216 b10p.m.. 7 p.m 750 :b.m.-. i :3 0 -, i).m~ 10:3&12p.m P.m ....... .--..do MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 15 _____ ..................... sbuo .~.. ............... .......... L' I 2 .... ................... JULY 1983 .................... ...................... 1u:05 p.m.- 4 a.m. 3:03-3:?O SEVERE LOCAL STORMS, JULY 1933 [Compiled by Mary 0. Souder] Report of the Chief of Bureau] [The table herewith contains such data as have been received copcerning severe local storms that occurred during the month. A revised list of tornadoas will appear in the .\nnual 1.- .- 1 ................ ................ Place ................ ..................... P.m..~ .................... P.m ....... I l;?+ 5p.m ___._ 1 ,3 3 P.m ....................... ..................... ~~ Tipton, Iowa _____ ______. 2 ...... ____.. 1 Providence and Pam tucket, R.I. ........................... 3:45p.l n... 1 3 P.m ....................... La Crosse, Wis., 5 miles rn!dwater. Iowa.. ..... Ikedsburg. near, Vis .... south. 1 Cramford Richland. anc ~m l i CAunties Wri~ht. Frankli;, FIwd .ind Dubuque Coun ties. Iowa. lloc.ilem, Iowa- ........ p.m. 7p.m ..... New York City and vi. cinity. 11 ____.. \Villiamspurt and Ly- Purkerstmy. \\-.Va.. ~ .. coming Valley. Pa. '5 P.m t$rotlliead. near. IVis. ,. c~irwn L:ike, Cuiunlbis. Pov~d du Lac. Dorlpe. :mi Sheboygm Couu- tics. Wis. 1~ Crosqe-Prairia du Chien. \Vis. Cheraw, near, S.C.. .... Duhi!que, Iow:~, :lull vicimty. Chicago, Ill., and vicinit.? ___--. 1 Chanut.e. Pans.. ...... Gettysbur:. l'n.. :in4 Page Coiint.y, Va. ...... virinity. Norfolk, P:i ............. Pondera and Toole Cnun Fate. 'rex ............... Florence. Colo.. ...... Natchitoches, la^ ....... tirs. Mont. Millett, Tex ............. Cavour. S.Dsk .......... Platte. S.D3k ........... Scohey, IvIont..-.. ....... Ekalaka, h h n t , ne:u ..~ Missoula, Mont ......... Helena, Rfont ........... Harvey County, Kacs.. Franklin Count.y, Kans. Springfield, hlo., an8.l Franklin and Floyd Bluff Pity. Kans., aud Lewis County. Idaho.. . Newton, Ems., ana.1 ricini ty. Counties. Iowa. vicinity. vicinity. Date - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-2 2 !! 2 2-3 3 4 4 4-5 5 f i 6 6 S 8 S 8 S S Y 9 9 9 s::js4:20 1 ..........I..... p.m. ...........I .......... I ...... 5p.m ..... I &SO ...... 5:30 p.m ... 1 7 ...... 7 p.1u ..................... I / Value of property destroyed $6, OUC 50, OOC R. 5w 5. ow 75, onc 30% OM. ....... ..- . 5u. 000 1. Ulhl 25.000 100, MK) 500 ........ 1, ooo. OM) ..... 20, ooo 6. oon 9. no0 40.000 2s. 000 15,000 40, 000 5. N o 10,000 Chnracter of storn Electrical.. ...... Thunderstorm.. - Hail .............. Tornado. ........ Tornado srld rain Hail.. ............ Toriindo. ....... H:iil .............. Tliun~lersqii:ill . . b l e l ,t r i c a l n i i d 1ie.iry hail. Severe tliun~lrr. stnrm nn*l wind Hsii .............. \Vim. .......... Tornadic winds. electrical and rain. Electrical. heavy rain. and hail. Tornado and rain Tornadic winds.. Hail and wlnil.- Wind and win^ .. Hliil, electricsl. ... Tornado.. ....... ElQCtrical and Wind ........... heavy min. Tornado ......... Thunder squall. Tornado. ........ Henvy hail ....... \\-iud-- _____ ._.._ Wind. min. and T ti nn der s ri u a 11 Tornado. ........ hnil. and hail. EIeoyy hail and Thiindrrstnrm an( Wind and bail ... wind. heavy hail. Tornsdic winds.. Uail .............. I tornndoQs 3ud lieavy rain. Remarks Telephone exchange destroyed by flre after being struck by lightmug; man and cow killed by I i i l i t nino ..-- -.-~. Li:htning struck a house in Pawtucket and trees at the Motacomet QolI Course in East Provi- dence. 2prrsons injured hy hailstones the size of walnuts; crops damaged. No details ..................................... House, severs1 hams and smaller buildings Serious darnwe to growing crops. -.- __. _______. Telrghone and power lines disabled; damage to buildings; several persons injured; loss to live- damaged: inany trees uprooted. stock. Telephone poles and trees blown down: gardens badly he:iten. Portion of Riverside Pnrk and depressions and underpnsqes in Central Park flooded; police hunch rescued 6 from rough wat.ers of the Bronx; fishing boRt Kith party of 50 disabled 13 miles from Ambrose Lightship: 2 homes In Garden Clty. Long Island, struck by Liqht- uing; lightning set ilre t o 3 oil tank3 in Eliza- beth city. N.J.; in Astoria, Long Island. a circus tent with 400 spectators, mostly chil- dren, blew down. injuring 12 person?. 2 seri- ously: hundreds of trees blown down and Farm buildings destroyed and trees struck by ieversl dwellinea struck hy lightning; much Property damnged. ............................. Trees uprooted; orchards ruined; buildings CQll!lrS flooded. lightning; several persons Injured. damage to trees. wrecked. Jluriy buildings damaged or demollshed by wind: loss to crops: highways washed. One man killed, another Injured by lightning; ham burned. Electric 1it:ht. service cut OR and telephones out of commission: considerable damage t o farm buildings. windmills and growing crops; hriflres and ciilverts washed out: $5,000 dam- m e to st.reets anrl sewers. Power lineit(in~down. 4 persons inlured; many Ircps uprooted; h3SQmciits and suhways flood- ed; ?& hourcs 1inrOofQd nnd 3fi flras broke nut duo to damagQd wires: mandwandand 2 pylons domollshed at. Chicago Airport; hangar a t Elein -4irport lift.ed hy wind. Farm buildings damaged ........................ 3 rot.tages demolished. more than 200 trees up- rooted; house unroofed. Damsge to crops and buildings; 2 children killed hy lightning. Part of downtown husiness sect.ion flooded; high tides and huge waves damaged jetties. hridges and resort property at nearby heaches; numer- ous small ho;lts odeatroyed. Property damaged; few cattle killed by lightning. 5 persons injured; small loss of crops ............. DainRge to roads and property; 1 person killed by lightning. Buildings unroofed and tenant houses blown down causing damage of several thousand dollars. Report incomplete; damage estimated to be sinall. Damace to buildings and crops .................. Telemaph and telephone wires torn down; roof of Milwaukee railroad depot torn o f f : windows in roundhouse blown in, 2 persons injured. Damage mostly to grain crops and gardens ...... Girl crushed beneat.h wreckage of a small farm outbuildin:: no other damage reported. Telephone and powrr serrice crippled: windows shattered and many roofs damaged. Sewers plugged; dirt roads washed out in places.. Chief damage to farm buildings and implements; Property damaged; some loss of crops; path 15 Traffic tied up due to flooded streets; house Details ofdamngenot reported ................... path 3% miles long. miles Inng. struck hylightning. Storm had tornadic charncteristics: several large barns hlon-n down; path I O miles long. Considersbk damage t o grain: path 7 miles long. Barns, windmills and outbuildings blown down. trees uprooted: '2 boys KhirlQd into the air and carried from t.he barn to the house sard by the second tornado; several thoiisand dollars' dam- age. carried from the barn to the house sard by the second tornado; several thoiisand dollars' dam- age. Authority 05cia1, U.S. Weather Bu- reau. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. D O . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. 1 Miles Instead of yards. JULY 1933 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Severe local storms, July 1933-Continued 217 Place Williamsburg, Kans., L a k e Ronkonkoma, and vicinlty. Brookhaven, N.Y. W e s t e r n W h i t m a n Eastern Long Island, Harpersfleld, N.Y ____--- Hartley. Iowa. and vicin- Odebolt. Iowa, and Yankton County, S.Dak County, Wash. N.Y. ity. vicinity. Cedar and eastern Knox Prairie Home, Nebr.--.. Lincoln, Nebr _______---- Counties, Nebr. Sioux City, Iowa __.----- Eastern Stnnton and southern Wayne Coun- ties. Nebr. O'Brien, Buens Vista, Ida Sac CrawfoFd, and ShelLy Counties, Iowa. Etowah, Tenn.. ________ Black River Fnlls. Wis. Downsville, Wk., 2 mile: Stevens County. kans-. Texas and Beaver Coun, northwest. ties, Okla. Paris, Tex Perryton-Pampa, Tax--. Quanah, Tex Morehouse, Mo Johnson County, Iowa-. Quthrie, Mo _--._------ E erton and Black Rive1 Madison-hlcFarland an( Salk, \vis. Hartford, Wis. Milwaukee. Wis Cloverdale, near, N.Mei Weld Adams Arapahoe Eldert. and EI pas( Counties, Colo. Thomas and L o g a r Counties, Kans. Smith County, Kam..-. hiorton, and Phillip! Counties, Earn. Florence, Colo- __ - - - - - -. Lexington, near, Soutt Qrant County, ham.--. Carolina. Redfleld, S.Dak., 15mile southwest. Crandon. S.Dak. Tulm, S.D& Hitchcock, S.Dak ______ Cavour, S.Dak. ________ C,layton, N.Y., nnd vi Gettysburg, S.Dak _____ Casco and Kewaunee cinity. WM. 1 Mileu lnatead of yards. - Date 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 14 14 1 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 1E l e 10 17 17 17 17 If 1s 16 15 1f 1f If 1f 1< Time Width of path (Yards) 3p.m.---. 1 4 P.m _____ __ _________ do _______ _________ ___________I_________ 2p.m..-.- I i 2-6p.m--. 13-f 4p.m.-..- 1: 4-5p.m..- 1 4 4:30 p.m. - 1 4 P.m.-. ____ _________ --do _______ _________ --do _______ 1: 7:15 p.m.-- ________. 7:30 p.m ... 1 i 8:30p.m.-. 1 3 4 .____do _____ 1'1 .____do _____ Value of property lestroyed 5, CGfI Xarncter of storm Tornadic winds.- Tornado and hail. Hail, rain, nnd Thunderstorm- __ Severe hailstorm. Wind. hail, and Wind and bail.-- wind. rain. Thundersquall an1 Hail and wind..-. ___.do ..__.____.__ IVind. ___._.____. Elcctricnl. - . .-. - - hail. Hail and wind.. . Electrical, and Lhil..___ __.______ -...do ___..--- - _-- heavy rain. Hail and wind ... Severe electrical.. Wind nnd hail ... Wind -. . . . . . - -. -. Thundersquall. -. nail .__._ .- .___._. Electrical andraii Hail _____ ...___. -. Rain and hail---. Heavy hail and Kind and hail--- wind. - __ .do. - ___ - __ Electrical. - - -. . -. Thunderstorm. __ Tornado and t b u Wind. __________. dersquall. ----do.-- - - _._ __ -. Tornadic winds.. Tornadic winds-. Wind.. _________. Tornadic winds-. HaiI, exeessivc Heavy hail ___.___ rainfall. Remarks Wire service interrupted; trees damaged ....-..-. Telephone and elertric poles down; several pcr- sons injured: trcri uprooted. crops ruined; groupof bathersso b,cdlg bruised byilownlmur of hnilstones as large u marbles that a doctor had to be called. Qrnin tlatteued in fields; roads washed out: wat.cr carried away poultry: orchards dam- flged: severe loss in limited areas. Buildings unroofed; mnny trees and poles blown down; some damage to crops. Vegetstion severely damaged. _. - ._____________ Extensive damage to telephone wires; many large trees uprooted; small buildings demol- ished; loss to crops Electric nnd tele.plione poles broken off: many houses damaged by falling trees; loss to crops; cattlekilled: path 12miles long. Damage to property and some crop loss 50,ooO acres of crops destroyed; many farmers without stock feed; buildings wrecked. Property damaged. Light and telephone service rlisrupted; trees hlown down am1 windows hroken. Electric service dislibled: lightning struck the chimney of a srhool killing 1 child nnd injuring 3 wheu clump of bricks and mortar fell in their midst.. '2O.(JO(I acres of crops destroyed: mnny fnrlu huild- ings wrecked; much damaged by flooding. Crops completely rlestmseil in some smnll areas. Streets and a numlier or stores flooded .._..___.. Loss to crops ................................... Damage to windows and roofs _______..________. Damage to windmills and small buildings; path 12 miles long. Damaga to buildings and other property: smnll loss of crops bemuse of t,Iiis storm, the section having been previously visited by sandstorms and crops had suffered for want of rain; pnth 35 miles Ion:. Duildin;.s blown down and 2 airplanes damaged at airport. Small loss to crops, only $1,000 damage relmted nt Pampa. Smnll buildings blown down ______._..._____... Plnnt of Huminelberger-Harrison Ahiiifactur- ing Co. st.ruck by lightning aud hrned. Crops dama?e~.l.. . . . ... . .. . . __ ~. ......- ~ __ .___. Trees and outbuilding blown down; nmount of dnmnge not estim:ited. Property damaged-. ____._._._._________.-----. About SO automobile tops damaged; windows hrokeu: ~cousideral~le ioss Lo crops, especially corn and grain. Several houses, poles, and trees struck by light- ning: basements Uooded and sewers over- flowed. Dnrunge severe ..__.___._..._._____.....---. ~... Streams overtlowed their banks; bridprs de- stroyed; crops washed out; stones as large as hen's eggs caused severe damage to roofs, win- dows, trees poultry, and livestock. Chicf damagi to corn crop; path 30 miles long.. Chief damage to corn crop; many smoll huildings demolished; large number of poultry killed; pstb 8 miles Ion:. Wind damaged telephone poles and small farm buildiugs; loss to corn crop from hail; path W miles long. 2 oil reflnery tanks destroyed by lightning.---. 4 members of 1 family injured by lightuing and their home damaged. Several small buildings blown down; pnth 10 miles long. Damage to buildinqs ___________________________ Property damaged __________..._____.__________ Several large barns. granaria, and small build- Trees uprooted and buildines demolished. _____ Damage to buildings ____._________...___.------ Telephone. telesraph, and electric service crip- pled; poles and trees blown down; shrubbery uprooted. Small bridges washed away; poultry and small livestock drowned or killed. Considerable damage to crops; few windows broken. ings wrecked. .Authority Ifficinl, U. 9. Weather Bu- reau. Do. DO. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. b o . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. UO. UO. Do. Do. Do. u 0. BO. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. 218 Character of storm T h u n d e r s t o r m and hail. __._do .._____ ~ _____ Heavy hail .___ ____ Hail .___.___._____ ____ do-- ______ ____ Thunderstorm. --. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Severe local atorma, July 1983-continued Remarks Telephone poles down. flood held up traffic 01 the Hudson electric division of the New Yorl Central between 6-7% pm.; thousands o dollars damage to streets, homes, schools, auto mobiles, and gardens. -Transmission line and two churches strurk b) Ilghtning; no fatalities. Loss to crops; buildings damaged ______________ Roofs and crops damaged _________.....___ ____ Property destroyed ________________._..... __._ Property damaged. .________ __ __ __.... . -. __. . JULY 1933 ~ Place Henvr damage reported .__..._ ________..____ __ Property damaged ____._...._.______..----...-- Large hailstones damaged buildings. killed poultry and small livestock; crops destroyed. Knickerbocker Building struck by lightning; streets flooded; small crop damage. Loss solely to crops; bail largest and heaviest ever observed in this section. Crops almost destroyed by hail; path 15 miles New York City, Mounl St. Vincent and Yank ers, N.Y. nina. Wind ........_____ Electriral . . . . . . . Thundersquall.-.. Electrical ...--.--. Hail and wind---- Tornado. ____.___ Thundersr4uall.. Wind. ..____._____ ___.do ____._.______ Westville. Mount- Car mel. Waterbury, and Colchester. Conn. Bloomer Chetek Almenr and Sind Creek, Wis. Datil N.Mex _.--------. N o r t h m t r a l Cheyennt County, Nebr. Rudolph and Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Hancock County, Iowa. Cheyenne County, Nebr Artesian, S.Dak ._____ __ - IOU& No details ..______.__._._._._________._._____.__ Much damage reported ... __. . - .___..__ -. -. -. Many places struck by lightning; wind in excess of 70 miles per hour recorded a t the airport. Large barn and contents struck by lightning and burned. Many shade trees uprooted; windows broken.. Property damaged; path 1 mile long _________.__ Trees and buildings damaged. -. . . . . Several persous injured; roofs blown off and sign. Damage mostly to utility poles and to shop win. -. . . . boards demolished.. , dows. Binghamton. N.Y Lark Haven, Pa., and Carthage, S.Dak _._____. vicinity. Hail _.______....._ Severe electrical wind, and rain.' Electricalandrain Ball and wind ____ Lgon County, Iowa..-.- Lebanon County, Pa.--. Pittsburgh, Pa _.___ ___.. No details. ..______. __________.________________ Much damage to telephone poles; sewers over- Lightning caused the death of 2 men: damace Damage to flelds, gardens, and timber ____.____ flowed. chiefly from tloodinc. Blanchardville, Wis.. Grand Rapids, Mich.--- southwest of. Thunderstorm- ___ Thundersquall--.. Prescott, Ark ________.-- East Lansing, Mi&.--- Miami. Ariz ____________ Tra5c delayed; sewers over0owed ______ __ __ - - - Trees uprooted, roofs crushed. and street rar traffic blocked by falling trees; several plate Nogalaq, driz - -. - - - - - - - - Kauka Lake, N.Y - - -. - - Shreveport, La __________ Windham, Ohio, vicini0 Fcranton, Pa ...._______- Aleuandria, La _.__ - - - - - - Elmira, N.Y. __ - - __ __ ___ Of. Bail _________.____ Rain .____._.._.___ Ida County, Iowa .._____ Muskingum County, Philadelphia, near, Pa.. Ohio. -~~.~ ~~ .. - .~ Severe damage to growing crops .____._____._.._ 7-year-old girl swept into a storm sewer, while wading up to her waist in water in a low sec- tion of the pavement near her home, and was Fluvanna and Nottoway Norfolk. Va _____________ Counties, Va. LViud. -. - - .- .____. Wind, hail, and rain. Wiud and rain.--- l'hundersquall..-. Montgomery, Ala ______ - Grandstand unroofed and many trees uprooted Wires and poles blown down; trees uprooted; a house in Sangerfleld carried, 1,OOO feet into a neighboring field; 250 hens kllled when a harn was blown on a chicken house. Overhead wires were reported blown down; basements flooded; sewers overflowed; pave- ments buckled and highways inundated. Trees, barns. and silos blown down; crops flat- tened; path 9 miles long. Cloverdale, near, N.Mea Fort Worth, Tex _.._____ Oak Cliff, Dallas, Tex.*- Miami-Titusrille, Fla--- Oswego N.Y ___.________ Kiowa County, Okla.--.. Canton, N.Y.. and vi- cinity Ludington. Mich.. - biarlette, Fabius. Cazen- ovia, Norrisville, San- gcrEeld, and Water- ville, N.T. Milwaukee, Wis- Monroe, Wls., north- west of. Date 2( x 20 21 21 21 21-22 22 22 22 22 22 ?? 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23-25 24 24 24-25 24 24 24 25 2.5 26 26 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 Value of Time 1 1 1 Property (yards) Of life destroyec 6p.m ...- W h d _____ Hail .______ .._.do- ____ - - .__ -. T h u n d e rsyuall and hail. Heavy hail Hail and ligbt- -. .. Severe thunder- I 14 sailboats sank or ran aground __________. storm. Rain _____.._______ Tornadic winds ... Heavy rains .._____ Windandrain--.. Rain. hail, and wind. drowned. 30 persous badly injured; 50 residences totally demolished; path 4 blocks long. Communications interrupted; shrubbery up- rooted; wind velocity W miles per hour recorded between Stuart and Fort Pierce. Damage to wires and trees; wind relocity of 41 miles au hour registered. Damage to crops: path 6 miles long ____________ Barn struck by lightning and burned ______.____ Authority _. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. no. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DO. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. For more detailed description of this storm see p. - MONTELY WEATEER REVIEW, July 1933. 0 1 Miles instead of yards.