Reviving the Spirit: 30 Days of Reentry Reflection

January 14 – February 12, 2007

Schedule of Events
January 14 (Sunday) – Justice Sunday,” coordinated by the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice, and the National Alliance of Faith and Justice. Events urging community service will be held at the following faith institutions:
• Peace Baptist Church – NE
• Campbell AME Church – SE
• New Commandment Baptist Church - NW
• Mt. Sinai Baptist Church - NW
• Church of Scientology – NW
• Covenant Baptist Church - SW
January 15 (Monday) – Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Holiday. CSOSA staff will participate in volunteer community service at Food & Friends, located at 219 Riggs Road, NE, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.
January 18 (Thursday) – “Call to Action.” An outreach event to expand participation in CSOSA’s Faith Community Partnership. It will be held at Gallaudet University’s Kellogg Conference Center, located at 800 Florida Avenue, NE, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Community Supervision Officers (CSOs), mentors, mentees, clergy and seminarians will participate.
January 20 (Saturday) – Previously Incarcerated Persons (PIPs) Unity Luncheon. This event will be coordinated by PIPs and held at Allen Chapel AME Church, located at 2498 Alabama Avenue, SE, from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm.
January 27 (Saturday) – Women’s Reentry Forum: “Life After Release.” A forum coordinated by CSOSA’s Faith Community Partnership and held at New Commandment Baptist Church, 625 Park Road, NW, from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. Women on community supervision and women housed at the Fairview Residential Reentry Center will participate.  Click here for Program information.
February 3 (Saturday)
“Reviving the Spirit,” an event coordinated by CSOSA and held at Pilgrim Baptist Church, 700 Eye Street, NE, from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm. CSOs, mentors and mentees will attend workshops focused on building and sustaining the spirit to succeed. 
Note: The date for this event has been postponed.
February 6 (Tuesday) – Reentry Health Summit, "Staying Healthy, Staying Free,"  coordinated by the DC One-Stop Reentry Service Center, 
and held at THE ARC, 1901 Mississippi Avenue, SE, from 
8:15 am – 3:00 pm.  See: Invitation dated January 29, 2007
February 8 (Thursday) – Citywide Reentry Assembly: Mentees are Making It,” coordinated by CSOSA’s Faith Community Partnership and held at St. Luke Center, 4923 East Capital Street, SE, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.
February 9 – 11 (Wknd.) – “Reentry Worship Weekend.” Reentry related services will be held at faith institutions across the city. See for the locations.

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Updated 2-07-2007