116 THE SEASIDE LIBBAEY. Vol. I. absorbed by degrees from the atmosphere, yet unfit for the functions of life, and we may say that they were designed to store up this carbon in the form of coal in the very bowels of the earth itself. In fact, this was the period of earthquakes —of those upheavals of the soil due to the Internal working and the plutonian labor which suddenly modified theyet uncertain features of Tthe earth's surface. Here, swellings which be- came mountain^ there, gulfs which filled oceans and seas. Then, entire forests buried themselves in the crust of the earth, passing the shifting layers, until they found a resting place, such as the primitive soil or the granite rocks, or in sinking, formed a resistless mass. This is the geological order : the primitive soil ; next, soil from other places, composed of primary rocks ; then the secondary formation, in which the coal deposits occupy the lower strata ; then the tertiary formation, and above, the alluvial deposits. At this period, the waters unconfined and widespread, tore from the scarcely formed rocks materials to make schist, sandstone, and lime- stone. These fell on the sub-forests, and de- posited the elements of the strata which lie over the coal. In time—periods counted by millions of years—these rocks hardened, form- ed layers, and, enclosed under a thick shell of pudding-stone, schist, sandstone, compact or friable, gravel and pebbles, the whole mass of imprisoned forests. What took place in this gigantic crucible, where was accumulated vegetable matter, buried at various distances ? A truly chemical operation—a kind of distillation. All the car- bon that these vegetables contained agglomer- ated, and by degrees the coal was formed, un- der the double influence of an immense pres- sure and the high temperature produced by in- ternal forces, so near it at this period. Thus, then, was one kingdom substituted for another in this slow but irresistible reaction. The vegetable was transformed into the min- eral. All these plants, which had lived a vegetable life, under the active agency of these, early days, petrified. Some of the substance enclosed in this vast herbarium, partially de- stroyed, left their imprint on other products more rapidly mineralized, which pressed them, as it were, with a hydraulic engine of incalcu- lable power. At the same time, the shells, the zoophytes, the starfish, polrypes, spirifarae, even fishes, lizards, 'brought in by the waters, left on the coal, still soft, their clear impres- sion, as if beautifully drawn. We must here remark that all the plants whose impressions have been found belong to the species now limited to equatorial regions. We may thence conclude that at this period heat was equalized over the globe, whether carried by currents of warm water, or caused by the inner heat reaching the surface through the porus crust. Thus is explained the forma- tion of carboniferous deposits in every latitude of the earth. Pressure seems to have played an important part in the formation of the carboniferous de- posits. In fact, to its degree of power we owe the various kinds of coal used in industrial pursuits. Thus, in the lowest beds of coal strata, we find the anthracite, which, almost entirely deprived of volatile material, contains the greatest amount of carbon. In the highest beds, on the contrary, appears lignite and fossil wood, substances in which the quantity of car- bon is infinitely less. Between these two strata, following the degree of pressure applied, we find veins of graphites and coal, good or bad. It may be affirmed that the lack of suffi- cient pressure has prevented the bed of the peat marshes from being entirely changed. Thus, the origin of coal, wherever found, is simply this: The burying under the crust of the earth of great forests of the geological period, then mineralization of vegetation in the course of time, under the influences of pressure and heat, and the action of carbonic acid. Meanwhile nature, usually so prodigal, has not buried enough forests for a consumption which may comprehend some thousands of years. The coal will fail one of these days, that is certain. A forced rest will then be im- posed on the engines of the world, if some new combustible does not replace coal. At a pe- riod more or less distant there will be no more carboniferous deposits, unless those covered by an eternal bed of snow, in Greenland and on the borders of Baffins' Bay, the working of which is next to an impossibility. It is inevi- table fate. The coal business of America, still prodigiously rich, those of Salt Lake, Oregon, j and of California, will one day yield an insuffi- : tient amount. It will be the same with the i mines of Cape Breton and the St. Lawrence, the deposits of the Alleghanies, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. Even if the carboniferous seams of North America were ten times greatef than all the deposits of the whole world, one hundred centuries will not have passed before the million-mouthed monster of industry will have devoured the last morsel of the world's coal. The scarcity, we know, will first be felt in the Old World. There exist many beds of combustible ma- terial at Natal, Zambeyi, Mozambique, and Madagascar, but their regular working pre- sents the greatest difficulties. Those of Bur- mah China, Cochin China, Japan and Central Asia will soon be exhausted. The English will have certainly emptied Australia of her coal products, rather freely buried, in its soil, before the day when coal will fail in the United Kingdom. When that period arrives, already the carboniferous seams of Europe, worked to their extreme limits, will have been aban- doned. We may judge from the following figures of the quantities of coal which have been con- sumed since the discovery of the first deposits. The coal basins of Russia, Saxony, and Ba- varia comprise six hundred thousand hectares (a hectare is two acres, one rood, and thirty- five perches) ; those of Spain, one hundred and fifty thousand ; these of Bohemia and Austria, one hundred and fifty thousand ; the basins of Belgium, forty leagues long by three wide, also count one hundred and fifty thousand hectares, which extend under the territories of Liege, Namur, Mens, and Charleroi. In France, the basin situated between the Loire and the Rhone, Rue-de-Gier, Sainte Etienne, Gwars, Epinac, Blanzy, Creuzot—the works of Gard, Alois, Grand Combe—those of Aveyron at Aubin, the deposits of Carmaux, of> Barsac, and Graissenac—in the north, Auzin, Valen- ciennes, Lens, Bethune, will cover about three hundred and fifty thousand hectares. The richest coal country is, undeniably, tho United Kingdom. This, excepting Ireland, in which there is hardly any combustible ma- terial, possesses enormous carboniferous riches ; but, like all riches, they may be exhausted. The most important of these different basins, that of Newcastle, which occupies the sub-soil of Northumberland County, produces, per year, as much as thirty millions of tons ; that is, nearly one-third of the amount consumed in England, and more than double that produced in France. The basin of Wales, which has gathered quite a population of miners at Car- diff, at Swansea, at Newport, produces annu- ally ten million tons of the fine coal known by that name. In the center are worked the basins of the Connties of York, Lancaster, Derby, and Stafford, less productive, hut yet giving a considerable supply. Finally, in this part of Scotland, situated between Edinburgh and Glasgow, between these two arms of the sea which indent it. for such a distance, is spread one of tho greatest coal deposits of the United Kingdom. Altogether, these various basins comprise no less than one million six hundred thousand hectares, and produce annu- ally nearly one hundred millions of tons of coal. But why discuss it ? The consumption will be- come such, owing to the demands of industry and commerce, that these riches will be ex- hausted. The third thousand of the Christian era will not be finished before the miner's hand will have emptied in Europe these storehouses, in which, to use a true illustration, is concen- trated the solar heat of the first period. This table will show, by the increase in the consumption of coal, the periods assigned by the last calculations to the exhaustion of com- bustible minerals in Europe: 1,140 years. 800 " 750 " 300 " France, . England, Belgium, Germany, In America, allowing for the annual con- sumption of five hundred million tons, the de- posits will produce coal for six thousand years. Now, precisely at that period when this story took place, one of the most important mines of the Scotch basin had been exhausted by too rapid working. In fact, it was in this region, which lies between Edinburgh and Glasgow, over an area of ten or twelve miles, that the Aberfoyle mine extended, of which the engi- neer, James Starr, had been so long the direc- tor of the works. For ten years these mines had been aban- doned. No new deposits could be discovered, though borings had been made to the depth of fifteen hundred, and even two thousand feet ; and when James Starr had retired, it was with the certainty that the thinnest vein had been completely exhausted. It was then more than evident that, under such conditions, the discovery of a new coal basin in depths of the English sub-soil would be a very important event. The communica- tion made by Simon Ford, did it refer to a fact of this nature ? That was the question which James Starr put to himself—it was what he tried to hope. In a word, was this another corner in those rich Black Indies where he was bidden to make a new conquest ? He was willing to believe it. Tho second letter had for an instant upset his ideas on this subject, but now he paid no attention to it. Besides, the old woman's son was there, waiting for him at the appointed place. The anonymous letter was of no conse- quence. The moment the engineer stepped on the platform, the young man approached him. "You are Harry Ford?" said James Starr, without any more ceremony. "Yes, Mr. Starr." "I would not know you, my boy. Ah, in ten years you have become a man." " But I would have known you," said the young miner, who held his hat in his hand. " You have not changed, sir. You are the one who embraced me the day we bid good-bye at the Dockart Pit. Such things are not easy for- gotten." "Put on your hat, then, Harry. It rains in torrents, and politeness need not go as far as . taking a cold." "Shall we seek shelter, Mr. Starr?" asked- Harry Ford. "No, Harry; the weather is settled. It will rain all day, and I am in a hurry. Let us go." " As you say," said the young man. " Tell me, Harry, is your father well?" '" Very well, Mr. Starr." "And your mother?" " She is well, too." " It was your father who wrote to me ap- pointing this interview at the Yarow Well ?" "No; it was I." " Then did Simon Ford send me a second letter countermanding the first?" eagerly asked the engineer. " No, Mr. Starr," replied the young man. "Humph!" James Starr did not again refer to the anony- mous letter. " Can you tell me what old Simon wants me for ?" he asked, presently, "Mr Starr, my father wishes to tell it to you himself." " But you know it." " I know it." "Well, then, Harry, I'll ask no more. Hurry, for I long to talk with Simon Ford. By the way, where does he live ?" " In the mine." "What ! In the Dochart Pit ?" " Yes, Mr. Starr," replied Harry Ford.