From: Athena Fannin [] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 5:12 PM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 To whom it may concern, I have heard that the FDA is cosidering taking the following actions on genetically engineered foodstuffs. The FDA on genetically engineered foods: * Do not require mandatory pre-market safety testing * Do not require pre-market environmental review * Do not require mandatory labeling of GE foods * Restrict voluntary labeling of non-GE foods * Require a mere letter of notification prior to the marketing of a GE food * Fail to ensure public access to adequate information for independent review * Are supported by industry and opposed by consumer groups As an American consumer, Head of household, Biotech employed mother I feel compelled to inform you that to continue to support Biotech industries thirst for profit over public safety and right to know is irresponsible. The FDA must respond to humans over dollars by doing the following: * The FDA must require mandatory pre-market comprehensive environmental review. Unlike conventional pollutants, where a given amount of pollutant causes a limited amount of damage, a small number of mutant genes could have a population explosion and reproduce forever, causing unlimited and irreparable damage. * The FDA must require mandatory pre-market long-term health testing. GE products could be toxic, cause allergic responses, have lower nutritional value, and compromise immune responses in consumers. * The FDA must require mandatory labeling of GE products. Without mandatory labeling, neither consumers nor health professionals will know if an allergic or toxic reaction was the result of a genetically engineered food. Consumers would be deprived of the critical knowledge needed to hold food producers liable should any of these novel products be hazardous. *The FDA should not restrict voluntary labeling of non-genetically engineered food in anyway. there is no good reason to other than to protect the interest of businesses who use genetically engineered foods. * The FDA must end its cozy relationship with the industriesit purports to be regulating. People have been allowed to work for a biotech company, then work for the FDA writing the regulatory rules on that company's product, then go back to working for the company. Ninety-two percent of FDA advisory committee meetings had at least one conflict of interest. * The FDA must require that biotech comapnies take steps to insure that genetically engineered foodsources do not outbreed wildtype supplies. A GE food sources that grows wonderfully in rain fed conditions may wither in famine conditions. if the wildtype naturally bred to provide nutrients during famine is not available for growth then any population that dependent on that crop or animal will starve from lack of product or lack of income based on that product. The FDA is a federal group, place there by the government, which is created, supported, given its power by the people and intened to protect the people. NOT business. It is moral responsibility of the FDA to protect the people. It can protect business at the same time. If biotech business is known to be corrupt and ends up hurting consumers, consumers will flee from their products and withdraw support. the resulting support could result in economic crisis for the country and the biotech industry. Please protect the industry and the consumer from biotechs lust for the mighty dollar. Sincerely, Athena Fannin 937-767-2752 ===== Check out poetry and literature athttp://athena.terrashare.comOr check out useful internet business information at