From: Ed &Terri To: A16.A16(kidstv) Date: 9/29/95 6:32pm Subject: Support PBS To Reed E.Hundt, If you really are making an attempt to improve the content of childrens programing, I hope you take a long close look at what PBS has to offer. You will find that thier programs are clean, factual, and to the point. They are void of violence, sex, and unmoralistic behavior. These programs are intertaining and educational. It is a shame that the #1 show in America recently was "Roseanne"! How sick has our society become? We need not feed this sickness with more media that encourages such warped behavior! I hope you give PBS and Mr. Ervin S. Duggan all the support he needs to keep his service alive in these times of serious budget cuts. I agree that television has become a "vast wasteland". There is, however, an oasis of hope in this rapidly deteriorating arena. It is called the Public Broadcasting System. Help it if you can! It is the responsabilty of all men who hold public office to guide the people in the right direction. They must use thier influence to create rules and regulations that will benefit all of society. I must admit that your challenge is great. Uneducated voters don't always know what is best for them. They are too easily swayed by the false promises from those who choose to use thier positions for personal gain only. Sincerely, Ed McLendon