FENWT - Fire Behavior Committee (FBC)

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National Wildfire Coordinating Group
Fire Environment Working Team
Fire Behavior Committee

May 24, 2007

Members present:

John Barborinasz
Kyle Cannon
Kelly Close
Dan Jimenez
Risa Lange-Navarro
Punky Moore
John Saltenberger
Paul Schlobohm
Larry Van Bussum
Dave Whitmer
R. Ziel

April 10-12, 2007. It was recommended to summarize S591 and video refresher discussions. Zeke and Punky will complete before next conference call.

Old Business

Wind Gust Position Paper:
John will provide weather data input and issues gathered from FBAN/LTAN/IMET community to Zeke to take forward to FENWT meeting, June 11.

Weather Questionnaire Position Paper:
John will forward summary of Fire Weather Needs to Zeke by June 1.

FSPro - Dan Jimenez and John Barborinas provided input form training held in Missoula. Overall, it was a marginal training opportunity that covered the process but experienced computer interfacing problems that prevented live runs being done. The infrastructure is pretty well in place how the requests will be processed and how the analysts will be assigned. It would have been valuable to learn more about the inputs, see how they work and how the outputs are displayed. It is expected that online requests could begin mid-June, still a work in progress. Discussion included regional analyst selection, LTAN/FBAN qualifications, validation, calibration, mentor process.

Concerns were raised that LTANs doing analysis on incidents will rely on inputs that might not be done by qualified LTAN/FBANs; approximately 1/3 of participants were NWCG LTAN/FBAN qualified.

PPT presentations are on MFC under WFDSS. Contact John Szymoniak for viewer access to WFDSS website. Discussed whether there will be introductory material in the next S590 about FSPro. The way in which qualified personnel deal with info will become part of the practice of being an LTAN/FBAN.

Discussions are ongoing about the need to look at the courses and redesign before the next offer considering new tools such as FSPro and age of courses. There is not adequate support for the courses currently. Need to strategically think how courses interface with S590. Course offering dates could pose a problem.

FENWT needs to sponsor a budget for maintenance of the courses; Wayne is developing a budget proposal for both courses. It is recommended that administrative continuity for maintenance remains with the FBC. FBC concurs with the responsibility of being the connection to the rest of the fire behavior curriculum by participating on the course redesign. Future comments will be forwarded to committee.

Dave Whitmer reported that another draft will be formatted and will be available for another opportunity for comment. A majority of the LTAN/FBAN tasks were combined. Major change is focusing on competencies instead of tasks. Most recent version is posted on MFC for review. Many of the items were pulled and reorganized to fit format, competencies remained the same. FBC needs to review and be familiar with information in taskbooks.

Training courses are going to be evaluated by competencies. FBC will evaluate what skills and knowledge need to be learned in the courses.

FBC needs to take an interest in the other positions that have required fire behavior learning. What kinds of competencies and behaviors are in those taskbooks? FBC will be making recommendations about courses that require fire behavior training such as squad boss and strike team leaders. The Command positions should be considered also. It was suggested that the curriculum matrix could be useful in determining training requirements. FBC needs to ensure matrix represents knowledge and skills necessary in the positions.

Action Item #286: Risa will develop a recommended list of fireline positions to review taskbooks for their evaluation of fire behavior assessment skills due date 6/14/07.

This could be a good opportunity to demonstrate that identified competencies point to the features of FLAME and it needs to be in the curriculum at the S290 level. This is a way to point to the curriculum thru the review of taskbooks by using the institutional framework.

FBC has the critical task to ensure that the other taskbooks that don’t have fire behavior awareness support the knowledge and skills that are necessary in the field. FBC has members integrated at the necessary level to have close FBC involvement.
Paul will check if draft taskbooks are available. FBC is hoping field review allows for significant revision.

Communication continues, a third reviewer has been identified for technical paper; should be ready for publication summer ‘07. Dan Jimenez will represent committee in review process and subsequent follow-up. Discussion included future online training opportunities (WFSTAR), course development and FRAMES. FBC will post related information on several MFC communities for further dissemination, i.e., LTAN/FBAN, Fire Behavior, Hot Shots and MFC “What’s New”.

Action Item #287: Risa/Zeke will contact Noble Dunn regarding online FLAME, due date 6/14/07

Budget Update:
It has been a challenge spending funds. Discussion focused on being able to contract and pay for work to accomplish FBC mission. FBC needs capability to develop new work orders for identified projects. It should be a straightforward process to continue existing contracts or create new ones. The funds are with the FS at the Fire Center.

Action Item #288: Risa will contact Cheryl Molis to assess budget parameters, funding methods, work orders, due date 6/14/07.

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New Business

Co-Chair updated the committee on membership status. The Executive Secretary position is filled; Punky Moore has rejoined the committee. Additional members have been added to reflect the need for field representation along with liaison positions identified. Mark Koontz is the TWT liaison.

Action Item #289: Punky will forward updated roster to NWCG to post on the website, due date 6/14/07.

IRPG Updates:
Were submitted to IOSWT.

Comet Introduction to TWT:
Overall, TWT is interested in working with Comet. Had questions about capabilities, interfacing, Canadian group. Wendell Welch will follow thru with Comet group. Funding is a factor. Comet will be looking at FBC to review materials and provide support; FBC agreed that it will be important to provide support on a timely basis. Pat & Doug Stephen are onboard as SMEs for the model matrix unit.

Comet is moving forward with S290. May take an additional 12 months to complete by mid FY 09. Fire weather module is based on old S290 course.
Action Item #290: Larry will post link to Comet Fire Weather material on MFC, due date 6/14/07.

Fireline Refresher Strategy:
The new fireline refresher course and video was discussed. Scenarios still show crews not reading fire behavior. FBC participation in fire refresher has been requested. Kelly, John B., John S., Kyle and Tami will work on a draft strategy

Agenda Item –Update from Kelly, 6/14/07

Related discussion included the upcoming Cramer hike (June 12) and using the event for exploring possibilities for refresher training. NIFC representatives will participate. FBC will be updated on next conference call.

Nighttime Fine Fuel Moisture:
The fire behavior community has raised the issue that Appendix B does not include information about estimating nighttime fuel moistures. Until there is a new solution, Pat Andrews recommends using fuel moisture from 8:00 a.m. Will be forwarded as a reference for S490 & S590 courses.

Firefighter Math:
Discussed the need to take Firefighter Math to the next phase. FBC agreed to incorporate interactive tests at the end of each chapter. It is possible that this could be a JFSP proposal. Dan will follow thru with Brad Monahan.

Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide:
Discussion has taken place to determine what is necessary to develop an electronic format for the out of date Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide. FBC agreed to pursue reformatting Reference Guide. Risa has changes to incorporate after the formatting is completed. Committee discussed where this project fits into budget priorities. Phase 1 will be to change guide to electronic format before editing process begins.

Action Item #291: Dan is the lead and will provide funding proposal to committee chairs, due date 6/14/07.

FENWT upcoming meeting:
Agenda Topics:
Weather data and info – how it’s being collected, evaluated, distributed


From FSPro workshop, cadre thinks it is an awesome resource and it should be kept – wind inputs in the runs are critical

Wind Gust
Survey evaluation

Fall Meeting Dates:
A change was proposed for the fall meeting. Possible dates for a meeting in Tucson are Nov. 27, 28, 29.

Action Item Table Updated

Round Robin:
June 12 – Cramer Hike – contact Kelly
New IRPG (Jan 2008?) Risa will check

Conference call adjourned 1200 PDT

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