module spharmt ! ! fortran95 spherical harmonic module. ! For gaussian grids and triangular truncation only. ! ! version 1.1 9/30/2003 (second version - now all fortran using fft99) ! Jeff Whitaker !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! to use this module, put "use spharmt" at top of main program ! (just after program statement). ! to initialize arrays needed to compute spherical harmonic transforms ! at T(ntrunc) resolution on a nlon x nlat gaussian grid, ! do something like this: ! ! type (sphere) :: sphere_dat ! parameter (nlon=192,nlat=nlon/2) ! parameter (ntrunc=62) ! rsphere = 6.3712e6 ! call spharmt_init(sphere_dat,nlon,nlat,ntrunc,re) ! derived data type "sphere" contains stuff needed for legendre ! transforms and fft. By creating multiple instances of sphere ! data types, spherical harmonic transforms on multiple grids can ! be done easily in the same code. ! ! Components of sphere derived data type are: ! ! NLON (integer) - number of longitudes ! NLAT (integer) - number of latitudes ! NTRUNC (integer) - triangular truncation limit ! RE (real) - radius of sphere (m). ! PNM (real pointer array dimension ((ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2, nlat) - ! Associated legendre polynomials. ! HNM (real pointer array, same size as pnm) = -(1 - x*x) * d(pnm)/dx ! at x = sin(latitude). ! GAULATS (real pointer array dimension nlat) - sin(gaussian latitudes). ! WEIGHTS (real pointer array dimension nlat) - gaussian weights. ! GWRC (real pointer array dimension nlat) - gaussian weights divided by ! rsphere*(1-x**2). ! INDXM (integer pointer array dimension (ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2) - value of ! zonal wavenumber m corresponding to spectral array index ! nm=1,(ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2) ! INDXN (integer pointer array same size as indxm) - value of ! spherical harmonic degree n corresponding to spectral array index ! nm=1,(ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2) ! LAP (real pointer array dimension (ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2) - ! lapacian operator in spectral space = ! -n*(n+1)/rsphere**2, where n is degree of spherical harmonic. ! ILAP (real pointer array same size as lap) - inverse laplacian operator in ! spectral space. ! TRIGS, IFAX: arrays needed by Temperton FFT. ! ISINITIALIZED (logical) - true if derived data type has been ! initialized by call to spharm_init, false if not initialized. ! ! public routines: ! ! SPHARMT_INIT(sphere_dat,nlon,nlat,ntrunc,re): initialize a sphere object ! (sphere_dat - derived data type "sphere"). inputs are nlon (number of unique ! longitudes), nlat (number of gaussian latitudes), and re ! (radius of sphere in m). Must be called before anything else. ! ! SPHARMT_DESTROY(sphere_dat): cleans up pointer arrays allocated by ! spharmt_init. ! ! SPHARM(sphere_dat, ugrid, anm, idir): spherical harmonic transform ! (forward, i.e. grid to spectral, for idir=1 and backward for idir=-1). ! Arguments are sphere derived data type (sphere_dat), gridded data (ugrid), ! complex spectral coefficients (anm), and flag specifying direction of ! transform (idir). See "Import Details" below for information ! about indexing of grid and spectral arrays. ! GAULW(gaulats,weights): compute sin(gaussian latitudes) and gaussian ! weights. Number of latitudes determined by size of input arrays. ! LEGEND(x,pnm,hnm): compute associated legendre functions (pnm) and ! their derivates hnm = (X**2-1)*D(PNM)/DX at x = sin(latitude). The ! input arrays pnm and hnm should have dimension (ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2, ! where ntrunc is triangular truncation limit (see Import Details below ! for a description of the spectral indexing). ! GETUV(sphere_dat,vrtnm,divnm,ug,vg): get U,V (u*cos(lat),v*cos(lat) on grid) ! from spectral coefficients of vorticity and divergence. ! Input: sphere_dat, spectral coeffs. of vort and div (vrtnm,divnm). ! Output: gridded U,V (ug,vg). ! ! GETVRTDIV(sphere_dat,vrtnm,divnm,ug,vg): get spectral coefficients of ! vorticity and divergence (vrtnm,divnm) from gridded U,V (ug,vg). ! ! COSGRAD(sphere_dat,chinm,uchig,vchig): compute cos(lat)*vector gradient. ! Inputs: sphere_dat, spectral coefficient array (chinm). ! Outputs: longitudinal and latitudinal components of gradient on the gaussian ! grid (uchig,vchig). ! SPECSMOOTH(sphere_dat,datagrid,smooth): isotropic spectral smoothing. ! Inputs: sphere_dat, smooth(ntrunc+1) (smoothing factor as a function ! of spherical harmonic degree), datagrid (gridded data to be smoothed). ! Outputs: datagrid (smoothed gridded data). ! ! SUMNM(sphere_dat,am,bm,anm,isign1,isign2): ! given the arrays of fourier coeffs, am and bm, ! compute the complex spherical harmonic coeffs (anm) of: ! isign1*( (1./rsphere*(1.-x**2))*d(ag)/d(lon) + (isign2/rsphere)*d(bg)/dx ) ! where ag and bg are the grid pt counterparts of am,bm, ! isign1,isign2 are +1 or -1, rsphere is radius of sphere, x=sin(lat)) ! am,bm can be computed from gridded data (ag,bg) using RFFT. ! ! RFFT(sphere_dat, data, coeff, idir): computes fourier harmonics in zonal ! direction of a gridded array. idir=+1 for forward (grid ! to fourier) and -1 for backward (fourier to grid) transform. ! data (nlon,nlat) contains gridded data, coeff (ntrunc+1,nlat) contains ! complex zonal fourier harmonics. ! ! Important Details: ! ! The gridded data is assumed to be oriented such that i=1 is the Greenwich ! meridian and j=1 is the northernmost point. Grid indices increase eastward ! and southward. The grid increment in longitude is 2*pi/nlon radians. ! For example nlon = 72 for a five degree grid. nlon must be greater than or ! equal to 4. The efficiency of the computation is improved when nlon is a ! product of small prime numbers. ! The spectral data is assumed to be in a complex array of dimension ! (NTRUNC+1)*(NTRUNC+2)/2. NTRUNC is the triangular truncation limit (NTRUNC=42 ! for T42). NTRUNC must be <= nlon/2. Coefficients are ordered so that first ! (nm=1) is m=0,n=0, second is m=0,n=1, nm=mtrunc is m=0,n=mtrunc, nm=mtrunc+1 ! is m=1,n=1, etc. In Fortran90 syntax, values of m (degree) and n (order) ! corresponding as a function of the index nm are: ! indxm = (/((m,n=m,mtrunc),m=0,mtrunc)/) ! indxn = (/((n,n=m,mtrunc),m=0,mtrunc)/) ! Conversely, the index nm as a function of m and n is: ! nm = sum((/(i,i=mtrunc+1,mtrunc-m+2,-1)/))+n-m+1 ! The associated legendre polynomials are normalized so that the integral ! (pbar(n,m,theta)**2)*sin(theta) on the interval theta=0 to theta=pi is 1, ! where: pbar(m,n,theta) = sqrt((2*n+1)*factorial(n-m)/(2*factorial(n+m))) ! *sin(theta)**m/(2**n*factorial(n)) times the (n+m)th derivative of ! (x**2-1)**n with respect to x=cos(theta). ! note: theta = 0.5*pi - phi, where phi is latitude and theta is colatitude, ! Therefore, cos(theta) = sin(phi) and sin(theta) = cos(phi). ! Note that pbar(0,0,theta)=sqrt(2)/2, ! and pbar(1,0,theta)=0.5*sqrt(6.)*sin(lat). !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! explicit typing implicit none ! everything private to module, unless otherwise specified. private public :: sphere,spharmt_init,spharmt_destroy,spharm,rfft,cosgrad,& specsmooth,getuv,getvrtdiv,sumnm,gaulw,legend type sphere ! rsphere is radius of sphere in m. real :: rsphere = 0. ! nlons is number of longitudes (not including cyclic point). integer :: nlons = 0 ! nlats is number of gaussian latitudes. integer :: nlats = 0 ! for fft. real, dimension(:), pointer :: trigs integer, dimension(:), pointer :: ifax ! ntrunc is triangular truncation limit (e.g. 42 for T42 truncation) integer :: ntrunc = 0 ! gaulats is sin(gaussian lats), weights are gaussian weights, ! gwrc is gaussian weights divided by re*cos(lat)**2, lap is ! the laplacian operatore -n*(n+1)/re**2 (where n is the degree ! of the spherical harmonic), ! ilap is the inverse laplacian (1/lap, set to zero for n=0). real, dimension(:), pointer :: gaulats, weights, gwrc, lap, ilap ! pnm is associated legendre polynomials, hnm is -(1-x**2)d(pnm)/dx, ! where x = gaulats. real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: pnm, hnm ! indxm is zonal wavenumber index, indxn is spherical harmonic degree index. integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indxm, indxn logical :: isinitialized=.FALSE. end type sphere contains subroutine spharmt_init(sphere_dat,nlon,nlat,ntrunc,re) ! initialize a sphere object. integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,ntrunc real, intent(in) :: re type (sphere), intent(inout) :: sphere_dat real, dimension(:), allocatable :: pnm_tmp,hnm_tmp double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: gaulats_tmp,weights_tmp integer :: nmdim,m,n,j sphere_dat%nlons = nlon sphere_dat%nlats = nlat sphere_dat%ntrunc = ntrunc sphere_dat%rsphere = re nmdim = (ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2 allocate(gaulats_tmp(nlat)) allocate(weights_tmp(nlat)) call gaulw(gaulats_tmp,weights_tmp) allocate(sphere_dat%gwrc(nlat)) sphere_dat%gwrc = weights_tmp/(dble(re)*(1.d0-gaulats_tmp**2)) allocate(sphere_dat%gaulats(nlat)) allocate(sphere_dat%weights(nlat)) sphere_dat%gaulats = gaulats_tmp sphere_dat%weights = weights_tmp deallocate(weights_tmp) allocate(sphere_dat%indxm(nmdim)) allocate(sphere_dat%indxn(nmdim)) allocate(sphere_dat%lap(nmdim)) allocate(sphere_dat%ilap(nmdim)) sphere_dat%indxm = (/((m,n=m,ntrunc),m=0,ntrunc)/) sphere_dat%indxn = (/((n,n=m,ntrunc),m=0,ntrunc)/) sphere_dat%lap(:)=-real(sphere_dat%indxn(:))*real(sphere_dat%indxn(:)+1)/re**2 sphere_dat%ilap(1) = 0. sphere_dat%ilap(2:nmdim) = 1./sphere_dat%lap(2:nmdim) allocate(sphere_dat%pnm(nmdim,nlat)) allocate(sphere_dat%hnm(nmdim,nlat)) allocate(pnm_tmp(nmdim)) allocate(hnm_tmp(nmdim)) do j=1,nlat call legend(gaulats_tmp(j),pnm_tmp,hnm_tmp) sphere_dat%pnm(:,j) = pnm_tmp(:) sphere_dat%hnm(:,j) = hnm_tmp(:) enddo deallocate(gaulats_tmp) deallocate(pnm_tmp) deallocate(hnm_tmp) allocate(sphere_dat%trigs((3*nlon/2)+1)) allocate(sphere_dat%ifax(13)) call set99(sphere_dat%trigs,sphere_dat%ifax,nlon) sphere_dat%isinitialized = .TRUE. end subroutine spharmt_init subroutine spharmt_destroy(sphere_dat) ! deallocate pointers in sphere object. type (sphere), intent(inout) :: sphere_dat if (.not. sphere_dat%isinitialized) return deallocate(sphere_dat%gaulats) deallocate(sphere_dat%weights) deallocate(sphere_dat%gwrc) deallocate(sphere_dat%pnm) deallocate(sphere_dat%hnm) deallocate(sphere_dat%indxm) deallocate(sphere_dat%indxn) deallocate(sphere_dat%lap) deallocate(sphere_dat%ilap) deallocate(sphere_dat%trigs) deallocate(sphere_dat%ifax) end subroutine spharmt_destroy subroutine gaulw(sinlats, wts) ! compute sin of gaussian latitudes and gaussian weights. ! uses the iterative method presented in Numerical Recipes. double precision, intent (inout), dimension(:) :: sinlats, wts integer :: itermax integer :: i, iter, j, nlat, nprec double precision :: pi, pp, p1, p2, p3, z, z1, converg, ten ten = 10.d0 converg = ten * EPSILON(ten) nprec = precision(converg) converg = .1**nprec itermax = 10 pi = 4.0*ATAN(1.0) nlat = size(sinlats) if (size(sinlats) .ne. size(wts)) then print *, 'sinlats and wts must be same size in gaulw!' stop end if do i=1,nlat z = cos(pi*(i - 0.25)/(nlat + 0.5)) do iter=1,itermax p1 = 1.0 p2 = 0.0 do j=1,nlat p3 = p2 p2 = p1 p1 = ((2.0*j - 1.0)*z*p2 - (j - 1.0)*p3)/j end do pp = nlat*(z*p1 - p2)/(z*z - 1.0E+00) z1 = z z = z1 - p1/pp if(ABS(z - z1) .LT. converg) go to 10 end do print *, 'abscissas failed to converge in itermax iterations' print *, 'stopping in gaulw!' stop 10 continue sinlats (i) = z wts (i) = 2.0/((1.0 - z*z)*pp*pp) end do return end subroutine gaulw SUBROUTINE LEGEND(X,PMN,HMN) ! ! THIS SUBROUTINE COMPUTES ASSOCIATED LEGENDRE ! FUNCTIONS, PMN, AND THE DERIVATIVE QUANTITY ! HMN = -(1 - X*X) * D(PMN)/DX AT X = COS( COLATITUDE ) ! GIVEN SOME COLATITUDE IN THE DOMAIN. ! ! ACCURACY: ! ! THE RECURSION RELATION EMPLOYED IS LESS ACCURATE ! NEAR THE POLES FOR M + N .GE. ROUGHLY 75 BECAUSE THE RECURSION ! INVOLVES THE DIFFERENCE OF NEARLY EQUAL NUMBERS, SO ! THE ASSOCIATED LEGENDRE FUNCTIONS ARE COMPUTED USING DOUBLE ! PRECISION ACCUMULATORS. ! SEE BELOUSOV, TABLES OF NORMALIZED ASSOCIATED LEGENDRE ! POLYNOMIALS, C. 1962, FOR INFORMATION ON THE ACCURATE ! COMPUTATION OF ASSOCIATED LEGENDRE FUNCTIONS. real, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: PMN, HMN double precision, intent(in) :: x integer :: m,n,nm,i,nmax,np1,nmstrt,j,nmdim,ntrunc double precision :: A, B, PROD, SINSQ, & eps,epsnmp1,EPSPMN, PMNJ, PMNJM1, PMNJM2 !**** SET PARAMETERS FOR ENTRY INTO THE RECURSIVE FORMULAE. SINSQ = 1.D0 - X * X A = 1.D0 B = 0.D0 PROD = 1.D0 nmdim = size(pmn) ntrunc = nint((-1.+sqrt(1+8*float(nmdim)))/2.)-1 if (size(pmn) .ne. size(hmn)) then print *, 'pnm and hnm must be same size in subroutine legend!' stop end if !**** LOOP FOR THE 'M' INDEX. NMSTRT = 0 DO I = 1, NTRUNC+1 M = (I - 1) NMAX = NTRUNC+1-M ! WHEN M=0 (I=1), STANDARD LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS ARE ! GENERATED. IF (M .NE. 0) THEN A = A + 2.D0 B = B + 2.D0 PROD = PROD * SINSQ * A / B END IF !**** GENERATE PMN AND HMN FOR J = 1 AND 2. PMNJM2 = SQRT(0.5D0 * PROD) NM = NMSTRT + 1 PMN(NM) = PMNJM2 PMNJM1 = SQRT( DBLE(2 * M + 3) ) * X * PMNJM2 IF (NM .NE. NMDIM) PMN(NM+1) = PMNJM1 NP1 = M + 1 EPSNMP1 = SQRT( DBLE(NP1*NP1 - M*M) / DBLE(4*NP1*NP1 - 1) ) EPSPMN = X * PMNJM1 - EPSNMP1 * PMNJM2 HMN(NM) = DBLE(M) * EPSNMP1 * PMNJM1 IF (NM .NE. NMDIM) & HMN(NM+1) = DBLE(M+1) * EPSPMN - & DBLE(M+2) * EPSNMP1 * PMNJM2 !**** LOOP FOR THE 'N' INDEX. ! NOW APPLY THE RECURSION FORMULAE FOR J .GE. 3. DO J = 3, NMAX N = M + J - 1 NM = NMSTRT + J EPS = SQRT( DBLE(N*N - M*M) / DBLE(4*N*N - 1) ) PMNJ = EPSPMN / EPS PMN(NM) = PMNJ ! COMPUTE EPS * PMN FOR J+1. EPSPMN = X * PMNJ - EPS * PMNJM1 ! COMPUTE THE DERIVATIVE. HMN(NM) = DBLE(N) * EPSPMN - & DBLE(N+1) * EPS * PMNJM1 PMNJM2 = PMNJM1 PMNJM1 = PMNJ ENDDO NMSTRT = NMSTRT + NMAX ENDDO END SUBROUTINE LEGEND subroutine rfft(sphere_dat, data, coeff, idir) ! real multiple fft (uses temperton fft991) type (sphere), intent(in) :: sphere_dat real, dimension(sphere_dat%nlons,sphere_dat%nlats), intent(inout) :: data real, dimension(sphere_dat%nlats*(sphere_dat%nlons+2)) :: wrk1 real, dimension(sphere_dat%nlats*(sphere_dat%nlons+1)) :: wrk2 complex, dimension(sphere_dat%ntrunc+1,sphere_dat%nlats), intent(inout) :: coeff integer :: nlons,nlats,ntrunc,mwaves,i,j,m,n integer, intent(in) :: idir if (.not. sphere_dat%isinitialized) then print *, 'uninitialized sphere object in rfft!' stop end if nlons = sphere_dat%nlons nlats = sphere_dat%nlats ntrunc = sphere_dat%ntrunc if (ntrunc .gt. nlons/2) then print *, 'ntrunc must be less than or equal to nlons in rfft' stop end if mwaves = ntrunc+1 !==> forward transform. if (idir .eq. +1) then !==> copy the data into the work array. ! transforms are computed pairwise using a complex fft. n = 0 wrk1 = 0. do j=1,nlats do i=1,nlons+2 n = n + 1 wrk1(n) = 0.0 if (i .le. nlons) then wrk1(n) = data(i,j) end if enddo enddo call fft991(wrk1,wrk2,sphere_dat%trigs,sphere_dat%ifax,1,nlons+2,nlons,nlats,-1) n = -1 do j=1,nlats do m=1,(nlons/2)+1 n = n + 2 if (m .le. mwaves) then coeff(m,j) = cmplx(wrk1(n),wrk1(n+1)) end if enddo enddo !==> inverse transform. else if (idir .eq. -1) then wrk1 = 0. n = -1 do j=1,nlats do m=1,(nlons/2)+1 n = n + 2 if (m .le. mwaves) then wrk1(n) = real(coeff(m,j)) wrk1(n+1) = aimag(coeff(m,j)) end if enddo enddo call fft991(wrk1,wrk2,sphere_dat%trigs,sphere_dat%ifax,1,nlons+2,nlons,nlats,1) n = 0 do j=1,nlats do i=1,nlons+2 n = n + 1 if (i .le. nlons) then data(i,j) = wrk1(n) end if enddo enddo else write(6,*) ' idir must be +1 or -1 in RFFT!' write(6,*) ' execution terminated.' stop end if end subroutine rfft subroutine spharm(sphere_dat, ugrid, anm, idir) ! spherical harmonic transform type (sphere), intent(in) :: sphere_dat real, dimension(sphere_dat%nlons,sphere_dat%nlats), intent(inout) :: ugrid complex, dimension((sphere_dat%ntrunc+1)*(sphere_dat%ntrunc+2)/2), intent(inout) :: anm complex, dimension(sphere_dat%ntrunc+1,sphere_dat%nlats) :: am integer :: nlats,ntrunc,mwaves,nmstrt,nm,m,n,j integer, intent(in) :: idir if (.not. sphere_dat%isinitialized) then print *, 'uninitialized sphere object in spharm!' stop end if nlats = sphere_dat%nlats ntrunc = sphere_dat%ntrunc mwaves = ntrunc+1 IF (IDIR .eq. +1) then !==> GRID SPACE TO SPECTRAL SPACE TRANSFORMATION ! FIRST, INITIALIZE ARRAY. anm = 0. !==> perform ffts on each latitude. call rfft(sphere_dat, ugrid, am, 1) !==> SUM OVER ALL GAUSSIAN LATITUDES FOR EACH MODE AND EACH WAVE TO ! OBTAIN THE TRANSFORMED VARIABLE IN SPECTRAL SPACE. do j=1,nlats NMSTRT = 0 DO m = 1, mwaves DO n = 1, mwaves-m+1 NM = NMSTRT + n anm(NM)=anm(NM)+sphere_dat%pnm(nm,j)*sphere_dat%weights(j)*am(m,j) enddo nmstrt = nmstrt + mwaves-m+1 enddo enddo !==> SPECTRAL SPACE TO GRID SPACE TRANSFORMATION. else if (idir .eq. -1) then DO J = 1, NLATS !==> INVERSE LEGENDRE TRANSFORM TO GET VALUES OF THE ZONAL FOURIER ! TRANSFORM AT LATITUDE j. !==> SUM THE VARIOUS MERIDIONAL MODES TO BUILD THE FOURIER SERIES ! COEFFICIENT FOR ZONAL WAVENUMBER M=I-1 AT the GIVEN LATITUDE. NMSTRT = 0 do m = 1, MWAVES am(m,j) = cmplx(0., 0.) DO n = 1, mwaves-m+1 NM = NMSTRT + n am(m,j) = am(m,j) + anm(NM) * sphere_dat%pnm(NM,j) enddo NMSTRT = NMSTRT + mwaves-m+1 enddo ENDDO !==> FOURIER TRANSFORM TO COMPUTE THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLE IN GRID ! SPACE at THE J-TH LATITUDE. call rfft(sphere_dat, ugrid, am, -1) else print *, 'error in spharm: idir must be -1 or +1!' print *, 'execution terminated in subroutine spharm' end if end subroutine spharm subroutine getuv(sphere_dat,vrtnm,divnm,ug,vg) ! compute U,V (winds times cos(lat)) from vrtnm,divnm ! (spectral coeffs of vorticity and divergence). type (sphere), intent(in) :: sphere_dat real, dimension(sphere_dat%nlons,sphere_dat%nlats), intent(out) :: ug,vg complex, dimension((sphere_dat%ntrunc+1)*(sphere_dat%ntrunc+2)/2), intent(in) :: vrtnm,divnm complex, dimension(sphere_dat%ntrunc+1,sphere_dat%nlats) :: um,vm integer :: nlats,ntrunc,mwaves,m,j,n,nm,nmstrt real :: rm if (.not. sphere_dat%isinitialized) then print *, 'uninitialized sphere object in getuv!' stop end if nlats = sphere_dat%nlats ntrunc = sphere_dat%ntrunc mwaves = ntrunc+1 do j=1,nlats nmstrt = 0 do m=1,mwaves rm = m-1 um(m,j) = cmplx(0.,0.) vm(m,j) = cmplx(0.,0.) do n=1,mwaves-m+1 nm = nmstrt + n um(m,j) = um(m,j) + (sphere_dat%ilap(nm)/sphere_dat%rsphere)*( & cmplx(0.,rm)*divnm(nm)*sphere_dat%pnm(nm,j) + & vrtnm(nm)*sphere_dat%hnm(nm,j) ) vm(m,j) = vm(m,j) + (sphere_dat%ilap(nm)/sphere_dat%rsphere)*( & cmplx(0.,rm)*vrtnm(nm)*sphere_dat%pnm(nm,j) - & divnm(nm)*sphere_dat%hnm(nm,j) ) enddo nmstrt = nmstrt + mwaves-m+1 enddo enddo call rfft(sphere_dat, ug, um, -1) call rfft(sphere_dat, vg, vm, -1) end subroutine getuv subroutine getvrtdiv(sphere_dat,vrtnm,divnm,ug,vg) ! compute vrtnm,divnm (spectral coeffs of vorticity and ! divergence) from U,V (winds time cos(lat)). type (sphere), intent(in) :: sphere_dat real, dimension(sphere_dat%nlons,sphere_dat%nlats), intent(inout) :: ug,vg complex, dimension((sphere_dat%ntrunc+1)*(sphere_dat%ntrunc+2)/2), intent(in) :: vrtnm,divnm complex, dimension(sphere_dat%ntrunc+1,sphere_dat%nlats) :: um,vm if (.not. sphere_dat%isinitialized) then print *, 'uninitialized sphere object in getvrtdiv!' stop end if call rfft(sphere_dat, ug, um, 1) call rfft(sphere_dat, vg, vm, 1) call sumnm(sphere_dat,um,vm,divnm,1,1) call sumnm(sphere_dat,vm,um,vrtnm,1,-1) end subroutine getvrtdiv subroutine sumnm(sphere_dat,am,bm,anm,isign1,isign2) ! ! given the arrays of fourier coeffs, am and bm, ! compute the complex spherical harmonic coeffs of: ! ! isign1*( (1./re*(1.-x**2))*d(ag)/d(lon) + (isign2/re)*d(bg)/dx ) ! ! where x = sin(lat), isign1 and isign2 are either +1 or -1, ! ag and bg are the physical space values of am,bm and re ! is the radius of the sphere. ! ! the result is returned in anm. ! ! for example on how to use this routine, see subroutine getvrtdiv. ! ! type (sphere), intent(in) :: sphere_dat integer, intent(in) :: isign1,isign2 complex, dimension((sphere_dat%ntrunc+1)*(sphere_dat%ntrunc+2)/2) :: anm complex, dimension(sphere_dat%ntrunc+1,sphere_dat%nlats), intent(in) :: am,bm integer :: nlats,ntrunc,mwaves,j,m,n,nm,nmstrt real :: sign1,sign2,rm if (.not. sphere_dat%isinitialized) then print *, 'uninitialized sphere object in sumnm!' stop end if sign1 = float(isign1) sign2 = float(isign2) if (isign2 .ne. 1 .and. isign2 .ne. -1) then print *, ' isign2 must be +1 or -1 in sumnm!' print *, ' execution terminated in sumnm' end if if (isign1 .ne. 1 .and. isign1 .ne. -1) then print *, ' isign1 must be +1 or -1 in sumnm!' print *, ' execution terminated in sumnm' stop end if nlats = sphere_dat%nlats ntrunc = sphere_dat%ntrunc mwaves = ntrunc+1 anm = 0. DO J=1,NLATS NMSTRT = 0 DO m = 1, MWAVES RM = M-1 DO n = 1, mwaves-m+1 NM = NMSTRT + n aNM(NM) = aNM(NM) + sign1*sphere_dat%GWrC(j)*(CMPLX(0.,RM) & * sphere_dat%PNM(NM,J) * am(m,j) & + sign2 * sphere_dat%HNM(NM,J) * bm(m,j)) enddo nmstrt = nmstrt + mwaves - m +1 enddo enddo end subroutine sumnm subroutine cosgrad(sphere_dat,divnm,ug,vg) ! compute coslat * gradient of spectral coefficients (divnm) ! vector gradient returned on grid as (ug,vg) type (sphere), intent(in) :: sphere_dat real, dimension(sphere_dat%nlons,sphere_dat%nlats), intent(out) :: ug,vg complex, dimension((sphere_dat%ntrunc+1)*(sphere_dat%ntrunc+2)/2), intent(in) :: divnm complex, dimension(sphere_dat%ntrunc+1,sphere_dat%nlats) :: um,vm integer :: nlats,ntrunc,mwaves,j,m,n,nm,nmstrt real :: rm if (.not. sphere_dat%isinitialized) then print *, 'uninitialized sphere object in cosgrad!' stop end if nlats = sphere_dat%nlats ntrunc = sphere_dat%ntrunc mwaves = ntrunc+1 do j=1,nlats nmstrt = 0 do m=1,mwaves rm = (m-1) um(m,j) = cmplx(0.,0.) vm(m,j) = cmplx(0.,0.) do n=1,mwaves-m+1 nm = nmstrt + n um(m,j) = um(m,j) + (1./sphere_dat%rsphere)* & cmplx(0.,rm)*divnm(nm)*sphere_dat%pnm(nm,j) vm(m,j) = vm(m,j) - (1./sphere_dat%rsphere)* & divnm(nm)*sphere_dat%hnm(nm,j) enddo nmstrt = nmstrt + mwaves - m +1 enddo enddo call rfft(sphere_dat, ug, um, -1) call rfft(sphere_dat, vg, vm, -1) end subroutine cosgrad subroutine specsmooth(sphere_dat,datagrid,smooth) ! isotropic spectral smoothing of datagrid. ! input: smooth(sphere_dat%ntrunc+1) - smoothing factor as a ! function of degree (sphere_dat%indxn). type (sphere), intent(in) :: sphere_dat real, dimension(sphere_dat%nlons,sphere_dat%nlats), intent(inout) :: datagrid real, dimension(sphere_dat%ntrunc+1), intent(in) :: smooth complex, dimension((sphere_dat%ntrunc+1)*(sphere_dat%ntrunc+2)/2) :: dataspec integer :: n,nm,nmdim if (.not. sphere_dat%isinitialized) then print *, 'uninitialized sphere object in specsmooth!' stop end if nmdim = (sphere_dat%ntrunc+1)*(sphere_dat%ntrunc+2)/2 call spharm(sphere_dat, datagrid, dataspec, 1) do nm=1,nmdim n = sphere_dat%indxn(nm) dataspec(nm) = dataspec(nm)*smooth(n+1) enddo call spharm(sphere_dat, datagrid, dataspec, -1) end subroutine specsmooth subroutine fft99 (a,work,trigs,ifax,inc,jump,n,lot,isign) ! purpose performs multiple fast fourier transforms. this package ! will perform a number of simultaneous real/half-complex ! periodic fourier transforms or corresponding inverse ! transforms, i.e. given a set of real data vectors, the ! package returns a set of 'half-complex' fourier ! coefficient vectors, or vice versa. the length of the ! transforms must be an even number greater than 4 that has ! no other factors except possibly powers of 2, 3, and 5. ! this is an all-fortran version of a optimized routine ! fft99 written for xmp/ymps by dr. clive temperton of ! ecmwf. ! ! the package fft99f contains several user-level routines: ! ! subroutine set99 ! an initialization routine that must be called once ! before a sequence of calls to the fft routines ! (provided that n is not changed). ! ! subroutines fft99 and fft991 ! two fft routines that return slightly different ! arrangements of the data in gridpoint space. ! ! usage let n be of the form 2**p * 3**q * 5**r, where p .ge. 1, ! q .ge. 0, and r .ge. 0. then a typical sequence of ! calls to transform a given set of real vectors of length ! n to a set of 'half-complex' fourier coefficient vectors ! of length n is ! ! dimension ifax(13),trigs(3*n/2+1),a(m*(n+2)), ! + work(m*(n+1)) ! ! call set99 (trigs, ifax, n) ! call fft99 (a,work,trigs,ifax,inc,jump,n,m,isign) ! ! see the individual write-ups for set99, fft99, and ! fft991 below, for a detailed description of the ! arguments. ! ! history the package was written by clive temperton at ecmwf in ! november, 1978. it was modified, documented, and tested ! for ncar by russ rew in september, 1980. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! subroutine set99 (trigs, ifax, n) ! ! purpose a set-up routine for fft99 and fft991. it need only be ! called once before a sequence of calls to the fft ! routines (provided that n is not changed). ! ! argument ifax(13),trigs(3*n/2+1) ! dimensions ! ! arguments ! ! on input trigs ! a floating point array of dimension 3*n/2 if n/2 is ! even, or 3*n/2+1 if n/2 is odd. ! ! ifax ! an integer array. the number of elements actually used ! will depend on the factorization of n. dimensioning ! ifax for 13 suffices for all n less than a million. ! ! n ! an even number greater than 4 that has no prime factor ! greater than 5. n is the length of the transforms (see ! the documentation for fft99 and fft991 for the ! definitions of the transforms). ! ! on output ifax ! contains the factorization of n/2. ifax(1) is the ! number of factors, and the factors themselves are stored ! in ifax(2),ifax(3),... if set99 is called with n odd, ! or if n has any prime factors greater than 5, ifax(1) ! is set to -99. ! ! trigs ! an array of trigonometric function values subsequently ! used by the fft routines. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! subroutine fft991 (a,work,trigs,ifax,inc,jump,n,m,isign) ! and ! subroutine fft99 (a,work,trigs,ifax,inc,jump,n,m,isign) ! ! purpose perform a number of simultaneous real/half-complex ! periodic fourier transforms or corresponding inverse ! transforms, using ordinary spatial order of gridpoint ! values (fft991) or explicit cyclic continuity in the ! gridpoint values (fft99). given a set ! of real data vectors, the package returns a set of ! 'half-complex' fourier coefficient vectors, or vice ! versa. the length of the transforms must be an even ! number that has no other factors except possibly powers ! of 2, 3, and 5. this is an all-fortran version of ! optimized routine fft991 written for xmp/ymps by ! dr. clive temperton of ecmwf. ! ! argument a(m*(n+2)), work(m*(n+1)), trigs(3*n/2+1), ifax(13) ! dimensions ! ! arguments ! ! on input a ! an array of length m*(n+2) containing the input data ! or coefficient vectors. this array is overwritten by ! the results. ! ! work ! a work array of dimension m*(n+1) ! ! trigs ! an array set up by set99, which must be called first. ! ! ifax ! an array set up by set99, which must be called first. ! ! inc ! the increment (in words) between successive elements of ! each data or coefficient vector (e.g. inc=1 for ! consecutively stored data). ! ! jump ! the increment (in words) between the first elements of ! successive data or coefficient vectors. on crays, ! try to arrange data so that jump is not a multiple of 8 ! (to avoid memory bank conflicts). for clarification of ! inc and jump, see the examples below. ! ! n ! the length of each transform (see definition of ! transforms, below). ! ! m ! the number of transforms to be done simultaneously. ! ! isign ! = +1 for a transform from fourier coefficients to ! gridpoint values. ! = -1 for a transform from gridpoint values to fourier ! coefficients. ! ! on output a ! if isign = +1, and m coefficient vectors are supplied ! each containing the sequence: ! ! a(0),b(0),a(1),b(1),...,a(n/2),b(n/2) (n+2 values) ! ! then the result consists of m data vectors each ! containing the corresponding n+2 gridpoint values: ! ! for fft991, x(0), x(1), x(2),...,x(n-1),0,0. ! for fft99, x(n-1),x(0),x(1),x(2),...,x(n-1),x(0). ! (explicit cyclic continuity) ! ! when isign = +1, the transform is defined by: ! x(j)=sum(k=0,...,n-1)(c(k)*exp(2*i*j*k*pi/n)) ! where c(k)=a(k)+i*b(k) and c(n-k)=a(k)-i*b(k) ! and i=sqrt (-1) ! ! if isign = -1, and m data vectors are supplied each ! containing a sequence of gridpoint values x(j) as ! defined above, then the result consists of m vectors ! each containing the corresponding fourier cofficients ! a(k), b(k), 0 .le. k .le n/2. ! ! when isign = -1, the inverse transform is defined by: ! c(k)=(1/n)*sum(j=0,...,n-1)(x(j)*exp(-2*i*j*k*pi/n)) ! where c(k)=a(k)+i*b(k) and i=sqrt(-1) ! ! a call with isign=+1 followed by a call with isign=-1 ! (or vice versa) returns the original data. ! ! note: the fact that the gridpoint values x(j) are real ! implies that b(0)=b(n/2)=0. for a call with isign=+1, ! it is not actually necessary to supply these zeros. ! ! examples given 19 data vectors each of length 64 (+2 for explicit ! cyclic continuity), compute the corresponding vectors of ! fourier coefficients. the data may, for example, be ! arranged like this: ! ! first data a(1)= . . . a(66)= a(70) ! vector x(63) x(0) x(1) x(2) ... x(63) x(0) (4 empty locations) ! ! second data a(71)= . . . a(140) ! vector x(63) x(0) x(1) x(2) ... x(63) x(0) (4 empty locations) ! ! and so on. here inc=1, jump=70, n=64, m=19, isign=-1, ! and fft99 should be used (because of the explicit cyclic ! continuity). ! ! alternatively the data may be arranged like this: ! ! first second last ! data data data ! vector vector vector ! ! a(1)= a(2)= a(19)= ! ! x(63) x(63) . . . x(63) ! a(20)= x(0) x(0) . . . x(0) ! a(39)= x(1) x(1) . . . x(1) ! . . . ! . . . ! . . . ! ! in which case we have inc=19, jump=1, and the remaining ! parameters are the same as before. in either case, each ! coefficient vector overwrites the corresponding input ! data vector. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: inc,jump,n,lot,isign integer, intent(in) :: ifax(:) real, intent(in) :: trigs(:) real, intent(inout) :: a(*),work(*) ! dimension a(n),work(n),trigs(n),ifax(1) ! ! subroutine "fft99" - multiple fast real periodic transform ! corresponding to old scalar routine fft9 ! procedure used to convert to half-length complex transform ! is given by cooley, lewis and welch (j. sound vib., vol. 12 ! (1970), 315-337) ! ! a is the array containing input and output data ! work is an area of size (n+1)*lot ! trigs is a previously prepared list of trig function values ! ifax is a previously prepared list of factors of n/2 ! inc is the increment within each data 'vector' ! (e.g. inc=1 for consecutively stored data) ! jump is the increment between the start of each data vector ! n is the length of the data vectors ! lot is the number of data vectors ! isign = +1 for transform from spectral to gridpoint ! = -1 for transform from gridpoint to spectral ! ! ordering of coefficients: ! a(0),b(0),a(1),b(1),a(2),b(2),...,a(n/2),b(n/2) ! where b(0)=b(n/2)=0; (n+2) locations required ! ! ordering of data: ! x(n-1),x(0),x(1),x(2),...,x(n),x(0) ! i.e. explicit cyclic continuity; (n+2) locations required ! ! vectorization is achieved on cray by doing the transforms in ! parallel ! ! *** n.b. n is assumed to be an even number ! ! definition of transforms: ! ------------------------- ! ! isign=+1: x(j)=sum(k=0,...,n-1)(c(k)*exp(2*i*j*k*pi/n)) ! where c(k)=a(k)+i*b(k) and c(n-k)=a(k)-i*b(k) ! ! isign=-1: a(k)=(1/n)*sum(j=0,...,n-1)(x(j)*cos(2*j*k*pi/n)) ! b(k)=-(1/n)*sum(j=0,...,n-1)(x(j)*sin(2*j*k*pi/n)) ! integer :: nfax, nx, nh, ink, igo, ibase, jbase integer :: i, j, k, L, m, ia, la, ib nfax=ifax(1) nx=n+1 nh=n/2 ink=inc+inc if (isign.eq.+1) go to 30 ! if necessary, transfer data to work area igo=50 if (mod(nfax,2).eq.1) goto 40 ibase=inc+1 jbase=1 do L=1,lot i=ibase j=jbase do m=1,n work(j)=a(i) i=i+inc j=j+1 enddo ibase=ibase+jump jbase=jbase+nx enddo igo=60 go to 40 ! preprocessing (isign=+1) ! ------------------------ 30 continue call fft99a(a,work,trigs,inc,jump,n,lot) igo=60 ! complex transform ! ----------------- 40 continue ia=inc+1 la=1 do 80 k=1,nfax if (igo.eq.60) go to 60 50 continue call vpassm (a(ia),a(ia+inc),work(1),work(2),trigs, & ink,2,jump,nx,lot,nh,ifax(k+1),la) igo=60 go to 70 60 continue call vpassm (work(1),work(2),a(ia),a(ia+inc),trigs, & 2,ink,nx,jump,lot,nh,ifax(k+1),la) igo=50 70 continue la=la*ifax(k+1) 80 continue if (isign.eq.-1) go to 130 ! if necessary, transfer data from work area if (mod(nfax,2).ne.1) then ibase=1 jbase=ia do L=1,lot i=ibase j=jbase do m=1,n a(j)=work(i) i=i+1 j=j+inc enddo ibase=ibase+nx jbase=jbase+jump enddo endif ! fill in cyclic boundary points ia=1 ib=n*inc+1 do L=1,lot a(ia)=a(ib) a(ib+inc)=a(ia+inc) ia=ia+jump ib=ib+jump enddo go to 140 ! postprocessing (isign=-1): ! -------------------------- 130 continue call fft99b(work,a,trigs,inc,jump,n,lot) 140 continue end subroutine fft99 !########################################################################## subroutine fft99a (a,work,trigs,inc,jump,n,lot) integer, intent(in) :: inc,jump,n,lot real, intent(in) :: trigs(:) real, intent(inout) :: a(*),work(*) ! dimension a(n),work(n),trigs(n) ! ! subroutine fft99a - preprocessing step for fft99, isign=+1 ! (spectral to gridpoint transform) integer :: nh, nx, ink, k, L integer :: ia, ib, ja, jb, iabase, ibbase, jabase, jbbase real :: c, s nh=n/2 nx=n+1 ink=inc+inc ! a(0) and a(n/2) ia=1 ib=n*inc+1 ja=1 jb=2 do L=1,lot work(ja)=a(ia)+a(ib) work(jb)=a(ia)-a(ib) ia=ia+jump ib=ib+jump ja=ja+nx jb=jb+nx enddo ! remaining wavenumbers iabase=2*inc+1 ibbase=(n-2)*inc+1 jabase=3 jbbase=n-1 do k=3,nh,2 ia=iabase ib=ibbase ja=jabase jb=jbbase c=trigs(n+k) s=trigs(n+k+1) do L=1,lot work(ja)=(a(ia)+a(ib))- & (s*(a(ia)-a(ib))+c*(a(ia+inc)+a(ib+inc))) work(jb)=(a(ia)+a(ib))+ & (s*(a(ia)-a(ib))+c*(a(ia+inc)+a(ib+inc))) work(ja+1)=(c*(a(ia)-a(ib))-s*(a(ia+inc)+a(ib+inc)))+ & (a(ia+inc)-a(ib+inc)) work(jb+1)=(c*(a(ia)-a(ib))-s*(a(ia+inc)+a(ib+inc)))- & (a(ia+inc)-a(ib+inc)) ia=ia+jump ib=ib+jump ja=ja+nx jb=jb+nx enddo iabase=iabase+ink ibbase=ibbase-ink jabase=jabase+2 jbbase=jbbase-2 enddo ! wavenumber n/4 (if it exists) if (iabase.eq.ibbase) then ia=iabase ja=jabase do L=1,lot work(ja)=2.0*a(ia) work(ja+1)=-2.0*a(ia+inc) ia=ia+jump ja=ja+nx enddo endif end subroutine fft99a !########################################################################## subroutine fft99b (work,a,trigs,inc,jump,n,lot) integer, intent(in) :: inc,jump,n,lot real, intent(in) :: trigs(:) real, intent(inout) :: a(*),work(*) ! dimension work(n),a(n),trigs(n) ! ! subroutine fft99b - postprocessing step for fft99, isign=-1 ! (gridpoint to spectral transform) integer :: nh, nx, ink, k, L integer :: ia, ib, ja, jb, iabase, ibbase, jabase, jbbase real :: scale, c, s nh=n/2 nx=n+1 ink=inc+inc ! a(0) and a(n/2) scale=1.0/real(n) ia=1 ib=2 ja=1 jb=n*inc+1 do L=1,lot a(ja)=scale*(work(ia)+work(ib)) a(jb)=scale*(work(ia)-work(ib)) a(ja+inc)=0.0 a(jb+inc)=0.0 ia=ia+nx ib=ib+nx ja=ja+jump jb=jb+jump enddo ! remaining wavenumbers scale=0.5*scale iabase=3 ibbase=n-1 jabase=2*inc+1 jbbase=(n-2)*inc+1 do k=3,nh,2 ia=iabase ib=ibbase ja=jabase jb=jbbase c=trigs(n+k) s=trigs(n+k+1) do L=1,lot a(ja)=scale*((work(ia)+work(ib)) & +(c*(work(ia+1)+work(ib+1))+s*(work(ia)-work(ib)))) a(jb)=scale*((work(ia)+work(ib)) & -(c*(work(ia+1)+work(ib+1))+s*(work(ia)-work(ib)))) a(ja+inc)=scale*((c*(work(ia)-work(ib))-s*(work(ia+1)+work(ib+1))) & +(work(ib+1)-work(ia+1))) a(jb+inc)=scale*((c*(work(ia)-work(ib))-s*(work(ia+1)+work(ib+1))) & -(work(ib+1)-work(ia+1))) ia=ia+nx ib=ib+nx ja=ja+jump jb=jb+jump enddo iabase=iabase+2 ibbase=ibbase-2 jabase=jabase+ink jbbase=jbbase-ink enddo ! wavenumber n/4 (if it exists) if (iabase.eq.ibbase) then ia=iabase ja=jabase scale=2.0*scale do L=1,lot a(ja)=scale*work(ia) a(ja+inc)=-scale*work(ia+1) ia=ia+nx ja=ja+jump enddo endif end subroutine fft99b !########################################################################## subroutine fft991(a,work,trigs,ifax,inc,jump,n,lot,isign) integer, intent(in) :: inc,jump,n,lot,isign integer, intent(in) :: ifax(:) real, intent(in) :: trigs(:) real, intent(inout) :: a(*),work(*) ! dimension a(n),work(n),trigs(n),ifax(1) ! ! subroutine "fft991" - multiple real/half-complex periodic ! fast fourier transform ! ! same as fft99 except that ordering of data corresponds to ! that in mrfft2 ! ! procedure used to convert to half-length complex transform ! is given by cooley, lewis and welch (j. sound vib., vol. 12 ! (1970), 315-337) ! ! a is the array containing input and output data ! work is an area of size (n+1)*lot ! trigs is a previously prepared list of trig function values ! ifax is a previously prepared list of factors of n/2 ! inc is the increment within each data 'vector' ! (e.g. inc=1 for consecutively stored data) ! jump is the increment between the start of each data vector ! n is the length of the data vectors ! lot is the number of data vectors ! isign = +1 for transform from spectral to gridpoint ! = -1 for transform from gridpoint to spectral ! ! ordering of coefficients: ! a(0),b(0),a(1),b(1),a(2),b(2),...,a(n/2),b(n/2) ! where b(0)=b(n/2)=0; (n+2) locations required ! ! ordering of data: ! x(0),x(1),x(2),...,x(n-1) ! ! vectorization is achieved on cray by doing the transforms in ! parallel ! ! *** n.b. n is assumed to be an even number ! ! definition of transforms: ! ------------------------- ! ! isign=+1: x(j)=sum(k=0,...,n-1)(c(k)*exp(2*i*j*k*pi/n)) ! where c(k)=a(k)+i*b(k) and c(n-k)=a(k)-i*b(k) ! ! isign=-1: a(k)=(1/n)*sum(j=0,...,n-1)(x(j)*cos(2*j*k*pi/n)) ! b(k)=-(1/n)*sum(j=0,...,n-1)(x(j)*sin(2*j*k*pi/n)) ! integer :: nfax, nx, nh, ink, igo, ibase, jbase integer :: i, j, k, L, m, ia, la, ib nfax=ifax(1) nx=n+1 nh=n/2 ink=inc+inc if (isign.eq.+1) go to 30 ! if necessary, transfer data to work area igo=50 if (mod(nfax,2).eq.1) goto 40 ibase=1 jbase=1 do L=1,lot i=ibase j=jbase do m=1,n work(j)=a(i) i=i+inc j=j+1 enddo ibase=ibase+jump jbase=jbase+nx enddo ! igo=60 go to 40 ! ! preprocessing (isign=+1) ! ------------------------ ! 30 continue call fft99a(a,work,trigs,inc,jump,n,lot) igo=60 ! ! complex transform ! ----------------- ! 40 continue ia=1 la=1 do k=1,nfax if (igo.eq.60) go to 60 50 continue call vpassm (a(ia),a(ia+inc),work(1),work(2),trigs, & ink,2,jump,nx,lot,nh,ifax(k+1),la) igo=60 go to 70 60 continue call vpassm (work(1),work(2),a(ia),a(ia+inc),trigs, & 2,ink,nx,jump,lot,nh,ifax(k+1),la) igo=50 70 continue la=la*ifax(k+1) enddo if (isign.eq.-1) go to 130 ! if necessary, transfer data from work area if (mod(nfax,2).ne.1) then ibase=1 jbase=1 do L=1,lot i=ibase j=jbase do m=1,n a(j)=work(i) i=i+1 j=j+inc enddo ibase=ibase+nx jbase=jbase+jump enddo endif ! fill in zeros at end ib=n*inc+1 do L=1,lot a(ib)=0.0 a(ib+inc)=0.0 ib=ib+jump enddo go to 140 ! postprocessing (isign=-1): ! -------------------------- 130 continue call fft99b (work,a,trigs,inc,jump,n,lot) 140 continue end subroutine fft991 !########################################################################## subroutine set99 (trigs, ifax, n) integer, intent(in) :: n integer, intent(out) :: ifax(:) real, intent(out) :: trigs(:) ! dimension ifax(13),trigs(1) ! ! mode 3 is used for real/half-complex transforms. it is possible ! to do complex/complex transforms with other values of mode, but ! documentation of the details were not available when this routine ! was written. ! integer :: mode = 3 integer :: i call fax (ifax, n, mode) i = ifax(1) if (ifax(i+1) .gt. 5 .or. n .le. 4) ifax(1) = -99 if (ifax(1) .le. 0 ) then write(6,*) ' set99 -- invalid n' stop endif call fftrig (trigs, n, mode) end subroutine set99 !########################################################################## subroutine fax (ifax,n,mode) integer, intent(out) :: ifax(:) integer, intent(in) :: n, mode integer :: nn, k, L, inc, nfax, ii, istop, i, item nn=n if (iabs(mode).eq.1) go to 10 if (iabs(mode).eq.8) go to 10 nn=n/2 if ((nn+nn).eq.n) go to 10 ifax(1)=-99 return 10 k=1 ! test for factors of 4 20 if (mod(nn,4).ne.0) go to 30 k=k+1 ifax(k)=4 nn=nn/4 if (nn.eq.1) go to 80 go to 20 ! test for extra factor of 2 30 if (mod(nn,2).ne.0) go to 40 k=k+1 ifax(k)=2 nn=nn/2 if (nn.eq.1) go to 80 ! test for factors of 3 40 if (mod(nn,3).ne.0) go to 50 k=k+1 ifax(k)=3 nn=nn/3 if (nn.eq.1) go to 80 go to 40 ! now find remaining factors 50 L=5 inc=2 ! inc alternately takes on values 2 and 4 60 if (mod(nn,L).ne.0) go to 70 k=k+1 ifax(k)=L nn=nn/L if (nn.eq.1) go to 80 go to 60 70 L=L+inc inc=6-inc go to 60 80 ifax(1)=k-1 ! ifax(1) contains number of factors nfax=ifax(1) ! sort factors into ascending order if (nfax.eq.1) go to 110 do 100 ii=2,nfax istop=nfax+2-ii do 90 i=2,istop if (ifax(i+1).ge.ifax(i)) go to 90 item=ifax(i) ifax(i)=ifax(i+1) ifax(i+1)=item 90 continue 100 continue 110 continue end subroutine fax !########################################################################## subroutine fftrig (trigs,n,mode) real, intent(out) :: trigs(:) integer, intent(in) :: n, mode real :: del, angle,pi integer :: imode, nn, nh, i, L, la pi = 4.*atan(1.0) imode=iabs(mode) nn=n if ( nn=n/2 del=(pi+pi)/real(nn) L=nn+nn do i=1,L,2 angle=0.5*real(i-1)*del trigs(i)=cos(angle) trigs(i+1)=sin(angle) enddo if (imode.eq.1) return if (imode.eq.8) return del=0.5*del nh=(nn+1)/2 L=nh+nh la=nn+nn do i=1,L,2 angle=0.5*real(i-1)*del trigs(la+i)=cos(angle) trigs(la+i+1)=sin(angle) enddo if (imode.le.3) return del=0.5*del la=la+nn if ( then do i=2,nn angle=real(i-1)*del trigs(la+i)=2.0*sin(angle) enddo return endif del=0.5*del do i=2,n angle=real(i-1)*del trigs(la+i)=sin(angle) enddo end subroutine fftrig !########################################################################## subroutine vpassm (a,b,c,d,trigs,inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4,lot,n,ifac,la) integer, intent(in) :: inc1, inc2, inc3, inc4, lot, n, ifac, la real, intent(in) :: a(n),b(n),trigs(n) real, intent(out) :: c(n),d(n) ! ! subroutine "vpassm" - multiple version of "vpassa" ! performs one pass through data ! as part of multiple complex fft routine ! a is first real input vector ! b is first imaginary input vector ! c is first real output vector ! d is first imaginary output vector ! trigs is precalculated table of sines " cosines ! inc1 is addressing increment for a and b ! inc2 is addressing increment for c and d ! inc3 is addressing increment between a"s & b"s ! inc4 is addressing increment between c"s & d"s ! lot is the number of vectors ! n is length of vectors ! ifac is current factor of n ! la is product of previous factors ! real :: sin36=0.587785252292473 real :: cos36=0.809016994374947 real :: sin72=0.951056516295154 real :: cos72=0.309016994374947 real :: sin60=0.866025403784437 integer :: i, j, k, L, m, iink, jink, jump, ibase, jbase, igo, ijk, la1 integer :: ia, ja, ib, jb, kb, ic, jc, kc, id, jd, kd, ie, je, ke real :: c1, s1, c2, s2, c3, s3, c4, s4 m=n/ifac iink=m*inc1 jink=la*inc2 jump=(ifac-1)*jink ibase=0 jbase=0 igo=ifac-1 if ( return !del go to (10,50,90,130),igo select case (igo) ! coding for factor 2 case (1) 10 ia=1 ja=1 ib=ia+iink jb=ja+jink do 20 L=1,la i=ibase j=jbase do 15 ijk=1,lot c(ja+j)=a(ia+i)+a(ib+i) d(ja+j)=b(ia+i)+b(ib+i) c(jb+j)=a(ia+i)-a(ib+i) d(jb+j)=b(ia+i)-b(ib+i) i=i+inc3 j=j+inc4 15 continue ibase=ibase+inc1 jbase=jbase+inc2 20 continue if (la.eq.m) return la1=la+1 jbase=jbase+jump do 40 k=la1,m,la kb=k+k-2 c1=trigs(kb+1) s1=trigs(kb+2) do 30 L=1,la i=ibase j=jbase do 25 ijk=1,lot c(ja+j)=a(ia+i)+a(ib+i) d(ja+j)=b(ia+i)+b(ib+i) c(jb+j)=c1*(a(ia+i)-a(ib+i))-s1*(b(ia+i)-b(ib+i)) d(jb+j)=s1*(a(ia+i)-a(ib+i))+c1*(b(ia+i)-b(ib+i)) i=i+inc3 j=j+inc4 25 continue ibase=ibase+inc1 jbase=jbase+inc2 30 continue jbase=jbase+jump 40 continue ! return ! coding for factor 3 case (2) 50 ia=1 ja=1 ib=ia+iink jb=ja+jink ic=ib+iink jc=jb+jink do 60 L=1,la i=ibase j=jbase do 55 ijk=1,lot c(ja+j)=a(ia+i)+(a(ib+i)+a(ic+i)) d(ja+j)=b(ia+i)+(b(ib+i)+b(ic+i)) c(jb+j)=(a(ia+i)-0.5*(a(ib+i)+a(ic+i)))-(sin60*(b(ib+i)-b(ic+i))) c(jc+j)=(a(ia+i)-0.5*(a(ib+i)+a(ic+i)))+(sin60*(b(ib+i)-b(ic+i))) d(jb+j)=(b(ia+i)-0.5*(b(ib+i)+b(ic+i)))+(sin60*(a(ib+i)-a(ic+i))) d(jc+j)=(b(ia+i)-0.5*(b(ib+i)+b(ic+i)))-(sin60*(a(ib+i)-a(ic+i))) i=i+inc3 j=j+inc4 55 continue ibase=ibase+inc1 jbase=jbase+inc2 60 continue if (la.eq.m) return la1=la+1 jbase=jbase+jump do 80 k=la1,m,la kb=k+k-2 kc=kb+kb c1=trigs(kb+1) s1=trigs(kb+2) c2=trigs(kc+1) s2=trigs(kc+2) do 70 L=1,la i=ibase j=jbase do 65 ijk=1,lot c(ja+j)=a(ia+i)+(a(ib+i)+a(ic+i)) d(ja+j)=b(ia+i)+(b(ib+i)+b(ic+i)) c(jb+j)= & c1*((a(ia+i)-0.5*(a(ib+i)+a(ic+i)))-(sin60*(b(ib+i)-b(ic+i)))) & -s1*((b(ia+i)-0.5*(b(ib+i)+b(ic+i)))+(sin60*(a(ib+i)-a(ic+i)))) d(jb+j)= & s1*((a(ia+i)-0.5*(a(ib+i)+a(ic+i)))-(sin60*(b(ib+i)-b(ic+i)))) & +c1*((b(ia+i)-0.5*(b(ib+i)+b(ic+i)))+(sin60*(a(ib+i)-a(ic+i)))) c(jc+j)= & c2*((a(ia+i)-0.5*(a(ib+i)+a(ic+i)))+(sin60*(b(ib+i)-b(ic+i)))) & -s2*((b(ia+i)-0.5*(b(ib+i)+b(ic+i)))-(sin60*(a(ib+i)-a(ic+i)))) d(jc+j)= & s2*((a(ia+i)-0.5*(a(ib+i)+a(ic+i)))+(sin60*(b(ib+i)-b(ic+i)))) & +c2*((b(ia+i)-0.5*(b(ib+i)+b(ic+i)))-(sin60*(a(ib+i)-a(ic+i)))) i=i+inc3 j=j+inc4 65 continue ibase=ibase+inc1 jbase=jbase+inc2 70 continue jbase=jbase+jump 80 continue ! return ! coding for factor 4 case (3) 90 ia=1 ja=1 ib=ia+iink jb=ja+jink ic=ib+iink jc=jb+jink id=ic+iink jd=jc+jink do 100 L=1,la i=ibase j=jbase do 95 ijk=1,lot c(ja+j)=(a(ia+i)+a(ic+i))+(a(ib+i)+a(id+i)) c(jc+j)=(a(ia+i)+a(ic+i))-(a(ib+i)+a(id+i)) d(ja+j)=(b(ia+i)+b(ic+i))+(b(ib+i)+b(id+i)) d(jc+j)=(b(ia+i)+b(ic+i))-(b(ib+i)+b(id+i)) c(jb+j)=(a(ia+i)-a(ic+i))-(b(ib+i)-b(id+i)) c(jd+j)=(a(ia+i)-a(ic+i))+(b(ib+i)-b(id+i)) d(jb+j)=(b(ia+i)-b(ic+i))+(a(ib+i)-a(id+i)) d(jd+j)=(b(ia+i)-b(ic+i))-(a(ib+i)-a(id+i)) i=i+inc3 j=j+inc4 95 continue ibase=ibase+inc1 jbase=jbase+inc2 100 continue if (la.eq.m) return la1=la+1 jbase=jbase+jump do 120 k=la1,m,la kb=k+k-2 kc=kb+kb kd=kc+kb c1=trigs(kb+1) s1=trigs(kb+2) c2=trigs(kc+1) s2=trigs(kc+2) c3=trigs(kd+1) s3=trigs(kd+2) do 110 L=1,la i=ibase j=jbase do 105 ijk=1,lot c(ja+j)=(a(ia+i)+a(ic+i))+(a(ib+i)+a(id+i)) d(ja+j)=(b(ia+i)+b(ic+i))+(b(ib+i)+b(id+i)) c(jc+j)= & c2*((a(ia+i)+a(ic+i))-(a(ib+i)+a(id+i))) & -s2*((b(ia+i)+b(ic+i))-(b(ib+i)+b(id+i))) d(jc+j)= & s2*((a(ia+i)+a(ic+i))-(a(ib+i)+a(id+i))) & +c2*((b(ia+i)+b(ic+i))-(b(ib+i)+b(id+i))) c(jb+j)= & c1*((a(ia+i)-a(ic+i))-(b(ib+i)-b(id+i))) & -s1*((b(ia+i)-b(ic+i))+(a(ib+i)-a(id+i))) d(jb+j)= & s1*((a(ia+i)-a(ic+i))-(b(ib+i)-b(id+i))) & +c1*((b(ia+i)-b(ic+i))+(a(ib+i)-a(id+i))) c(jd+j)= & c3*((a(ia+i)-a(ic+i))+(b(ib+i)-b(id+i))) & -s3*((b(ia+i)-b(ic+i))-(a(ib+i)-a(id+i))) d(jd+j)= & s3*((a(ia+i)-a(ic+i))+(b(ib+i)-b(id+i))) & +c3*((b(ia+i)-b(ic+i))-(a(ib+i)-a(id+i))) i=i+inc3 j=j+inc4 105 continue ibase=ibase+inc1 jbase=jbase+inc2 110 continue jbase=jbase+jump 120 continue ! return ! coding for factor 5 case (4) 130 ia=1 ja=1 ib=ia+iink jb=ja+jink ic=ib+iink jc=jb+jink id=ic+iink jd=jc+jink ie=id+iink je=jd+jink do 140 L=1,la i=ibase j=jbase do 135 ijk=1,lot c(ja+j)=a(ia+i)+(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))+(a(ic+i)+a(id+i)) d(ja+j)=b(ia+i)+(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))+(b(ic+i)+b(id+i)) c(jb+j)=(a(ia+i)+cos72*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))-cos36*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & -(sin72*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))+sin36*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i))) c(je+j)=(a(ia+i)+cos72*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))-cos36*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & +(sin72*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))+sin36*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i))) d(jb+j)=(b(ia+i)+cos72*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))-cos36*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & +(sin72*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))+sin36*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i))) d(je+j)=(b(ia+i)+cos72*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))-cos36*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & -(sin72*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))+sin36*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i))) c(jc+j)=(a(ia+i)-cos36*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))+cos72*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & -(sin36*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))-sin72*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i))) c(jd+j)=(a(ia+i)-cos36*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))+cos72*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & +(sin36*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))-sin72*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i))) d(jc+j)=(b(ia+i)-cos36*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))+cos72*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & +(sin36*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))-sin72*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i))) d(jd+j)=(b(ia+i)-cos36*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))+cos72*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & -(sin36*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))-sin72*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i))) i=i+inc3 j=j+inc4 135 continue ibase=ibase+inc1 jbase=jbase+inc2 140 continue if (la.eq.m) return la1=la+1 jbase=jbase+jump do 160 k=la1,m,la kb=k+k-2 kc=kb+kb kd=kc+kb ke=kd+kb c1=trigs(kb+1) s1=trigs(kb+2) c2=trigs(kc+1) s2=trigs(kc+2) c3=trigs(kd+1) s3=trigs(kd+2) c4=trigs(ke+1) s4=trigs(ke+2) do 150 L=1,la i=ibase j=jbase do 145 ijk=1,lot c(ja+j)=a(ia+i)+(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))+(a(ic+i)+a(id+i)) d(ja+j)=b(ia+i)+(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))+(b(ic+i)+b(id+i)) c(jb+j)= & c1*((a(ia+i)+cos72*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))-cos36*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & -(sin72*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))+sin36*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i)))) & -s1*((b(ia+i)+cos72*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))-cos36*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & +(sin72*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))+sin36*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i)))) d(jb+j)= & s1*((a(ia+i)+cos72*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))-cos36*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & -(sin72*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))+sin36*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i)))) & +c1*((b(ia+i)+cos72*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))-cos36*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & +(sin72*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))+sin36*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i)))) c(je+j)= & c4*((a(ia+i)+cos72*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))-cos36*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & +(sin72*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))+sin36*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i)))) & -s4*((b(ia+i)+cos72*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))-cos36*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & -(sin72*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))+sin36*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i)))) d(je+j)= & s4*((a(ia+i)+cos72*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))-cos36*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & +(sin72*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))+sin36*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i)))) & +c4*((b(ia+i)+cos72*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))-cos36*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & -(sin72*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))+sin36*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i)))) c(jc+j)= & c2*((a(ia+i)-cos36*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))+cos72*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & -(sin36*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))-sin72*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i)))) & -s2*((b(ia+i)-cos36*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))+cos72*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & +(sin36*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))-sin72*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i)))) d(jc+j)= & s2*((a(ia+i)-cos36*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))+cos72*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & -(sin36*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))-sin72*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i)))) & +c2*((b(ia+i)-cos36*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))+cos72*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & +(sin36*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))-sin72*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i)))) c(jd+j)= & c3*((a(ia+i)-cos36*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))+cos72*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & +(sin36*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))-sin72*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i)))) & -s3*((b(ia+i)-cos36*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))+cos72*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & -(sin36*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))-sin72*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i)))) d(jd+j)= & s3*((a(ia+i)-cos36*(a(ib+i)+a(ie+i))+cos72*(a(ic+i)+a(id+i))) & +(sin36*(b(ib+i)-b(ie+i))-sin72*(b(ic+i)-b(id+i)))) & +c3*((b(ia+i)-cos36*(b(ib+i)+b(ie+i))+cos72*(b(ic+i)+b(id+i))) & -(sin36*(a(ib+i)-a(ie+i))-sin72*(a(ic+i)-a(id+i)))) i=i+inc3 j=j+inc4 145 continue ibase=ibase+inc1 jbase=jbase+inc2 150 continue jbase=jbase+jump 160 continue end select end subroutine vpassm end module spharmt