER","Womens, girls suits, of material nes, knit","70"
"6104","610421","WOMENS, ENSEM, WOOL","Womens, girls ensembles, of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6104","610422","WOMENS, ENSEM, COTTO","Womens, girls ensembles, of cotton, knit","22"
"6104","610423","WOMENS, ENSEM, SYN","Womens, girls ensembles, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6104","610429","WOMENS, ENSEM, OTHER","Womens, girls ensembles, of material nes, knit","70"
"6104","610431","WOMENS, JACKET, WOOL","Womens, girls jackets & blazers, of wool or hair,knit","70"
"6104","610432","WOMENS, JACKET, COTT","Womens, girls jackets & blazers, of cotton, knit","22"
"6104","610433","WOMENS, JACKET, SYN","Womens, girls jackets, blazers, synthetic fibres, kni","70"
"6104","610439","WOMENS, JACKET, OTHR","Womens, girls jackets & blazers, material nes, knit","70"
"6104","610441","WOMENS, DRESS, WOOL","Womens, girls dresses, of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6104","610442","WOMENS, DRESS, COTTO","Womens, girls dresses, of cotton, knit","22"
"6104","610443","WOMENS, DRESS, SYN","Womens, girls dresses, of synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6104","610444","WOMENS, DRESS, ART","Womens, girls dresses, of artificial fibres, knit","70"
"6104","610449","WOMENS, DRESS, OTHER","Womens, girls dresses, of material nes, knit","70"
"6104","610451","WOMENS, SKIRT, WOOL","Womens, girls skirts, of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6104","610452","WOMENS, SKIRT, COTTO","Womens, girls skirts, of cotton, knit","22"
"6104","610453","WOMENS, SKIRT, SYN","Womens, girls skirts, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6104","610459","WOMENS, SKIRT, OTHER","Womens, girls skirts, of material nes, knit","70"
"6104","610461","WOMENS, PANTS, WOOL","Womens, girls trousers & shorts, of wool hair, knit","70"
"6104","610462","WOMENS, PANTS, COTTO","Womens, girls trousers & shorts, of cotton, knit","22"
"6104","610463","WOMENS, PANTS, SYN","Womens, girls trousers, shorts, synthetic fibres, kni","70"
"6104","610469","WOMENS, PANTS, OTHER","Womens, girls trousers & shorts, material nes, knit","70"
"6105","610510","MENS, SHIRTS, COTTON","Mens, boys shirts, of cotton, knit","22"
"6105","610520","MENS, SHIRTS, MANMAD","Mens, boys shirts, of manmade fibres, knit","70"
"6105","610590","MENS, SHIRTS, OTHER","Mens, boys shirts, of materials nes, knit","70"
"6106","610610","WOMENS, SHIRT, COTTO","Womens, girls blouses & shirts, of cotton, knit","22"
"6106","610620","WOMENS, SHIRT, MANMA","Womens, girls blouses & shirts, manmade fibre, knit","70"
"6106","610690","WOMENS, SHIRT, OTHER","Womens, girls blouses & shirts, of material nes, knit","70"
"6107","610711","MENS, BRIEFS, COTTON","Mens, boys underpants or briefs, of cotton, knit","22"
"6107","610712","MENS, BRIEFS, MANMAD","Mens, boys underpants or briefs, manmade fibre, knit","70"
"6107","610719","MENS, BRIEFS, OTHER","Mens, boys underpants or briefs, material nes, knit","70"
"6107","610721","MENS, PJS, COTTON","Mens, boys nightshirts or pyjamas, of cotton, knit","22"
"6107","610722","MENS, PJS, MANMADE","Mens, boys nightshirts or pyjamas, manmade fibre, kni","70"
"6107","610729","MENS, PJS, OTHER","Mens, boys nightshirts or pyjamas, material nes, knit","70"
"6107","610791","MENS, ROBES, COTTON","Mens, boys bathrobes, dressing gowns etc cotton, knit","22"
"6107","610792","MENS, ROBES, MANMADE","Mens, boys bathrobes, dressing gown manmade fibre kni","70"
"6107","610799","MENS, ROBES, OTHER","Mens, boys bathrobes, dressing gown etc fibre nes kni","70"
"6108","610811","WOMENS, SLIPS, MANMA","Womens, girls slips or petticoats, manmade fibre knit","70"
"6108","610819","WOMENS, SLIPS, OTHER","Womens, girls slips or petticoats, material nes knit","70"
"6108","610821","WOMENS, BRIEFS, COTT","Womens, girls briefs or panties, of cotton, knit","22"
"6108","610822","WOMENS, BRIEFS, MANM","Womens, girls briefs or panties, manmade fibre, knit","70"
"6108","610829","WOMENS, BRIEFS, OTHE","Womens, girls briefs or panties, material nes, knit","70"
"6108","610831","WOMENS, PJS, COTTON","Womens, girls nightdress or pyjamas, of cotton, knit","22"
"6108","610832","WOMENS, PJS, MANMADE","Womens, girls nightdress or pyjama manmade fibre, kni","70"
"6108","610839","WOMENS, PJS, OTHER","Womens, girls nightdress, pyjamas, material nes, knit","70"
"6108","610891","WOMENS, ROBES, COTTO","Womens, girls bathrobe, dressing gowns, of knit cotto","22"
"6108","610892","WOMENS, ROBES, MANMA","Women/girl bathrobe, dressing gown, knit manmade fibr","70"
"6108","610899","WOMENS, ROBES, OTHER","Womens, girls bathrobe, dressing gowns, nes, knit","70"
"6109","610910","T-SHIRTS, COTTON","T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of cotton, knit","22"
"6109","610990","T-SHIRTS, OTHER","T-shirts, singlets etc, of material nes, knit","70"
"6110","611010","PULLOVERS, WOOL","Pullovers, cardigans etc of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6110","611011","SWEATERS, WOOL","Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats (vests), and similar articles knitted/crocheted, of woo","70"
"6110","611012","SWEATERS, KASHMIR","Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, wastecoats (vests), knitted/crocheted, of kashmir (cashmere) goats","70"
"6110","611019","SWEATERS, OTHER","Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats (vests), and similar articles knitted or crocheted, nes","70"
"6110","611020","PULLOVERS, COTTON","Pullovers, cardigans etc of cotton, knit","22"
"6110","611030","PULLOVERS, MANMADE","Pullovers, cardigans etc of manmade fibres, knit","70"
"6110","611090","PULLOVERS, OTHER","Pullovers, cardigans etc of material nes knit","70"
"6111","611110","BABIES CLOTHES, WOOL","Babies garments, accessories of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6111","611120","BABIES CLOTHES, COTT","Babies garments, accessories of cotton, knit","22"
"6111","611130","BABIES CLOTHES, SYN","Babies garments, accessories of synthetic fibres, kni","70"
"6111","611190","BABIES CLOTHES, OTHE","Babies garments, accessories of material nes, knit","70"
"6112","611211","TRACK SUITS, COTTON","Track suits, of cotton, knit","22"
"6112","611212","TRACK SUITS, SYN","Track suits, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6112","611219","TRACK SUITS, OTHER","Track suits, of materials nes, knit","70"
"6112","611220","SKI SUITS, KNIT","Ski suits, of textile materials, knit","70"
"6112","611231","MENS, SWIMWARE, SYN","Mens, boys swimwear, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6112","611239","MENS, SWIMWARE, OTHE","Mens, boys swimwear, of material nes, knit","70"
"6112","611241","WOMENS, SWIMWARE, SY","Womens, girls swimwear, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6112","611249","WOMENS, SWIMWARE, OT","Womens, girls swimwear, of material nes, knit","70"
"6113","611300","GARMENTS OF KNIT","Garments of knit or crochet impregnated fabric","70"
"6114","611410","GARMENTS NES, WOOL","Garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knit","70"
"6114","611420","GARMENTS NES, COTTON","Garments nes, of cotton, knit","22"
"6114","611430","GARMENTS NES, MANMAD","Garments nes, of manmade fibres, knit","70"
"6114","611490","GARMENTS NES, OTHER","Garments nes, of materials nes, knit","70"
"6115","611511","PANTY HOSE ETC, SYN","Panty hose etc, synthetic fibre yarn <67 dtex/sy, kni","70"
"6115","611512","PANTY HOSE ETC, SYN","Panty hose etc, synthetic fibre yarn >67 dtex/sy, kni","70"
"6115","611519","PANTY HOSE ETC, OTHE","Panty hose etc of materials nes, knit","70"
"6115","611520","WOMENS HOSIERY","Womens full, kneelength hosiery, yarn <67 dtex/sy,kni","70"
"6115","611591","HOSIERY NES, WOOL","Hosiery nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knit","70"
"6115","611592","HOSIERY NES, COTTON","Hosiery nes, of cotton, knit","22"
"6115","611593","HOSIERY NES, SYN","Hosiery nes, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6115","611596","HOSIERY NES, SYN","Hosiery nes, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6115","611599","HOSIERY NES, OTHER","Hosiery nes, of materials nes, knit","70"
"6116","611610","GLOVES, RUBBER","Gloves impregnated or coated with plastic,rubber, kni","70"
"6116","611691","GLOVES, WOOL","Gloves, mittens or mitts, nes, of wool or hair, knit","70"
"6116","611692","GLOVES, COTTON","Gloves, mittens or mitts, nes, of cotton, knit","22"
"6116","611693","GLOVES, SYN","Gloves, mittens or mitts, nes, synthetic fibres, knit","70"
"6116","611699","GLOVES, OTHER","Gloves, mittens or mitts, nes, material nes knit","70"
"6117","611710","SHAWLS, SCARVES","Shawls, scarves, veils etc, textile material, knit","70"
"6117","611720","TIES, BOW TIES","Ties, bow ties and cravats, of textile material, knit","70"
"6117","611780","CLOTHING ACCESSORIES","Clothing accessories nes, of textile material, knit","70"
"6117","611790","PARTS OF GARMENTS","Parts of garments, accessories, textile material, kni","70"
"6201","620111","MENS, COATS, WOOL","Mens, boys overcoats of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6201","620112","MENS, COATS, COTTON","Mens, boys overcoats of cotton, not knit","22"
"6201","620113","MENS, COATS, MANMADE","Mens, boys overcoats of manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6201","620119","MENS, COATS, OTHER","Mens, boys overcoats of material nes, not knit","70"
"6201","620191","MENS, ANORAKS, WOOL","Mens, boys anoraks etc, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6201","620192","MENS, ANORAKS, COTTO","Mens, boys anoraks etc, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6201","620193","MENS, ANORAKS, MANMA","Mens, boys anoraks etc, of manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6201","620199","MENS, ANORAKS, OTHER","Mens, boys anoraks etc, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6202","620211","WOMENS, COATS, WOOL","Womens, girls overcoats etc of wool or hair not knit","70"
"6202","620212","WOMENS, COATS, COTTO","Womens, girls overcoats etc of cotton, not knit","22"
"6202","620213","WOMENS, COATS, MANMA","Womens, girls overcoats etc manmade fibre, not knit","70"
"6202","620219","WOMENS, COATS, OTHER","Womens, girls overcoats of material nes, not knit","70"
"6202","620291","WOMENS, ANORAKS,WOOL","Womens, girls anoraks etc of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6202","620292","WOMENS, ANORAKS, COT","Womens, girls anoraks etc of cotton, not knit","22"
"6202","620293","WOMENS, ANORAKS, MAN","Womens, girls anoraks etc of manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6202","620299","WOMENS, ANORAKS, NES","Womens, girls anoraks etc of material nes, not knit","70"
"6203","620311","MENS, SUITS, WOOL","Mens, boys suits, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6203","620312","MENS, SUITS, SYN","Mens, boys suits, synthetic fibres, not knit","70"
"6203","620319","MENS, SUITS, OTHER","Mens, boys suits, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6203","620321","MENS, ENSEM, WOOL","Mens, boys ensembles, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6203","620322","MENS, ENSEM, COTTON","Mens, boys ensembles, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6203","620323","MENS, ENSEM, SYN","Mens, boys ensembles, synthetic fibres, not knit","70"
"6203","620329","MENS, ENSEM, OTHER","Mens, boys ensembles, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6203","620331","MENS, JACKET, WOOL","Mens, boys jackets & blazers, wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6203","620332","MENS, JACKET, COTTON","Mens, boys jackets & blazers, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6203","620333","MENS, JACKET, SYN","Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni","70"
"6203","620339","MENS, JACKET, OTHER","Mens, boys jackets & blazers, material nes, not knit","70"
"6203","620341","MENS, PANTS, WOOL","Mens, boys trousers & shorts, wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6203","620342","MENS, PANTS, COTTON","Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit","70"
"6203","620343","MENS, PANTS, SYN","Mens, boys trousers shorts, synthetic fibre, not knit","70"
"6203","620349","MENS, PANTS, OTHER","Mens, boys trousers & shorts, material nes, not knit","70"
"6204","620411","WOMENS, SUIT, WOOL","Womens, girls suits, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6204","620412","WOMENS, SUIT, COTTON","Womens, girls suits, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6204","620413","WOMENS, SUIT, SYN","Womens, girls suits, synthetic fibres, not knit","70"
"6204","620419","WOMENS, SUIT, OTHER","Womens, girls suits, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6204","620421","WOMENS, ENSEM, WOOL","Womens, girls ensembles, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6204","620422","WOMENS, ENSEM, COTTO","Womens, girls ensembles, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6204","620423","WOMENS, ENSEM, SYN","Womens, girls ensembles, synthetic fibres, not knit","70"
"6204","620429","WOMENS, ENSEM, OTHER","Womens, girls ensembles, material nes, not knit","70"
"6204","620431","WOMENS, JACKET, WOOL","Womens, girls jackets, blazers, wool or hair, not kni","70"
"6204","620432","WOMENS, JACKET, COT","Womens, girls jackets & blazers, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6204","620433","WOMENS, JACKET, SYN","Womens, girls jackets, blazers, synth fibres, not kni","70"
"6204","620439","WOMENS, JACKET, OTH","Womens, girls jackets & blazers, material nes,not kni","70"
"6204","620441","WOMENS, DRESS, WOOL","Womens, girls dresses, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6204","620442","WOMENS, DRESS, COTTO","Womens, girls dresses, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6204","620443","WOMENS, DRESS, SYN","Womens, girls dresses, synthetic fibres, not knit","70"
"6204","620444","WOMENS, DRESS, ART","Womens, girls dresses, of artificial fibres, not knit","70"
"6204","620449","WOMENS, DRESS, OTHER","Womens, girls dresses, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6204","620451","WOMENS, SKIRTS, WOOL","Womens, girls skirts, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6204","620452","WOMENS, SKIRTS, COTT","Womens, girls skirts, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6204","620453","WOMENS, SKIRTS, SYN","Womens, girls skirts, synthetic fibres, not knit","70"
"6204","620459","WOMENS, SKIRTS, OTHR","Womens, girls skirts, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6204","620461","WOMENS, PANTS, WOOL","Womens, girls trousers, shorts, wool or hair, not kni","70"
"6204","620462","WOMENS, PANTS, COTTO","Womens, girls trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit","70"
"6204","620463","WOMENS, PANTS, SYN","Womens, girls trousers, shorts, synth fibres, not kni","70"
"6204","620469","WOMENS, PANTS, OTHER","Womens, girls trousers, shorts, material nes, not kni","70"
"6205","620510","MENS, SHIRTS, WOOL","Mens, boys shirts, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6205","620520","MENS, SHIRTS, COTTON","Mens, boys shirts, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6205","620530","MENS, SHIRTS, MANMAD","Mens, boys shirts, of manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6205","620590","MENS, SHIRTS, OTHER","Mens, boys shirts, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6206","620610","WOMENS, SHIRTS, SILK","Womens, girls blouses & shirts, of silk, not knit","70"
"6206","620620","WOMENS, SHIRTS, WOOL","Womens, girls blouses & shirts, wool or hair, not kni","70"
"6206","620630","WOMENS, SHIRTS, COTT","Womens, girls blouses & shirts, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6206","620640","WOMENS, SHIRTS, MANM","Womens, girls blouses, shirts, manmade fibre, not kni","70"
"6206","620690","WOMENS, SHIRTS, OTHE","Womens, girls blouses & shirts, material nes, not kni","70"
"6207","620711","MENS, BRIEFS, COTTON","Mens, boys underpants or briefs, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6207","620719","MENS, BRIEFS, OTHER","Mens, boys underpants, briefs, material nes, not knit","70"
"6207","620721","MENS, PJS, COTTON","Mens, boys nightshirts or pyjamas, cotton, not knit","22"
"6207","620722","MENS, PJS, MANMADE","Mens/boys nightshirts, pyjama, manmade fibre, not kni","70"
"6207","620729","MENS, PJS, OTHER","Mens, boys nightshirt, pyjamas, material nes, not kni","70"
"6207","620791","MENS, ROBES, COTTON","Mens, boys dressing gowns, etc cotton, not knit","22"
"6207","620792","MENS, ROBES, MANMADE","Mens, boys dressing gowns etc manmade fibre, not knit","70"
"6207","620799","MENS, ROBES, OTHER","Mens, boys dressing gowns, material nes, not knit","70"
"6208","620811","WOMENS, SLIPS, MANMA","Womens, girls slips etc, of manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6208","620819","WOMENS, SLIPS, OTHER","Womens, girls slips etc, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6208","620821","WOMENS, PJS, COTTON","Womens, girls nightdress, pyjamas, of cotton, not kni","22"
"6208","620822","WOMENS, PJS, MANMADE","Women/girl nightdress, pyjama, manmade fibre, not kni","70"
"6208","620829","WOMENS, PJS, OTHER","Womens girls nightdress, pyjama, material nes not kni","70"
"6208","620891","WOMENS, BRIEFS, COTT","Womens, girls panties, bathrobes etc, cotton, not kni","22"
"6208","620892","WOMENS, BRIEFS, MANM","Women/girl panties bathrobe etc manmade fibre not kni","70"
"6208","620899","WOMENS, BRIEFS, OTHE","Womens, girls panties, bathrobes, etc, nes not knit","70"
"6209","620910","BABIES GARMENTS,WOOL","Babies garments, accessories of wool or hair, not kni","70"
"6209","620920","BABIES GARMENTS, COT","Babies garments, accessories of cotton, not knit","22"
"6209","620930","BABIES GARMENTS, SYN","Babies garments, accessories synthetic fibre, not kni","70"
"6209","620990","BABIES GARMENTS, NES","Babies garments, accessories of material nes, not kni","70"
"6210","621010","GARMENTS NONWOVEN","Garments made up of textile felts and nonwoven fabric","70"
"6210","621020","MENS, COATS, IMPREG","Mens, boys overcoats of impregnated, etc fabric","70"
"6210","621030","WOMENS, COATS, IMPRE","Womens, girls overcoats, of impregnated, etc fabric","70"
"6210","621040","MENS, OTHER, IMPREG","Mens, boys garments nes, made up of impregnated fabri","70"
"6210","621050","WOMENS, OTHER, IMPRE","Womens, girls garments nes, of impregnated fabric","70"
"6211","621111","MENS, SWIMWEAR","Mens, boys swimwear, not knit","22"
"6211","621112","WOMENS, SWIMWEAR","Womens, girls swimwear, not knit","22"
"6211","621120","SKI SUITS","Ski suits, of textile material, not knit","70"
"6211","621131","MENS, OTHER, WOOL","Mens, boys garments nes, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6211","621132","MENS, OTHER, COTTON","Mens, boys garments nes, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6211","621133","MENS, OTHER, MANMADE","Mens, boys garments nes, of manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6211","621139","MENS, OTHER, NES","Mens, boys garments nes, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6211","621141","WOMENS, OTHER, WOOL","Womens, girls garments nes, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6211","621142","WOMENS, OTHER, COTTO","Womens, girls garments nes, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6211","621143","WOMENS, OTHER, MANMA","Womens, girls garments nes, manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6211","621149","WOMENS, OTHER, NES","Womens, girls garments nes, material nes, not knit","70"
"6212","621210","BRASSIERES","Brassieres and parts thereof","70"
"6212","621220","GIRDLES","Girdles, panty girdles and parts thereof","70"
"6212","621230","CORSELETTES","Corselettes and parts thereof","70"
"6212","621290","CORSETS, BRACES","Corsets, braces and parts thereof","22"
"6213","621310","HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK","Handkerchiefs, of silk or silk waste, not knit","70"
"6213","621320","HANDKERCHIEFS, COTTO","Handkerchiefs, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6213","621390","HANDKERCHIEFS, OTHER","Handkerchiefs, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6214","621410","SHAWLS, SCARVES,SILK","Shawls, scarves, etc, of silk etc, not knit","70"
"6214","621420","SHAWLS, SCARVES,WOOL","Shawls, scarves, etc, of wool or hair, not knit","70"
"6214","621430","SHAWLS, SCARVES, SYN","Shawls, scarves, etc, synthetic fibres, not knit","70"
"6214","621440","SHAWLS, SCARVES, ART","Shawls, scarves, etc, of artificial fibres, not knit","70"
"6214","621490","SHAWLS, SCARVES, NES","Shawls, scarves, etc, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6215","621510","TIES, BOW TIES SILK","Ties, bow ties and cravats, of silk, not knit","70"
"6215","621520","TIES, BOW TIES MANMA","Ties, bow ties and cravats, manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6215","621590","TIES, BOW TIES OTHER","Ties, bow ties and cravats, material nes, not knit","22"
"6216","621600","GLOVES, MITTENS","Gloves, mittens and mitts, textile material, not knit","70"
"6217","621710","CLOTHING ACCESS NES","Clothing accessories nes, textile material, not knit","70"
"6217","621790","PARTS OF GARMENTS","Parts of garments, clothing accessories nes, not knit","70"
"6301","630110","ELECTRIC BLANKETS","Electric blankets of textile material","70"
"6301","630120","BLANKETS WOOL","Blankets (non-electric) & travelling rug, wool or hai","70"
"6301","630130","BLANKETS COTTON","Blankets (non-electric) and travelling rugs, of cotto","22"
"6301","630140","BLANKETS SYN","Blankets (except electric) & travel rugs, synth fibre","70"
"6301","630190","BLANKETS OTHER","Blankets (except electric) & travel rugs, material ne","70"
"6302","630210","BED LINEN, KNIT","Bed linen, of textile knit or crochet materials","22"
"6302","630221","BED LINEN, OF COTTON","Bed linen, of cotton, printed, not knit","22"
"6302","630222","BED LINEN, OF MANMAD","Bed linen, of manmade fibres, printed, not knit","70"
"6302","630229","BED LINEN, OF OTHER","Bed linen, of material nes, printed, not knit","70"
"6302","630231","BED LINEN, OF COTTON","Bed linen, of cotton, nes","22"
"6302","630232","BED LINEN, OF MANMAD","Bed linen, of manmade fibres, nes","70"
"6302","630239","BED LINEN, OF MATERI","Bed linen, of material nes, nes","70"
"6302","630240","TABLE LINEN, OTHER","Table linen, of textile knit or crochet materials","70"
"6302","630251","TABLE LINEN, COTTON","Table linen, of cotton, not knit","22"
"6302","630252","TABLE LINEN, OF FLAX","Table linen, of flax, not knit","70"
"6302","630253","TABLE LINEN, OF MANM","Table linen, of manmade fibres, not knit","70"
"6302","630259","TABLE LINEN, OTHER","Table linen, of material nes, not knit","70"
"6302","630260","TOILET LINEN COTTON","Toilet or kitchen linen, of cotton terry towelling","22"
"6302","630291","TOILET LINEN COTTON","Toilet or kitchen linen, of cotton, nes","70"
"6302","630292","TOILET LINEN FLAX","Toilet or kitchen linen, of flax","70"
"6302","630293","TOILET LINEN MANMADE","Toilet or kitchen linen, of manmade fibres","70"
"6302","630299","TOILET LINEN OTHER","Toilet or kitchen linen, of material nes","70"
"6303","630311","CURTAINS COTTON","Curtains drapes blinds valances, cotton, knit","22"
"6303","630312","CURTAINS SYN","Curtains drapes blinds valances, synthetic fibre, kni","70"
"6303","630319","CURTAINS OTHER","Curtains drapes blinds valances, material nes, knit","70"
"6303","630391","CURTAINS COTTON","Curtains drapes blinds valances, cotton, not knit","22"
"6303","630392","CURTAINS SYN","Curtains drapes blinds valances, synth fibre, not kni","70"
"6303","630399","CURTAINS OTHER","Curtains drapes blinds valances, material nes, woven","70"
"6304","630411","BEDSPREADS, KNIT","Bedspreads, textile material, nes, knit or crochet","70"
"6304","630419","BEDSPREADS, NOT KNIT","Bedspreads, textile material, nes, not knit or croche","70"
"6304","630491","TEXTILE FURNISH KNIT","Textile furnishing articles nes, knit or crochet","70"
"6304","630492","FURNISHING ART COTTO","Furnishing articles nes, of cotton, not knit, crochet","70"
"6304","630493","FURNISHING ART SYN","Furnishing articles nes, synth fibre,not knit, croche","70"
"6304","630499","FURNISHING GOODS NES","Furnishing goods nes, material nes, not knit, crochet","70"
"6305","630510","SACKS & BAGS, JUTE","Sacks & bags, packing, of jute or other bast fibres","70"
"6305","630520","SACKS & BAGS, COTTON","Sacks & bags, packing, of cotton","22"
"6305","630532","FLEXIBLE CONTAIN MAN","Flexible intermediate bulk containers, man-made mater","70"
"6305","630533","SACKS, BAGS, PLASTIC","Sacks, bags, packing, of strip plastic material","70"
"6305","630539","SACKS, BAGS, MANMADE","Sacks, bags, packing, of other manmade yarn","70"
"6305","630590","SACKS & BAGS, OTHER","Sacks & bags, packing, of materials nes","70"
"6306","630611","TARPAULINS, COTTON","Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of cotton","22"
"6306","630612","TARPAULINS, SYN","Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of synthetic fibre","70"
"6306","630619","TARPAULINS, OTHER","Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of material nes","70"
"6306","630621","TENTS, OF COTTON","Tents, of cotton","22"
"6306","630622","TENTS, SYNTHETIC","Tents, synthetic fibres","70"
"6306","630629","TENTS, OTHER","Tents, of textile material nes","70"
"6306","630630","SAILS, SYNTHETIC","Sails, synthetic fibres","70"
"6306","630631","SAILS, SYNTHETIC","Sails, synthetic fibres","70"
"6306","630639","SAILS, OTHER","Sails, of material nes","70"
"6306","630640","PNEU MATTRESS COTTON","Pneumatic mattresses, of cotton","70"
"6306","630641","PNEU MATTRESS COTTON","Pneumatic mattresses, of cotton","22"
"6306","630649","PNEU MATTRESS OTHER","Pneumatic mattresses, textile material, not cotton","70"
"6306","630691","CAMPING GOODS COTTON","Camping goods nes, of cotton","22"
"6306","630699","CAMPING GOODS OTHER","Camping goods nes, textile material, not cotton","70"
"6307","630710","FLOOR & DISH CLOTHS","Floor & dish cloths, dusters, etc, textile material","70"
"6307","630720","LIFE JACKETS","Life jackets and life belts, textile material","70"
"6307","630790","MADE UP ARTICLES","Made up articles (textile) nes, textile dress pattern","70"
"6308","630800","SET, WOVEN FABRIC","Set, woven fabric and yarn for rugs, tapestry etc","70"
"6309","630900","WORN CLOTHING","Worn clothing and other worn articles","70"
"6310","631010","USED/NEW RAGS SORTED","Used or new rags textile material, sorted","70"
"6310","631090","USED/NEW RAG NT SORT","Used or new rags textile material, not sorted","70"
"6401","640110","WATERPRF, FOOT, META","Waterproof footwear (Wellingtons etc), metal toe cap","70"
"6401","640191","WATERPRF, FOOT, KNEE","Waterproof footwear(Wellington) no toe cap, over knee","70"
"6401","640192","WATERPRF, FOOT, ANKL","Waterproof footwear(Wellington) no toe cap,over ankle","70"
"6401","640199","WATERPRF, FOOT, NES","Waterproof footwear(Wellington) no toe cap, nes","70"
"6402","640212","SKI-BOOTS","Ski-boots, snow-board boots, all rubber/plastic","70"
"6402","640219","SPORTS FOOTWEAR NES","Sports footwear nes, soles, uppers of rubber, plastic","70"
"6402","640220","FOOT, RUBBER, STRAP","Footwear, rubber, plastic, straps fix to sole by plug","70"
"6402","640230","FOOT, RUBBER, METAL","Footwear, sole/upper rubber/plastic,metal toe-cap nes","70"
"6402","640291","BOOTS, RUBBER","Boots, soles/uppers rubber or plastic, over ankle, ne","70"
"6402","640299","FOOT, RUBBER, OTHER","Footwear, outer soles/uppers of rubber or plastic, ne","70"
"6403","640312","SKI-BOOTS","Ski-boots, snow-board boots, uppers of leather","70"
"6403","640319","SPORTS FOOTWEAR NES","Sports footwear, except ski, uppers of leather","70"
"6403","640320","FOOT, LEATHER, STRAP","Footwear, soles/uppers leather, strap instep & big to","70"
"6403","640330","FOOT, LEATHER, WOOD","Footwear, wood base, uppers leather, no inner sole","70"
"6403","640340","FOOT, LEATHER, METAL","Footwear, uppers of leather with metal toe-cap, nes","70"
"6403","640351","FOOT, LEATHER, ANKLE","Footwear, soles, uppers of leather, over ankle, nes","70"
"6403","640359","FOOT, LEATHER, OTHER","Footwear, outer soles and uppers of leather, nes","70"
"6403","640391","BOOTS, RUB, LEATHER","Boots, sole rubber or plastic upper leather, nes","70"
"6403","640399","FOOTWEAR, RUB, LEATH","Footwear, sole rubber, plastics uppers of leather, ne","70"
"6404","640411","SPORTS FOOTWEAR","Sports footwear, sole rubber or plastic, upper textil","70"
"6404","640419","FOOTWEAR,SOLE RUBBER","Footwear,sole rubber/plastic,upper textile, not sport","70"
"6404","640420","FOOTWEAR, SOLE LEATH","Footwear, sole leather and uppers textile material","70"
"6405","640510","FOOTWEAR, NES, LEATH","Footwear, nes, uppers leather","70"
"6405","640520","FOOTWEAR, NES, TEXTI","Footwear, nes, upper textile material","70"
"6405","640590","FOOTWEAR, NES","Footwear, nes","70"
"6406","640610","FOOTWEAR UPPERS","Footwear uppers and parts thereof, except stiffeners","70"
"6406","640620","SOLES AND HEELS","Soles and heels for footwear, of rubber or plastic","70"
"6406","640691","PARTS OF FOOTWEAR","Parts of footwear of wood","70"
"6406","640699","PARTS OF FOOTWEAR","Parts of footwear nes, gaiters and leggings etc","70"
"6701","670100","BIRD SKINS, FEATHERS","Bird skins and feathers, articles therefrom","70"
"6702","670210","ART FLOWERS, PLASTIC","Artificial flowers foliage fruit, articles, plastic","70"
"6702","670290","ART FLOWERS, OTHER","Artificial flowers foliage fruit etc except plastic","70"
"6703","670300","WORKED HUMAN HAIR","Worked human hair, wool or animal hair, for wig makin","70"
"6704","670411","WIGS, SYNTHETIC","Complete wigs of synthetic textile materials","70"
"6704","670419","FALSE BEARD, EYEBROW","False beard, eyebrows etc, synthetic textile material","70"
"6704","670420","WIGS, HUMAN HAIR","Wigs, false beards, eyebrows etc, of human hair","70"
"6704","670490","WIGS, OTHER","Wigs, false beards, eyebrows etc, of other materials","70"
"6801","680100","STONE SETTS","Stone setts, curbstones, flagstones (except slate)","70"
"6802","680210","STONE MOSAIC TILES","Stone mosaic tiles, artificial coloured chips etc","70"
"6802","680221","CUT SLABS, MARBLE","Cut or sawn slabs of marble, travertine or alabaster","70"
"6802","680222","CUT SLABS, CALCAR","Cut or sawn slabs of calcareous stone nes","70"
"6802","680223","CUT SLABS, GRANITE","Cut or sawn slabs of granite","70"
"6802","680229","CUT SLABS, OTHER","Cut or sawn slabs of stone nes","70"
"6802","680291","WORKED MARBLE","Worked marble, travertine and alabaster","70"
"6802","680292","WORKED CALCAREOUS","Worked calcareous stone nes","70"
"6802","680293","WORKED GRANITE","Worked granite","70"
"6802","680299","WORKED MONUMENTAL","Worked monumental or building stone nes","70"
"6803","680300","WORKED SLATE","Worked slate, articles of slate or agglomerated slate","70"
"6804","680410","STONES FOR MILLING","Stones for milling, grinding or pulping","70"
"6804","680421","GRINDSTONES DIAMOND","Grindstones etc of synthetic or natural diamond","70"
"6804","680422","GRINDSTONES AGGLOMER","Grindstones etc, agglomerated abrasives or ceramics","70"
"6804","680423","MILLSTONES","Millstones, grindstones etc of natural stone","70"
"6804","680430","HAND SHARPENING","Hand sharpening or polishing stones","70"
"6805","680510","ABRASIVE POWDER WOV","Abrasive powderor grain on woven textile support","70"
"6805","680520","ABRASIVE POWDER PAP","Abrasive powder, grain on paper or paperboard support","70"
"6805","680530","ABRASIVE POWDER NES","Abrasive powder or grain on a base of other material","70"
"6806","680610","SLAG WOOL","Slag wool, rock wool, similar wools, bulk, sheet, rol","70"
"6806","680620","EXFOLIATED VERMICULI","Exfoliated vermiculite, foamed slag, expanded mineral","70"
"6806","680690","MINERAL HEAT","Mineral heat or sound insulating materials & articles","70"
"6807","680710","ASPHALT ROLLS","Asphalt or similar material articles, in rolls","70"
"6807","680790","ASPHALT OTHER","Asphalt or similar material articles not in rolls","70"
"6808","680800","BOARDS","Boards, etc of veg fibre with mineral binder or cemen","70"
"6809","680911","PLASTER BOARD","Plaster board etc not ornamental, paper reinforced","70"
"6809","680919","PLASTER BOARDS","Plaster boards etc not ornamental, reinforced nes","70"
"6809","680990","ARTICLES OF PLASTER","Articles of plaster etc, other than plasterboard","70"
"6810","681011","BUILDING BLOCKS","Building blocks, bricks of cement, or artificial ston","70"
"6810","681019","TILES & FLAGSTONES","Tiles & flagstones of cement,concrete,artificial ston","70"
"6810","681091","PREFABRICATED STRUCT","Prefabricated structural items of cement or concrete","70"
"6810","681099","ARTICLES OF CEMENT","Articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone nes","70"
"6811","681110","CORRUGATED SHEETS","Corrugated sheets of asbestos, cellulose fibre cement","70"
"6811","681120","SHEET/TILE, ASBESTOS","Sheet/tile, asbestos/cellulose fibre cement not corru","70"
"6811","681130","TUBES, PIPES ASBESTO","Tubes, pipes etc of asbestos or cellulose fibre cemen","70"
"6811","681190","ARTICLES NES, ASBEST","Articles nes, of asbestoso or cellulose fibre cement","70"
"6812","681210","ASBESTOS FIBRES","Asbestos fibres etc","70"
"6812","681220","ASBESTOS YARN","Asbestos yarn and thread","70"
"6812","681230","ASBESTOS CORDS","Asbestos cords and string","70"
"6812","681240","ASBESTOS WOVEN FABRI","Asbestos woven or knit fabric","70"
"6812","681250","ASBESTOS CLOTHING","Asbestos clothing, accessories, foot and headwear","70"
"6812","681260","ASBESTOS PAPER","Asbestos paper, millboard and felt","70"
"6812","681270","COMPRESSED ASBESTOS","Compressed asbestos fibre jointing, in sheets, rolls","70"
"6812","681290","ASBESTOS FABRICATED","Asbestos fabricated products nes","70"
"6813","681310","ASBESTOS BRAKE PADS","Asbestos brake linings and pads","70"
"6813","681390","ASBESTOS FRICTION","Asbestos friction material, articles except for brake","70"
"6814","681410","MICA PLATES","Mica plates, sheets and strips","70"
"6814","681490","WORKED MICA","Worked mica and articles of mica except sheet mica","70"
"6815","681510","NON-ELECTRICAL ARTIC","Non-electrical articles of graphite or other carbon","70"
"6815","681520","ARTICLES OF PEAT","Articles of peat","70"
"6815","681591","ARTICLES MAGNESITE","Articles containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite","70"
"6815","681599","ARTICLES OF STONE","Articles of stone or of other mineral substances nes","70"
"8201","820120","FORKS","Forks, and parts thereof","95"
"8201","820190","HANDTOOLS, AG","Other handtools of a kind used in agriculture, horti-culture or forestry, and parts thereof","95"
"8205","820559","HANDTOOLS, NESOI","Other handtools (including glass cutters) and parts thereof","95"
"8208","820840","KNIVES","Knives and cutting blades, For agricultural, horticultural or forestry machines, parts thereof","78"
"8407","840732","ENGINE, RECIP >50","Reciprocating piston engines of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cc but not exceeding 250 cc","78"
"8407","840733","ENGINE, RECIP >250","Reciprocating piston engines of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cc but not exceeding 1,000 cc","78"
"8407","840734","ENGINE, RECIP >1000","Reciprocating piston engines of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc","78"
"8407","840790","ENGINE, SPARK OTHER","Other Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines","78"
"8408","840820","ENGINE, CHAP 87","Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87","78"
"8408","840890","ENGINE, COMP OTHER","Other Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines","78"
"8419","841931","DRYERS","Dryers, For agricultural products","78"
"8424","842481","APPLIANCES, AG NESOI","Other appliances, Agricultural or horticultural","95"
"8428","842820","CONVEYORS","Pneumatic elevators and conveyors","78"
"8428","842839","CONVEYORS, NESOI","Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors, for goods or materials","78"
"8432","843221","DISC HARROWS","Disc harrows","78"
"8432","843229","HARROWS, OTHER","Other harrows, scarifiers, cultivators, weeders and hoes","78"
"8432","843230","SEEDERS","Seeders, planters and transplanters","78"
"8432","843240","MANURE SPREADERS","Manure spreaders and fertilizer distributors","78"
"8432","843280","MACH, SOIL PREP","Other agricultural machinery for soil preparation or cultivation","78"
"8432","843290","MACH, SOIL PREP","Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation","95"
"8433","843320","MOWERS, DRAWN","Other mowers, Tractor drawn or for tractor mounting","78"
"8433","843330","HAYMAKING MACH","Other haymaking machinery","78"
"8433","843340","BALERS","Straw or fodder balers, including pick-up balers","78"
"8433","843351","COMBINES","Combine harvester-threshers","78"
"8433","843352","THRESHING MACH NESOI","Other threshing machinery","78"
"8433","843353","ROOT HARVESTERS","Root or tuber harvesting machines","78"
"8433","843359","HARVESTERS, OTHER","Other harvesting machinery; threshing machinery","78"
"8433","843360","GRADERS, SORTERS","Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce","78"
"8433","843390","HARVESTER, PARTS","Harvesting or threshing machinery, parts","95"
"8434","843410","MILKING MACHINGES","Milking machines","78"
"8434","843420","DAIRY MACHINERY","Dairy machinery","78"
"8434","843490","DAIRY MACHINE PARTS","Milking machines and dairy machinery, parts","78"
"8436","843610","MACH, ANIMAL FEED","Machinery for preparing animal feeds","78"
"8436","843621","INCUBATORS","Poultry incubators and brooders","78"
"8436","843629","MACH, POULTRY, NESOI","Other Poultry-keeping machinery; poultry incubators and brooders","78"
"8436","843680","MACH, AG, NESOI","Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery","78"
"8436","843691","MACH, POULTRY, PARTS","Parts of poultry-keeping machinery or poultry incubators and brooders","95"
"8436","843699","MACH, AG, PARTS","Parts of Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry or bee-keeping machinery,","95"
"8467","846789","HANDTOOLS NESOI","Other Tools for working in the hand","78"
"8701","870130","TRACTORS, TRACK","Track-laying tractors","78"
"8701","870190","TRACTORS, NESOI","Other Tractors (other than tractors of heading 8709)","78"
"8706","870600","VEHICLE, CHASSIS","Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705:","78"
"8707","870790","VEHICLE, BODIES","Other Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705:","78"
"8708","870830","BRAKE LININGS","Mounted brake linings","78"
"8708","870831","BRAKE LININGS","Mounted brake linings","78"
"8708","870839","BRAKES, NESOI","Other Brakes and servo-brakes","78"
"8708","870840","GEAR BOXES","Gear boxes","78"
"8708","870850","DRIVE AXLES","Drive axles with differential","78"
"8708","870860","NON-DRIVE AXLES","Non-driving axles and parts thereof","78"
"8708","870870","ROAD WHEELS","Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof","78"
"8708","870880","SHOCK ABSORBERS","Suspension shock absorbers, For tractors suitable for agricultural use:","95"
"8708","870892","MUFFLERS","Mufflers and exhaust pipes","95"
"8708","870893","CLUTCHES","Clutches and parts thereof","95"
"8708","870894","STEERING","Steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes","95"
"8708","870899","VEHICLE PARTS NESOI","other Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705","78"
"8716","871620","TRAILERS, LOADING","Self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agricultural purposes","78"
"8716","871639","TRAILERS, OTHER","Other trailers and semi-trailers for the transport of goods","78"
"8716","871640","TRAILERS, OTHER","Other trailers and semi-trailers","78"
"8716","871680","VEHICLE, NON-PROP","Other vehicles not mechanically propelled","78"
"8716","871690","TAILERS, PARTS","Parts of Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled","95"
"9208","920890","MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS","Musical instruments, not boxes","78"
"9305","930529","SHOTGUN PARTS, NESOI","Parts and accessories shotguns/rifles for sporting, hunting or target-shooting, not shotgun barrels","78"
"9305","930590","PARTS OF SHOTGUNS,RIFLES","Parts of shotguns, rifles","0"
"9305","930591","MILITARY WEAPONS PARTS","Parts and accessories of military weapons of heading 9301","95"
"9305","930599","PARTS 9303-9304, NESOI","Parts and accessories of articles of headings 9303 to 9304, nesoi","95"
"9401","940110","SEATS, AIRCRAFT","Seats, aircraft","70"
"9401","940120","SEATS, MOTOR VEHICLE","Seats, motor vehicles","70"
"9401","940130","SWIVEL SEATS","Swivel seats with variable height adjustment","70"
"9401","940140","SEATS, CONVERT BED","Seats convertible into beds","70"
"9401","940150","SEATS OF CANE","Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials","70"
"9401","940161","SEATS, WOOD, UPGOLST","Seats with wooden frames, upholstered nes","70"
"9401","940169","SEATS, WOOD, OTHER","Seats with wooden frames, nes","70"
"9401","940171","SEATS, METAL, UNHOLS","Seats with metal frames, upholstered nes","70"
"9401","940179","SEATS, METAL, OTHER","Seats with metal frames, nes","70"
"9401","940180","SEATS NES","Seats nes","70"
"9401","940190","PARTS OF SEATS","Parts of seats","70"
"9402","940210","DENTISTS, BARBERS","Dentists, barbers or similar chairs and parts","70"
"9402","940290","MEDICAL, DENTAL","Medical, dental, surgical & veterinary furniture, nes","70"
"9403","940310","OFFICE FURNITURE","Office furniture, metal, nes","70"
"9403","940320","FURNITURE, METAL","Furniture, metal, nes","70"
"9403","940330","OFFICE FURNITURE","Office furniture, wooden, nes","70"
"9403","940340","KITCHEN FURNITURE","Kitchen furniture, wooden, nes","70"
"9403","940350","BEDROOM FURNITURE","Bedroom furniture, wooden, nes","70"
"9403","940360","FURNITURE, WOODEN","Furniture, wooden, nes","70"
"9403","940370","FURNITURE, PLASTIC","Furniture, plastic, nes","70"
"9403","940380","FURNITURE OF CANE","Furniture of cane, materials nes","70"
"9403","940390","FURNITURE PARTS NES","Furniture parts nes","70"
"9404","940410","MATTRESS SUPPORTS","Mattress supports","70"
"9404","940421","MATTRESSES","Mattresses of cellular rubber or plastic","70"
"9404","940429","MATTRESSES, STUFFED","Mattresses, stuffed, spring interior, etc","70"
"9404","940430","SLEEPING BAGS","Sleeping bags","70"
"9404","940490","ARTICLES OF BEDDING","Articles of bedding nes","70"
"9405","940510","CHANDELIERS","Chandeliers, other electric ceiling or wall lights","70"
"9405","940520","ELECTRIC TABLE","Electric table, desk, bedside and floor lamps","70"
"9405","940530","LIGHTING SETS,XMAS","Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees","70"
"9405","940540","ELECTRIC LAMPS","Electric lamps, lighting fittings, nes","70"
"9405","940550","NON-ELECTRICAL LAMPS","Non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings","70"
"9405","940560","ILLUMINATED SIGNS","Illuminated signs, illuminated nameplates etc","70"
"9405","940591","LAMP,LIGHT, GLASS","Lamp and lighting fitting parts of glass","70"
"9405","940592","LAMP,LIGHT, PLASTIC","Lamp and lighting fitting parts of plastics","70"
"9405","940599","LAMP,LIGHT, OTHER","Lamp and lighting fitting parts except glass/plastic","70"
"9406","940600","PREFABRICATED BUILD","Prefabricated buildings","78"
"9505","950510","CHRISTMAS ARTICLES","Articles for christmas festivities and parts and accessories thereof","0"
"9506","950699","SWIMMING POOLS","Articles and equipment, swimming pools and wading pools; parts and accessories thereof","0"
"9601","960110","WORKED IVORY, ARTICL","Worked ivory, articles of ivory","70"
"9601","960190","ANIMAL CARVING MATER","Animal carving material, articles, nes","70"
"9602","960200","WORKED VEGETABLE, MI","Worked vegetable, mineral carving material, articles","70"
"9603","960310","BROOMS/BRUSHES OF VE","Brooms/brushes of vegetable material","70"
"9603","960321","TOOTH BRUSHES","Tooth brushes","70"
"9603","960329","SHAVING, HAIR, NAIL,","Shaving, hair, nail, eyelash and other toilet brushes","70"
"9603","960330","ARTISTS, WRITING AND","Artists, writing and cosmetics brushes","70"
"9603","960340","PAINT/DISTEMPER/VARN","Paint/distemper/varnish brushes nes, paint pads etc","70"
"9603","960350","BRUSHES NES, AS PART","Brushes nes, as parts of machines, appliances etc","70"
"9603","960390","BRUSHES, PARTS, NES","Brushes, parts, nes","70"
"9604","960400","HAND SIEVES AND HAND","Hand sieves and hand riddles","70"
"9605","960500","TRAVEL SETS, TOILET,","Travel sets, toilet, sewing, shoe, clothes cleaning","70"
"9606","960610","PRESS-FASTENERS, SNA","Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs, part","70"
"9606","960621","BUTTONS OF PLASTICS,","Buttons of plastics, not covered with textile","70"
"9606","960622","BUTTONS OF BASE META","Buttons of base metal, not covered with textile","70"
"9606","960629","BUTTONS, NES","Buttons, nes","70"
"9606","960630","BUTTON MOULDS, BUTTO","Button moulds, button parts, blanks","70"
"9607","960711","SLIDE FASTENERS WITH","Slide fasteners with chain scoops of base metal","70"
"9607","960719","SLIDE FASTENERS, NES","Slide fasteners, nes","70"
"9607","960720","PARTS OF SLIDE FASTE","Parts of slide fasteners","70"
"9608","960810","BALL POINT PENS","Ball point pens","70"
"9608","960820","FELT TIPPED, OTHER P","Felt tipped, other porous-tipped pens and markers","70"
"9608","960831","INDIAN INK DRAWING P","Indian ink drawing pens","70"
"9608","960839","FOUNTAIN PENS, STYLO","Fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens, nes","70"
"9608","960840","PROPELLING OR SLIDIN","Propelling or sliding pencils","70"
"9608","960850","SETS OF ARTICLES OF","Sets of articles of mixed types of pens/pencils","70"
"9608","960860","REFILLS FOR BALL POI","Refills for ball point pens","70"
"9608","960891","PEN NIBS, NIB POINTS","Pen nibs, nib points nes","70"
"9608","960899","DUPLICATING STYLOS,","Duplicating stylos, pen/pencil holders, pen parts","70"
"9609","960910","PENCILS/CRAYONS, WIT","Pencils/crayons, with leads in rigid sheath, nes","70"
"9609","960920","PENCIL LEADS, BLACK","Pencil leads, black or coloured","70"
"9609","960990","PASTELS, DRAWING CHA","Pastels, drawing charcoals, chalks","70"
"9610","961000","SLATES/BOARDS WITH W","Slates/boards with writing or drawing surfaces","70"
"9611","961100","HAND PRINTING, DATIN","Hand printing, dating and numbering devices, etc","70"
"9612","961210","TYPEWRITER OR SIMILA","Typewriter or similar ribbons","70"
"9613","961310","POCKET LIGHTERS, GAS","Pocket lighters, gas-fuelled, non-refillable","70"
"9613","961320","POCKET LIGHTERS, GAS","Pocket lighters, gas-fuelled, refillable","70"
"9613","961330","TABLE LIGHTERS","Table lighters","70"
"9613","961380","LIGHTERS, NES","Lighters, nes","70"
"9613","961390","PARTS OF LIGHTERS, O","Parts of lighters, other than flints/wicks","70"
"9614","961400","ROUGH WOOD BLOCKS","Rough wood blocks","45"
"9614","961420","SMOKING PIPES AND PI","Smoking pipes and pipe bowls","45"
"9614","961490","CIGAR OR CIGARETTE H","Cigar or cigarette holders and parts, pipe stems","70"
"9615","961511","COMBS, HAIR-SLIDES E","Combs, hair-slides etc of hard rubber or plastic","70"
"9615","961519","COMBS, HAIR-SLIDES E","Combs, hair-slides etc of other materials","70"
"9615","961590","HAIRPINS, CURLING PI","Hairpins, curling pins, hair-curlers and the like, ne","70"
"9616","961610","SCENT SPRAYS AND SIM","Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, parts","70"
"9616","961620","POWDER-PUFFS AND PAD","Powder-puffs and pads for the application of cosmetic","70"
"9617","961700","VACUUM FLASKS ETC, P","Vacuum flasks etc, parts except inner","70"
"9618","961800","TAILORS DUMMIES, DIS","Tailors dummies, display dummies and automata","70"
"9701","970110","PAINTINGS/DRAWINGS/P","Paintings/drawings/pastels executed by hand","70"
"9701","970190","COLLAGES, SIMILAR DE","Collages, similar decorative plaques","70"
"9702","970200","ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS,","Original engravings, prints and lithographs","70"
"9703","970300","ORIGINAL SCULPTURES","Original sculptures and statuary, in any material","70"
"9704","970400","USED POSTAGE AND REV","Used postage and revenue stamps, first day covers, et","70"
"9705","970500","COLLECTIONS AND COLL","Collections and collectors pieces","39"
"9706","970600","ANTIQUES OLDER THAN","Antiques older than one hundred years","70"
"9801","980100","EXPORTED, RETURNED","Imports of animals exported and returned within 8 months","70"
"9808","980800","IMPORTS US GOV","Importations of the united states government","0"
"9814","981400","TEA DUTY FREE","Imports of tea admitted free of duty under bond","0"
"9817","981700","DUTY FREE NESOI","Imports of articles admitted free of duty under special classification provisions, nesoi","78"
"9898","9898AA","NATIONAL CHAPTER 98","National Chapter 98 data","70"