Constitution of Hayti. 79 of notorious criminal offence,) until the authorization of the Senate be obtained. 113. If a member of the legislative body be apprehended, (in a case of notorious criminal offence,) the opinion of the Chamber to which he belongs is taken without delay. 114. In criminal cases, inducing punishment both corporal and ignominious, every member of the legislative body is placed under accusation by the Chamber to which he belongs. 115. The Senate forms itself into a high court of justice to decide on accusations made against members of the legislative body, against Secretaries of State, or any other great public functionaries. The form of procedure before the high court of justice, will be determined by a law. 116. Each Chamber, by its by-laws, settles its own disci- pline, and defines the manner according to which it discharges its duties and exercises its privileges. CHAPTER H. OF THE EXECUTIVE. SECTION I. Of the President of Hayti. 117. The President of Hayti is elected for life. 118. In order to be elected President of Hayti, it is neces- sary — (1.) To be born in Hayti. (2.) To have attained the age of 35 years. (3.) To be possessed of real estate in Hayti. 119. In case of vacancy through the death, resignation, or forfeiture of the President of Hayti, the Secretaries of State, assembled in council, exercise, on their own responsibility, the executive power. If the President happen to be unable to exercise his funo-