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illegal Aliens

As a former legal alien and now a proud American Citizen, I propose
a ban on all illegal aliens from getting a pass to American Citizenship.
Legalizing them as aliens after hefty fines, school attendance in Americanization,
makes sense.They should never be entitled to citizenship.

Law should also cover children born to  illegal aliens will also be illegal.
Final, most illegal aliens are good honest lovely people who contribute, we
cannot ignore this. 
53 Comments  »  Posted by Dooganman to Homeland Security on 1/14/2009 6:57 PM


1/14/2009 7:10 PM
ALL immigration MUST equal emigration (leaving) - Godist -
1/14/2009 8:38 PM
Amnesty is a reward for breaking the law................. NO AMNESTY  They should all be deported.
1/14/2009 9:35 PM
No Amnesty. Hunt them down and send them back. They can go "build their own America" instead of taking away from mine.
1/14/2009 9:39 PM

Some of my comments may sound harsh so let me say firstly that I am not a racist. I believe a person should be judged as an individual and not collectively. I am aware there are mostly honest and hard working men and women inhabiting our borders. We are all immigrants to some degree. My problem is that a person who sneaks into the United States and then decides to portray an honest individual who only wants to help his family survive, has already proven himself or herself to be a criminal. Hence the word illegal. Illegals should be punished with JAIL TIME or PUBLIC SERVICE and then DEPORTED. They should have a bad taste in their mouth so as to deter repeat offense. The problems illegals bring to us are crime, severe economic stress and turning the communities they inhabit into neighborhoods that look like third world countries. No onr else ever wants to go there.  The point is they don't care about us or even like us.  They just want our money! 

Our borders are fragile and dangerous places and could be a potential freeway for very serious criminals who could do much more than blight and economic problems. Our borders must be protected and the influx of undesireables must be thwarted.

I would like to suggest a volunteer type organization to act as observers at known entry points and roving in widespread areas using vehicles. The Fed. could initiate a fund to compensate private vehicles, walkie talkies or cell phones and volunteers could alert border patrol or sheriffs or dps or even local authorities as to the whereabouts of illegals in the bush and just call it in. That's all they need to do. The proper authorities could just go pick them up. Perhaps a very short revolving course to get volunteers up to speed as to maps, terrain, frequent trail usage, use of equipment etc. would have them up to speed in no time. I'm sure there are many citizens who would love to serve America again and reclaim a sense of pride. Handicapped and disabled men and women can still look through a pair of can retired and or bored people. All a program like this needs is a little publicity, a little organizing and a very little funding. Once under control and operating smoothly, our law enforcement agencies could ease back into their regular duties. Our neighborhoods would improve and the crime rates would plummet. This could work because it's so simple.

One more thing or two:
I am strongly against an infant becoming a U S citizen by default if his or her parents are illegals. It is not fair to American taxpayers.
I am strongly against government and social programs for illegals.  It's not fair to American taxpayers and it wasn't designed for citizens of other countries.

It's simple really, ask yourself, what would they do for you in their country? Nothing is the least they will do and rape or murder you is the most.

I hope you like my idea, or some form of it Mr President.  If you do, call me, I'll start it

Respectfully, Robert Cunningham
Surprise, AZ

1/14/2009 10:48 PM
1.  "Legal" or "Illegal"  I do not want to be surrounded by sick and/or uneducated people.  The cost of paying for the adverse effects of that kind of population is far worse (hospitals, prisons, welfare services, crime...) than paying for education and medical care.

2.  If I have an unfenced swimming pool in my back yard and someone drowns or is injured, I am held liable for damages and can be sued by the person who tresspassed on my property because I will be determined tohave an attractive nuisance on my property.

We, the United States of America ARE an attractive nuisance (or until the economic crisis ... were).  So why are we punishing those who are only trying to improve themselves and by doing so, are contributing to the wealth of our country?

3.  The "illegals" who are using false SS#'s are doing far more harm to themselves than to us.  In fact, we are benefitting by the fact that they are paying into our system by their work but will never be able to collect on the false number.
1/14/2009 11:14 PM
1. No amnesty for illegal immigrants - they are criminals.
2. Children of illegal alien criminalsare still illegal alien criminals.
3. Congress wants 4 Million more children to get health insurance, but they have no provision to exclude illegal alien criminals.
Why do polititions favor illegal alien criminals over Americans?  Americans don't want illegal alien criminals in this country.
1/14/2009 11:33 PM
"DITTO" I could agree more. Now we need to pray the Obama administration is listening.
1/14/2009 11:41 PM
Opening our borders to all is nonsense; we'd be overrun (some feel we already are!)
Deporting 12+million illegals is also nonsence. The logistics would be impossible.
Workable reform must have these elements:
1.  Deport those here less than (5-10) years. The actual number to be decided politically.
2. Clarify that US citizenship applies to babys born  only to U S citizens.
3. Employ a liberal brocero program, but with assurances that they leave when required.
4. Maintain a strong border barrier
5. Use modern electronic means to insure that no one works without US citizenship, a valid green card, or  up-to-date brocaro status.
6. Stiff fines for those who employ illegals.
BFC from Los Angeles CA
1/14/2009 11:45 PM
As a citizen of this great nation, United States of AMERICA, one of my greatest concern is the constant illegal immigration from Mexico.  What former President Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s in the so-called granting of ammesty was a grave tragedy because it did not stop illegal immigration from Mexico but encouraged it.  The masses of illegal immigrants first concentrated in California, Texas and Arizona now has spread throughout United States.
I am so tired of politicians being so scared to speak for and stand up for illegal immigration enforcement because they are afraid to be called a racist or afraid to offend a certain segment of the population.  For us to not enforce the immigration laws is, indeed, racist and discriminatory because we only allow illegal immigrants from Mexico to crossover.  We are favoring them which is racist and discriminatory.  Why not allow illegal immigrants from Eastern Europe or Asia or Africa?
If I was President of this Great Nation, I would come to the absolute conclusion that federal laws must be enforced regardless of race, religion, color, creed, sex, etc. and this includes any and all immigration laws.
I would also take it several steps further.  I would work with the United States Congress to support two important amendments to the U.S. Constitution.  One is the legal recognization that ENGLISH is United States' official language.  There will be no more English as a Second Language courses.  My parents who came to this great nation in the 1940's quickly learned English on their own.  The second is that children born of illegal immigrants are NOT and will NOT automatically become U.S. citizens.  Aside from illegal immigrants from Mexico coming to United States to have mutiple children, Koreans from South Korea come to United States to have their babies.  But unlike the illegal immigrants from Mexico, the Koreans go back home with their U.S. citizen babies which does not cause a financial drain on local, state and federal governmental entities.
The mere fact that the Labor Secretary in her nomination acceptance speech spoke in both English and Spanish was extremely insulting to all other Americans who are not Spanish-speaking.  Is this to say, if you are Spanish you now will be given special treatment?  Will it now become a requirement that everyone in United States of America habla espanol?  Why didn't the Labor Secretary speak in Russian, Chinese, Korean, German, Italian, Japanese, Aremenian, Greek, Hebrew, etc.  I am sure we have legal U.S. citizens who speak the aforementioned languages.  So, why the racist and discriminatory speech from the Labor Secretary?  Will she be impartial to her own race and disregard the rest of us?  I would, as President, withdraw my nomination for her as Labor Secretary.  She was definitely NOT equal employment opportunities for all, regardless of race but for her own.
If United States of America is to become a true and straight country again, it must enforce its federal laws.  If not, well, go to Tijuana, Baja California, that will give you an idea of what United States of America will become, not to mention continued social unrest and the downgrade of culture and value.  LA RAZA does not include you or me but a particular race.  HOPE and CHANGE does not mean break the immigration laws and we will let you slide on in.  No, HOPE and CHANGE means we must change what is right for United States of America as a whole and give hope back to U.S. citizens...not illegal immigrants.
1/14/2009 11:50 PM
The issue of illegal immigrants went away during the primaries and seems to have been forgotten. It's time for our new president to show us that he IS all about change and do something about the constant flow of illegals pouring across our border, especially in the current economic crises. No more can people claim it's about filling jobs Americans won't do and we need to look to our own citizens that are going to feel the hurt soon.

If Mr. Obama is a man of his word, he will show the American voter that he does care about our nation, our citizens and the laws of our country. It's time to build a fence and it's time for real change instead of the business as usual.

I also agree that employers that hire illegals are just as guilty as those breaking our laws and not only should they fined heavily but if they continue to hire illegals, they should lose their business license once and for all.
1/14/2009 11:51 PM
I believe one way to stop some of the problems we are having with immigration is to change the law making any  baby born in the US a citizen. By repealing this law we would begin to see less money spendt at hospitals near the borders for births of babies of people who are not citizens. We would also see a drop in some educational expenses as people could not come here to create a situtation where the baby is a citizen so the rest of the children should also get an education.
Mrs. Biddie
1/15/2009 12:33 AM
Change the amendment that allows for "Anchor Babies"  most other countries have.
Also having more Investigators for Welfare Fraud would help.  Just think of all the people
we could put to work and they would probably more than pay their way.  Mayby an "Illegal
Alien Stoppers" like Crime Stoppers, give people a reward for turning in these "criminals".
1/15/2009 1:14 AM
 Take away the incentives to be here illegally... Put our prisoners to work replacing the illegals... Forced hard labor. Fines and legal action against illegal employers!
1/15/2009 4:50 AM
I am not opposed to LEGAL immigration but cannot understand why my country wants to reward people who knowingly break our laws.  There should NO amnesty, free social services, education for these people.  Employers need to be held accountable for using an illegal workforce while millions of hardworking Americans are out of work.   
1/15/2009 7:35 AM

mexico has been draining the US of Billions of dollars over the past 20 years.  illegals wire
the funds thru western union.  western union should be stopped from wiring any dollars
to any country or person south of the bourder. 

1/15/2009 7:48 AM
 Our is Economy down and Millions of American Citizens are out of work an Unemployment is at its highest level and our highest leaders considering amnesty?????
We need the SAVE ACT and E-verify used for every business and NOT Amnesty for criminals.
E-verify does not discriminate against RACE, Religion, SEX or physically capability only your Citizenship and your LEGAL right to be and work in United States. 
If we can stop Predatory business owners from hiring then the Illegal Aliens will not Stay and return to their native Countries.
This ISSUE is not about RACE, but Governments Federal/State/LOCAL not doing their jobs, because big and small business owners want cheap workers and no labor laws to bother with......Its called GREED!
The only RACISTS are the single RACE agenda GROUPS like La RAZA, Mecha, Aztlan and ETC....Whose main goal is take our Western States back to Mexico. 
Both Liberals and Conservatives need to take some pride in our Country and protect it from all invading nations citizens and corporate greed.
Please support, NO IMMIGRANT BASHING or HATE Crimes.
HATE only feeds the single RACE agenda groups for Open Borders and the Media.
1/15/2009 8:20 AM
America is now Brazil. It's too late to save our culture. History will blame multiculturalism/diversity for our demise.
1/15/2009 8:49 AM



1/15/2009 8:49 AM


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1/15/2009 8:49 AM


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1/15/2009 8:49 AM


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1/15/2009 8:49 AM


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1/15/2009 9:56 AM
my parents waited a DECADE to get their papers. they came here legally.
enough said, im with you guys-- crack down on illegals.
1/15/2009 10:00 AM
Poor racist and selfish people!
1/15/2009 10:00 AM
I hope that President Obama grants amnesty to the illegal aliens that are here now in the United States.  Instead of just granting amnesty I think our President should place requirements on anybody who want to stay here. The alien must first pay a back fine. He or she would be required as an example to pay $5,000 within a 5 year period.  This money can pay for ESL classes, Homeland Security, pregnancy and birth education and other issues.  They also must give allegiance to this country if they wish to become a citizen. 
1/15/2009 10:21 AM
I hope the issue of ileagal immigration takes a big priority .No NORMAN I am not a racist.I am a white American but my husbaund was a LEAGAL Iranian immigrant and now an American citizen.Because of all the non tax paying illeagals thee seems to be no way to bring my college educated in laws here because the system is simply overwelmed by thes illeagal immigrants.They want to come over here and be with their family ,get a good job, pay taxes, buy a house ,etc.Don't call us racist because because we are concerned for the welfare of our country.
1/15/2009 10:32 AM
Illegal immigrants are posing a threat to our economy and our security. I live in an area with many illegal immigrants. The commit crimes, and I know as I have been the victim of one, and they can't be caught because they use many alias' and are practically invisible as a result. A illegal immigrant was also murdered where I live and it took weeks to identify her. When they did it was under half a dozen alias'. Her killer was supposedly a spurned lover. No one knew his real name and he has not been found after many months. Illegal immigrants use the services of our cities and our country and do nothing to help support these systems. I support the idea of employers contacting homeland security if an employee or potential employee does not have a viable social security number. We must, also, protect our borders rigorously. Anyone who wishes to live in the US permanently should obtain proper papers through the legal system. Otherwise, they should not be allowed here. Immigrants who came here legally resent those who have sneaked it. They suffer prejudice because of the illegal immigrants that are in this county.
1/15/2009 11:04 AM
My hope is that someone in our government will see our comments and take what we have to say on illegal immigration seriously. I don't believe anyone is against kind caring people but that has nothing to do with the way that people enter the country. While I realize that people are just looking for a better life for themselves and their families there is a right way to go about it. It is absolutely unfair to all concerned to cross the borders illegally, not only does the individual crossing our borders risk their lives, but the ones helping them cross also take advantage of them. My ancestors came here legally and considered learning the language a benefit as well as a source of pride. Yes, it does take time and money to come here legally but you don't have the disadvantage of looking over your shoulder for immigration authorities rousting you out. Sadly many of these individuals take advantage of our social services including, section 8 housing, aid to dependent families monies, and medical thereby potentially depriving our own citizens of such housing and other services. It is costing the United States millions and millions of dollars to care for these people. We are not in a current economic conditon to care for our own people much less people who come here illegally. Let us enforce our current laws and if need by change others, for example not making those children of illegal immigrants automatically citizens. The Unites States is on the brink of becoming a third world county. We have lost ground in education. Use ESL classes the way they were intended, immersion ENGLISH.
1/15/2009 12:45 PM
I believe that there are undocumented immigrants, not illegal immigrants. Being an undocumented immigrant has yet to be criminalized. If children born in the US of Noncitizens were denied citizenship the population of German, Irish, English descent etc. would really be small. We are a nation of immigrants who never asked permission of the people already here. The solution to our immigration difficulties will not be easy but it will not be built on racism, hatred or fear.
1/15/2009 1:34 PM
I agree with CCMC. Deport all illegal aliens. Our country is going to have hell to pay some day when some of those illegals hit us with a nuclear bomb.
1/15/2009 1:43 PM
On the subject of illegal aliens, we need to get George Bush to pardon agents Ramos and Compean. These border patrol agents were convicted of crimes just for doing their jobs. Johnny Sutton prosecuted them, and I suspect the reason Bush won't pardon them is because of his prior connections to Johnny Sutton.
1/15/2009 1:57 PM
History shows that it's a terrible mistake to grant legal status to people who came here illegally, it only encourages further illegal immigration.

The immigration situation must be under our control, not at the whim of any number of people who just sneak in. The e-verify system works, and must be required of employers. Public benefits must not be given to those here illegally, it subsidizes illegal behavior. If controls such as those are in place, the immigration system can work.

We must give preference to educated, law abiding people, we need an educated population to survive economically. 
1/15/2009 2:46 PM
If immigrats enter the U.S. legally and see that they can offer a better life here for their children then whats the har'm if they don't bother anyone? They just come here to make a better life. If they are paying their taxes, and aren't bothering anyone that why can't they be given a chance to become American citizens????
Ellie Mae
1/15/2009 2:59 PM
There are almost 22 million illegal aliens in the U.S. , costing taxpayers millions annually.
They also kill an average of 25 citizens daily. Enforcement of existing immigration laws, with zero tolerance, will solve many problems.  Quit rewarding illegal aliens for breaking our laws and remove them from all welfare rolls. No education, medication, housing, etc.  Secure our borders.  Stop the invasion now and stop the anchor baby policy.  The 14th amendment was intended for children of slaves, not illegal aliens.  Illegal aliens are taking jobs citizens will do, and they are lowering wages.  We cannot have an open-door policy to everyone who wants to come to the U.S.  Our sovereignty is threatened by masses of people  sneaking across our borders. All immigration must be stopped until we can deport everyone here illegally.  NO AMNESTY OR COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION PLAN.
1/16/2009 12:05 AM
NO AMNESTY PERIOD!  These people have broken into our country like a thief breaks into a house and robs it blind.  They suck up our social services and education dollars and health care money (how many hospitals have gone bellly up because they have been flooded with illegals who won't or can't pay?--thus driving OUR health care costs up out of sight).
Thee are two real TIRED refrains with this, the old "just trying to make life better for my family back home" ---yea, well so would about 400 miliion Chinese and another 400 million east Indians, and how many millions from Russia and N Korea and Africa want to come here to better their, we just open the doors and let THEM in too?  And if not, then are WE being RACIST when we allow only Latinos to break our laws and sneak across our borders without having to wait in line and apply per OUR rules??
The second is that they are doing "jobs Americans won't do"..another pathetic lie the brainless use...I can remember when working in construction was a FAMILY WAGE job, I knew of guys who supported their familes doing that, now the home builders hire illegals and pay them $5 an hour with no bennies--of course an American won't accept that when they got $15 an hour with bennies a few years ago for the same job!  Same with housekeeping---if those blasted luxury hotels in San Francisco who charge $300 and up a nite can't make a profit without hiring illegals and paying them again, $5 an hour with no bennies, then those managers need to be fired and replaced by someone with a smarter sense of business.  Same with textiles industry or meatpacking or landscaping or loading docks or wherever these illegals have taken jobs, it is at the EXPENSE of Americans not to our benefit.  And don't tell me they give our economy more than they take, we know that is a lie and we also know they send half their money home, so we don't benefit at all.
Instead of marching in OUR streets demanding the rights of our countries citizens, they should be in Mexico or wherever marching there demanding changes in their own gov't to help them!
1/16/2009 12:29 AM
NO more "Anchor Babies"  Period.  Now they are all coming from the middle east to have their babies here.  We pay, and this is their way of getting in here...NNNO more "Anchor Babies"  It is not just Mexico using this way of getting "IN" It is Camaroon, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Palestine, Jordan, ALL countries! And Home land Security is AFRAID to send these woman home, and back on the planes that bring them in here Dailey because they are pregnant and they are SOOOOO worry about a law suit, so they let them in!   WRONG!  If they got on a plane, and have a Doctors note allowing them to fly in here, they are well enough to go back on the plane that brought them here.
1/16/2009 12:37 AM
What happened to Agents Ramos and Compean was complete and horrific.  Doing their job and look what happened to them.   FREE them and restore their jobs.  Bring back the INS!
BUSH turned his back on America when he made this sham of Homeland Security. Only you can reverse this mess we are in.  Free agents Ramos and Compean!!!!!!
b boo
1/16/2009 8:54 AM

Legals should be outraged that illegals get a free ride and their children become citizens right away....that is messed up.     i think if we are talking about mexicans, in particular, that given the fact that mexico is going belly up, is loaded with drug cartel problems spilling over our borders and total bankruptcy  and criminal activities that surpass colombia right now, that US might want to think about making Mexico a territory, keep the people there, provide help for jobs and if they follow guidelines they can eventually become a state of the US.         although        Puerto Rico never did did they? hmm

b boo
1/16/2009 8:55 AM
ramos and compean should be given honors not trashed           wtf is that?
1/16/2009 2:44 PM
we should give illegal aliens a chance to be legal again with a comprehensive reform .
Most of them are good and hard-working people . They should get a change to be legal again .
1/16/2009 8:18 PM
I agree with kate. Most of them are wonderful people.
1/17/2009 9:44 AM
Dream Act Now!
1/17/2009 11:20 AM
This is fake.
1/17/2009 12:29 PM
1/17/2009 2:27 PM
I agree that children of illegal aliens should be classified as illegal aliens, too.

You would be suprised how common is it for a pregnant Mexican woman to do all she can to get across the US border to have her offspring in a US medical care facility (on our dime, no less), in order to have her child be automatically classified as a US citizen.

Statistics show that we, as a country will spend a lot of money attempting to educate this child to speak English and not to join a gang as is prevalent in their culture. In the end an economically devestating number of them will be further supported as adults in our welfare systems and US prisons.
1/17/2009 5:55 PM

This is the burning issue for our country.  Why are our so-called leaders ignoring the laws against illegal immigration?  Why are 2 border patrol agents who were pursuing a drug dealer still in prison?  Why does the so-called leadership in Washington DC turning a blind eye to the plight of hospitals on the verge of bankruptcy because they treated illegal immigrants who didn't pay their bills?  We need to put an end to chain migration, and there needs to be a law stating that a child born to an illegal alien doesn't automatically give the parents the right to stay in this country.  Benefits to illegal aliens are hemorrhaging our nation. 

My daughter-in-law came to this country the right way--legally.  She also learned to speak English.  She says she chose to be in this country and she had a responsibility to learn the language. She also holds a job and pays taxes.   Anyone coming to the USA who refuses to learn the language (English), syphons off benefits meant for citizens, and drains our resources.  It is destroying  this country just as thoroughly as an army crossing the border to wage war. 

I agree with the person who posted this:  There should be no amnesty for illegal immigrants. 

1/17/2009 6:20 PM
No amnesty.  No path to citizenship. No legal status, chain immigration.  and most importantly we must close the anchor baby loophole.
1/17/2009 6:24 PM
I am so tired of politicians being so scared to speak for and stand up for illegal immigration enforcement because they are afraid to be called a racist or afraid to offend a certain segment of the population. end quote. 

Brilliaint, concise and well said.  I wish I could tattoo that on the forehead of every congress critter.  Especially that idiot Zoe Lundgren.
Great America
1/17/2009 6:51 PM
No Amnesty means no reward for someone who cimmited a Fed Crime, NO AMNESTY please, its a slap in the face for people who waiting inline to come here legally for 7 years just like ME. I waited 7 years.
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