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What being a Junior Special Agent Means to Me


"Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right." - Proverbs 20:11

This past Sunday, my grandfather, Joseph F. Washington, hosted a family cook-out honoring his eleven grandchildren. Five of us were his natural and six he had adopted. "SAVE THE CHILDREN" was his theme. The purpose was to give the children direction on how to make the right choices in life so that we could have everything that we are entitled to like a job, home, and education. The first thing we learned was the Bible's commandment to honor and respect our parents and elders so that our life may be long. We also were told to put family before friends. For example, if a person brings assorted candy to school everyday, everyone will want to be that person's friend. If that person stops bringing candy, his popularity will go down and he will have no more friends. The point is, when you don't have anything to give to your family, it does not matter but sometimes you only have friends when you can give or do something for them.

We were also taught how important getting a good education is but the best education comes from getting to know and learn about God. I was picked to read out loud the Bible verse that says a child is known by his actions. For instance, if a child has a bad reputation for fighting all the time, the word might spread when he tries to get into a new school. If a student does above average work, getting good grades might get him a scholarship. Each of these lessons came from our parents and relatives who said they were once children so they have been there and done that. They said it takes a village to raise a child. These lessons are very valuable and help us in our everyday life.

When I was thinking about the subject of this essay and what it means to be a Junior Special Agent, I could not forget that Sunday lesson. I realize everything Pop-Pop told me that day is helping me to write on this day. Being a Junior Special Agent starts first with me being a special person. I must be a good son at home honoring my parents and elders and helping my little brother, Christopher, by being an example of a protective, big brother. At school, I strive to be a model student doing my best to follow my teacher's advice and excelling in every subject.

I spent my whole summer vacation campaigning for the new mayor, Anthony A. Williams. I passed out flyers, participated in photo shoots and the pictures of me and my brother were put on literature that was mailed out across the city. I helped my aunt, Jeri Washington, who ran the Ward 7 Williams Campaign Office answer phones, make yard signs, attend a press conference at Orr School on education, and I was at the Inaugural Celebration. All of this helped me become involved in my community and meet a lot of community leaders like Anthony Williams, Paul Savage, Sam Bost, Matthew Shannon, Don Murray, Miss Lorraine Whitlock, Roscoe Grant, Pastor Senger, Barbara Bullock, and many others who talked about bringing good things into our community like a sit-down restaurant and to fix the escalators at Penn-Branch Shopping Center.
The experience and qualities I have already acquired makes me a better Junior Special Agent who is proactive, motivated, responsible, drug-free, and non-violent. I want to be a leader, not a follower, a doer not a sayer, and a good model not just a bad example. Even though I am a child, I want to be known by my actions like being a Junior Special Agent instead of being a menace to society like a lot of news report young black males are.

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