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Library of Congress Subject Headings
Tentative (Unapproved) List 22 (May 31, 2006)

SACO participants should contact their SACO liaison on the Cooperative Cataloging Team with comments/questions.

Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A) indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C) indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries. Note: Diacritics and special characters are not displayed in this list. In order to verify the presence and accuracy of diacritics for a specific heading, use the LC ILS to view the full subject authority record for the heading.

    150  3.1 Tongnip Sonon Kinyomt ap (Seoul, Korea)   [sp2006003380]       
     450    UF Monument for Declaration of Independence, 1st March, 1919     
               (Seoul, Korea)                                                
     450    UF Samil Tongnip Sonon Kinyomt ap (Seoul, Korea)                 
     550    BT Monuments--Korea (South)                                      
     150  Monuments--Korea (South)   [sp2006003443]                          
(C)  150  Absinthe in literature   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006003229]          
   * 150  Aging--Nutritional aspects   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp      
          85002206 ]                                                         
   * 450    UF Nutritional causes of aging   CANCEL                          
   * 450    UF Nutrition--Aging effect   CANCEL                              
   * 550    BT Nutrition                                                     
   * 150  Animals--Diseases--Nutritional aspects   [May Subd Geog]           
          ADD GEOG   [sp 85037855 ]                                          
   * 150  Cancer--Nutritional aspects   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp     
          85019517 ]                                                         
   * 053       RC268.45                                                      
   * 150  Cattle--Diseases--Nutritional aspects   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG 
          [sp 93006363 ]                                                     
   * 150  Corn--Diseases and pests--Nutritional aspects   [May Subd Geog]    
          ADD GEOG   [sp 98005115 ]                                          
   * 150  Heart--Surgery--Nutritional aspects   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   
          [sp 85059717 ]                                                     
   * 150  Longevity--Nutritional aspects   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp  
          85078288 ]                                                         
   * 550    BT Aging--Nutritional aspects   CANCEL                           
   * 550    BT Nutrition                                                     
     151  Alexander Island (Antarctica)   [sp2006003313]                     
     451    UF Alexander I Island (Antarctica)                               
     451    UF Alexander I Land (Antarctica)                                 
     451    UF Alexander Land (Antarctica)                                   
     451    UF Alexander The First Island (Antarctica)                       
     451    UF Isla Alejandro I (Antarctica)                                 
     550    BT Islands--Antarctica                                           
(C)  150  American sycamore   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002855]               
     053       QK495.P72 (Botany)                                            
     053       SD397.A (Forestry)                                            
     450    UF American planetree                                            
     450    UF Buttonball                                                    
     450    UF Buttonwood                                                    
     450    UF Eastern sycamore                                              
     450    UF Platanus occidentalis                                         
     550    BT Sycamores                                                     
   * 150  Sycamore   CANCEL                                                  
     150  Sycamores   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85131377 ]                       
     053       QK495.P72                                                     
     053       SD397.S8 (Forestry)                                           
     450    UF Buttonballs                                                   
     450    UF Buttonwoods                                                   
     450    UF Platanus                                                      
     450    UF Sycamore   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                          
     550    BT Platanaceae                                                   
   * 150  Animal nutrition--Requirements   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp  
          87007870 ]                                                         
   * 150  Cattle--Nutrition--Requirements   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 
          87007872 ]                                                         
   * 150  Fishes--Nutrition--Requirements   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 
          87007874 ]                                                         
   * 150  Infants--Nutrition--Requirements   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG      
          [sp 85066040 ]                                                     
   * 150  Infants (Premature)--Nutrition--Requirements   [May Subd Geog]     
          ADD GEOG   [sp 85066070 ]                                          
   * 150  Nutrition--Requirements   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp         
          85093463 ]                                                         
(C)  151  Askja (Iceland)   [sp2006003228]                                   
     550    BT Calderas--Iceland                                             
     550    BT Volcanoes--Iceland                                            
(C)  150  Calderas--Iceland   [sp2006003227]                                 
(C)  151  Belvoir Park Forest (Belfast, Northern Ireland)   [sp2006003249]   
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT Forest reserves--Northern Ireland                             
     550    BT Parks--Northern Ireland                                       
     110  Burg- und Klosteranlage Oybin (Saxony, Germany)   [sp2006003355]   
     410    UF Burg und Kloster Oybin (Saxony, Germany)                      
     550    BT Castles--Germany                                              
     151  Cabora Bassa, Lake (Mozambique)   [sp2006003353]                   
     451    UF Lago de Cabora Bassa (Mozambique)                             
     550    BT Lakes--Mozambique                                             
     151  Calle Chile (Quito, Ecuador)   [sp2006003430]                      
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF Chile Street (Quito, Ecuador)                                 
     550    BT Streets--Ecuador                                              
(C)  151  Catley Priory Site (England)   [sp2006002831]                      
     551    BT England--Antiquities                                          
   * 150  Chamaecyparis nootkatensis   CANCEL                                
(C) 150  Callitropsis nootkatensis   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85022408 ]       
     053       QK494.5.C975                                                  
     450    UF Alaska cedar                                                  
     450    UF Alaska cypress                                                
     450    UF Alaska yellow cedar                                           
     450    UF Cedar, Alaska                                                 
     450    UF Cedar, Nootka                                                 
     450    UF Cedar, Yellow                                                 
     450    UF Chamaecyparis nootkatensis   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]        
     450    UF Cupressus nootkatensis                                        
     450    UF Cypress, Alaska                                               
     450    UF Cypress, Nootka                                               
     450    UF Cypress, Sitka                                                
     450    UF Cypress, Yellow                                               
     450    UF Falsecypress, Nootka                                          
     450    UF Nootka cedar                                                  
     450    UF Nootka cypress                                                
     450    UF Nootka falsecypress                                           
     450    UF Sitka cypress                                                 
     450    UF Xanthocyparis nootkatensis                                    
     450    UF Yellow cedar                                                  
     450    UF Yellow cypress                                                
     550    BT Callitropsis                                                  
(A)  150  Chemogenomics   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003369]                   
     053       RM301.3.G45                                                   
     450    UF Genomes--Effect of chemicals on                               
     550    BT Biochemical genetics                                          
     550    BT Chemicals--Physiological  effect                              
     150  Chilean literature--Arab authors   [sp 91004524 ]                  
   * 450    UF Arabic literature (Chilean)   CANCEL                          
(A)  150  Coffin, Wiki (Fictitious character)   [Not Subd Geog]              
     450    UF Wiki Coffin (Fictitious character)                            
(C)  150  Common interest communities   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003265]     
     450    UF CIC's (Housing)                                               
     450    UF Common interest developments                                  
     450    UF Common interest housing                                       
     450    UF Common ownership developments                                 
     550    BT Community                                                     
     550    BT Dwellings--Social aspects                                     
     550    RT Common interest realty associations                           
(C)  150  Common interest realty associations   [May Subd Geog]              
     450    UF CIRA's (Property owners associations)                         
     550    BT Home ownership                                                
     550    RT Common interest communities                                   
(A)  150  Construction Master Pro (Calculator)   [Not Subd Geog]             
     550    BT Calculators                                                   
     150  Corn--Effect of storms on   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003351]       
     681       Example under Storms                                          
     150  Storms   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85128401 ]                          
   * 360    SA subdivision Effect of storms on under individual animals and  
               groups of animals, e.g. Fishes--Effect of storms on   CANCEL  
   * 360    SA subdivision Effect of storms on under individual animals and  
               groups of animals, and individual plants and groups of        
               plants, e.g. Fishes--Effect of storms on; Corn--Effect of     
               storms on                                                     

      180   --Effect of storms on     [May Subd Geog]   [sp 00004588]
   * 680        Use as a topical subdivision under individual animals and
                  groups of animals and individual plants and groups of plants.                                         
(C) 150  Critical theory   [sp 88002456 ]                                   
   * 450    UF Critical social theory                                        
   * 450    UF Negative philosophy                                           
   * 550    BT Rationalism                                                   
   * 550    RT Socialism                                                     
     150  Socialism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85124118 ]                       
   * 550    RT Critical theory                                               
(C)  100  De Valera family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006003243]                
(A)  151  Denning Point (N.Y.)   [sp2006003375]                              
     451    UF Denning's Point (N.Y.)                                        
     550    BT Capes (Coasts)--New York (State)                              
(C)  150  Disincorporation   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002943]                
     550    BT Corporation law                                               
(C)  151  Druridge Bay (England)   [sp2006002861]                            
     550    BT Bays--England                                                 
(C)  110  Dunstaffnage Castle (Scotland)   [sp2006003250]                    
     550    BT Castles--Scotland                                             
     150  Electric violoncello   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005006932]            
     053       ML910-ML915 (History)                                         
     053       MT300-MT318 (Instruction)                                     
     450    UF E-cello                                                       
     450    UF Electronic violoncello                                        
     550    BT Electronic musical instruments                                
     550    BT Violoncello                                                   
     150  Electric violoncello music   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002757]      
     053       M50-M54                                                       
     680       Here are entered compositions not in a specific form or of a  
          specific type for solo electric violoncello, and collections of    
          compositions in several forms or types for solo electric           
     680       The term "electric violoncello" is used as a medium of        
          performance in headings for works for one or two solo instruments. 
          In headings for other works that include electric violoncello, the 
          generic term "violoncello" is used as the medium of performance.   
     550    BT Violoncello music                                             
     360    SA headings for forms and types of music that include "electric  
               violoncello," "violoncello," "electric violoncellos," or      
               "violoncellos" and headings with medium of performance that   
               include "electric violoncello," "violoncello," "electric      
               violoncellos," or "violoncellos"; also the headings Piano     
               quartets, Piano quintets, Piano trios, String quartets, and   
               String trios                                                  
(A)  150  Electronic portfolios in education   [May Subd Geog]               
     053       LB1029.P67                                                    
     450    UF ePortfolios in education                                      
     550    BT Teaching--Aids and devices                                    
     150  Engraving, Austrian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003541]             
     450    UF Austrian engraving                                            
(C)  150  Eolia (Fictitious character : D'Anterny)   [Not Subd Geog]         
     450    UF Eolia, princesse de Nenucie (Fictitious character)            
     450    UF Eolia de Massoret (Fictitious character)                      
     450    UF Eolia de Massoret, princesse de Nenucie (Fictitious           
     150  Fascism and sports   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003423]              
     450    UF Sports and fascism                                            
     550    BT Sports                                                        
     150  Faw, Battle of, Faw, Iraq, 1988   [sp2006003432]                   
     450    UF Fao, Battle of, Faw, Iraq, 1988                               
     550    BT Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988--Campaigns--Iraq                     
     150  Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988--Campaigns   [sp2006003579]               
     150  Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988--Campaigns--Iraq   [sp2006003580]         
     151  Hagatna Bay (Guam)   [sp2006003382]                                
     451    UF Agana Bay (Guam)                                              
     550    BT Bays--Guam                                                    
(C)  110  High House (Ings, England)   [sp2006003253]                        
     550    BT Dwellings--England                                            
     150  Ingush fiction   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003439]                  
     053       PK9201.I65 (History)                                          
     053       PK9201.I676 (Collections)                                     
     550    BT Ingush literature                                             
     150  Historical fiction, Ingush   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003438]      
     450    UF Ingush historical fiction                                     
     550    BT Ingush fiction                                                
(C)  150  Ipogeo Varrese (Canosa di Puglia, Italy)   [sp2006003263]          
     450    UF Tomba Varrese (Canosa di Puglia, Italy)                       
     450    UF Varrese Tomb (Canosa di Puglia, Italy)                        
     550    BT Tombs--Italy                                                  
(C)  151  Via Emilia (Italy)   [sp2006003244]                                
     451    UF Aemilia, Via (Italy)                                          
     451    UF Emilia, Via (Italy)                                           
     451    UF Via Aemilia (Italy)                                           
     550    BT Roads, Roman--Italy                                           
(A)  150  Iranian American authors   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003349]        
     450    UF Authors, Iranian American                                     
     550    BT Authors, American                                             
   * 150  Islam and justice   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 85068415 ]    
   * 450    UF Justice and Islam                                             
     150  Italian American grocers   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003436]        
     450    UF Grocers, Italian American                                     
     550    BT Grocers--United States                                        
     151  Jardin d'agronomie tropicale (Paris, France)   [sp2006003356]      
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT Gardens--France                                               
     151  Kaimai Range (N.Z.)   [sp2006003346]                               
     550    BT Mountains--New Zealand                                        
     150  Koreanists   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003348]                      
     053       DS905.8-DS905.82 (Biography)                                  
     450    UF Korean studies specialists                                    
     550    BT Asianists                                                     
     151  Kyrgyzstan--Foreign relations   [sp2006003582]                     
     151  Kyrgyzstan--Foreign relations--1991-      [sp2006003547]           
   * 150  Law and literature   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 85075297 ]   
(C)  150  Limestone mines and mining   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003225]      
     550    BT Limestone industry                                            
     550    BT Mines and mineral resources                                   
(C)  150  Limestone mines and mining--England   [sp2006003226]               
(C)  151  Byfield Mine (Combe Down, England)   [sp2006003206]                
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT Limestone mines and mining--England                           
(C)  151  Little Missouri River (Ark.)   [sp2006002562]                      
     451    UF El Pequeno Misouri (Ark.)                                     
     451    UF La Petit Missouri (Ark.)                                      
     550    BT Rivers--Arkansas                                              
(C)  110  Londesborough Hall (England)   [sp2006002860]                      
     410    UF Londesborough House (England)                                 
     550    BT Dwellings--England                                            
     150  Mauna  Ala (Honolulu, Hawaii)   [sp2006003437]                     
     450    UF Royal Mausoleum (Honolulu, Hawaii)                            
     550    BT Mausoleums--Hawaii                                            
     150  Mausoleums--Hawaii   [sp2006003571]                                
     151  Mleczka River (Poland)   [sp2006003103]                            
     550    BT Rivers--Poland                                                
     150  Music--Mathematics   [sp2006003322]                                
     150  Music and probability   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003321]           
     450    UF Probability and music                                         
     550    BT Music--Mathematics                                            
     550    BT Probabilities                                                 
(A)  150  National characteristics, Roman, in literature   [Not Subd Geog]   
     150  Olympics   [sp 85094647 ]                                          
   * 680       Here are entered comprehensive works on the Olympics. Works   
          on the Olympic events of a particular year are entered under the   
          appropriate name heading, e.g. Olympic Games (21st : 1976 :        
          Montreal, Quebec).   CANCEL                                        
   * 680       Here are entered comprehensive works on the Olympics, as well 
          as general works on the summer Olympics. General works on the      
          winter Olympics are entered under Winter Olympics. Works on the    
          summer or winter Olympic games of a particular year are entered    
          under the appropriate name heading, e.g. Olympic Games (21st :     
          1976 : Montreal, Quebec); Olympic Winter Games (20th : 2006 :      
          Turin, Italy)                                                      
     150  Winter Olympics   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 85147037 ]              
   * 680       Here are entered general works on the winter Olympics. Works  
          on the winter Olympic games of a particular year are entered under 
          the appropriate name heading, e.g. Olympic Winter Games (20th :    
          2006 : Turin, Italy).                                              
(C)  150  Operation Kailua, 1966   [sp2006000107]                            
     450    UF Kailua, Operation, 1966                                       
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Kamuela, 1966   [sp2006000108]                           
     450    UF Kamuela, Operation, 1966                                      
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Katum, 1971   [sp2006000109]                             
     450    UF Katum, Operation, 1971                                        
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Kawela, 1967   [sp2006000110]                            
     450    UF Kawela, Operation, 1967                                       
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Keystone Blue Jay, 1970   [sp2006000111]                 
     450    UF Keystone Blue Jay, Operation, 1970                            
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Kipapa, 1966   [sp2006000112]                            
     450    UF Kipapa, Operation, 1966                                       
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Montana Raider, 1969   [sp2006000203]                    
     450    UF Montana Raider, Operation, 1969                               
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Nathan Hale, 1966   [sp2006000204]                       
     450    UF Nathan Hale, Operation, 1966                                  
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Nevada Eagle, 1968-1969   [sp2006000205]                 
     450    UF Nevada Eagle, Operation, 1968-1969                            
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Norton Falls, 1969   [sp2006000206]                      
     450    UF Norton Falls, Operation, 1969                                 
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Oahu, 1966   [sp2006000207]                              
     450    UF Oahu, Operation, 1966                                         
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Paddington, 1967   [sp2006000221]                        
     450    UF Paddington, Operation, 1967                                   
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Palm Beach II, 1967   [sp2006000222]                     
     450    UF Operation Palm Beach II/Coronado, 1967                        
     450    UF Palm Beach II, Operation, 1967                                
     450    UF Palm Beach II/Coronado, Operation, 1967                       
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Pershing II, 1968   [sp2006000223]                       
     450    UF Pershing II, Operation, 1968                                  
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Pittsburg, 1967   [sp2006000224]                         
     450    UF Pittsburg, Operation, 1967                                    
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Pocahontas Forest, 1968   [sp2006000225]                 
     450    UF Pocahontas Forest, Operation, 1968                            
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
(C)  150  Operation Quick Kick II, 1966   [sp2006000335]                     
     450    UF Quick Kick II, Operation, 1966                                
     550    BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns                             
   * 150  Ordnance   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 85095395 ]             
     110  Palazzo Canale (Capri, Italy)   [sp2006003387]                     
     410    UF Canale, Palazzo (Capri, Italy)                                
     410    UF Lo Palazzo (Capri, Italy)                                     
     410    UF Palazzo inglese (Capri, Italy)                                
     550    BT Dwellings--Italy                                              
     151  Panahgah-i Hayat-i Vahsh-i Mutah (Iran)   [sp2006003422]           
     451    UF Mooteh Refuge (Iran)                                          
     451    UF Mutah Refuge (Iran)                                           
     550    BT National parks and reserves--Iran                             
     550    BT Wildlife refuges--Iran                                        
     150  Wildlife refuges--Iran   [sp2006003548]                            
     150  Pavara (Indic people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003447]           
     450    UF Pavra (Indic people)                                          
     550    BT Bhil (Indic people)                                           
     550    BT Ethnology--India                                              
     550    BT Tribes--India                                                 
(C)  110  Pavillon de Brimborion (Meudon, France)   [sp2006002864]           
     550    BT Pavilions--France                                             
     151  Piazza delle erbe (Savona, Italy)   [sp2006003370]                 
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF Erbe, Piazza delle (Savona, Italy)                            
     550    BT Plazas--Italy                                                 
     151  Pine Swamp (New London County, Conn.)   [sp2006003378]             
     451    UF Mast Swamp (New London County, Conn.)                         
     451    UF Owls Nest (New London County, Conn. : Swamp)                  
     550    BT Swamps--Connecticut                                           
     150  Swamps--Connecticut   [sp2006003360]                               
     110  Plaza de Acho (Lima, Peru)   [sp2006003441]                        
     550    BT Bull rings--Peru                                              
     150  Bull rings--Peru   [sp2006003440]                                  
     151  Poland--Civilization--1795-1918   [sp2006003345]                   
     150  Project method in teaching   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85107347 ]      
   * 450    UF Project-based learning                                        
(C)  151  Promenade des Anglais (Nice, France)   [sp2006003374]              
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT Streets--France                                               
     550    BT Waterfronts--France                                           
     150  Waterfronts--France   [sp2006003442]                               
(C)  151  Queen's Park Estate (London, England)   [sp2006002832]             
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT Planned communities--England                                  
(A)  150  Quinn, Nina (Fictitious character)   [Not Subd Geog]               
     450    UF Nina Quinn (Fictitious character)                             
(C)  151  Samogitian Highland (Lithuania)   [sp2006003551]                   
     451    UF Zemaiciai Highland (Lithuania)                                
     451    UF Zemaiciu aukstuma (Lithuania)                                 
     451    UF Zemaiciu Highland (Lithuania)                                 
     550    BT Uplands--Lithuania                                            
     150  Uplands--Lithuania   [sp2006003567]                                
     150  Stockholm Bloodbath, Stockholm, Sweden, 1520   [sp2006003539]      
     450    UF Stockholm Massacre, Stockholm, Sweden, 1520                   
     550    BT Massacres--Sweden                                             
     150  Massacres--Sweden   [sp2006003581]                                 
(C)  150  Theater in motion pictures   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006002865]      
(C) 150  Transsexuals   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85137086 ]                    
   * 450    UF Trans people                                                  
   * 450    UF TG people                                                     
   * 450    UF TGs (Transgendered people)                                    
   * 150  Uilleann pipes   CANCEL                                            
     150  Uilleann pipe   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 87006045 ]                   
     053       ML980 (History)                                               
     053       MT530 (Instruction)                                           
     450    UF Irish organ                                                   
     450    UF Uilean pipe                                                   
     450    UF Uileann pipe                                                  
     450    UF Uilliann pipes   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                    
     450    UF Union pipe   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                        
     550    BT Bagpipe                                                       
   * 150  Uilleann pipes music   CANCEL                                      
(C)  150  Uilleann pipe music   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 98005231 ]             
     680       Here are entered compositions not in a specific form or of a  
          specific type for one performer playing the uilleann pipe, and     
          collections of compositions in several forms or types for one      
          performer playing the uilleann pipe.                               
     450    UF Uilleann pipes  music   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]             
     450    UF Union pipe music   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                  
     360    SA headings for forms and types of music that include "uilleann  
               pipe" and headings with medium of performance that include    
               "uilleann pipe"                                               
(A)  151  United States Highway 15   [sp2006003384]                          
     451    UF Highway 15 (U.S.)                                             
     451    UF Old Carolina Road                                             
     451    UF Route 15 (U.S.)                                               
     451    UF U.S. 15                                                       
     451    UF U.S. Highway 15                                               
     451    UF U.S. Route 15                                                 
     451    UF United States Route 15                                        
     550    BT Roads--United States                                          
(A)  151  Virginia Route 20 (Va.)   [sp2006003386]                           
     451    UF Route 20 (Va.)                                                
     451    UF State Route 20 (Va.)                                          
     550    BT Roads--Virginia                                               
     110  Washington County Courthouse (Machias, Me.)   [sp2006003549]       
     550    BT Courthouses--Maine                                            
     150  Courthouses--Maine   [sp2006003583]                                
     110  Weobley Castle (Wales)   [sp2006003544]                            
     410    UF Castell Weble (Wales)                                         
     550    BT Castles--Wales                                                
(A,C)150  Women journalists in literature   [Not Subd Geog]                  
     150  Wooden-frame houses   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85147932 ]             
   * 550    BT Dwellings                                                     
(C)  151  Wren's Nest National Nature Reserve (Dudley, England)              
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT National parks and reserves--England                          
     550    BT Natural areas--England                                        
     110  Zamek Grodziec (Grodziec, Wojewodztwo Dolnoslaskie, Poland)        
     410    UF Grodziec Castle (Grodziec, Wojewodztwo Dolnoslaskie,          
     410    UF Zamek w Grodzcu (Grodziec, Wojewodztwo Dolnoslaskie,          
     550    BT Castles--Poland        


                              Proposals for the Name Authority File  

      151   Strasbourg (Free imperial city)   [n 2006029829]
    * 667      SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a subject.
               Works about this place are entered under Strasbourg (France).

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