HISTORY.txt changes to PGE08/MOD_PR29 This file shows the following: (a) What was changed in the PGE (b) Why was it changed (c) How the output product will be affected by the change (d) The data of the change. v2.3.3 3/20/00 ============================================================================== Source SCF (delivered 03/06/1999) 1. Made the code Terra or Aqua capable. - Implemented revisions described in "MODIS PGE Modifications for Aqua", 17 August 2000. - Revised the baselined ECSd MCF files for this version. - Wrote the file spec for MYD29. 2. Revised the PSAs. - All PSAs are now a single value. They had been an array of values in the previous version. - Changed PSA "SEAICECOVERPERCENT" to "SEAICEPERCENT". The former was an unregistered value. - Deleted PSA "CLOUDPERCENT". Done to simplify metadata. Cloud percent is reported in ECS attribute QAPercentCloudCover. 3. Several changes were made in the metadata to resolve problems reported by SDST in the 8-18 September 2000 time period. 4. Implemented an array of secantTheta data for scan angles and a new set of ice surface temperature coefficients. The coefficients are written in the product as local attributes. Done to increase accuracy of the estimated ice surface temperature calculation. 5. Put in fixes for Linux failures reported for PGE08, item 2, by Mike Linda on 16 November 2000. Code was not tested in SDST Linux environment. 6. Change algorithm logic to check input data as was done in MOD_PR10. That logic results in better analysis of data. 7. Changed the number of parameters written in MeasuredParameterContainer. - There are two ParameterName, a decrease of one from the last version. 8. Deleted numerous local attributes from the SDSs. Done to simplify the algortithm code and data product. 9. Relaxed GRing data comparison among products. GRing data comparison now allows +/- 100 m difference among the data products. Done in response to PGE08 failure report from Nazmi Z El Saleous on 7 March 2001. Additional changes by SSTGer: 10.Modified the code "MOD_PR29_CopyL1BmetaToSeaIce.c" to correct the value of ESDTs (MOD29, MOD29L2C, MYD29, MYD29L2C) 11.Modififed the code "MOD_PR29_MakeMeta.c" to write the value of "ProcessingCenter" in MCF file. 12.MCF file: Incorporated ECSed mcf file: MOD29.mcf (Ref. MOD29.001.MCF.MODdelivery_001103) Changes from the earlier baselined version are - Changed Mandatory from "TRUE" to "FALSE" for the following attributes: LocalVersionID, AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer, AssociatedSensorShortName, AssociatedPlatformShortName,AssociatedInstrumentShortName - Changed Mandatory from "FALSE" to "TRUE" for the attribute of InstrumentName - Changed Data_Location from "PGE" to "MCF" for the following attributes: ProcessingCenter, LongName, AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer, AssociatedSensorShortName, AssociatedPlatformShortName,AssociatedInstrumentShortName - Inserted the value of ScienceQualityFlag: "Not Investigated" - Inserted the value of LongName: "MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent 5-Min L2 Swath 1km" v2.3.2 5/10/00 ============================================================================== 1. Directory re-structured from MOD_PR29_V2.2 to MOD_PR29 in clearcase v2.3.0 (Source SCF -- code fix 2/4/00 & 2/9/00) 2/9/00 ============================================================================= 1. Coarse resolution latitude and longitude data are written as geolocation data. Done to support geolocation of data and subsetting tools. The output product is approximately 0.4 Mbytes larger. 2. The process now creates MOD29L2C a coarse resolution product. MOD29L2C is for SCF and LDOPE use in QA - not an ECS archivable product. There is a MOD29L2C.mcf. 3. Changed some ECS metadata objects to conform to standards. Output product not affected, but the mcf is. In ArchiveMetadata.0 for both MOD29 and MOD29L2C the objects AlgorithmPackage* location was changed from MCF to PGE and the values set in the PCF, and set to Mandatory=False. This will allow them to be changed without having to go through the ECS validation process for any changes in the MCF file. Revisions began with the MCF file obtained from modisbaselinedcode/LAND/PGE08/MOD_PR29_V2.2/MOD29.mcf. 4. The 45 degree scan angle restriction from calculation of sea ice by reflectance. This allowed for the entire swath to be analyized. 5. Numerous small changes were made in the product, e.g. setting of values, changes in local attributes. Changes were made to improve interpretation of data in the product. v2.2.12 (Source SCF -- code fix 12/27/1999) 1/4/2000 ============================================================================= 1.Changed the expression comparing IST to MIN_SEAICE_TEMP in the MOD_PR29_ComputeSurfTempAndISTseaice.c module. The expression was changed because the scaled (for archiving) IST was compared to MIN_SEAICE_TEMP which was incorrect; the IST must be compared to IST. Output should now show sea ice as determined by IST in the output. No change in size or other characteristics of output. v2.2.11 11/26/99 ============================================================================ 1. Incorporated ECS validated mcf file MOD29.mcf (Ref MODdelivery_Nov231999) - Changed mandatory to TRUE for DayNightFlag - Added StartOrbitNumber, StopOrbitNumber - Changed values of AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate, DESCRversion AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode, and AlgorithmPackageVersion. v2.2.10 10/14/99 ============================================================================ 1. Correction made to use the ECS validated mcf file(See v2.2.8) v2.2.9 10/13/1999 ============================================================================= Source SCF (delivered 10/8/1999) 1. Changed initialization of "AutomaticQualityFlag" in night time processing path. Made coincidental change in definition of "AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation". That fix was made to correct problem of "AutomaticQualityFlag" = '' for night time granules which caused granule insert failure at DAAC because of the persnickety ECS. Effect on the product is that the '' value is replaced with a valid value and new definition inserted. 2. Reversed dimension definition of the "Latitude" and "Longitude" geolocation SDSs. That change makes dimensions consistent among all SDSs (datafields) in the product. Product not affected other than the dimension names are now correct. 3. New MCF used that incorporated many of MCF changes that have been done with the MOD29* and MOD10* products since about July 1999. It appears that the PGE will also run with the MCF used for v2.2.8. v2.2.8 8/31/1999 ============================================================================= 1. Incorporated ECS validated mcf file MOD29.mcf (Ref MODdelivery_Aug271999) (Change DESCRrevision value to 1.1, Add ProductionHistory attribute) v2.2.7 8/18/1999 ============================================================================= 1. Incorporated ECS validated mcf file MOD29.mcf (Ref MODdelivery_990811) (Change mandatory to FALSE for QAPercentOutofBoundsData & OrbitNumber. Change values for AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate, AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode, and AlgorithmPackageVersion. Add DESCRrevision attribute) v2.2.6 7/19/1999 ====================================================================== 1. Used ECS validated mcf file. v2.2.5 6/07/1999 ====================================================================== 1. Fixed the problem of read L1B new format night time case of data. MOD_PR29_AAmain.c is modified in this version. v2.2.4 5/27/1999 ====================================================================== 1. Fixed problem of reading L1B new format. Several modules were modified, including: MOD_PR29_AAmain.c, MOD_PR29_ComputeSeaIce.c, MOD_PR29_CopyL1BmetaToSeaIce.c, MOD_PR29_Process_Combined.c, MOD_PR29_Process_L1B.c, MOD_PR29_Process_SeaIce.c, and MOD_PR29_Process_SurfTempAndISTseaice.c v2.2.3 5/15/1999 ====================================================================== 1. Perform the Scenario 3 MODAPS integration process: Added PGE08.mk, PGE08.pl, PGE08.ciList, ancfiles.dat, vdc.csh and driver.csh files. Update MOD_PR29.prod_rules, README.txt, PACKINGLIST. MOD_PR29.pcf. 2. Rename MOD29_L2.mcf to MOD29.mcf. 3. For QA's mcf file, MOD_PRLM_QA.mcf is used. MOD_PR29 Revision history from STM developer: Revisions done to make LocalVersionID "SCF V2.2.1" a "patched" delivery dated PatchDelivery_99-05-27. 26 May 1999 The flow of the algorithm code was restructured to that of an earlier version (V2.1 possibly) to solve a problem with the building of Vgroups in the MOD29 product. Vgroups were being placed under the SDSs which is inverted from the proper hierarchy of Vgroups above data. In conjunction with that restructuring a revised test for night data was implemented to reduce processing early in the code for granules that are all night. Equations for conversion of MOD021KM data from integers to reflectance were rearranged to the do the conversion properly as stated in CCR 445. This change did not affect the code or output except in the rearrangement of the conversion equations. Since we, the SCF, were still working with "SCF V2.2.1" the version number was not incremented for these revisions, as they were considered technical fixes to rather than significant changes in the science. These fixes were implemented and the algorithm code package was updated in the SCF revision control with only the changed code and support modules delivered. v2.2.2 4/7/1999 ======================================================================== The code was changed to read MOD021KM Version 2.1.3 format. Changed program to read the new 500-meter and 1000-m SDS names in the MOD02 file. This is not a significant change in the science. Code was changed to read data written differently in MOD02 in V 2.1.3 format as compared to old MOD02 V2 format. Output product is not affected by this change. Changed the calculation of reflectance to use solar zenith angle data from the MOD03 product. (This is the same change that was made to MOD_PR10 V2.2.) This change in calculation of reflectance is significant to the science; however, the version number was not increased because this change though significant does not warrant a change in version number for science. Output product is not affected by this change. Removed the scan angle restriction in calculation of ice surface temperature (IST). This is minor change in the science. This change was made to allow calculation of IST for all pixels in a swath. It has minor affect on the content of the product; size of the product is not changed. Minor revisions: Changed the value of SPSOParameters from "TBD" to "none" Changed the value of AlgoritmPackageAcceptanceDate to "1999-04-09" Changed the value of AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode from "launch" to "pre-launch" Added #include in MOD_PR29_AAmain.c. Values of some SDS local attributes were changed to reflect changes above; no local attributes were added, deleted, or changed in datatype. The file spec was updated to include changes made in this version of the output product. Code was tested on the single granule of MOD021KM V2.1.3 and corresponding MOD03 and MOD35 granules made available on 25 March 1999, Teng-Kui Lim email announcement. It is assumed that this is the final at-launch version for the MOD021KM (L1B) data format. V2.2.1 2/25/1999 ============================================================================== Bug fix - change filespce name to MOD29.seaice_swath.fs.txt according SDST-096B manual (2/25/1999) Bug fix - adding #include to let system time be compiled. (2/10/1999) Transferred from STIG to CM for testing and integration. (2/9/1999) V2.2.0 1/14/1999 ============================================================================== Initial delivery from STM for V2.2.0. This is the version 2.2 level of the code. The major differences between this and version 1 are: (1) Use of the HDF-EOS SW swath API, (2) elimination of MAPI, (3) Use of SDP 5.2 toolkit. (4) use of sensor zenith angles instead of solar zenith angles from the GEO data set, (4) addition of ice surface temperature and sea ice from ice surface temperature SDSs, and (6) additional meta data output.