o8 HISTORY OF SETTLEMENTS AND TRADE book termined them to reimbark at the inftant they were '• informed that a plot was concerted to maffacre them. '—'----' Albuquerque, whoSe Spirit roSe Superior to oppofition and diScontent, reSolved to Starve the place, and de- prive it of fuccours by cutting of all communication. It muft certainly have fallen into his hands, had not three of his captains fhamefully abandoned him, and gone off with their Ships. To juftify their defertion, they were guilty of ftill blacker perfidy, in accufing their general of the moft atrocious crimes. This treachery obliged Albuquerque to defer the execution of bis defign for fome time, till he had all the national troops at his command. As foon as he was appointed viceroy, he appeared before Ormus with fo ftrong an armament, that a debauched court and an effeminate people, finding it in vain to make any refiftance, were obliged to fubmit. The fove- reign of Perfia had the confidence to demand tribute ofthe conqueror. Albuquerque ordered fome bullets, grenades, and fabres to be produced to the envoy, tell- ing him, that this was the kind of tribute paid by the king of Portugal. After this expedition, the power of the Portuguefe was fo firmly eftablifhed in the Arabian and Perfian Gulfs, and on the Malabar coaft, that they began to think of extending their conquefts into the eaftern parts of Afia. The Por tu- The ifland of Ceylon, which is eighty leagues long, «deform an(j tffirty at its greateft breadth, firft prefented itfelf a fettlement - ° ., , „ . * r -.: at Ceylon, to Albuquerque, ln the moft remote ages ot anti- quity, it was well known by the name of Taprobane. We have no accounts tranfmitted to us of the revolu- tions it has undergone. All that hiftory relates wor- thy of remark is, that the laws were formerly holden in fuch refped there, that the monarch was under the fame obligation of obferving them as the meaneit of his fubjeds. If he violated them, he was condemned to death ; with this mark of diftindion, however, that he did not fuffer in an ignominious manner. He was denied all intercourfe, all the comforts and fupports or