News from
Congressman Robert Aderholt
Fourth District, Alabama
November 18, 2002
Congressman Aderholt Remarks on the Ten Commandment Ruling
WASHINGTON, DC -- On Monday, a federal judge ruled that a Ten Commandments monument installed in Alabama's judicial building violates the Constitution's ban on government promotion of religion. Furthermore, the court ruled the item must be removed. Congressman Aderholt made the following statement on the matter:
"It was disappointing to learn of the decision by the U.S. District Court today concerning the display of the Ten Commandments in the Alabama Judicial building. The Ten Commandments represent the very cornerstone of the values this nation was built upon, and the basis of our legal system in America. The unique Constitutional freedoms we enjoy in the U.S. exist because of, not in spite of, the faith of those who founded this country. It is my belief and prayer that we live in a country in which the First Amendment of our Constitution guarantees the Freedom of Religion, not freedom from religion. Public expression of Faith has been eroded in the last thirty years chiefly by the federal courts, and this decision today is further evidence of this. I am confident this Federal District Court Decision handed down today in Montgomery will be reversed."


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