IIPS 2002 Archive
DOE Seal
Solicitation Document Form

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Sources Sought

Dual Use, Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation and Storage Cask Handling

The United States of America has entered into an Agreement with the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning the long-term storage of the spent nuclear fuel from the Kazak BN-350, fast breeder nuclear reactor. In 1998 as part of that work the US Department of Energy began consolidated this fuel into storage canisters. That work was completed in 2001. Currently the US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration is engaged in a conceptual design to use 80 ton, metal-concrete dual use transportation and storage casks for this program. Each cask weights approximately 80 tons; the overall cask dimensions are approximately 17 feet tall and 8 feet in diameter. The results of the conceptual design will include the process, procedural guidelines and general equipment specifications associated with receiving, loading, handling and transporting the fuel containers and the casks.

At the conclusion of the conceptual design work, the program may progress to final design and implementation., which will include the transfer of the canisters from a water basin storage pool to the dual use casks, and the later transfer of the casks from the BN-350 local area across Kazakhstan to Baikal for long term interim storage in an independent spent fuel storage installation. This sources sought announcement is requesting expressions of interest in planning and performing the on-site support during those final phases of the work. Specifically:
1. Preparing/reviewing detailed procedures for the canister and cask handling processes, including but not limited to radiation protection, criticality and safeguards related processes.
2. Procure miscellaneous supplies, tools and equipment in the US and Kazakhstan.
3. Training and qualifying local labor.
4. Setup, including preoperational testing of some specialized equipment.
5. Monitor the progress of the work and meet at least daily with Kazak management to resolve any difficulties.
6. Clean-up, including decontamination of any radiological contamination that occurred during the course of the work.

In responding to this sources sought announcement, interested parties are requested to describe their capabilities and experience with the following activities or requirements. Those descriptions will be used to determine the parties? qualification.
1. Rigging and handling spent nuclear fuel and storage casks.
2. Transporting spent fuel
3. Nuclear fuel radiological safety
4. Nuclear fuel criticality safety
5. IAEA Safeguards Requirements
6. Physical Security Requirements
7. Performing work in compliance with nuclear licensing requirements.
8. Training, qualification and monitoring foreign nationals to perform work safely and in compliance with nuclear licensing requirements.
9. Operating in Kazakhstan or countries with a similar infrastructure, including but not limited to the physical, retail, commercial and political infrastructures.


Contracting Officer Name:
Michelle Loveless

Contracting Officer Phone:
(510) 637-1879

Contracting Officer E-mail:

Contracting Officer Address:
1301 Clay Street, 700N

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