DOE Human Genome Program Coordination


The Human Genome Program (HGP) Field Operations office assists the management of the DOE Human Genome Program in coordination of DOE-funded research and evaluation of the progress and impact of the Program. The Human Genome Coordinating Committee, HGCC, was created by the Office of Health and Environmental Research in October 1988. Its members represent the Human Genome Program's efforts at the national laboratory Genome Centers, as well as grantees of the program. The quarterly meetings of the HGCC are day-long sessions. Representatives of other agencies and groups, including NSF, HUGO, NCHGR, and USDA, are invited to attend each session. In addition, the memorandum of understanding between DOE and NIH (October 1988) established a joint subcommittee of HERAC and the NCHGR Program Advisory Committee (now the Genome Council) to coordinate the research effort of the two US agencies most deeply involved in the genome program.


Field Operations is responsible for not only organizing the activities of the HGCC and its subcommittees, but also for production of major meetings of the Programs, coordination of joint DOE-NIH activities and support for the development of new initiatives. In consultation with OHER, the office develops and organizes the agenda and material for each meeting of the HGCC. The office also coordinates and participates in meetings of the task forces and working groups established by the HGCC in order to provide timely reports on activities to the HGCC and the Genome Program Manager. Other activities include writing and editing reports of committees and preparing materials for publication from the HGCC. New initiatives or seed projects are also supported under the direction of OHER. These include new technologies, working groups, and supporting the planning for development of database and other computational initiatives.

HGP Field Operations Core Team

Sylvia J. Spengler, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator of the Human Genome Program Field Operations in the Life Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Associate Director of the Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology at the University of California at Berkeley.

Personal Research Interests:


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop 1-459
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: (510) 486-4879

Personal Research Interests:

Address responses

Sylvia Spengler
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop 1-459
Berkeley, CA 94720


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