From: Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 8:22 AM To: Subject: What's in your food? Dear Corporate and Government Leaders, Genetically engineered food ingredients or crops should not be allowed on the market until: 1) Independent safety testing demonstrates they have no harmful effects on human health or the environment, 2) They are labeled to ensure the consumer's right-to-know, and 3) The biotechnology corporations that manufacture them are held responsible for any harm. As a bilogist and environmental scientist, I think that it is imperative that we begin to take a more precautionary approach towards approving new technology and GM products. We need to stop a moment and look at what methods, techniques, and crops we ALREADY have, instead of leaping at every opportunity to try a new product or technology. If our goal is to "feed the world" then we need to re-examine the politics of food creation and distribution as the majority of famines have been caused by politics (i.e. Bengali famine, China famine after 'the Great Leap Forward') and not be an actual lack of food. Sincerely Chris Lindberg