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DOE/BP-94402-1 Stock Summary Reports for Columbia River Anadromous Salmonids, Volume 1; Oregon Subbasins Below Bonneville Dam, 1992 CIS Summary Report. Olsen, Eric ; Pierce, Paige ; Hatch, Keith 1993 May 01 -
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DOE/BP-94402-2 Stock Summary Reports for Columbia River Anadromous Salmonids, Volume II; Oregon Subbasins Above Bonneville Dam, 1992 CIS Summary Report. Olsen, Eric ; Pierce, Paige ; Hatch, Keith 1993 May 01 -
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DOE/BP-94402-3 Stock Summary Reports for Columbia River Anadromous Salmonids, Volume III; Washington Subbasin Below McNary Dam, 1992 CIS Summary Report. Hatch, Keith ; Hymer, Joe ; Wastel, Mike 1993 May 01 -
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DOE/BP-94402-4 Stock Summary Reports for Columbia River Anadromous Salmonids, Volume IV; Washington Subbasin Above McNary Dam, 1992 CIS Summary Report. Hymer, Joe ; Wastel, Mike ; Hatch, Keith 1993 May 01 -
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DOE/BP-94402-5 Stock Summary Reports for Columbia River Anadromous Salmonids, Volume V; Idaho Subbasins, 1992 CIS Summary Report. Keifer, Sharon ; Rowe, Mike ; Hatch, Keith 1993 May 01 -
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