Room 56-423 Ext. 4707 March 13, 1970 To the Editor The New York Times 229 klQSt 43rd StrQOt New York, Gw York Dear sir: While Presfdent Nixon speaks of the drug problem as an educational one (Xew York Times, ?+&rch 12). his Mpartment of Justice is rejecting all advice from oCIucators, lncbdicaal scientists md lzrwyers and insisting on an essentially crimi.nal eqn-osreh to the problem. A subcommittee of the II. S. House Interstate and Foreign Commerce COW nittee has recently concluded hearings on the new omnibus drug bill, ii.R. 13743, which would transfer to the Attorney General tho sole authority to determine which drugs arc subject to abuse and which researchers may study them. This SIWM bill includes the irrational and probably unconstitutional "no-knock'F provision permitting police, upon warrant by a judge, to enter unannounced into private premises. This provision makes both police officers and private citizens potentially subject to blind murderous shooting. According to a UPT dispatch of !&rch 3, at the close of the hearings, Mr. J&J Itgersoll, head of the Narcotics Sureau of the Justice Depnrt- ment, opposed and derided the lengthy testimony by medical and legal exPerts ) who had favored a major role .for M?K Department in drug regulation and cducstion. According ta the Justice Department, "The ultimate decision to bring a drug under control has more legal impli- cations than it does acdical ones .`b One Congressmen, Rep. Peter Kyros of Vaine, stated that the Administration's unbending stand was "kind of stunning to me in the light of the testimony of so many doctors." The straight criminal sanction approach will not work for the drug problem just as it did not work when tried for alcohof. It breeds black market, organized`crime, and contempt for the law -- just as prohibition did. Meanwhile, this approach is hcing used by Mr. F!itchell's ttepartment for further threats to our civil liberties: legalized violation of the home privacy and encroachment by the .?ustico &?q%rtmt?nt over an arca that demands enlightened educational and public health ???????? o S. E. Lurk, V.D. Sedgwick Professor of 8ialogy, h!IT