Table of contents for Michelangelo Buonarroti / Frederick Hartt.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog. Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication information provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

The Last Judgment Sistine Chapel	Frontispiece
7 Michelangelo's Paintings By Frederick Hartt	
49 The Doni Madonna Uffizi, Florence 
51 The Doni Madonna (detail, heads) Uffizi, Florence 
53 The Doni Madonna (detail, background at right) Uffizi, Florence 
55 The Sistine Ceiling (western section) 
57 Zechariah Sistine Ceiling 
59 David and Goliath Sistine Ceiling 
61 Judith and Holofernes Sistine Ceiling 
63 Joel Sistine Ceiling 
65 The Delphic Sibyl Sistine Ceiling 
67 The Delphic Sibyl (detail, head) Sistine Ceiling
69 The Deluge (detail) Sistine Ceiling	
71 Isaiah Sistine Ceiling 
73 The Sacrifice of Noah Sistine Ceiling 
75 The Erythraean Sibyl Sistine Ceiling 
77 The Fall of Man Sistine Ceiling	
79 The Cumaean Sibyl (Detail) Sistine Ceiling 
81 Ezekiel Sistine Ceiling 
83 The Creation of Adam Sistine Ceiling 
85 The Creation of Adam (Detail, Adam) Sistine Ceiling 
87 The Creation of Adam (Detail, The Creator) Sistine Ceiling 
89 The Persian Sibyl Sistine Ceiling 
91 Daniel Sistine Ceiling 
93 The Congregation of the Waters Sistine Ceiling 
95 The Creation of Sun, Moon, and Plants (detail, the Creator) Sistine Ceiling 
97 Jeremiah Sistine Ceiling 
99 The Libyan Sibyl Sistine Ceiling	 
101 Jonah Sistine Ceiling 
103 The Brazen Serpent Sistine Ceiling 
105 Nude Youths above Ezekiel Sistine Ceiling 
107 Abiud and Eliakim Sistine Ceiling 
109 The Last Judgment (detail, Dead Rising from Their Graves) Sistine Chapel 
111 The Last Judgment (detail, Souls Ascending to Heaven) Sistine Chapel 
113 The Last Judgment (detail, the Elect) Sistine Chapel 
115 The Last Judgment (detail, Christ) Sistine Chapel 
117 The Last Judgment (detail, St. Peter) Sistine Chapel 
119 The Last Judgment (detail, Martyrs) Sistine Chapel 
121The Last Judgment (detail, the Last Trumpet) Sistine Chapel 
123 The Last Judgment (detail, Charon's Bark) Sistine Chapel 
125 The Conversion of Saint Paul (detail, St. Paul) Pauline Chapel 
127 The Crucifixion of Saint Peter (detail) Pauline Chapel	
128 Photographic Credits

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