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001 ###############################################################
002 #
003 #  iPatRecExample jobOptions file:
004 #  runs everything needed for iPatRec (Truth/InnerDetector etc)
005 #
006 #==============================================================
008 #--------------------------------------------------------------
009 # Needed for Configurables
010 #--------------------------------------------------------------
011 from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
012 from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
013 from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
014 from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
015 topSequence = AlgSequence()
017 #--------------------------------------------------------------
018 # use auditors to write out a summary of the time spent
019 #--------------------------------------------------------------
020 from AthenaCommon.ConfigurableDb import getConfigurable
021 ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc   += getConfigurable("ChronoAuditor")()
022 #ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc   += getConfigurable("NameAuditor")()
023 theApp.AuditAlgorithms  =  True # FIXME necessary even to get CPU time
024 theApp.AuditServices    =  True
025 theApp.CreateSvc += ["FPEControlSvc"]
027 #--------------------------------------------------------------
028 # set the number of events to be processed
029 #--------------------------------------------------------------
030 theApp.EvtMax   = 1000
032 #--------------------------------------------------------------
033 # basic configuration: flags (a la RecExCommon)
034 #--------------------------------------------------------------
035 from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
036 from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
037 doTruth         = True
038 makeESD         = True
039 makeNtuple      = False
041 #--------------------------------------------------------------
042 # select DC3 data 
043 #--------------------------------------------------------------
044 test5       = False
045 test10      = False
046 test100     = False
047 test500     = False
048 testJ7      = False
049 testZmumu   = False
050 testDC7     = False
051 dataMuon10  = False
052 dataMuon100 = False
053 dataMuon300 = False
054 dataElec25  = False
055 dataH120bb  = False
056 dataTop500  = False
057 dataZmumu   = False
058 dataMbias   = False
060 #test5       = True
061 #test10      = True
062 #test100     = True
063 #test500     = True
064 #testJ7      = True
065 testZmumu   = True
066 #testDC7     = True
068 #--------------------------------------------------------------
069 # select layout 
070 #--------------------------------------------------------------
071 if test5:
072     DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-CSC-01-00-00"
073 elif test10 or test100 or test500 or testJ7 or testZmumu:
074     DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00"     
075 elif testDC7:
076     DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-DC3-07"
077 else:
078     DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-DC3-02"
079 from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
080 globalflags.DetDescrVersion = DetDescrVersion
081 print globalflags.DetDescrVersion()
083 #--------------------------------------------------------------
084 # select detectors to be used for reconstruction
085 # uncomment appropriate line to turn pixel, SCT and/or TRT off)
086 #--------------------------------------------------------------
087 from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
088 DetFlags.readRDOPool.ID_setOn()
089 DetFlags.makeRIO.ID_setOn()
090 #DetFlags.pixel_setOff()
091 #DetFlags.SCT_setOff()
092 #DetFlags.TRT_setOff()
094 #--------------------------------------------------------------
095 # can switch off HistorySvc when it's a bottleneck
096 #--------------------------------------------------------------
097 ServiceMgr.StoreGateSvc.ActivateHistory = False
098 #ServiceMgr.HistorySvc.Activate = False
100 #--------------------------------------------------------------
101 # set appropriate configuration into AthenaCommon.globalflags
102 #--------------------------------------------------------------
103 globalflags.DetGeo      = 'atlas'
104 globalflags.DataSource  = 'geant4'
105 globalflags.InputFormat = 'pool'
107 # setup POOL access in ATHENA
108 import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
109 #include( "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/" )
110 #ServiceMgr.EventSelector.SkipEvents = 31
112 #--------------------------------------------------------------
113 # Geomodel and MagneticField setup
114 #--------------------------------------------------------------
115 DetFlags.detdescr.ID_setOn()
116 from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
117 from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
118 include( "BFieldAth/" )
120 # Beam Spot service
121 include( "InDetBeamSpotService/" )
123 #--------------------------------------------------------------
124 # print final selection 
125 #--------------------------------------------------------------
126 globalflags.print_JobProperties()
127 DetFlags.Print()
129 #--------------------------------------------------------------
130 # particle property service
131 #--------------------------------------------------------------
132 include( "PartPropSvc/" )
134 #--------------------------------------------------------------
135 # InnerDetector jobOptions fragment
136 #--------------------------------------------------------------
137 include( "iPatRecExample/" )
139 #--------------------------------------------------------------
140 # iPatRec jobOptions fragment(s)
141 #--------------------------------------------------------------
142 include( "iPatRecExample/" )
144 from iPatRecAlgs.iPatRecAlgsConf import iPatShortTracks
145 #iPatShortTracks = iPatShortTracks( DetectorOption = 'pixel')  # pixel, sct, or trt
146 #topSequence += iPatShortTracks
148 if makeNtuple:
149     from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
150     ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
152     # this makes the iPatRec ntuple
153     from iPatRecAlgs.iPatRecAlgsConf import iPatNtuple
154     iPatNtuple = iPatNtuple()
155     topSequence += iPatNtuple
156     SeviceMgr.THistSvc.Output = [ "FILE1 DATAFILE='tuple1.root' OPT='NEW'" ]
158 #--------------------------------------------------------------
159 # Legacy Conversion
160 #--------------------------------------------------------------
161 if makeESD:
162     include( "iPatRecExample/" )
164 #--------------------------------------------------------------
165 # jobO selection for data from POOL
166 #--------------------------------------------------------------
167 if globalflags.InputFormat == 'pool':
168     if DetFlags.readRDOPool.ID_on():
169         include ( "InDetEventCnvTools/" )
170         include ( "TrkEventAthenaPool/" )
171         include ( "InDetEventAthenaPool/" )
172     if DetFlags.readRDOPool.LAr_on() :
173         include( "LArAthenaPool/" )
174     if DetFlags.readRDOPool.Tile_on():
175         include( "TileEventAthenaPool/" )
176     if DetFlags.readRDOPool.Muon_on() or DetFlags.readRIOPool.Muon_on()  :
177         include( "MuonEventAthenaPool/" )
179     #include( "EventAthenaPool/" )
180     if doTruth:
181         include( "GeneratorObjectsAthenaPool/" )
182         #needed to read MuonEntryRecord
183         include( "G4SimAthenaPOOL/" )
185 #--------------------------------------------------------------
186 # file selection for data from POOL
187 #--------------------------------------------------------------
188 if testDC7:
189     ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "/afs/"]
190 else:
191     # careful when ignoring tag - this is dangerous !
192     #GeoModelSvc.IgnoreTagDifference = True
193     t = []
194     filseq = range(50)
195     if test5:
196         filseq = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
197     elif test10:
198         filseq = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]
199     elif test100:
200         filseq = [121,166]
201     elif test500:
202         filseq = [13]    
203     elif testJ7:
204         filseq = [4382]
205     elif testZmumu:
206         filseq = [1,2,3,5,6]
208     for i in filseq:
209         if test5:
210             s = "castor:/castor/"+"%05d"%(i)+".pool.root"
211         elif test10:
212             s = "castor:/castor/"+"%05d"%(i)+".pool.root.1"
213         elif test100:
214             #s = "castor:/castor/"+"%05d"%(i)+".pool.root.1"
215             s = "/afs/"+"%05d"%(i)+".pool.root"
216         elif test500:
217             s = "castor:/castor/"+"%05d"%(i)+".pool.root.1"
218         elif testJ7:
219             s = "/afs/"+"%05d"%(i)+".pool.root.1"
220         elif testZmumu:
221             s = "/afs/"+"%05d"%(i)+".pool.root.1"        
222         elif dataMbias:
223             s = "castor:/castor/"+"%05d"%(i+1)+".pool.root"
226         t.append(s)
228     #print "%s"%t
229     ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = t
231 #--------------------------------------------------------------
232 # Set output level threshold (ALL, VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL) 
233 #--------------------------------------------------------------
234 ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel  = INFO
235 ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 999999
237 #--------------------------------------------------------------
238 # (re-)configure the iPatRec algorithms
239 #--------------------------------------------------------------
240 from iPatRecAlgs.iPatRecAlgsConf import iPatRec
241 iPatRec.maxSecondaryImpact           = 100.0*mm
242 iPatRec.minPt                        = 0.4*GeV
243 iPatRec.printLevel                   = 2   # 2 gives parameters of found tracks
244 iPatRec.TracksLocation               = "Tracks"
246 from iPatRecAlgs.iPatRecAlgsConf import iPatStatistics
247 iPatStatistics.minPt             = iPatRec.minPt
249 #iPatTrackTruthAssociator.OutputLevel      = DEBUG
252 #--------------------------------------------------------------
253 # ... and tools
254 #--------------------------------------------------------------
255 from iPatTrackFitter.iPatTrackFitterConf import TrackFitter
256 #ToolSvc += TrackFitter(name = 'TrackFitter', OutputLevel  = DEBUG)
257 from TrkiPatFitter.TrkiPatFitterConf import Trk__iPatFitter
258 #ToolSvc += Trk__iPatFitter(name = 'iPatFitter', OutputLevel  = VERBOSE)
259 from iPatTrackFinder.iPatTrackFinderConf import TrackFinder
260 ToolSvc += TrackFinder(name = 'TrackFinder',
261                        OutputLevel           = INFO,
262                        searchForPrimaries    = True,
263                        searchForSecondaries  = True,
264                        searchForVertexRegion = True)
266 #--------------------------------------------------------------
267 # in case you want to set the magnetic field off 
268 #--------------------------------------------------------------
269 #TrajectorySvc = Service( "TrajectorySvc" )
270 # ServiceMgr.TrajectorySvc.magneticFieldOff = True
271 # ServiceMgr.TrajectorySvc.parametrizeSolenoid = False
273 #--------------------------------------------------------------
274 # set tolerances for misaligned data
275 #--------------------------------------------------------------
276 # ToolSvc.AlignmentTolerances.sigmaPixelBarrel  = [0.100*mm, 0.010*mm, 0.100*mm]  #  r, rphi, z
277 # ToolSvc.AlignmentTolerances.sigmaPixelEndcap  = [0.100*mm, 0.010*mm, 0.100*mm]  #  r, rphi, z
278 # ToolSvc.AlignmentTolerances.sigmaSCT_Barrel   = [0.100*mm, 0.010*mm, 0.100*mm]  #  r, rphi, z
279 # ToolSvc.AlignmentTolerances.sigmaSCT_Endcap   = [0.100*mm, 0.010*mm, 0.100*mm]  #  r, rphi, z
281 #==============================================================
282 # End of iPatRecExample job options file
283 #
284 ###############################################################

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