Comment Number: OL-102653
Received: 4/14/2004 9:18:16 AM
Commenter: Laurette Trudeau
State: Not in the US
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


Re: CAN-SPAM Act Rulemaking, Project No. R411008 To the Commissioners, I applaud your efforts to curb the problem of unsolicited bulk email. However, I am concerned about the proposed requirement for merchants to maintain suppression lists. When I subscribe to a list i expect to receive my information until such time as I no longer want it. at that time a simple request to unsubscribe should be enough. However many internet advertisers still do not provide a "unsubscribe" email address. Or make you go to great lenghts to be able to unsubscribe such as going to a special web site site and logging into an account. You should be able to unsubscribe from an email message. Email marketing is a good thing. I learn of many new products that way and I want it to be able to contimue. There's also the potential for significant harm to consumers, because of the problem of properly knowing their intent when they unsubscribe from a list. On top of that, these suppression lists could easily fall into the hands of spammers, leading to more spam instead of less. I was quite surprised at the potential problems this ruling could involve, and urge you in the strongest possible terms to reconsider its implementation in light of these problems, Respectfully, Laurette Trudeau Ontario, Canada