As of: February 16, 2009
Tracking No. 806d5cdb
Comments Due: October 21, 2008

Docket: FWS-R9-MB-2007-0017
Migratory Bird Permits; Control of Muscovy Ducks, Revisions to the Waterfowl Permit Exceptions and Waterfowl Sale and Disposal Permits Regulations

Comment On: FWS-R9-MB-2007-0017-0001
Migratory Bird Permits; Control of Muscovy Ducks, Revisions to the Waterfowl Permit Exceptions and Waterfowl Sale and Disposal Permits Regulations

Document: FWS-R9-MB-2007-0017-0003
Comment on FR Doc # E8-19550

Submitter Information

Name: jean  public

n/a,  NJ,  00000

Organization: u s citizen
Government Agency Type: Federal
Government Agency: FWS

General Comment

rin 1018-av34 the scandal plagued us dept of interior fws has this proposal to kill
another species. every year or so another species is offered up for the gun wacko
wildlife murderers to kill. these agencies want to offer new blood to sell more
licenses,even though the murderous crew of wildlife murderous hunters is
diminishing every year as people realize that the earth is not infinite and that God
intended us to have some wildlife on earth too. not just murderou sgun wacko
pervert people.

these ducks are moving up because of global warming. why when they seek the
warmer weather up north are they being killed because of that natural movement?
i agree they should not be sold. i think if you catch anybody selling the species
that person should be jailed for a minimum of ten years, fined one million dollars
for a first offense and ten million for a second offense. it is clear that some
profiteers would kill their mother for a buck.

there should be no hunting sanctioned for this species, which needs protection.

the timid individuals who write to you that they are afraid of aggressive ducks need
to be ignored. some people will write any old crap to get a new species mandated
for hunting. you have to watch out for those liars when you accumualte
information. i see alot of lying going on by murderous wildlife killers - they will say
anything to continue their murderous quests.