Comment Number: 516736-00001
Received: 5/13/2005 10:11:30 AM
Commenter: Elaine Cantor
State: NY
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Definitions, Implementation, and Reporting Requirements Under the CAN-SPAM Act
Docket ID: 3084-AA96
No Attachments


In March I foolishly responded to an offer of a "free laptop computer" and filled out a form with my email address. I have over 15 pages, double columns, worth of spam, much of it pornographic. I have repeatedly sent copies to my provider (rcn), the FTC, a mailed letter to Removal Services, (I even emailed a copy of my letter to the latter to the FTC.) Many, esp the pornographic ones, do not offer a way of opting out unless I load the images, which I refuse to do. My program has a "junk mail" option, which I use, to no avail. Short of changing my email address, which I am loath to o, I don't know how to stop these emails. Many refer to the Can-Span Act and claim to comply with it. Gemwild keeps sending them even though they promise to stop. What can be done?