353 1759* HISTORICAL JOURNAL. thunder-ftorm. and fall of rain that can be conceived, fent to Brigadier Townfhend, and ordered Brigader Monckton to reimbark his divifion, and the fcattered corps of grenadiers, in the beft manner he could, the flat-bottomed boats being at hand for that pur-pofe. The enemy did not attempt to purfuej their ammunition mure undoubtedly have lhared the fame fate with our own, for the violence of the ftorm exceeded any defcription I can attempt to give of it. A few Indians came down to fcalp fome of our wounded on the beach. Upon this occafion it was, that Lieutenant Henry Peyton, of the Royal Americans, difplayed Jo much gallantry; for he, bein? at the fame time badly wounded, raifed himfelf up, and with his double-barrelled fujil killed two of thofe barbarians, one after the other, before they could execute their inhuman praSiice; and mull then have fallen a facrifice to others, but that Providence, willing to reward fo much merit, threw an honefl Highlander in his way, who happily took him up, and laid him in the bow of one of the boats, then ready to put off. By the excellent difpofition which Brigadier Monckton made on the beach, after he had collected all the troops that were on more, he reimbarked them without farther lofs, bringing away as many of the wounded as he could come at; and the army returned to their refpective camps. As the tide had left the armed cats dry, the Admiral fent orders to have the Officers and men taken out, and the hulks burned, left they fhould fall into the enemy's hands, to whom they might be ferviceable on fome future occafion. The lofs of our forces this day, killed, wounded, and miffing, including all ranks, amounted to four hundred and forty-three; among whom were two Captains and two Lieutenants flain on the fpot; one Colonel "*, fix Captains, nineteen Lieutenants, and three En-figns wounded. * Burton of the 48th regiment.