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Jewish law, values and the social issues arising from HIV disease.

Freedman B; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 1989 Jun 4-9; 5: 830 (abstract no. W.E.O.28).

McGill University and the Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Canada

Jewish law (halakha) and associated literature comprises one of the oldest and most developed systems for the analysis of bioethical issues. The method employed proceeds by means of analogical reasoning from concretized values and ethical schemata. The schemata relevant to HIV include the extent and particulars of the duty to guard against infection as relevant to, e.g., blood and body fluid precautions; the commandment of "caring for/visiting the sick" [bikkur cholim] as related to AIDS care and hospices; social and medical confidentiality [prohibitions on 'talebearing,' r'khilut and lashon hara]; and, the adjudication of conflicts between a duty to aid another and the duty to preserve one's own health. Details of these halakhic schemata as applied to current difficult social issues raised by HIV disease are of interest in their own right, and provide a useful contrasting perspective on values and their prioritization.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Bioethical Issues
  • Confidentiality
  • Counseling
  • Ethics, Medical
  • Ethnic Groups
  • HIV Infections
  • HIV Seropositivity
  • Judaism
  • Legislation
  • ethics
  • legislation & jurisprudence
Other ID:
  • 00437489
UI: 102180273

From Meeting Abstracts

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