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I love thee, Peter's proud creation,
Thy princely stateliness of line,
The regal Neva coursing, patient,
Twixt sober walls of massive stone;
The iron Lacework of thy fences,
Thy wistful, moonless lustrous nights,
Dusk-clothed but limpid... Oft it chances
That in my chamber without a light
I write or sit a book perusing
Whilst luminous the streets lie dozing
Beyond, great, empty blocks... Up higher,
Against sky, the Admiralty spire
Is clearly etched...
The darkness driving
From off the havens, twilight hastens
To welcome twilight, scarcely giving
Night half an hour...

A. Pushkin. "Bronze Horseman"
Translated by Zheleznova

One would be hard-pressed to name another city in the world, which could be described in such human-like terms. Fiercely independent, the city has served as the cradle of both uprising and revolution. Countless treasures of art, both inside and outside of the museums, and in all manners of expression, testify to its creative spirit. On the other hand, St Petersburg has known anguish. Indeed, no city in the world has suffered in the manner experienced by the city during the 900-day siege by the Nazis during World War II.

Even the geography of St Petersburg manifests a certain human flavor to it.

Like some great circulatory system, the various canals and channels flowing through the cite environs carry the lifeblood from the city's spiritual heart, the Neva River.

Welcome to St Petersburg!

The detailed information concerning services in St Petersburg (transportation, restaurants, museums etc.) can be found on the Web-site www.city-guide.spb.ru/

A short description of history and architecture of St Petersburg accompanied by colorful pictures can be found at www.serzh.ru

On the sites www.hermitagemuseum.org and www.rusmuseum.ru you can find an important information concerning two main museums of St Petersburg the Hermitage and the Russian museum.

If you are intersted in facinating suburbs of St Petersburg looking especially beautiful in this summer time, you can find a necessary infromation at www.serzh.ru: Petergof, Pavlovsk, Pushkin, Gatchina, Lomonosov.

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