Knowledge Is Safety

As dangerous as tsunamis are they do not happen very often. You should not let this natural hazard diminish your enjoyment of the beach and ocean. But, if you think a tsunami may be coming, the ground shakes under your feet or you hear there is a warning,
Move Quickly to Higher Ground tell your relatives and friends, and

to Higher

Ala Wai Yacht Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii. Withdrawal of water caused by tsunami generated by earthquake of November 4, 1952, in Kamchatka, Russia. The spectators in this picture are needlessly risking their lives and should be evacuating to higher ground. (Camera Hawaii)Pagaraman, Babi Island, Indonesia, December 12, 1992. Tsunami washed away everything leaving only white beach sand. Seven hundred people were killed by the
earthquake and ensuing tsunami. (Harry Yeh, Univ. of Washington)

North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. During the tsunami generated by the March 9, 1957, Aleutian Island earthquake, people foolishly searched for fish on the exposed reef, unaware that tsunami waves would return in minutes to inundate the shoreline. (Honolulu Star- Bulletin) North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. During the tsunami generated by the March 9, 1957, Aleutian Island earthquake, people foolishly searched for fish on the exposed reef, unaware that tsunami waves would return in minutes to inundate the shoreline. (Honolulu Star- Bulletin)

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