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1. Improving Expressive Writing Skills of Children Rated for ADHD Symptoms (EJ814274)

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Re, Anna Maria; Caeran, Monica; Cornoldi, Cesare


Journal of Learning Disabilities, v41 n6 p535-544 2008

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Research



Spelling; Symptoms (Individual Disorders); Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; Expressive Language; Writing Skills; Comparative Analysis; Teaching Methods; Student Needs; Foreign Countries; Grade 3; Grade 4; Grade 5; Elementary School Students; Writing Assignments; Instructional Effectiveness

The present study examines the expressive writing abilities of children described by their teachers as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms and of matched controls and the effects of two types of facilitation. A group of 35 ADHD children and matched controls are given the task of composing a letter either under standard instructions or with facilitation (a guide scheme) Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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2. Expressive Writing Difficulties in Children Described as Exhibiting ADHD Symptoms (EJ766679)

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Re, Anna Maria; Pedron, Martina; Cornoldi, Cesare


Journal of Learning Disabilities, v40 n3 p244-255 May-Jun 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Writing Difficulties; Writing Tests; Hyperactivity; Expressive Language; Control Groups; Attention Deficit Disorders; Writing Skills; Grade 6; Grade 7; Comparative Analysis; Age Differences; Scores; Symptoms (Individual Disorders)

Three groups of children of different ages who were considered by their teachers as showing symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and matched controls were tested in a series of expressive writing tasks, derived from a standardized writing test. In the first study, 24 sixth- and seventh-grade children with ADHD symptoms wrote a description of an image. The ADHD group's expre Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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