Energy Citations Database
Searched:  Author Contains ("Eckenhoff, R.")
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Results:  1–2 of exactly 2 matches. (0.041 seconds)

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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  BNL--78300-2007-JA Structural Basis for High Affinity Volatile Anesthetic Binding in a Natural 4-helix Bundle Protein Liu,R. ; Loll, P. ; Eckenhoff, R. 2005 Jan 01 -
  BNL--80769-2008-JA High Resolution Features from Low Affinity Interactions: Photoactive Analogs of the Haloether Anesthetics Xi,J. ; Liu, R. ; Rossi, M. ; 2006 Jan 01 -
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