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Background & Executive Summary: Trigonelline

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11.1 Online Databases

Chemical Information System Files

TSCATS (Toxic Substances Control Act Test Submissions)


Chem. Econ. Hdbk.

National Library of Medicine Databases

EMIC and EMICBACK (Environmental Mutagen Information Center)

STN International Files

CA File

TOXLINE includes the following subfiles:

Toxicity BibliographyTOXBIB
International Labor OfficeCIS
Hazardous Materials Technical Center HMTC
Environmental Mutagen Information Center File EMIC
Environmental Teratology Information Center File (continued after 1989 by DART) ETIC
Toxicology Document and Data Depository NTIS
Toxicological Research Projects CRISP
Pesticides AbstractsPESTAB
Poisonous Plants BibliographyPPBIB
Epidemiology Information System EPIDEM
Toxic Substances Control Act Test Submissions TSCATS
Toxicological Aspects of Environmental Health BIOSIS
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts IPA
Federal Research in ProgressFEDRIP
Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology DART

11.2 Secondary References

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Support to the National Toxicology Program for the preparation of Trigonelline-Review of Toxicological Literature was provided by Integrated Laboratory Systems, Inc., through NIEHS Contract Number N01-ES-65402. Contributors included: Raymond R. Tice, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator); Bonnie L. Carson, M.S. (Co-Principal Investigator); Karen E. Haneke, M.S.; and Maria E. Donner, Ph.D.

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