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1. Selected Ika Proverbs: Their Aesthetics and Contexts of Usage (EJ790148)

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Egede, Canon Benji


Education, v127 n4 p600-608 Sum 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Proverbs; Ethnicity; Aesthetics; Consciousness Raising; Oral Tradition; Foreign Countries; African Culture

The thrust of the paper is the contention that, in their general application, proverbs are to be understood as a communal property. In specific terms, however, and as Isidore Okpewho, in African Oral Literature... (1992) affirms, "every proverb must have started its life as the product of the genius of an individual oral artist. But it becomes appropriated by th Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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2. Electrophysiological and Behavioral Measures of the Influence of Literal and Figurative Contextual Constraints on Proverb Comprehension (EJ757291)

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Ferretti, Todd R.; Schwint, Christopher A.; Katz, Albert N.


Brain and Language, v101 n1 p38-49 Apr 2007

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Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Proverbs; Language Processing; Figurative Language; Reading Comprehension

Proverbs tend to have meanings that are true both literally and figuratively (i.e., Lightning really doesn't strike the same place twice). Consequently, discourse contexts that invite a literal reading of a proverb should provide more conceptual overlap with the proverb, resulting in more rapid processing, than will contexts biased towards a non-literal reading. Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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3. Teaching the Old Testament Book of Proverbs via a Play (EJ821022)

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Branch, Robin Gallaher


Christian Higher Education, v4 n1 p57-69 Jan 2005

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



Proverbs; Drama; Stereotypes; Student Attitudes; Teaching Methods; Biblical Literature; College Students; Visual Arts; Music; Video Technology; Religious Education

As an Old Testament professor, I struggled with how to teach the Book of Proverbs and the genre of Wisdom Literature in general to my seminary students. As I read and re-read Proverbs, however, I saw it contained many character stereotypes. It is a very contemporary book, for it shows the qualities that contribute to success or Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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4. Proverb Interpretation Changes in Aging (EJ795975)

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Uekermann, Jennifer; Thoma, Patrizia; Daum, Irene


Brain and Cognition, v67 n1 p51-57 Jun 2008

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Proverbs; Comprehension; Aging (Individuals); Age Differences; Cognitive Processes

Recent investigations have emphasized the involvement of fronto-subcortical networks to proverb comprehension. Although the prefrontal cortex is thought to be affected by normal aging, relatively little work has been carried out to investigate potential effects of aging on proverb comprehension. In the present investigation participants in three age groups were assessed on a proverb comprehension Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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5. Revisiting a Classic (EJ795342)

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Rogers, Ibram


Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, v25 n5 p13-15 Apr 2008

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



Classics (Literature); African Culture; Novels; Authors; African Languages; Foreign Countries

As a 26-year-old English teacher in 1958, Chinua Achebe had no idea that the book he was writing would become a literary classic, not only in Africa but also throughout the world. He could only try to articulate the feelings he had for his countrymen and women. Achebe had a burning desire to tell the true story of Africa and African humanity. The language in which he decided to write his book wou Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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6. Traditional African Modes of Education: Their Relevance in the Modern World (EJ785126)

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Omolewa, Michael


International Review of Education, v53 n5-6 p593-612 Nov 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Higher Education; Story Telling; Learning Strategies; Educational Practices; Foreign Countries; Vocational Education; Indigenous Populations; Educational Quality; Folk Culture; Role

This article explores the characteristics, goals, modes of transmission, teaching and learning strategies of indigenous African education, in which the pursuit of excellence and quality has always been an important aim. Informal and vocational training constitute the core of indigenous education in Africa. Under this traditional system, each person in the community is practically trained and prep Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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7. Children's Understanding of "Ubuntu" (EJ776228)

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Bonn, Marta


Early Child Development and Care, v177 n8 p863-873 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Research



Urbanization; Content Analysis; Cultural Maintenance; Humanism; Interviews; Childhood Attitudes; Black Dialects; African Studies; African Culture; Human Relations; Social Values; Developmental Tasks

The concept of "Ubuntu" has recently received a lot of attention in spite of the fact that there is no consensus about its meaning. African scholars have strived to attain a common meaning and English translation, and while they agree that it is typically and solely African, the closest some have come up with is "African humanism". A South African saying is frequently used to illustrate the core Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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8. Exploring African Life and Literature: Novel Guides to Promote Socially Responsive Learning (ED497897)

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Glasgow, Jacqueline N., Ed.; Rice, Linda J., Ed.


International Reading Association

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Pub Type(s):

Books; Collected Works - General



Foreign Countries; Classics (Literature); Novels; Oral Tradition; Citizenship Education; Global Education; Social Responsibility; Folk Culture; Childrens Literature; Adolescent Literature; Secondary School Curriculum; College Curriculum; Classroom Techniques; Civil Rights; Gender Differences; African Culture; Academic Standards; Films; Cultural Pluralism; Arabs; Females; Slavery; Political Issues; International Cooperation; Racial Relations; Equal Education; Conflict

In today's interconnected and global society, socially responsive learning is an integral part of educational excellence. This book encourages socially responsive learning by showing the reader how to use traditional African folk tales and quality children's books, young adult novels, classic literature, and film media about Africa as the mode for examining diversity, equity, and human rights iss Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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9. Making Non-Fluent Aphasics Speak: Sing along! (EJ769356)

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Racette, Amelie; Bard, Celine; Peretz, Isabelle


Brain, v129 n10 p2571-2584 Oct 2006

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Aphasia; Singing; Speech Communication; Recall (Psychology); French; Speech Therapy; Patients; Neurological Impairments; Experiments

A classic observation in neurology is that aphasics can sing words they cannot pronounce otherwise. To further assess this claim, we investigated the production of sung and spoken utterances in eight brain-damaged patients suffering from a variety of speech disorders as a consequence of a left-hemisphere lesion. In Experiment 1, the patients were tested in the repetition and recall of words and n Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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10. Idea Habitats: How the Prevalence of Environmental Cues Influences the Success of Ideas (EJ747036)

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Berger, Jonah A.; Heath, Chip


Cognitive Science, v29 n2 p195-221 2005

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Incidence; Cues; Success; Hypothesis Testing; Competition; Newspapers; Proverbs; Content Analysis; Cultural Context; Change; Adoption (Ideas); Cultural Influences; Verbal Communication; Language Styles

We investigate 1 factor that influences the success of ideas or cultural representations by proposing that they have a habitat, that is, a set of environmental cues that encourages people to recall and transmit them. We test 2 hypotheses: (a) fluctuation: the success of an idea will vary over time with fluctuations in its habitat, and (b) competition: ideas with more prevalent habitats will be mo Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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