082 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 wind velocity and air coefficient,s has been worked out, which is already very promising. This takes account of the vertical convection upward in the Tropics, downward in the high pressure belt, together with the resulting trade winds; the horizontal overflow, somewhat greater in micldle latitudes in the upper levels than in the lower levels, and its relat,ion to the great eastward drift can be fully discussed; the variations of temperature in 1ongit.ucle and the effect in breaking up t.he general circulation by means of leakage currents can be deduced by the extension of the method. The application of such data to many localities is a work that! will cost much labor, but the result will be to change cliniatology from a merely statisOica1 subject of normals and departures into one of scient,ific pro- cedure. If the laws of the modification of t.he local circula- tions can be worked out, t.liere will follow the possibi1it.y of arriving at the laws of seasonal forecasts as regards the t.em- perature and rainfall of special regions. It! is elitmirely probable that the proper scient.ific approach to t.he problem of seasonal forecasts is to be along t.his line, however, it will require t.he labors of many students to do t.he necessary work of coniput.a- tion and discussion. It,, also, seems quit,e likely t,liat. as soon as students more clearly perceive t.he na.ture of t.his great problem, the number of workers will increase. RADIATION. If the circulation of the earbh’s atmosphere is t.he cause of the local distributions of t,emperat,ure and precipit,at,ion observed in climatology, we know t.hat t,he solar radiation is t,he imme- diate source of the energy that drives t.he circulation. The subject! here becomes complicatetl because the st.utly of ratlia- tion in any easy way is hindered by t,he presence of aqueous vapor in the atmosphere considered as an absorbing layer of gases. The incoming radiation sufTers t,liree principal tleple- tions: (1) by scatt,ering and deflection upon t,he at.oms. niole- cules, and dust or ice particles of t,he air, (2) by t,he ahsorption of short wave-length radiation chiefly in t.he outer or isot.herma.1 layer, (3) by the absorpt.ion of the somewhat. longer wave lengths and other occasional long wave lengths in the lower aqueous vapors. In order to suit,ably observe solar racliat,ion, it follows that regions of dry air, and air free from dust, are most advantageous. The ahnosphere over the eastern tlis- tricts of the Unit,ed Stat.es is loaded with aqueous vapor antl transported from the Gulf of Mesico, while the est,reme sout.11- western districts, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California are relatively free from vapor, being shielded tiy the mount.ain ranges of the Pacific coast.. Some high-level stat.ions and some desert stations in the Southwest are peculiarly aclaptecl to study solar radiation. There are several lines of research which indicate that the solar racliat.ion is variable, and it. is of primary importance to establish a series of long continued homogeneous radiation observations for bhis purpose. The irrigated dist.rict. in the Imperial Valley, having very clear, cloudless skies! aiid comparatively low wind velocit.y, is a most promising place for a station. A suitable equipment for the cliniatological st,at.ion at Brawley, Cal., should be considered in t,his connect,ion. SOLAR PHPSICS. Numerous answers to questions in solar physics will probably follow the solution of siinilar problems for the earth’s at.mosphere. The relations between the t,einperature dist,ribut~ion and the velocity of the air in different levels follows similar laws, t.lirough the action of pa\-itation upon t.he resulting densit.ies of t,he air masses. Apparently, by t.he ohservatioiis on the surface, the solar disk is at the same temperature in all lat,it,udes, and yet the large change in the velocity of rotmation of t.he gaseous enve- lope in different latitudes. 26.70 clays a t the equator a i d 31.(10 days at the poles for the photosphere, 26.00 days a t the equator and 29.00 days at the poles for the upper chromosphere, must be the result of temperature distributions in order to conform to the laws of general motion. The outer gaseous layers of the earth’s atmosphere are nearly isot.herma1, but the lower ones have a well-known decrease of temperatmure from the equator to the poles. Similar cleep-seat.ed changes in temperature are t o be expected on the sun, but bhe t,wo syst,ems are probably inverse to one another. The incoming radiation is accompanied by magnetic and elect,rical effecbs. If corpuscles are espellecl by the sun and transporbed to the earth in light waves, they should make a disturbance of the diurnal magnet,ic field centered about the solar meridian, by every analogy, if t,heir energy is expended wibliin the outer layers. The diurnal niagnet.ic variations are evitlent,ly tlistributetl about, t.lie diurnal temperature changes in two enbirely parallel systems centerecl at, about 2 o’clock in t.he aft.ernoon. Since t.his t,eniperat,ure clistrihut.ion is confined t.o the lower layers of the atmosphere it should follow that the incoming solar racliat.ion has cliurna.1 magnetic ‘effects, con- t.rollecl hy t.he lower rat,lier than by t.he out.er layers. The cor- puscles antl absorbed radiat,ion in t,he outer layers probably produce t.he irregular niagnet,ic st,ornis. ECONOMIC STATISTICS. There are numerous pract,ical quest.ions in climatology con- cerned with engineering, transport,at,ion, and agricultural inter- ests. Careful st.atist.ics shoulcl he collect.ed of the financial losses by floods t.o engineering struchres, in order to study t,heir efficiency in regard t.0 t.he work called upon t,o be done by thein. The suclden release of snows in the mount,ains by dy- namic 1ieat.ecl winds, and t,he best method of forecasOing t,heir recurrence should be st.ucliet1 for ench locality. The effect of hurricanes upon sea walls, protecting breakwaters, and jetties is an iinport,ant subject. of research. The damage t.0 buildings by high winds, mid the arclii tect,ural problems of their strength of resist.aiice shoulcl be worked out. The railroads are inter- est.etl in the was1iout.s produced by rainfall, originally well tlist,ril)uted, but concentrat~ecl by run-off into dangerous des- t.ruct.ive torrent,s of short. durat.ion. The railroads in the deserts and in t.he niount,sins of t.he West are expending large sums of money builcling dykes and Iirot,ect,ing walls, and yet t,hey pos- sess only meager cliina.t.01ogica.l data. The subject of the navi- gat.ion of inlsnd matm-mays depentls upon t.he amount of snow and rainfall t,lia.t. is carried i1it.o t.he river channels. The effect of rainfall and evaporat,ion upon soil fert.ility, 6he effect of wincls and mintl-l>rc~aks upon bhe vegetat,ion in the fields call for careful esaniinat.ion . In short, the problems open to climat.ology and nieteorolog i n t,lieir mutual relat.ions cover a va.st catalogue of work. It is proposed to publish in t,hc MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW the niore pra.ct.ica1 as1wct.s of these problems, and in the hgount Weat.her Bullet.in t.he more t,heoretical at,udies, and papem arc solicit.ed for each publicsbion. AVERAGE ANNUAL RAINFALL OF PORT0 RICO, W. I. By n. L. FARKII;, Ph. D , Section Director, Porto R~co. W. I . In the latter part of 1898 a station of the first order of the United States Weather Bureau was establishecl in the city of h i Juan, the capital of the newly acquired tropical island of Porto Rico. In the following year substations to the number of 30 or more were established over the island, a t which the daily estreincs of temperature, the amount of rainfall, the direction of the wind, and the general state of the weather were recorded daily. These sulwtations were from time to time increased in numher, and at the present time weather records are available for inore than 50 localities for periods varying from 1 to 11 years. At! 4 stations the observations antedate t.he American occupation : A t San Juan extending back to 1870, ab Can6vanas and at hlayaguez to 1SS9. and at Luquillo to 1196. A11 of these records are now heing reduced, uncler the direc- tion of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, in the preparation of a NOVEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 983 7.4s 7.16 12.02 7.78 4.81 5.35 4.74 8.22 7.85 4 3 4 7.13 7.64 7.50 8.35 Fifteen of the 44 stations enumerated have elevations between 1,000 and 2,600 feet. In the accompanying table the average rainfall is shown for months, seasons, and for the entire year, the length of the records varying from 5 to 30 years. The geographical dis- tribution of rainfall over the island is shown more clearly by means of the seasonal and annual charts forming figs. 1 to 6. Attention is directed only to the more important and striking characteristics of the rainfall distribution. The average annual rainfall for the island, as a whole, is 77 inches. The amounts vary from a minimum of 37 inches along the south coast--an areaclevoted largely to the cultivation of sugar cane- to a maximum of 136 inches on the eastern slope of the Luquillo Mountains in the northeast portion of the island, within the area of the proposecl Luquillo National Forest Reserve. This range gives rise to a large nuniber of little streams which water the extensive coffee and sugar plantations of the surrounding country. At stations along and near the south coast the average annual rainfall is ahout 45 inches; along the north coast, the region of the citrus fruits and pineapples, the average fall is about 65 inches. Along the east and west coasts the near-by mountains ancl hills cross the path of the prevailing winds and we find, in consequence, a heavier rainfall, with an average of 75 inches for the west. coast ancl 85 inches for the east coast. Owing to similar favorable topographic conditions we find the rainfall considerably heavier in the interior of the island than along the north and south coasts, only a few miles distant. There are three well-defined centers of heavy rainfall on the island: (1) The Luquillo Range, a heavily wooded and in- accessible region in the northeast; (2) the mountains about 7.94 6.56 S.78 5.55 4.10 3.91 5.61 6.50 8.M 4 .~9 10.46 7. a5 7.73 6.87 report upon the climate of Porto Rico. The present paper is confined to a brief preliminary survey of the average monthly and seasonal rainfall of the island, and to some of the more marked variations from what may, for the present, be regarded aa normal values. The island of Porto Rico is the smallest and easternmost of the Greater Antilles and lies between 18" and 18" 30' north latitude, and between 65" 40' and 67" 15' longitude west froni Greenwich. The island is nearly rectangular in form, with an east-west length of about 100 miles and an average wiclth of about 35 miles. As local topography is one of the principal factors in the control of rainfall distribution, it is unfortunate that there is not available even a rough attempt a t a topographic chart of the island. Such maps as there are show the location of a. mountain range, the principal watershed, extending across the greater portion of the island from east to west, a little to the south of the central line; also a shorter east-west range, the Luquillo Mountains, in the extreme northeast portion of the island. From these two systems numerous spurs extencl, mostly northward, cutting up the island into a complex system of hills and valleys, with the hundreds of small streams for which the island is noted. The mountmain peaks of the Luquillo Range and the main divide rise to elevations of 3,000 to 3,500 feet. The main divide has an average elevation of, perhaps, 2,000 feet, while the main spurs will average from 1,000 to 1,500 feet. The lowlands are found only along the coast., forming a narrow strip along the north, east, and west coasts, with a broader belt along the south coast. The localities for which rainfall records are here given range in elevation from sea level to 2,600 feet, with an average altitude of 640 feet,. . . - - 6.58 6.81 Awrage monlhly and seanonnl precipilalmn (i n inches) $or the period 1899-1909 in Porto Rico, W . I . . . . .- 7.46 6.43 10.43 12.17 13.94 11.13 12.18 15.39 6.59 7.99 10.01 7.46 5.04 9.06 9.43 8.11 10.21 1 n .n 18.83 I 8.10 10.99 16.?2 9.86 6.25 8.62 3.81 7.M S.89 7.04 7.57 Means.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum average.. . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. ... - L a .- s L 2 E 8 - 4.91 4.9s 2.61 1. (13 4.51 6. 19 8.17 7.36 6.43 4.87 7.54 4.26 6.36 4.52 7.43 4.04 6.79 5. I6 1.29 5.17 5.42 8. 52 1.79 5.71 4.46 Q. 47 9.36 7.43 5.30 2.81 7.70 1. ia 7.30 7. M 3.94 5. ns 5.4n 2.16 4.5s 5.29 2.98 5.05 1.76 5.14 9.47 1. 22 2. n2 L 4 f L z" .. - L 0 e B m e' 3 * 4 ti - & m r' E __ 88.44 85. I9 80.29 50.28 65.41 58.04 77. I2 76.72 75.87 67.87 79.54 01.87 12.74 68.38 83.14 52.43 78.77 68.33 37. I6 54.39 86.39 57.85 04. I 40.35 92.33 07.77 35. r2 36.67 69.45 81.96 71.81 87. I2 (0.57 13.17 67.21 83.17 83.98 81.79 53.81 48.00 77.30 35.57 37. I6 10.111 do. 67 FO. in w. 70 i a e -. h c1 - a . .. - 3.85 3.26 2.11 1.58 3.93 3.36 3.24 5.72 4.41 4. I8 5.18 3.17 4.52 3.44 6.00 3.43 4.84 3.71 1.2s 1.84 4.16 3.14 1.78 0. Q4 2.94 3.14 7.22 3.76 4.33 2. 05 5.25 1.m 5. n4 3.80 2.24 3.19 4.52 1.24 3.43 3.83 3.51 4. ti4 2.13 3.67 8.21 0. !M 8. a i . 5.53 5.54 4.55 1.87 3.33 3.95 5.76 4.39 4.64 3.4n 4.74 6. Bo 7. n9 4.04 4.51 3. m 5.53 4. I2 2.56 2.37 5. n9 4.17 6.46 2. M 7.53 6.94 IO. 60 4.92 3.30 4.51 5.74 1.99 5.85 4.31 5.74 4.54 3.85 1.68 5.33 5.24 3.34 4.41 3.19 4.79 11.?7 1.59 11. a7 - 8.79 9. I4 9.76 4.29 7.42 5.49 6.17 10.02 6.52 4.86 6.41 10.86 I?. 23 5.32 6.82 4.26 6.311 5.47 4. on 5. ?9 12. 2s 14.08 14. Q8 14.94 7.80 R. 3s 3.17 10.56 6.23 5.81 6.98 4.79 4.95 11.32 9. Bo 4. n6 8. Ifi 4.4s 7.59 14.98 3.17 9.40 5.70 4. 6n in. 5n 4. a5 7. an I 1. Adjuntas.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Alto de la Banders.. . . . . 12. Carmclita f 33. Ponce.. . .. ... . . . . . . ...... I 11 U. Rio Blanco .............. : 6 a5. RloPledraR .............. 8 16. San German ............ .I 11 81. Ban Lorenro.. ... . . . . . . . . 10 8% San Juan .... .. . . .. . ._. . . 11 JP. Rants sa^. . . . . . . . . . . , . \ 9 40. Utuado ..... ._. ...._ 43. Yabucoa ........ . .. . 44. Yauco.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 11 9 5 I 1 11 5 7 5 8 11 11 7 7 11 11 2n 1.700 2. wx) 35 10 2. m . 20 1.ooO 2. m 75 20 1,5110 2.500 1.3m 1.300 son m 15 15 17 Bo 250 1.400 m 1.400 1.m MYI 1. m 85 40 20 375 5n 150 75 200 200 82 22 1.300 1.500 45 100 200 250 ....., ..... ..... 1.21 3.86 2. os 1.04 4.32 3.08 4.65 3.32 2.52 2.27 .2.62 3. n6 2.61 4.09 1.48 4.04 2.24 1.16 2.32 2.72 4. 21 0.64 3.72 2.65 3.04 3.39 3.46 3.11 1.66 3.3s 0. 69 6.8a 3.07 2.29 2 .m 2. in 0. 75 4. 01 n. 70 0.46 2.22 2.38 3.63 0.99 a. .ss 1. 84 0.46 4.03 4.70 4.54 3. 04 1.76 4.07 4.44 5 .4 s 4.14 3.31 3.61 5.86 6.73 5.21 1.77 4.64 3.37 1.74 3.95 2.77 6.34 1.63 5.24 4.19 6.29 6.54 4.95 3.97 2. on 6.38 1.38 6.36 4. 16 3.69 4. 25 3.17 1.31 3.00 4. Q 2.61 3.78 2.61 4.00 6.73 1.31 3. 26 2.20 12. 16 I?. 64 9.19 6.20 6.50 5.36 9.11 4.61 9. ?I 7.34 8.69 12. 26 10.92 5.97 5.96 4.96 9.55 8.79 5.87 10.16 13.14 11.56 11.14 5.65 7.99 9.57 11.06 5.25 12.17 8.47 7.41 8. ml 7.44 3.80 8.75 7.71 5.75 9. ti6 5.84 8.31 13. W 3. Pa 18. a4 8. n3 8. n2 4. os 6. nn 9.97 12.08 6. So 4.55 12.76 l?. 63 16.40 13.36 11.32 15.34 14.92 17.52 8.95 11.11 3.27 5. M 11.65 11.34 17.51 3.37 12.37 19.73 PO. Q6 14.65 12.74 6.54 16.33 IR. I6 14.04 8.47 4.15 R. 47 11.34 8.87 13.32 4.88 11.44 1n.m in. 49 10.57 15. n7 in. 25 a. 81 In. 67 12. n? Po. CJS a. 91 18.35 19.22 17.35 7.92 15.45 13.51 16.37 19. R9 15.30 11.65 14.76 23.32 26.05 12.62 16.51 9.83 10.47 12.96 8.30 9.86 18.44 12.64 25.08 8.93 23.27 27.21 31.87 14.72 14.47 15.01 8.64 22.77 15.24 15.77 11.81 7.85 19.65 19.64 16. 35 IO. 28 16. 39 32.75 6.54 3a. 71 2n. 47 14.70 10.01 27.58 26.36 29.99 19.53 15.41 14.40 18.37 14.96 23.93 23.26 26.28 27.15 28.47 23.25 28.36 15.15 21.45 19.28 10.38 19.01 27.71 14.27 21.92 15.76 26.96 33.88 40. P6 39.45 16.79 26.36 27.15 23. IM 14.20 35.71 21.40 19. M m. 11 11.F7 22. .9 IS. 84 16.48 26.85 14.99 22.69 40. ?8 10.39 30.22 32.54 37.53 26.15 18.28 21.79 18.41 26.62 25.47 23.28 20.91 23.16 43.30 21.94 20.72 18.50 25. I8 25.98 16.00 20. w 28.59 19.60 m. 35 21.29 29.73 36.43 43.44 42.41 23.29 28.39 23.11 27.?4 36.63 20.67 24.43 26.51 16. 62 31.28 19.45 31.18 17.85 40.91 17.03 20.174 30.28 98.16 16. a0 43.44 11.03 I 12.78 13.55 ~ 14.46 9.37 I 6.72 6.83 7.2% 7 1.1 c ne 8.73 9.49 S. 06 4.23 7.69 8.119 I._._ 4.89 ~ 6U:z 9.58 6.76 7.91 S.67 7.83 6.92 7.21 7.78 6.93 6.31) 13.52 11.86 14.11 16.08 7. 17 7.AA 6.48 5. ?6 7.38 7.63 4. a6 6.95 ln.66 5.35 11.25 6.75 9. n9 13.55 11.83 12.24 6.84 9. I6 8.87 8.61 s. 75 13.36 7.69 6.38 6.36 5.56 11.11 7. 12 12. 32 in. n4 in. 83 5.711 10.28 8.89 s. 53 5.92 9.93 I?. 58 13. I1 7. i.? 6.ni I 4.94 8.75 10.35 A.68 1 5.86 8.68 14.11 4.25 .~ .. Madma and anima are given in . .- lack figures. 984 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 v FIG. 3.-Porto Rico mean suninier rainfall, lS99-1909 (Junc-August). NOVEMBER, 1909 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 985 , FIG. 4.-Porto Rico mean autunin rainfall, 1S99-1909 (Septembcr-November). ~ ~~~ FIG. 5.-Porto Rico mean winter rainfall, 1S99-1909 (Drcember-February). FIG. 6.-Map showing the month of maximum rainfall in Porto Rico, W. I. 81-10 986 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 Adjuntas, near the south-central part of the island, a region of coffee plantations; (3) a group of peaks in the west-central part, among which nestle the towns of Maricao, Las Marias, San Sebastian, and Lares, also a region of rich coffee planta- tions. In all of these centers the average annual rainfall exceeds 100 inches (see fig. 1). The rainfall of the north side of the island differs froin that of the south side not only in being greater in quantity hut also in being niore certain to fall in amounts sufficient for all the needs of plant growth at all seasons of the year. On the south side periods of 4 or 5 weeks with little or no rain are of frequent occurrence, while periods of 2 to 3 months with less than an inch of rainfall are not uncommon. The schenie of irrigation now being provided for :tlong the south coast will, in great measure, reinedy the evils of an irregular and insufficient rainfall. In the iiioiintaiiis, hiit 3 few miles distant, there is an ahunclant water supply, availalde at all seasons of the year, which can be carried to the cane fields at comparatively small cost. At the present time it i n costing the planters from 235 to $50 per acre per year to punip ground water for irrigating their cane fields. There are no well-defined wet aiid dry seasons on the island. The winter rains (fig. 5 ) are comparatively light., with a niiniiiiuni in February at pracbically all stations having a record of more than 7 or S years. From February there is a steady increase in the rainfall through May. From May t.0 November there is no uniforniity in the variations. For t.he island, as a whole, the inasiinuni is reached in Oct40ber (see fig. 4), though the amounts from May to Noveniber are so nearly alike that a period of heavy rains may reacliiy throw the masimuni from one month into another, even wit.h a record of 10 years or more. This was al~undant~ly illustmt,ecl by t.he heavy rains of November, 1909, increasing the average value for tlie month in many localities t,o such an estent. as t.0 change the niasiiiium from October to Noveinher. Charting the t.ime of niasiinuni rainfall (see fig. 6) we find a rough division of t.he islniicl int,o t.liree areas: South of the main divide the niasimuni occurs almost without exception in 0ct.ober: dong tlie north coast. it, occurs in November; in the interior and on t.he west, coast it. falls in t.he summer months, from May t.o August,. On hhe east coast it occiirs in September. In t8he seasonal did,ribut.ion there is a progressive increase in the amount of rainfall, for t,he island as a whole, t.hough the st,at,ement does not. apply t.0 iiidiviclual stations (see figs. 2 to 5). The figures are: Wint.er, 11 inches; spring, 18 inches; summer, 23 inches; aiid aut>unin. 28 inches, making up the total of 77 inches for the average annual ainount for thc island. WEATHER, FORECASTS, AND WARNINGS FOR THE MONTH. By Prof. E. B. CAERICTT. In charge of Forecast Division. A barometric depression tmliats advanced from the nort,li Pa- cific coast from 0ct.ober 28 t,o November 3 was preceiletl hy unusually mild temperature for t.he season ant1 atkenrled by general rains in inicldle and nort,hern t1istrict.s and by high winds on t,he Great Lakes and along the northern c0ast.s. Fol- lowing the passage of the storm-center there wa.s a sha.rp fall in temperature. Tlie appearance ant1 passage of this st.oriii was announced in a special forecast. t,liat was issued Oct.olwr 36. The following editorial from t,he Portland, Ureg., Ore- gonian of November 7 refers to t.liis forecast and also 60 a hur- ricane that had occurred in southeasbern maters : A general storm warning was wnt out. about 10 thys :&go, :i.ntl IJCCLUS~ Porbland niised the storm cent.er and failcd to witness iniinetlintc rrsults, it was ssaumed that the Weat.her Bureau had mad^ a bnd giitw. But out. at sea, just. beyond the shore line and t.0 the nort,h and sout.h, Old Uorr:w was holding high carnival, and for many days sft,erwarrl newly (wry rraft. that, entered nort,h Pacific ports bronpht. t .n h of :t fearful strupglt- with tlic. elements, in which deck loads were lost,, sails blown sway, :tiid housw smashed in by t.he seas. Here on t,he Pncifir. wit.h no neai4>y st.:tt.ion* 1 o the westward, and wireless not in sufficient. uw to en:tble steaiiicrs to report. conditions, the service is not yet. infallible on st.ornis approaching from t.he sea. As an esaniple of what. can be donc with reporting ststions in nll di- wtions, the Weather Bureau service on t,he two W'wt In+n Iiurriranc* that. struck the S0ut.h Atlant.ic States in Sept.cn~ber and 0ct.oher was r e markable. By giving warnings of these t.wo hurrictlnw 6 days lwforr t.1ie.v rearlird t.hv Louisiana, Miesidppi, and Florida co:wt,s, it. is est.imnt.etl t.hnt. there wtis a saving in property alone of no less t.hnn ~~,O O O ,O O O . Hcverrsl liundretl small boats were wrecked in the harbor of Key \Vest alone. Had thc storm wnrn- ings not kept them in port, they would have been lost at. sea with t.heir crews, numbering many hundreds. At this season of the yctir t.hc goid work of the Bureau is shown t,o t.he best. ntlvnntage in saving fife :tiid property nlolig the seacoast. At other .seasons of t.he year it.s nccur2tt.e preclict,ions of rain rJr frost enable farmers and planters to guard most. ctrwtirely against. loss. Areas of low barometer of slight intensity that moved east- ward along the northern border of the country from t,he 51.11 to 8th and 8th to 12th were at,t,endcd by ra,iiis in the nort,li- central States and caused an unusual prevalence of warm s0ut.h- erly winds generally over the country. During the latter half of the first decade of t,he month a storm that apparently acquired intensitry in that neighborlioocl and remained nearly stationary for a period of 4 or 5 days caused esceptionally heavy rains in Jamaica. Froni November 5 to 11, inclusive, t,he rainfall at Kingston was 30.45 inches. Six lives were lost, about 30 per cent of the banana crop was dest,royetl, and niuch ot.lier t1:tm:tge caused by floods and high wii!tls. The lowest, I:)nromet,er reading at Iiingst,on (luring the st,orni was 29.70 inches on November 13. By the morning (Jf November 11 t.he stoim-center hac1 advanced t,o a point, near the west. roa,st, of Haiti, where great (lamage by flood was reporbed. Saiit,o Doniingo was also severely visit.ed. Moving t.hence nort.lieastwart1 the center of (listurlmice passed near and nort,li of t,he Azores during Novem- ber 15 and 16, wit,h minimum report.ed pressure at the Horta 0bservat.ory of 28.S4 inches and inasimum wind velocity of 58 miles an hour froin t.he sout.hwest. Vessels in the path of t,he storm, hotli in the Wintlwartl Passage aiid on the Atlantic, esperiencerl gales of esceptional violence. For several days following November 16 pressure continued low between the Azores and the coast. of Portugal, and severc weat.her was un- doubtedly esperienccd in that region. During t:he preva.lence of this st,orni over the tropical and suht.ropica1 At.lantic, two t,yphoons visited the Philippine Is- lands. Onr swept. over t,he island of Panay, Visayas group, on November 7 and caused considerable destruction of prop- erty and crops? and the other crossed the Philippines on the 15th and apparent,ly recurved thence northward over the Japanese Islands and theiicc nort.heastward and eastward over the Pacific. During the first half of the second decade of the month severe storins prevailecl in iiort,liwcetern and north-central Europe. At, C'usharen t.he barometer fell to a reported reading of 28.80 inches on t.he 13t11, and on t.he 14th a reading of 28.96 inches was reported at St. Petersburg. Tlie storms encount,ered dur- ing this periocl on the North Sen were esceptioiially severe. On November 15 a special forecast announced a week or 10-clay period of cooler weather for t,he eastern portmion of the Unit,ed States, with tlist,urbances attended by rain in southern aiitl snow in nort4hern c1istrict.s and followed by cool weather t.hat woulil probahly carry the frost line into the Gulf and South At,laiitic States. Supplementing this forecast middle and north Pacific coast stations were advised on tlie 16th that a dist.urhance woiild reach t,hat coast. by Thursday tlie 16th. Froni the 15th to 1it.h a dist.nrbance of marked strength advanced from tlie southern Rocky hiountain region eastward and northeastward to the Atlantic coast, attended by snow