:Ex~s1av. Stori•s Page Five ( T.xas) ‘He 3. ook up de river and he seed dat imoke The re de Lj*coln gunboat s lay. Ke big ~ *uff and. he old. ‚ tuff and he ort er know bet t.r, But he go*e and nia aw~. tNow dat overseer wa~it to give trouble And trot ~te ‘round g spell, But we lock him up in cli smokehouse cs]lar, With d• key done throwed In de well. ~ ~ “Right after dat I start to be boy what rua mail froa camp to caap for d. soj•rs. On, tiae I capture by a busch of deserters what w~a hidt*1 in de woods ‘long Pacolet River. Day did~n‘t hurt me, tbou~gh, but dey sos‘ scare ~e to dsath. Dsy parol~. and tun me 1002e. “All four my youig aase*s go to de war, all but ~li~s. Re too old, Smith, he kilt at Manaseas J~nctioit. Nath~ he git he finger shot at de first round at Port Suater. B~it when Billy was w~inded at Howard Gap in North Carolina and dey braug hi~ home with he jaw split opea, :i: so aad I could have kilt all de Ta~kees. I say I be h~py iffea I could kill a• joB, oze Taikee. I hated ds~ ‘cause d.y hurt my ithite people. Billy was disfigure awful whei be jaw split and he teeth all shine through he cheek “After was was ovsr, old aassa call us up and told. u.s is fr.. but he ‘~is• not lea,e d. place till de crop was through. Us all stay. Dsi ~1e islect ~ua hoaes and. ~ovs to it. Us folks move to S Littlejoha‘d, north of Thick.tty Creek, whsrs us stay two yir. Dia us move beck to Billy Lips-‘ o oab, de yoi.tag ~aesa, sad et~y ~ dire two nor. year • I ‚ s right saart gooc~ ba*jo pick~r iz c1e~ d4~y. :i kin ‘meaber ois dia songs jest ~ good todq~ as wh.i I pick it. ~t was: ~ tIarly ii d~e iao!*ia‘ . DO*‘ t you hear cli togs grki‘? :Bow, wows wowi .~ .