Poster Presentation 2-32


Decolorization of the Reactive Dye Blue-R by the Fungus Pleurotus pulmonarius


A.Z. Santos, C.R.G. Tavares, S.M. Gomes-da-Costa, T. A. Guedes, J. M. Candido-Neto


Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Av. Colombo  5790 – bl E46/sl 09 – Campus Universitario

87020-900, Maringá - Paraná – Brasil


Telephone:  55-44-261 4345; Fax:  55-44-261 4347; E-mail:


The use of cotton, which makes up about half of the world's fiber consumption, has increased the consumption of reactive dyes.  Reactive dyes represent approximately 20-30% of the total market for dyes.  Approximately 30% of the applied reactive dyes is wasted because they are not efficiently removed by conventional wastewater treatment plants, which leads to colored waterways.  White-rot fungi can decolorize all types of dyes and it is becoming a promising alternative to replace or supplement present treatment processes.  The objective of this study is to evaluate the decolorization of the reactive dye blue-R by the white-rot fungi Pleurotus pulmonarius. The decolorization experiments were planned according to the methodology of surface response analysis considering the following factors:  fungus concentration, dye concentration, temperature, and pH.  The response variable will be the decolorization percentage, which will be determined by measuring the absorbance of the liquid medium in the maximum wavelength of the dye.


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This page was updated 03/21/02