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Bruchinae  Latreille, 1802
Taxonomic Serial No.: 678800

Download Bruchinae TSN 678800

 Taxonomy and Nomenclature
  Kingdom: Animalia  
  Taxonomic Rank: Subfamily  
  Synonym(s): Bruchidae
  Common Name(s):    
  Taxonomic Status:    
  Current Standing: valid  
  Data Quality Indicators:    
  Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met  
  Global Species Completeness: partial    
  Latest Record Review: 2005    

 Taxonomic Hierarchy
 KingdomAnimalia  -- Animal, animals, animaux  
    PhylumArthropoda  -- arthropodes, arthropods, Artrópode  
       SubphylumHexapoda  -- hexapods  
          ClassInsecta  -- hexapoda, insectes, insects, inseto  
             SubclassPterygota  -- insects ailés, winged insects  
                InfraclassNeoptera  -- modern, wing-folding insects  
                   OrderColeoptera Linnaeus, 1758 -- beetles, besouro, coléoptères  
                      SuborderPolyphaga Emery, 1886  
                         InfraorderCucujiformia Lameere, 1938  
                            SuperfamilyChrysomeloidea Latreille, 1802  
                               FamilyChrysomelidae Latreille, 1802 -- chrysomèles, leaf beetles  
                                  SubfamilyBruchinae Latreille, 1802  
    Direct Children:  
                                     Genus Abutiloneus Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Acanthoscelides Schilsky, 1905  
                                     Genus Algarobius Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Althaeus Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Amblycerus Thunberg, 1815  
                                     Genus Borowiecius Anton, 1994  
                                     Genus Bruchidius Schilsky, 1905  
                                     Genus Bruchus Linnaeus, 1767  
                                     Genus Callosobruchus Pic, 1902  
                                     Genus Caryedes Hummel, 1827  
                                     Genus Caryedon Schoenherr, 1823  
                                     Genus Caryobruchus Bridwell, 1929  
                                     Genus Gibbobruchus Pic, 1913  
                                     Genus Kitorhinus Fischer von Waldheim, 1809  
                                     Genus Lithraeus Bridwell, 1952  
                                     Genus Megacerus Fahraeus, 1839  
                                     Genus Meibomeus Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Merobruchus Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Mimosestes Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Neltumius Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Sennius Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Stator Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Stylantheus Bridwell, 1946  
                                     Genus Zabrotes Horn, 1885  

  Reference for:    
  Other Source(s):    
  Reference for:    
  Author(s)/Editor(s): Lawrence, J. F., and A. F. Newton, Jr. / Pakaluk, James, and Stanislaw Adam Slipinski, eds.  
  Publication Date: 1995   
  Article/Chapter Title: Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names)   
  Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: Biology, Phylogeny, and Classification of Coleoptera: Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A. Crowson, vol. 2   
  Page(s): 779-1006   
  Publisher: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN   
  Publication Place: Warszawa, Poland   
  ISBN/ISSN: 83-85192-34-4   
  Reference for: Bruchinae   

 Geographic Information
  Geographic Division:    






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Mon Feb 16 2009 04:11:23 MST