JUNE, 1904. Chicago I11 .............. Duluth hlinn ............ Mount Tamalpais, Cal.. .. rm ................ Do ................ n o .. ............. Do.. ............... Do ................. NzmYork N. 1.. ........ PuintP.ey~sLiRht,('aI ... ClevelaAd, Ohio. ......... Fort YAith, Ark ......... Oklahoma: Oklz~. ....... Du. ................ MONTHLY WEATHBX REVIEW. 4 50 30 56 3 63 4 74 1 50 2 87 3 64 6 69 16 50 5 58 2 $2 2 60 3 69 4 281 Point Reyes Light, Cnl.. Do ................. Do ................. Do ................. Do ................. Do .................. Do ................. Sioos City.Iowa. ....... rm ................. Southeast Farallon, ('al. Do ................. Do ................. Williston N.Ilak ....... Winuem;cca,Nev ...... HUMIDITY. The relative humidity was normal in the west Gulf States, and northern Plateau and south Pacific regions; below nor- mal in New England, Florida Peninsula, South Atlantic and east Gulf States, and the middle and southern Pacific regions, and above normal in the remaining geographic districts. The averages by districts appear in the subjoined table: Averaae relative humidik and cleaartures from the normal. 6 70 7 68 6 53 Y 72 10 56 16 50 23 50 24 57 58 M 3 5.3 Y 50 10 63 6 59 d M Districts. New En land ................ Middle h a n t i e .. ............ South Atlantic ............... Florida Peninsula. ........... Eaat Gulf. ................... Weat Gulf .................... Ohio Valley and Tennessee.. . Lower Lake. ................. Upper Lake. ................. North Dakota ................ Upper Mississippi Valley.. ... 9 78 76 75 7Y 71 76 73 73 74 i o 72 -1 +3 -3 -1 -4 0 +3 +? +1 +2 +2 Districts. New Enfand ~.:. ............ Middle tlantic ............. South Atlantic ............... Florida Peninsula.. .......... East Gulf. ................... West Gulf. ................... Ohio Valley and Tennessee., . Lower Lake.. ................ Upper Lake.. ................ North Dakota. ............... Upper Mississippi Valley. .... - Districts. 0; 2 Ly 4 5.3 4.9 4.1 5.2 4.6 5.0 5.0 5 .2 5.4 5.4 5.1 Missouri Valley ............ Northern Slope.. ........... Middle S l o r . .............. Soothern lope ............. Southern Plateau .......... Middle Plateau. ............ Northern Plateau .......... North Pacific .............. Middle Pacific.. ............ South Pacific ............... + 0.2 ~ 0.1 - 0.6 - 0.3 - 0.2 -I- 0.4 0.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1 ~ $ 71 63 70 A5 32 38 51 74 59 66 Missouri Valley.. ......... 5.9 Northern Slope .............. 4.6 MiddleSlone ................ r 5.5 NorthPacific ............... 5. 1 MiddlePacific .............. 2.9 South Pacific ................ 2.3 ~ ~ .. ULEAR SKY AND CLOUDINESS. The distribution of clear sky is graphically shown on Chart IV, and the numerical values of average davlight cloudiness. Southeru dlope. ............. Southern Platean ........... Middle Plateau ............. Northern Plateau ........... both for individual stations and by geog';.aphcc dktricts, appear in Table I. 4.2 2'. 4 2. Y 3.4 The cloudiness was normal in the Ohio Valley and Tennes- see; above normal in New England, west Gulf States, Lake region, North Dakota, upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, and the middle slope and southern Plateau regions; else- where by geographic cliatricts, the cloudiness was below normal. The average cloudiness for the various districts, with depart- ures from the normal, are shown in the following table: and departures from the iwrmal. + 1.0 - 0.2 + 1.Y - 0. 2 + 0.5 - 0. 1 - 1.7 - 1. 0 - I ). 3 - 1.0 WIND. The maximum wind velocity at each Weather Bureau station for a period of five minutes is given in Table I, which also gi7:es the altitude of Weather Bureau anemometers above ground. Following are the velocities of 50 miles and over per hour registered during the month: hfaximtm wind velocities. 8. SW. 8. uw. tie. nw. ow. n. n w. UW. W. sw. uw. UW. UW. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. sw. 11s. 11w. ATMOSPHERIU ELEUTRICITY. Numerical statistics relative to auroras and thunderstorms are given in Table IV, which shows the number of stations from which meteorological reports were received, and the number of such stations reporting thunderstorms (T) and auroras (A) in each State and on each clay of the month, respectively. Th u~idsrstoniis. -Reports of 8502 thunderstorms were re- ceived during the current month as against 6045 in 1903 and 5l:il during the preceding month. The dates on which the number of reports of thunderstorms for the whole country was most numerous were: 30th, 547; 20th, 513; %)th, 508; 2let, 504. Reports were most numerous from : Missouri, 507; Nebraska, 399; Iianaas, 396; New Pork, 375. dtcroras.-The evenings on which bright moonlight must have interfered with observations of faint auroras are assumed to be the four preceding and following the dates of full moon, viz, May 25 to June 2, inclusive, and June 23 to July 1, in- clusive. In Cmnda: Thunderstorms were reported from St. Johns, N. B., l S , 21; Halifax, 15; Grand Manan, 22; Tarmouth, 25; Father Point, 16, 21, 30; Quebec, 21, 25, 30; IIontrettl, 15; Ottawa, 21, 25; Kingston, 4, 22, 25; Toronto, 4, 20, 21, 24, 28; Port Stanley, 14, 30; Saugeen, 21, 24, 30; Parry Sound, 4, 6, 9, 18, 25, 26, 30; Port Arthur, 17, 29; Winnipeg, 17, 19, 23, 27, 28; RIinnecloea, 11, 17, 22, 27, 28; Qu'Appelle, 10, 18, 27, 28; M'edicine Hat, I N , 27; Swift Current; 6, 7, 1 s ; Banff, 5, 9, 30; Edmonton, 6, 9, 13, 16, 18, 21, 27; Prince Albert, 18, 19, 22, 29; Battleforcl, 7, 9, 10, lH, 22, 23, 24, 27; New Westmin- ister, 23, 23; Barkerrille, 21; Dawson, 7; Hamilton, Bermuda, 24, 88. Auroras were reported from Sydney, 15; Halifax, 15; Que- bec, 15, 16; Parry Sounil, 15; Winnipeg, 15; Qu'Appelle, 16; Swift Current, 15. DESCRIPTION OF TABLES AND CHARTS. By Nr. W. B. STOCKMAN, District Forecaster, in charge of Division of Meteorological Records. For description of tables and charts see page 136 of REVLEW for March, 1904. 282 762 106 112 1,OU-I 35 8s 397 146 151 546 122 I34 Y89 75 102 525 114 136 431 72 e2 822 1M 164 628 152 160 824 173 190 842 116 123 638 77 84 1,940 41 50 Ihi 178 206 335 76 91 5% s1 102 597 97 113 713 92 102 1 762 190 201 629 172 i o 628 I20 I27 730 1,s 193 - .- MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.-Clhnaibrog.rCal data for Wedher Bureau s t a t h a , June, 1904. 15 11) 111 1: li * * 11 111 11 11 11 111 11 11 11 11 14 14 1x 1s 14 12 14 I4 14 I 4 I 4 14 I:! 15 12 14 27 G 25 13 I2 15 25 11 IS 15 15 3 1 "7 3 7 :!!I 20 x 21 11 19 13 15 I:! 1 111 9 111 Y 1 1 1 11 11 1:: 1 I? 1 I1 1 :3 1 1 1 1 1; !2 12 i 7 !7 1 2 JUNE, 1904 .C a .e +a 4 4 : __ 46 52 51 48 56 54 5s 54 57 59 55 fil 611 63 5; lill 61 G3 I?? c7 I72 66 65 5ti 5s 1% i o 65 D7 io Gi 68 69 71 72 i 7 75 ill fi; 6S 74 ,2 69 611 69 73 70 liR 6s 75 fig 76 70 i l l 63 65 li4 6h 65 6:; fis 65 lit 64 160 162 w:! 53 59 54 5s 5; 59 60 I:I 1;11 53 , 2s 51 1 4s 1 5? 1 54 I SF , 49 ' 55 4s 57 - 1 B 5 9 * u .3 - 50 54 5 i 5* 5t 52 6t F: 1;: G: 6: 61 1;:- fi! 64 6' 6f 1;; fj: 61 61 i l 61 65 i l 6 ; 62 i l i l 74 m i r : 1;: 71 7( !! 71 6> 69 74 74 71 7c ICf 65 6; 1:6 1 3 I64 li:! 63 lj5 61 50 iR iU i I io ill io 6 t; :0 i2 ii i5 17 i7 is i2 2.66 - 0.4 1. ?!I - 2. 2 2.45 - 0.9 3. Ho + 0.6 1.33 - 1. s 2. OF, - 1.0 2.3s - n. 4 R. fi7 + 1. 1 3. ox + 1. 1 2.46 - 0.5 3.96 + 0 .3 5.4s + 1.8 2. 76 - 0.6 3. 70 - u. 4 3. 9!l - 0. 3 2.88 - 0. 2 3. 46 ...... 5.4!J + 1.5 4. 55 t 0.6 5.49 + 2. I 1 4.1; - 0.1 4.11 ...... 4. 118 - 0. 1 4.01 - 0. 9 4. I J I - 0. I + 1. Y 1. 96 ~ 2. 1; G. I64 + 2. 7 2. 74 - 2. (I 3,s. - 1. s 3. IJ.5 - 1. 1 1.47 - 3.1 4.04 - 2. G 4.92 - (I. 5 6.32 - 0 .3 1. 111 - 2 .3 2.54 ...... 6. iL' - 2, 5 10.54 + 4.(I 1.64 - 4. X 2. 1Y - 2 .5 I . ss - 4.4 3. 72 - 0. R 5. 5!1 - 1. 0 4. 60 + 0. 8 4. XU + 1. 1 6.12 f 1 .S $01 + 5 .i -. 74 + 0.1 5. $2 ...... 4.0s - 0,s 4. i 3 + 0. 5 1. i d ~ 0.Y 3. s4 ....... 3.24 - 1.0 1. 92 - 2.6 1. 66 - 2. 4 3. h 3 ~ 0.9 6.3s + 2.1 1. t 1 - 2.6 4.45 ....... 2. 50 - 2. 2 2.GU - 1,s 3. ac; + 0.4 5. 76 + 2. 3 2.9; ~ 3.0 5. 25 ....... $95 -1.6 -. s3 - 0. 7 :3 .2 + (1.3 2. 71 - 0. s 2.0; ....... 2.:% - 1.6 1 .l i -2 .6 1. "7 - 2.1: 0. 51 - 2. Y 1. 0s - 2. 6 2.39 - 1.4 !:. 45 - 0.3 1. 15 - 2. s 2.37 ....... 3 . 12 - (1. 4 3.12 -- 0.4 1.Y2 -1.3 0. 55 - 2. 3 3.65 - 0.4 1.M - 2.1 3.78 - 0. s 3.51 ~ I . 7 1.01) - 2 .2 ~ i 12 22 25 6 35 22 9 5 11 1 5 21 9 __ Y 9 5 2!l 7 5 13 21 14 19 IS 12 3!1 1" 12 i ?2 ?5 10 5 24 2'4 31 :;I1 '14 4 29 ?L' :i 27 4 29 2 3 4 5 30 ... .,., , "2 D 6.3 10 7 13 5.8 10 8 12 5.6 9 10 11 6.0 ' 7 13 10 5.7 . 1 14 9 5.4 12 13 5 4.5 18 4 s .... 16 4 fi 4.4 4.9 10 14 6 4.9 S 15 , 5.8 10 12 4 5.2 i 13 10 5.9 8 I ? 1u 5.7 6 12 12 6.1 11 12 7 5.1 12 12 6 4.6 9 11 10 5.7 I? 10 S 4.6 14 14 2 3.8 16 111 4 4.2 S lfi 6 5.1 "0 9 1 2.9 1s e 4 3.4 4.1 I 1 12 7 5.1 13 9 S 4.8 19 Y 2 3.2 14 14 2 3. 3 24 3 5.4 14 I1 5 4.3 11: 13 1 3. , 16 11 3 3.6 5 .2 4 I6 10 6 .3 12 14 4 5.0 7 17 6 5.3 Y 211 I 4. 2 4.6 14 I U 6 4.4 13 11 6 4.2 11 15 4 4. 5 11 15 4 4.3 8 17 5 5 .0 11 16 3 4.6 12 16 2 4.0 i n 14 c 5.2 s 14 s 5.4 6.0 11 14 5 4.6 20 i 5.4 , 16 i 5.; 11 13 6 4.9 18 11 1 3.G 15 9 6 4.0 i 14 9 5.b 9 20 1 4.F 0 2:: 7 fi. E 1: 10 9 5.3 6 1 5 1 1 1 5 4 .1 15 14 1 3.! 76 103 298 876 12 26 106 ...... 69 82 81 117 70 79 16 60 125115 181 43 Lla 11 46 9 38 116 I54 97 8 i 5 314 374 117 SO5111 5' 17 1?3 112 18 681 91 2,293 144 102 115 79 90 10s 350 94 104 116 184 119 39 4s 47 51 69 117 59 76 11 58 83 S8 102 111 40 47 e2 9n 2,255 i i 3 11 316 ,s 48 351 IS0 65 43 53 75 6.3 76 12 47 il 7Y 14 92 167 175 89 97 41 89 101 129 s2 so 1,174 370 51: 70(1 57 375 2 4 i 51 223 190 216 98 09 73 96 136 143 SB 96 84 93 62 74 88 121 ion ti:! 249 457 357 20 670 54 d o 1 5% p i 7 84 79 94 93 100 4s 53 106 114 106 112 73 79 so 91 55 63 R li 3 15 4 4 4 24 14 30 31 5 5 9 6 :o XJ '2 I 5 4 !I( 3 !5 I 4 !9 I 4 -I !n 6.0 11 14 5 4 .6 15 11 4 5.0 1 1 i n R 0 .1 11 15 4 4.6 13 1-1 3 4.0 9 14 7 5.? 13 14 3 4.4 10 14 6 4.9 5 17 S fi.O 9 12 9 5.5 6 14 10 5.9 11 1:: 6 4.6 7 12 11 6.4 5 .2 5 1:: 12 F.3 11 12 , 4.9 s 14 8 5.3 11 11 S 6.1 !I I3 8 4.9 10 14 6 4.9 12 I:< 5 4.4 6 9 15 6.7 6.4 10 13 7 5.3 13 5 12 5.0 7 15 8 5.5 14 fi 10 4.9 12 10 8 5.2 14 s 8 4.5 13 13 -1 4.1 7 12 11 5.8 638 614 ((23 681 617 1,135 70 120 40 61 341 274 124 142 49 86 11 47 - - c 0 El gvj 2 I z PS - E a - 5,93 6,1)3! 3,231 5,63 6.61: 9,Ol' 0, ti9 5, Sfi' 5, ?-I 3,69 s. 01 :, 1.1 I , llli 5, "I 5, i s 5, MI 4, i 6 4.111 2.31 fi. 85 4. 0s 2,92 3,76 .... H, 7IJ 6, !I5 6, !I5 6, s5 (I, I15 4, 64 f:, 16 4.83 1:. 90 4 ,7 i 5, Oh 4, 35 3.50 4.38 5,3a 4, BSI 4, 46 5,119: 6, 73 3 95. 5, i !l . 4,112: 6, *!I1 5,6i 5, I??: 6, sa 4, 67! 4: ;.I 7, 74:, i ,l l 2 i, !hi5 /, 40.5 i, 272 i. 603 ', 1-11' i, 737 I, 921 i, 8.35 L. as0 i, 912 i, 804 L, 75s I, 533 i, 41s i, 6-46 I, 593 i. 545 i, !IS6 Elevation of instruments. Pressure, in inches Temperature of the air, in degrees Fahrenheit. Precipitation, in inches. - -. 0 3 .d :s 5 Y i I - 2s 30 3i 47 27 22 20 2!l 3u 30 :34 27 31 26 34 ?'? 24 27 2s 35 29 24 .>,I 32 31 2 i 11; 27 P3 20 26 30 24 19 19 12 18 2 i 24 ?!I 20 2s 24 30 34 24 22 26 30 26 13 2i 15 ?L 2Y 2 i 24 :i 1 22 24 24 "6 24 2 i 25 28 "9 31 37 ?7 !6 !S i~ !6 4 10 io 13 IF 9 12 I6 !i I !Y 1 - a ? :t ;; a i ~ 9 13 Y 10 12 12 12 14 11 13 12 15 14 9 13 12 1 3 l i I:< 11 14 12 11 Ifi 11; Y 15 9 1 I) 3 7 I ? l i 18 13 lli 10 z i n 7 9 s 7 I2 8 12 13 11 14 5 S 6 11 5 8 14 11 !I 13 17 1 :: 11 12 10 1 IJ 15 I > 16 I i n 1.3 13 14 7 I I J 1 4 9 7 1 1 > 2 i 3 - a: 2 .- .- a a - 41 4- 3: 31 4! 4- .l 4 4: 41 4 5 4 5: 4, 51 t: 5' I i l 5 4. 41 5. F: 5' 5. >! I SI e 1;. c: fi' 6. v 5' 6! 61 6: 6 6 5! 1;: (i! I i: lil 6! 6: 6. 5! a: RI 5! 5' 5! 5 51 5: 4: SI. 41; 47 47 4Y 31) 51.1 1!1 SI 41 11 47 4 1 44 5s IX 45 15 38 40 - u QJ * IJ 80: ... .:.E 6 -c .- e P a - 0. 9. SR. 5. YW. sw. sw. 9. 8. W. 8. e. B !%' YW, YW, 8 . w. S. 9. S W 8. S W \v. St.. Y w s K Y i v s !V S w 8. Y w S W 98. e. 8. ye. e . e. 9. Y. w. 8. Y W Y W 8. 8. Se. e. lW. se. 9. s. 8. 8tr. 8. SW. Y W . w. 8W. YW. SW. ne. BW. s w. YW. 8. U. *W. Y. BW. 8. w. 8. s w. sw. SW. ne. ne. ye. e. ne. ne. S. Y\V. nw. W. ne. ne. ne. - 21 2: zn pz 5: 8 & S a *c - 29.91 29. (I! 29. 7: 29.11 2Y. 9 .w. 0: 30.0 29. 9: 29. 9 29. 1 29. 71 29.6 29. 9 2Y. 1: 29. 9: 29. 8! 29. 9 30. 0 29. 31 29. 9. 29. '4' 27. i .... 30. n: 30. 01 29. 6i 29. s: 29.9 29. 9! 29.91 29. 9- 29. !I! 24. s 29. 1;. 29. 9; 29. 2' 29.9: 2Y. 7' 29. 6: 29. 7 2!2. 9. 2Y. i l 2Y. 4: 29. 61 29.91 29. 2. 29. 9 29. 4: 29. 21 2Y. 3: 29.2. 29. 9: 29. 5! 29.4; 1'8. 91 29. 4. 2Y. 5: 29. 1: 29. 2. 29. 1: 29. 1: 29. 31 2s. 0: ?R. l!. !Y. 64 !9. 44 !9. 3s !!I. 24 !9.?U !9. 33 !9. 21 29.9; !!I. 33 a 0 a .- z W d a a i " s z z $ ~ 2 i tx 21; 69 26 74 21; 73 26 72 26 65 2fi 6lj 26 fi? 2lj 7: 25 7t 5 i t ?ti 7; 21; i: 21; i? 2.5 7> li 7' li il 21; hC 21; IX 4 i 6 21; * 5 4 2. 5 J 4 ?L 84 1 s: 24 Sf 16 94 4 slj 2li si I n Y( IS S! IS h5 l i Xt 1% I Y 1!1 12 h5 2:r S i 1; s4 4 S i 4 RII 4 9$ 26 RG 26 1:) 24 25 24 2,j S? 24 7s ?4 h t 25 i:l 4 25 4 '24 i J ?4 il 24 i 6 25 75 2.5 ;:3 !5 75 !5 74 ?.i ;li !S 75 24 6!l !I 1;s !J 7fi 23 70 20 6S 25 72 20 i l !4 71 24 71 21 7 1 20 65 Stations. ~. Y "E %& 1 Y: - 3 2 36 13 36 27 $2 *L 26 3; 20 58 32 25 27 :; 1 -12 ::9 42 1 I ?S :::3 '10 30 "2 516 24 40 31J 3U 31 3:r 35 2X 4U 24 3'' 25 3(1 24 24 28 -10 31 41 74 3n .,- -, ...> .,., f 6 s 2 41 3li 2s 34 42 $2 45 411 33 45 B2 3s 44 :34 40 36 26 216 :9 !ri I4 1!1 !7 i6 J is 17 !S !F I4 !4 I!) L7 I4 d .- c .- a - ne. ye. 11w. \v . nu'. 11. e. SW. n. w. w. ne. IlW. !le. w. IlW. nw. 9. 9 w. S K . .... se. ne. e. 11w. sw. \I' . w. ne. 11'2. W. 11. 11. W . Ye. IIC. n\v. n . s w. ?(e. se. YW. \v . w. Y. W. S. 11w. re. S. Y. 9. 11 w . 11. I1 5r . w . nw. YW. nw, \I' . 9. Y. \v . SW. n \v . \v. \P . qw. le. S W . 3 . s. IW. 1 !V . s. %W. ne. e. re. I W . N . N . s. 1w. I. IW. IW, E. 61.0 - a. 54.2 - 0. 60.4 - 2. 6'2. 7 - 2. 60.7 - 2. 64. 0 - 2. 59.2 - 3. New h'ngland. E s t ort ............ PortPand, ~e .. ...... Coocord. ............ Northfield.. ......... Boston.. ........ Nantucket.. ........ BlockIsland ........ Narra ansett. ...... New Baven ......... Mid. Atlantic 2i/afCs. Albany ............. Blughalnton ........ New Pork. .......... Harrisburg. ......... philwlelphia ........ fjcranton ............ Atlantic City ........ Ba tuuore ......... Washingtou ........ cape Heury.. ....... Lynchburg.. ........ Norfolk.. ........... Richmond.. ......... Wytheville; ......... Asheville ........... Charlotte ........ Hatteras ........ Ralei$h ............. Wilmlngtou ........ Charleston .......... Columhla, d. (1 ...... A1igusta.. ........... Savaunah ........... Jacksonville ........ Florida prl&insll/~I. Jupiter.. ............ Key West ........... Sand Key ........... Ca e .. May . :. ........ 8. d/lnI&flc Stalca. peusaeola ........... Biriniughalu ....... Mobile .............. Vicksburg. ...... Little Rock ......... Corpus Christi ...... Fort Worth ......... Galveston. .......... Palestiue.. .......... San Autouio ........ Taylor .............. Ohio VoI. ccnd Tmn. Chattauooga ....... Memphis. ........... Nashville ........... Lexington .......... Louisville. .......... Evansville .......... Indianapolis ........ Ciucinuati ......... Columbus.. ......... Pittsburg ........... Parkersburg ........ Elkins.. ............ Louvr Lake Reyioit. 8 racuse ............ d i e .. ............... Clerelaud ........... Sandusky ........... llpper Lake Region. + .1i + .O! f .01 + .o; + .U! + .01 + .o: + .O l + .O: + .0l + .o. + .o. -t . O( + .II: + .O l + .o' f .O : + . 0: + . (1: + .o. + .o: + .O l + .n: + .o: t .O: + .o. + .o: t .o. + .01 + .o: + .o: + .o - .01 . 0( + .o: + .o: + .o: + . 0: + .O: - .u . f .It . O( + .0 . 01 t .0; + . 0 : + .01 + .O: + .o: + .01 i- .01 + .o: + .o- + .o: + . 0- + .O: + .O1 + .03 + .01 + .o: + .01 + .0I t .o: + .O: + .o- t .o; . (13 I- . (14 1 .u5 - .02 - .03 - .03 - .o s - .O? - .0 4 - .03 - .03 - .(I? L .os . ou - .04 - .05 - .02 - .04 ...... + .O I t .n: ...... - .OJ 30.03 30.04 30.04 30.03 30. IN 30.04 30.04 30.03 ..... m. nn 3n. 03 3U. (13 31). 02 30.04 31). 08 30.04 80.05 30. 02 30.03 30. 03 30.03 :xu. 04 30.0:4 30.07 30.04 50.04 30.04 .,o. (rz 30. 02 311. (1.5 30.02 30. 0'2 3u. tr2 30.02 29. 9s 29.9; 30.01 3ii. 03 30. 1 0 1 :10.01 .*. 01 29. !I9 29. 97 29.99 30. 04 3u. 0 2 :jn. (IO ?Y. !I2 2Y. 94 ?!I. ' J i 29. 95 29.91 29.94 30.04 30.02 30.01 30. (V:! 30. 01 30.02 29.98 30.01 30.00 30. u1 9u. 111 31). n:, 30.04 ZIJ. 00 IO. IIO io. n i 111. 02 :o. I10 10. UI Ill. I11 IO. 110 IY. $19 311. 00 ?3.99 29. 96 29. $18 30.02 2!). !Id 30. 00 30. IN 29.97 29.96 ?!I. !I7 GU. 4 - 1.5 61.7 -2 .1 65.7 - 1. t 69.9 - 1. [ lj5. 9 - 0. . ti3 2 + 0.: 69. 1 - 1.- 6s. S - IJ. : io. s R i . 9 61.;. (I lili. s i l . 4 71. u is. 4 1 -_ Y -., - 0. < ...... - 0. : - 1.4 - 2. 1 + 0.: ~ 1. ~ - 1.1 - 1. ( - (I., t 1.t - u. I - 1.: - 1. s - 1. ; - 0. t - 2 .t - 2. i - 0. : - 0. f - 1.: - 0. l ~ 0. I + 0.: n. ( - 1.: - n. I 0. ( 0. r - 11. 4 + 0.: - u. . - 0. : - 0. I + 0.1 - 1. I + 0.: ~ 0. I - 1. I + 1.t - 1. i - ', . _. A ...... ...... - 0. j ...... ...... - 0 .t ...... ...... + n. I 74.0 74. 4 67. 4 75.8 69. 1 i s . 1 75. 0 75. F i5. 4 77. 2 ,,.3 rh. 2 d t .3 -- ". -- -- I I . I; 79.6 78. 3 21. 0 ,9. 5 i !l . 5 78. 7 i ~. n 7s. 2 79.4 i s . u 2 1 . 6 7,). 4 'ii. 6 i s . S SO. 6 78. 5 79. 11 75. 6 ili. 4 so. O -~ r Z . 2 4u. 4 7% 5 79. 8 is. 5 t 3 . j: 74. fi ifi. 4 19.9 75.:; - 1.: 71. S - 1. t 74.2 - 0. t i:i 4 ...... 69. :; - 3. 1 ,-...I -1 .4 69.6 - 1. i 70.9 - 0. i i 1 .6 -0 ,s 66. li ...... 66.3 -0 .1 65. S + 0. :. 172. ti - 1.4 ti7.11 + 0.6 CG.11 ...... 66. 2 - 0. S 66. 6 - 1.2 67. I; - 1.4 67. S - 2. 0 1 7 .0 - (1.9 61.6 - 1.1 60. 0 - 11.3 59. Y - 0. li fifi. 4 - 1.9 59. !! ...... 58. 2 - 0. s 63. 2 - O.!l 59.7 - 0.5 c4. 2 - 2 .5 IX. s - 0. 5 64.2 - 2. 5 56.1 - 0. 7 - 0 29.33 29.32 ?Y. 23 29.24 29.18 29.33 29. 30 29. 12 29. 37 29.31 28.75 Alpena. ............ Escanaba ............ Grand Rapids.. ..... Houghton .......... Marquette. .......... Port Huron. ........ Sault Ste. Narie ..... Chicago ............. Milwaukee .......... Qreen Bay .......... Duluth ............. 41 5 10 91 141 7 13 11 4.Pl 5.5 5 5 13 12 6.2 3 7 8 15 6.5 JUNE, 1904. *. .- 4 .c =E MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.--clinratobpical data for Weuther B U T ~U atatiolrs, June, 1904-C~ntinued. ~ R * 2 - s< %E $ z 5 *2 = 2 z a __ 283 d. Maximum velocity. - g W o i " -2 :c ~ 935 1,875 837 714 606 S61 69s 614 356 644 634 567 784 Y63 1,674 ...... 1,324 1,189 ...... 1,105 2,5!48 1,135 1.572 1,306 1, 2:;3 2,505 4,110 2,965 3,234 5,372 2 ,6 2 1 5,291 4,685 1.3YS 2.509 1,358 1,214 1.7:;s :;, 1;i6 2,371 6,034 G,200 3, 762 7,013 6,907 1,lUY 141 3,910 4,7?n 4,344 5,479 4,608 3,471 4,366 2,232 t51 4,4%:! 1,929 1,000 211 259 123 213 $6 154 518 fi2 2.375 332 6!i 155 490 30 330 338 s7 201 29 52 54 16 14 99 lo:' il 71 84 100 63 87 %3 75 208 11 74 9s 8.5 75 115 4 i 36 43 56 $2 11 4" ss 45 46 56 26 11 43 79 80 $2 44 7x i8 4s i n 10 47 12 50 16 51 e i n 59 105 43 53 61 52 46 101 65 11 12 114 113 7 68 56 fi' 11 50 101; 161 7 9 fi7 116 94 47 41 62 1:; 3 10 23 23 23 3 22 14 .3 30 4 4 24 24 2 25 29 29 "2 2s 19 22 23 11 I 0 10 18 23 30 6 5 1 6.4 13 8 13 i n 9 7 5.6 4.7 10 3 li 5.9 6.1 1 1 2 17 .... 7 13 10 5.8 6 1x 6 5.0 11 13 6 4.9 3 20 7 5.7 14 10 6 4.6 11 16 3 4.3 G 18 6 5.7 9 12 9 5.6 15 b 7 4.1 3 14 7 5.4 6 8 6 17 7 5.6 7 14 9 5.7 15 9 6 4.6 4 22 4 5.5 5 9 16 6.7 5 12 13 6.2 10 11 9 5.5 4 13 0 5.9 10 9 11 6. t 8 10 12 6.0 4.6 17 11 2 3.5 19 4 3 3 .i 12 12 6 4.4 16 9 5 3.S T. 14 5 11 5.0 z 10 12 5.9 11 12 7 4.8 8 14 10 5.2 North Dakota. Moorhead. .......... Bismarck ....... Upper Misa. Valley. Miunea olis La Crosse ........... St. Pall!. .. .: :: :: :: : St. Louis ........... Miasouri Valley. Columbia, Ma.. ..... Kansas City ........ Spriugfield, 110 ..... Topeka ............. Liucoln ............. Ouiaha ............. Valentine .......... Sioux City.. .. Pierre ........ Huron ............. Yankton ........... Norlhrrik SIU~J?. Havre .............. North Platte ........ illiddle S/oj,r. Denver ............. Concordia .......... PlIeblO.. ............ Amarillo.. ..... 8oic/hern Plalrau. El Paso ............. %uta Fe ............ FI ags taff ........... Carson City ........ Wiuueruucca ....... Modeua ............ Salt Lake City .. G a u d Junction Norlhrrn Pinleati. Baker City.. ........ Boise ............... N. Par. I 3 1 1 1 1 Reg. North Head.. ....... I'ort Creaceut ....... Seattle ......... Tacoma ........ Tatoosh Ialand.. .... Purtland, Oreg.. .... Roseburg ........... Mid. Ale. Cbasl Rr(1. E a re ka ............. Mouut Taiualpaiv ... Fled BI u r .. ..... Sacraineu to ......... Sau Fraucirco.. ..... Poiut Reyes Li ht S. Pae. Cbasl Rry. Fresuo.. ............ Los Augeles .... SOlltheaSt FaKl5ou: : Bridgetowu ........ g;?;fyeps .......... iirk ........ Hamilton ............ Hovaua ............ Puerto Piinciye.. ... 8an Juan ........... 51 s4 5s 5!l 53 GO 66 60 61 till 62 5Y S i 51 5:; 55 46 51; Y' 3i jll 44 $2 56 46 45 IKI 5s f l 64 61 54 44 3; ;io 71 72 70 70 i:; 67 75 79 74 i l 7 1 7 2 77 74 1;!1 67 1;5 75 63 12 i i 45 . ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... I I 58 74 $0 66 58 71; 72 74 74 65 6; 65 :?5 $2 4u ..... 31 3.26 3.s1 4. 99 3.5s 1.44 11. 74 3. Ij? 3. 61 2.34 5.21 4. lG4 4. 37 5. 51; 4. 51; 9.23 3. 88 4. 40 3.11 4.67 2.4s 4. :ii 2. 35 2.72 2.2!1 2.2s 0. n$ n. (;I) 5. lJ7 1. i s 2.29 2. 08 3.41; - 1.2 0.0 + I). 6 - 0.9 - 3.0 - 4.5 - 0. 9 - 0.8 - 2 .1 + 1.8 - 0. 4 + 0.1 f 0. 7 - 11. 4 + 4. 4 - 0. 9 + 0.2 -2 .6 f I .? - 0. 3 - 0.9 3- n. S - I . 3 + 0.1 - 0. 7 - 0.4 - 1. 6 - x. 3 ...... + 1.2 + 11.2 + 1. 1 12 30 17 24 29 2 20 2' 3 ?I 7 7 14 23 I; 6 14 6 1 30 no 21 ti I0 2 1 17 I h XI) 17 !I G fi 21 23 2 2 6 2 29 5 .............. 3 22 51 ;:: 6 14 IO 5. 10 14 ti 4.7 1 2? 7 6.3 8 1.5 7 5.3 s 14 8 5.4 4. 2 9 14 7 5.3 l!l 9 2 3.0 a. t 23 7 0 2.4 I 6 I 4 0 3 .2 13 I0 7 4 4 24 6 0 1.8 29 1 0 0.3 i n 11 B 5.4 6 2 ' s 0 2 .n ?? 5 3 ::E "G 3 1 1.4 19 11 0 2.4 14 !I i 4.3 12 14 4 4.3 3. 4 18 9 3 2.9 "2 6 2 2.5 17 11 2 3.1 22 8 0 2 .8 6.1 6 10 I 4 6.7 13 7 10 5.3 10 15 5 4.4 10 16 4 4 .6 5 8 17 7. 0 19 13 6 8 11 3 4.6 2.9 2.9 16 F 4 3.9 2 2 5 3 2 1 .7 26 4 0 0.4 ?!I 0 1 1.0 L'2 4 4 2. i 13 2 15 5.2 14 4 12 4.7 2.3 29 1 0 0.9 19 11 u 3.0 19 8 3 2.5 1 2 3 5 2 2.7 15 4 7 3,s 'r. 11 10 9 5.n 0.00 0.14 0. 111 0.u; 0. 11 0. "7 0. 25 0. 92 0. IXJ 0. 53 1,Gl I). 45 1.24 1.04 1.17. 1.24 1.54 1.23 1.31; 2.3' 0.45 0. 10:: 0.11 lJ..55 0. I L I T. T. T. u.1111 0.0 - 0. 4 - 0.4 - 0. 7 - U. 1 - 0.5 - 0. 1 - 0. 3 - 0. 9 - 0. 3 + 0.1; - 0. c - 11.4 - 0.3 - 1.0 -1 .4 - 0.1 - 0.4 - 0. 4 - 1.7 - 1.4 - 1. 3 - 0.4 - 11.6 - 0 .6 - 0 .2 - 0 .2 - (1.4 ...... 35 35 "i s i J? 3.5 $2 37 29 52 4!I 46 i s 46 45 43 ::s ?!I 24 $2 61 44 50 44 51) 65 74 91 ..... 'ai '44 1;1 63 4!l 411 56 57 51 i s .... ...... 66 ::x ili 40 i 4 ..... ..... ...... ...... - " * $ 2 9 c 2 x * 4 - 57 56 53 59 w? *? GO l i 3 t;s t;:j 61 154 1;s 61 61 51; 55 59 5" 5!> 47 4C 54 4!1 49 59 52 33 63 02 64 6 7 67 60 55 4'3 43 5s 61 81 4 i 49 41; 51 I 53 41; 3:! 49 50 53 51 22 4!1 54 5' SO 51 6U 59 53 S i 59 6U 55 74 Elevation oi instruments. Pressure. in inches. Temperature of the air, i n degrees Fahrenheit. Precipitation, in Inches. - 0 al " a M i .: .o 6 -- .- L. 0) ~ se. 11. S*. 3. 3. ye. e. se. ne. ne. ne. e. ne. e . se. SC. S. S. 9. se. 8. 3. 9W. YC. 9 2 . I1 w. nw. Y w. w. W. nw. s 55'. ..... se. s. Ye. ne. se. ne. S. se. SI?. IIC. YC. sw. w . Y \v. uw. \v . I1C. t\'. II. IlW. nw. 11w. e. sw. Y W . IlW. W. 11. n. SW. n\v. 11. e. n. IlW. 11. a. K . uw. ll\\'. 11w. w . IlW. IlW. ..... ..... ..... e. ..... e. 0. ..... - I- - " 0 , :I !y a ; al 1: 4 - 60 29 44 203 I "'2 57 i Y 99 I17 78 93 93 1011 117 84 95 104 89 84 121 54 164 50 67 49 44 50 94 51 50 ti4 36 47 5 2 151 46 47 54 $6 $6 54 49 i n 50 25 56 46 58 92 i o 43 110 51 59 6S 61 54 110 71 56 29 51 20 57 96 60 SO 18 56 17 67 50 17 70 23 32 54 54 65 67 20 05 62 YO - > 1 3 : :: a C L > - 14 14 12 15 14 12 6 10 5 11 10 11 I i a 11 11 14 11 16 11 11 10 1 :j 13 1 I1 10 5 1; 13 1:i 7 14 11 15 I 6 14 1 Fi J 7 9 2 12 4 0 U I1 0 3 2 4 4 4 3 6 5 I I I n 12 9 5 13 5 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 n S IS 13 - - a .- z E .- z - J' 41 I 41) 4s 50 4Y 4!l S' 47 54 1; I 53 O!I 55 r - .,;I 55 55 F? 4s 51 41 4!l 45 42 45 3:) 44 3 i :?:; 37 :{I; ::I 4 .i 4s 44 4s 511 54 51; 59 4 i 5s 41) 31 fi.2 e:! 51 33: :i 4 41 44 44 SI $5 $2 3.; 3; 4:: 45 36 4.5 41 44 45 39 45 45 s2 SI 48 4; 41 54 52 56 43 .. .. 73 il 70 .. ... ~ a .- z a .- B 13;: 4 2 2 .- ~ 54 15 SI S 50 6 RB 16 5s I6 5; 1 59 ti 53 i 5 i 7 61 1 01; 1 lil I0 w2 27 65 27 GIJ ti 6:; 7 R:3 I; I?:! 6 5s 6 lill 2 53 6 58 6 57 21; s4 ti 07 , 4s # 5 4 48 -., 4:; "5 51 25 4.7 25 44 "ti 54 3 J!l x 9' li 611 4 G!l 2 i 63 27 ti5 5 6 i '3 GS 111 I;; 4 51 1 40 1 70 21 ill 4 I?? i 4 i 24 4s !I 4s 4 56 0" ...... 121 55 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 24 11 I0 49 24 45 11 48 11 49 "I S i 1 liR 1 5!1 ?i 5? 22 4!l 27 GI 1 G I 11; 5; s 5u 1 7 I;n ...... ..... ...... 27 i 7 30 73 25 74 ...... ...... - Y 115 Y C .a 1 - 3' $3 63 4s 27 25 30 34 $2 30 44 36 32 29 43 34 34 32 36 55 XI1 44 31 43 31; 3s 27 36 $2 y'2 4s 44 38 4s 44 X!I 52 32 42 46 R4 :3t; 23 21 36 ::G 59 J' 24 26 27 27 31 34 .?5 27 4s 14 27 28 46 24 23 36 67 30 34 36 SO 54 2D y> 20 20 ., r _.) 9.) "I ... ... ... ... ... 38 36 ... - - .- g * '2 H - 110. 11. nw. 8. w . w. SW. IlW. 8W. sw. 15' . sw. n\v. 11w. W. w . U. 9. I l W . 11. Ye. se. n. n. se. U. nw. Y w. SW. nw. LIW. SW. nw. 8. w. w. w. nu'. YW. 11w. 11W. w . 3\v. Y\V. w. Ye. \v . IIC. ll\\'. YW. II w. Y\V. SW. sw. IlW. w . s w. YW. IC. 11w. 11w. SW. 3. w . \v . 11. Il!V. sw. w. I1 W. 11W. 11w. w . 11\V. \\'. .... n. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... e. ..... 80. - 62.1 - 1.9 e?,* - 2.u 61.6 -2.2 61.8 - 1.5 69. 0 - 2. 2 65.6 -- 3. 2 61:. 0 - I , 2 61;. 7 - 2. 2 6!1.0 - 1.3 65. 4 - 1. i 6;. 5 - 2. n 69. 7 - 2. Y 74.5 - n.!~ I;$. 5 - 2 .7 62. s - 2, 6 7 2 . :3 - '3. !I 66.1 - 2. 5 K!l.S - 4.5 71. I1 - 2.4 i o . 6 - 1. S i l .0 - 2. 2 67. 8 - 3. X 1 - 2.4 G4. 4 - 2.8 67. u ~ 3. :: 1;4, 4 - 2. 3 61;. s - 1. g 61.5 - 1.7 6 l .h f n.5 64. s - 2 , 3 5!l.!l f 0.5 51;. 2 ...... lil.(l - 3 .2 57. 2 - 3. 7 5s. 5 - 1. 6 6 i . 4 - IJ. 8 29.95 2!1. 94 21.90 + 0.5 + .07 + .04 28. 94 2s. 18 27. !I5 ..... 29. 04 2!). 21 29. XI 29. 07 29. "3 29.80 29. 63 29.30 39. 411 29. .;rr 29.15 2s. !li 23.60 27. 33 37. 43 25. rjy 26. !I3 26. 58 24. (16 24. ti7 27. (IS ..... 37.33 2s. 55 3s. 6G 2s. 13 21;. 35 26. 12 23.31 23.38 2s. G I 29.5s 25.92 35.2s 25.61' 24. GO 25. GO 25.35 26.49 27.17 29. 21 15. 4s 27. 99 2s. 91; 29.93 29. S i 29.8s 30. us 29.94 3!1. 54 :0. 01 ?i. SI ?!t. 5.5 ?!I. 7:1 39. so 29. !I4 29. 49 29. 58 29. so 29.72 30.111 ..... ..... .... .... 30. 01 39.30 39.96 ..... ...... 7,2ili " "" ,,I ,.< 8, 55u i, 5fiO 4,9S? 4,4G9 5, 2'4 5, 541; 4,455 5, In33 5,0511 5, X i 5 6% 7: 05s 4, 69!I 4. so3 6,441 6 , ?25 s, G84 li. 414 4,452 5,WS 4, 5lG 6, (I?:? 4.531 2,05? 6,33!l 6.411 2,756 ..... 5, 752 5,331; 4,5Sli 4, 132 5, ?@.I 7, 023 6, i 3 3 G, 666 4, s 5 i 6,319 5.01s 4,676 4,341 4. 177 3. 52s 3,314 6,279 5, 296 4,34s 2,973 3,435 5,005 4,558 i , 566 4,616 3,571 16, 512 3.42; 5.443 7,606 9,448 s, 274 3,757 2,357 1. If5 3,959 6, !I!>; 4.196 ?, 531 ..... ..... ..... ..... 6, SSS D, 006 ..... - ...... ?!I. !tJ 29. $17 ?!I. $14 2!J. !lY 29. 117 29.95 ...... + .O? + .u4 . 00 t .IIF + . (14 + .0 I 2!l. !l!J + . 0'2 2!4. 98 + .03 ?.I, 91; I- . 01 23. !Is + . l I X 29. 97 ?!I. 98 ?I.% + .0 2 + .03 + .nG ...... + .w + . 0:; + .09 + .u 2 f .os + .U l + .mi 2!4. :I1 t .0G f .I 0 f . U!I ..... 4. 4:? 6. 71 :<. 54 3. 69 I?. !li 2. Il!! .i. fitl 12.23 6.10 4. 67 ...... ....... t 1.0 t 3.7 1- 2. 1 + 2 .4 + 5.4 f 0. I + 9.6 + 2.0 + 1. 4 - 1.2 + .12 + .n4 f . 10 61. t i 6:. 0 K!l. 2 - 4 .8 - :?. 8 - :;. 1 ,~ + .07 + .or, .oo 69.3 - 2.8 72.0 - 1. !I 74.2 - 1. G 19.8 - 1 .6 ,,.4 -1 .0 ill. 1 - 2. :; 74. 6 - 0. 8 6'2,s - ?.3 5s. 1 - 4.1 Sli. 3 + 2.4 S.5. !I + 1. 1 i 4 . F, - 0.!1 66.3 - 0.3 e2. 2 + 1.0 63. 6 f 1.2 7.1. X - IJ. !I t .01 + .O G 3 .5 .; 0. 40 0. 54 1.53 (I. :;.; (I. 00 rr . f 2 .5 + 0.1 + I). 2 1- 0.1; - 0.2 - 0. 1 o. u ?!I. i i + .U2 ?:i.s4 + .n:; ?!I.SI + .n;: 29.72 - .0 2 29. 72 - .(E 29. S:! 1 + . I14 29. 9U + .04 "!I. 94 + . 116 2!!.94 + ,112 29, !I0 + ,115 2!).YS + .05 64. 4 tit;. 2 6!l. 2 65. 3 5s. 0 64. 6 6i. n w2. 2 61. s 66. 4 68. 9 32. Ij 51. 8 59. i 5s. 0 51. 2 w:. 9 62. I) 63. 2 53. I 1 ....... - 11. i - 2. I; t 0.s + 1 .3 - I . 1 + 1.2 f 0.2 - (I. 1; f u s - 0. 6 - 2. !I - 1.!1 - 0.3 - 0. 2 - 2.3 t 1.3 t 1 .0 f !.2 - -. II 30.u.j + .i n :!I. 99 + . ns 30. 0 I + . Oi 29. 94 + .I17 311. o:? + .l l S 311. I)? + . U6 311. 16 30. 11; 311. I 4 31). 10 30.15 30. 10 3 0 . 10 + .l i t .I:? + .1 4 f .O i + .13 + .U6 + .U i 80.08 ' + .03 2!l.95 .Ill) "I. SG - . (13 ?!#.!I7 + .01 2!I.YS .Ill) ....... ......I ....... 29.9; ...... 0. I11 T. 0. 00 'r . 0. nn 0. 00 ...... - 0.1 - 0. 1 - 0. 1 - 0. 1 - 11. 1 x. !I ....... ih. U + 4.11 67. G + 1.9 64. 5 + 0.4 61.9 -0 .5 68.0 f 1 .4 ?!I. h3 - . I12 29.m - .0:: 2v.94 - .01 2:i. ~I I .n o ............. ............. ............. I I .W ? + . 01 2D. 91; + . 01 30.05 + .06 ............. ............. ........... ............ ........... s2. 0 ....... ........... ........... n. :XI ...... ..... 3ii ~6 14 55 ..... *More tlinu oue date. MONTHLY WEATHER RETIEIT. JUNE, 1904 Temperaturn I (Fahrenheit.) l- Anniston . . . . . . . . . . . . Decatur . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . Delmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort Apache . . . . .. . Fort Defiauce . . . . . . - g .d 3 - 54 4i 56 51 .... .... .... .... 53 64 52 50 65 59 56 62 5; 5s 56 59 52 55 60 .... .... .... .... .... 54 55 78 58 50 61 5s 4s 59 li0 50 54 51 s2 511 cn 49 5Y 55 5s 61 61 55 53 55 35 32 60 tii 02 5s 40 41 59' 5s 72 ti4 52 i o 50 34 36 32 48 50 64 30 44 311 55 45 5s 5 i h2 58 60 58 40 49 .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ~ j E - 76. ( 75. : Ik. L 79. E .... -. .... .... .... 78.0 i!l. 3 7s. c 76.4 ib. 2 75. 6 80.2 73. 6 79.0 i 6 .6 79. 4 i s . 3 7s. 0 i9.4 .... go. 4 .... .... .... .... ;ti. 9 7% 0 .... .... in. 4 .;o. 2 in. 4 ,I_ s is. ti 8.J. 0 i4. 4 31.0 il. 2 -- -- 79. s i i . 4 i Y . 8 50.2 77.9 i 4 . G i9.4 19.4 17.0 36. 6 T2. 2 i 4 .0 59. 2 i 5 .8 E. 1 IS. 0 ?4. i 33. G 78.2 30.3 ?O. 5 E. 8 j i . 1 is. 4 io. 0 15.4 $7.4 io. 6 II. 7 is. 5 77. 6 '6. 2 16.4 5 .2 15. s $0.0 $7.6 $5. 4 ;4. 8 II. 2 .... .... ... ... ... ... ... Temperature. tion. 1 (Fahrenheit.) - P 8 . -k 3 c A 0 0 m m a 1116. 4.01 4. i C 0.43 5.01 1. G i 2. !I4 2. 05 3.38 3. i 5 1. 49 1. 98 1. !IO 5.43 2. 72 1. 51 1. 70 3. 2s 2.95 1. S-l 2. 13 4. 94 4. 34 1. s2 3. !!O 5. 11 1. 19 2.liO 2. 17 3.5" 11. 40 1. i 5 4. 32 2.54 3. :34 2. IS 1. 9s 3. li 6. 46 3.3!1 2.09 3. 19 2. s i 2. i 9 2. 4s 2. Y2 3.57 3. s1 4. ill 1.39 3. x i 1.3; 2.2s 3. 58 1.58 0. !)5 3. S I 3.35 3. "'2 0.00 0. 15 0. 22 u. 11 0.46 0.00 T. T. 0.00 u. 05 0.25 0.05 0.55 0. 61 0. 10 0.11 0.00 1. 0.00 T. T. T. 0. no T. 0.00 0. 1s T. 0. 05 T. 0. 01) 0.22 0. on 0.00 T. - 5. sn 'r. n. 00 0. n9 Ins. Arizono-Cont'd. San Simon . .. .... ... .. .. . Sentinel *1 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superstition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 ............ I U i .............. 109 .. .. . .. . . .. . . 5s 10(1 I00 . .. .. .. .... . Ilpper Sau Pedro.. .. . . . . . Vail*S ........ ...... ._ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 100 Beebranch _____......_... !11 Hlanchard Spritigs. . . . . . . 94 Brinkley ............__.__ 93 Canideu n . . . _. . . ._ . . __ __ . . . . . l.'aiiiden b Cou way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coroiug ................. s3 Ikdlas ............... ... 91 . . . . . . . Fulton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hardy. .. . . ._ . . _. .. . . . . . . . 911 Heber.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . __ . . . 94 Hope . .. .. .. .. .. ._ _. .. .. . 94 Lacrosse ...._............ Y3 Lake Village . . . . . . . . . . 96 Lonoke.. .... 9s 91 94 Ytl hlarvell . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 hfossville .........__.__.__ s4 Mount Nebo. .. . . ._ . . .. . . . 67 New Lewisville.. . . . . . . . . . 94 Newportn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newport ti. .... .___ __ __ __. 95 Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9!1 0sct.ola ................... 94 Paragould . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Pocahontas . . . Pond . .. . . . . . . Prescott _...........___.._ 94 :;;:g,,-::::. : :: : : : : : : : ;; mitts Ppriugs . . . .. . . . . . . SG Alturas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &liJoririu. Lurherville.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\lalseru.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I >laimioth Spriii@ . . . . . . . Augiola ............. .... 10li Azusa . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . 9s Bagdad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 l l Bakersfield ........._._. . I09 Barstow ..._.......... ... 106 Bear Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berkeley ................. 93 Bislloo _..............._.. !!3 Boca 4 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RS Bodie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Branscomb .............._ :I6 Brush ICrerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10s ~O W ~U ~U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Butte Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Caliente* 1 .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . 103 Campbell ................. 97 Campo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - a .* 9 a .* z ~ 0 4( 7: .... .... 3; 4t 5; 5: J: 5, 41. .. .... 3?. 3: 43 56 liU 6U Ffl 5; 55 58 6 2 160 58 G!I 61 611 52 5u 5s 56 51 Ijn 5.5 5 i 50 65 57 5!1 56 59 6U 56 55 22 53 53 59 60 6X 51 5!1 54 62 61) 54 53 63 57 55 60 57 61 53 5!! 5 ; 56 59 54 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. 45 43 64 .w 5U 4; 4J 40 "1 33 40 56 $2 ... ... ... ... ~ j a - 74. : 1jo. ! .... .... ti6. Ih. ' 78. : sa. : r . s.5. i .... -., c I". . 64. 9 71.: i4. 2 i5. C iti. t I .). c i4. i 1 l .f 76.5 .... .... -r _- .... 1 ,. i3. ; 75. c ,,.C 76. 1 72. 4 69. t ii. E 72. 6 6Y. 4 76. C i 3 . 0 is. 4 l t .4 7s. 2 i7.8 rh.? 74.6 l t .4 77. 7 73.6 75. 6 73. 8 i 7 . 2 69. 5 72.4 i8.3 d d .0 73. 6 75. ti 76.0 7 i . 6 i s . 0 10. 9 72. 0 77. 8 77.0 i5.0 i6. 6 il. 4 75.5 i6.2 11.2 i s . 4 74. 2 ,,.s 69. 4 .... -r .... .... r- -. -" .... r- .." .- -- .... .... l i l . 7 6s. G G5. 0 3'. 6 G4.0 ... 84.2 .... - P 8 . -5 98 d c I a .- - Ill*. 0. 1: 0. O( 0.01 T. 0.0; T. 0.0: 0. O( 0. 11 0. 1: 0. 0. 0.01 0.01 0. 2: 0. 4c 0.14 0. IC 6. !IC 9. 71 12.03 8. I C 3. il 4. i c 4. O? 4. S? 11. i n 11.16 fi. :io 4. G1 i. 72 s. 2s 9. i 3 6. 74 5.30 5.79 4.1s 10. i 5 9. oti 3. 92 c. I n 4. ui G. 50 4.56 3. so 5. i o Y. 67 3. 76 G. 39 5.63 8.03 6.3Y !I. 40 5. 16 7 .0 2 7.64 9. 95 5. 10 3.91 3. i s I;. 3s 2. $2 3. li2 0. 54 1). 34 4.45 2.01 5. 91 !I. 33 8. 15 9. i 4 1. 14 0.26 6. 37 6. G5 7.50 s. 03 9.411 7. '26 0. 22 (1. 00 0.00 u. 00 0. 00 T. T. T. 0. 25 T. 0. 15 0. 63 T. T. 0.00 T. 0.00 0. on Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) Stations. a .e 2 m E - 1 a 5 - 0 32 52 60 44 .1P 62 60 37 34 5Y 42 54 4 i 61 44 .... .... .... .... 46 44 35 42 42 4'' 31 51 41 39 39 58 e2 M .... .... .... .... 43 .... .... 40 40 42 w 37 45 4ti 44 As 60 60 41 .... .... .... 50 55 60 411 46 47 47 70 38 50 44 14 60 44 50 46 50 45 61 49 42 42 50 50 36 48 49 63 52 51 46 46 52 41 61 .... .... .... ... ... ... ... ... - d I E - 61. 7 78. I 75.5 65. 8 68.6 74. 2 76.5 53.6 60.8 82.3 1 -. 8 li. 8 72. 8 14. 5 .... .... -., 23.2 .... .... 75.2 72. 7 65. 6 57. 5 70.3 G5.0 GI. 7 77.5 69.6 64. 1 M. 0 86. 8 55.0 70.4 .... .... .... . .. 69.2 .... .... 67.4 60.2 73.6 65.0 69. 0 71.0 67.4 72.0 S i . 3 74. 6 72. 7 .... .... .... .... 74.0 76. Y b2. 3 61. 6 67.0 56.8 66.8 41.5 56.6 i7. 0 55. 2 .... .... .... .... .... 54.7 i 2 .0 i9.4 12. 5 17. 2 74.6 ;6.2 54.8 $4. 2 57.9 59.7 17.3 52.0 17.4 73.2 45.0 74.2 71.8 i2.0 75.6 io. 2 51.8 58.6 .... ... .... .... Predpita- tion. a .* 2 - hs. 0.23 T. 0.00 T. 0.00 T. 0.00 0. 00 0.00 1.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 T. T. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 40 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 10 0.00 T. T. 0. 00 0.00 0.00 T. 0.00 0.00 1. 0.00 T. 0.00 0.24 0.00 T. 0.03 T. 0.00 T. 0.00 0.00 T. 0.00 0.1u 0.07 0.00 T. 0.00 0. 00 T. 0. 10 0.00 0.00 T. T. 0.00 0.00 T. 0. u4 0.08 0.41 T. T. 0.00 T. 0. 85 0.01 T. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 T. T. 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.03 T. 0.00 0.00 0-00 I. 5 0 5 . at 0 0 Itu. JUNE. 1904 Cblifwnin-Cont'd . San Bernardino .......... San Jacinto .................. San Jose ................. San Leaodro ............. Sau Nateo*1 ............ San Miguel*l ............. San Mi uel Islaud ....... MONTHLY WEATEIER REVIEW . TABLE II.-Clima#olOgiml *eeo*d of voluntary and other moperating obsmere-&ntinued . 102 99 95 94 101 285 Cblorade-Con t' d . Platte Canon .................. Rockyford ............... Sa uache ................. a Ida .................... Sau Luis ..... S k ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Victor .................... Vilas ......................... Wsgou Wheel ............ Temperature . 1 (Fahrenheit) 94 84 AI 97 so s(; 76 78 87 77 71; .......... Precipita- 11 I Temperature . tion . (Fahrenheit.) Santa Monica ............. Santa Rosa ............... Shmta .................... Sierra Madre ............. Sisson .................... Rnedden ...................... Soooma ....................... Sonora ................... 91 99 109 92 103 94 Summerdale .............. Summit ................. Susanville ............... Tehama*1 ................ Tejon Ranch ............. 84 74 88 106 98 Falls Village ................. Hnrtfordh ................ Hnwleyrille ............. IAke KOniblU,. 2 i5. 0 iJ. 1 ji. 2 53. S i5. 4 $6.0 ili. 6 53.0 55.2 3;. ti 57. i 5s. 0 55.6 57.6 .... ._ .... .... .... 57.4 ;i. Y 56. 6 5s. 4 G5. ? 68.3 65.5 63. s 65.4 69.0 67. 2 67.0 68.4 68.9 66. 2 G7. 6 GH. 3 6s. 4 io. 6 69.0 71.4 6s. 6 lG4. I1 64. 8 6i. 4 66. 4 lis. I; 6:). 4 65.4 63.3 67. 9 69. 2 64.3 1;s. 4 6.5. 6 I;& 2 65.0 69.0 tis. 7 67.3 67.4 69.2 66.4 67. 7 63. 7 68. 7 65. 4 69.4 G4. 5 67.9 BS. 8 69. e 66.6 66.1 63.2 69. 2 6G. 6 69. f .... .... .... .... .... .... 66. a .... ~ P a . e t 2 2 a a 5 e r - Tl1.9. 4.13 1. iX 1. i n 4. 44 2.1!4 4. 7" 2. XIJ 2. 65 2. 84 2. so 2. hlj 8. 73 3. IiU 3. 22 5. 3!1 0.91 ,. 6:; 1. XI 2.01 5. :i7 2. 05 1. 25 2. 30 !. 91 2. so .I . 4:; 4. 10 2. i s 4.45 4. 37 3. 45 1.64 1. 95 3. G:! 3. 33 3. 21 4. GS 1. 16 1.26 1.00 1. i l 3. 7 2 1. 70 4. 31) 5. 32 d. 9; 4. i 3 s. 05 9, 20 7.51 7. i? 5.00 9. 61 1. 36 H. 42 3. 94 5 7 IJ I l 4. 87 8. 76 9. 13 2.55 I . 67 3. 71 2. 31; :3. 63 u. 39 3. 45 3. x4 4.02 1. 2.5 2. 71 1.55 4.41 4. 169 0. si1 4. (15 5. 61 2. 64 3.40 5.96 !. I!) 0. r 2 p. srg .... 4. sn Stations. stations. d I z 63.0 68. 2 56.2 64. 6 49.0 60.6 55. I 1 56.6 GO. 4e 71.7 67. R 69. G 65. 0 65. 8 67.6 67.0 73. s 71.6 69. Ii 6!l. 0 70. 4 io. 0 71. 1 il. 7 ti9.2 i3.0 69. !I' 70. 1) 67. 8 69. 7 i 4 . 4 6s. 4 70. ti i l . 0 6s. 2 70. 6 70. 2 72. 6 63.4 69. 2 63.3 70. 4 6s. 6 67.4 66.4 66.2 6s. 6 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... 72. 0 70. 31 68. 4 6% 2 6s. 1 6s. 2 66.3 69.2 69.8 72.3 i 3 . 8 i?. 1 GS. G 72. 0 70. 0 70. 4 73.4 63. 8 TO. 5 69. 6 69. 6 73. 0 66. 6 in. 2 64. 6 67.5 72.4 63. s Bo. 1 67. 1 72.4 67.3 69.8 63. 8 G9.4' iu. 4 63. 5 66. Y 64.4 66.0 72. n ...... ..... kW. 1.0 0 SR Sli 86 I SO (J? !IO SI; h7 I ... I:! !P2 94 84 as !I4 !I I !IU !I I 9s !I2 P9 3s !I 1 !IO !ID 85 !I3 !Ill !P? 89 88 87 !lli 94 !I? 9U S!l S!! SC 93 89 90' Y? :V2 89 91 95 !I3 91 I17 ss !I? !I:$ !I2 91 !I2 !I5 !I4 9 5 !I3 92 !I 2 !I:; :In ... ... on 87 S5 S6 AI; SY SX 92 R9 57 RC S5 92 S'( 87 ... :rn 90 !IO S R iowa-Cout'd. Clarinda ............... Clearlake.. ...... Cliutou ................. College Springs ........ Columbus Juuct.iou ..... ruiug.. ............... ryolon ............... sru. ................. Delaware. .............. Earlham ............... IIU. Idaho-Cont'd. Pollock.. ................ porthill ................. Priest. River ............ Riddle .................. Roosev el t ............... St. Manes.. ............. Soldier. ................. Vernon ................. Weston ................. nlitiois. Albion .................. Aledo ................... Alexander .............. Antioch ................. Ashton .................. Astoria.. ................ Aurora.. ................ Beardstown ............. Beuton .................. Bloomington ............ Carrollton.. ............. Charleston .............. Cohdeu.. ................ Flora. ................... Friendgrove ........... Galva ................... Grafton ................. Greenville.. ............. Joliet ................... Kishwaukce ....... Knoxville .......... Loalui .................. hIcLeanshoro. ........... Martinsville. ............ Martinton. ............. Mascoutah ............. nxattoon ............ Monmouth ...... Morrison ........ Morrisonville ........... Mount Camel.. ......... Mount Pulaski .......... Mount Vernon .......... Palestine ............... Pana .................... Paris.. .................. Peoria a ................ Peoria b .. ............... Philo ................... Pluluhill ................ Pou ti ac ................. Rantoul.. ............... Raum ............ Riley.. .................. Robinson. .............. St. Charles .... St.. John ................. Streator. ................ Siillivau ................ Fla,rt.nc.e ............... Forest City.. ........... Furt Dabdye ............ Furt hlaclisdm .......... (ialra .................. Gilmao ............... Harlau .................. Hlrmbo,~dt. ............. Ida 1+rnrc .............. Iudiauvln .............. Iowa Falls ............. JeFcrsou ............... lie"aa1Iqu:b ............. Lacuna. ............... Larrabre ............... Leclaire ............... Leuon.. ................ Leou ................... Hopeville .............. 1uclellruolt.uce .......... .............. Logau ........ hlal'le Valley.. hraqwketn.. .. hlasou City ............ nlaweun. ............... hIarshallluwu ......... 118 ,I1 tezu 1ua ........... hlouut Plcasaut.. ....... Mount. Veruou ......... New Hamptou ......... Newton ....... Northwood.. ............ Odebolt ............... Plover ....... PoL.ahuntas.. ........... Priirighar .............. Redoak ................ F:iithren ..... c City ................ Charles ............. oiirney. ............. irx C'euter.. ........ Storm Lake ............ Stuart.. ................. Thurmau.. ............. Tipton ............. Toledo ............. Yilliwa ............... Washiugtuu ............ Waterloo ............... Waukee ................ l e y .. ............... Sycamore ............... Tilden .................. Tiskil wa ................ Bouaparte .............. Britt .................... Buckiugham ............ Burlington .............. Carroll .................. Cedar Rapids. .......... Charitou ................ Charles City.. ........... Tuscola ................. Urhaua., ................ Walnut ................. Winchester ............. Windsor.. ............... Winnebago. ............. Yorkville ............... Zion.. ................... 96 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABL~ II.-Cl6mahb&al recard of vohtccry and other coope7dmg obeerver+Continued. Zl-oIlsns-Cout'd. Ediiiout.ou ............... Euhank .................. Faliuouth ................ Fords Ferry.. ............ Frankfort ............... Franklin ................. Highbridge .............. Hvpkinrrille ............. rrriugtou ............... Jackwon ................. Leitchlield ............. Loretto ................ May field ................ hlarsville ............... >fiJdleslmro. ............. AIoiiut Sterliug .......... OweusGoro ............ radumll n.. ............. Paducah b ................ Princeton ................ Richmond.. .............. dt.. John. ................ Scott ..................... Taylamville.. ............ Williaiushurg ............ Williawstowu ............ Loiiisiuiro. Abberille ............... Alexandria .............. Amite ................... Baton Rouge ............. Camyron ................ l'aspiaua ................. Cheuey rille .............. Cliutou .................. Emilie ................... FariuPrville ............. (;rand Cot.ea ............ Hamruond ............... Houma.. ................. Jenu incs ................. Lafayette ................ T.:1ke ('llnrles.. ........... Lakaside ................ Law reuce ................ Lrraville ................. Libertyhill ............... Luganspurt. .............. Mausfield ................ Upelousas ................ (k f o r d ................... Plain Dealing ........... Reserve .................. Rnheline ................ Rostou ................... raui%ville ......... ever.. .............. ierii Unirersiby ..... r Eaperimeut Htatiou. Bar Harhor .............. Belfast ................... C'hasuucnok .............. Cornish .................. Uanfortli. ................. Fairlield ................. Fariiiingt.on .............. Gardiner ................ Grant Farm ............... Houlton. ... II Lewiston-. ....... .. 287 JUNE, 1904. Temperature. (Fahreuheit. ) Precipita- 11 tion. Precipita- tion. Temperatiire. (Fahrenheit. ) Temperature. (Fahreuheit. ) - g .I s - 86 87 901 90 $6 90 03 85 8S 95 92 !I? !I4 y'2 !Ill (12 YU 93 99 88 96 !I? 50 YS 90 AS 93 93 88 YS 9Y YH 90 48 Y7 !Iti !I3 96 98 96 94 93 $9 90 !I5 93 Y4 YH !I3 IOU "2 89 89 91 90 !I 1 SS !I1 ... .... .... .... .... ... ... yn YlJ 91. 92c 89 9G 86 94 96 94 Si 95 92 84 90 !I9 S9 95 96 04 94 91 91 97 91 95 93 9'2 91 9n .... ~ d t z - 65. P 65.3 lis. li 68. 7 66.0 65. fi 69. 0 6!l. 8 ti!). 6 il. ti il. 4 io. 2 75. 6 li6. 7 72. IJ 71.4 70.4 69. 2 71. 7 71). 2 i 4 . 8 69. 6 71. 4 6s. 4 ill. 2 71. 6 71. s 70. 3 il. 2 70. Ij ti;. 4 69. 9 67. 6 6!l. 2 69.0 i0. Y G9.5 74. ? fi9. 9 6!l. 6 G9. 2 68.8 70.0 70. 4 tis. Ii i l . 5 is. 4 71. 6 i l . 5 i 4 . 2 il. 11 ill. 5 il. 4 66. !I 51. ti ill. 0 70. 6 i2.0 70. 5 i" 9 63. 6 71. 5 71. 2 6% s 73. 6 70. 2 73. IJ Ij9.b: G U 0 69.6 66.0 72.0 i o . ti ,-. 0 73.4 72. 7 74. fi 73. I 1 73. ti 7 2 . 0 74.2 73.0 i6. 1 74.2 73.6 74.6 .... .... .... .... .... f i ~. n .... .... -. I .... -9 74. n __ d t B - ..... 59. u 57. 2 5s. G 72.6 67. s 71. 6 73,s 68.6 io. 1 89.8 68. 67. 9 i0. 9 in. 1 ..... ..... 69.5 61.3 71. 2 70. 2 68.6 in. 8 64.9 il. 0 70.5 i l . 2 71. 5 ..... 12. 9 72. 1 6!1. 5 li9. 5 63, 6 72. G 71.8 70.3 72. li il. 2 70.3 C!I. 0 68. 3 il. 0 fi5. 3 til. 6 61. G 64. 1 F3. R I K 0 63.4 63. !I 64. 2 65, s 62. H .... .... c3. 0 65. 'j til. 4 u1.2 61. 4 63.6 61. li til. i 64. 0 6G. S 61. 6 65.4 172. 2 64. s 64. !I 66. G 65.6 fiL.41 66. 2 liti. 7 66.2 fi4.9 5Y. s 66. 6 65. 5 63. 5' 64.0 67.6 64.4 6ti. 1 67.4 59.8 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ~ $ a 3 .- - 0 46 -12 4 i 46 46 ... ... 3n 44 52 50 49 53 45 56 YO 56 51 51 43 46 54 50 49 54 41 50 53 53 4 i 54 44 50 51 -1s 51 I 4Y 3s 50 47 5s 45 4.4 44 42 4.4 53 47 48 4s 47 51 51) 44 54 41; x! 40 :,a 55 52 56 50 51. 44. 55 49 45 55 4s 56 4; 47 41 56 a7 5s 57 52 52 5 l J 52 48 5 i 6'2 53 54 5s 52 53 ... ... ... 50 ... -_ g z - 72.2 i l J . S 72.8 72.6 i4.5 i3. 2 72. , il. 1) 73. 7 72.2 I -. 3 72. 2 i.1. 4 I -, 8 71. 4' 72, 2 73. s 74. !I i C . B 74. 4 i S . 2 i l .4 il. 4 il. 5 74. :j 7% 9 72. 6 70. 4 41. 4 $11. 4 s1. u i9.11 78. 4, s1.2 7!1. 9 S I . 2 is. S SO.O 81. 2 i Y . 2 80.0 S l . s SII. 6 so. 1 811. 2 SO. s 60.1 78. 6 P I . 0 so. s 7% n 79. 8 7s. 1 so. 1 7s. F, 80. 5 SII. 2 so. 9 79. 4 #I . 5 .... r., . "., .... 80. n $0. o .... _- 79. 4 79.6 i!l. 6 70. 4 $1. 0 11.3 5:). 4 59. 2 66.5 61.4 62.0 62.6 fe. 2 63. 2 62.4 59. 8 611. 4 63. 5 G I . L' f i l l . 4 59.9 62. s 61.2 .... sn. fi "- .... .... .... - d b: .- 5 - .... x2 xi 84 95 Y:< !lX 9s 9; 113 "2 94 91 !I5 9s .... .... YS 8s !I5 !I4 94 !I4 93 95 94 Y i !I3 9.i Y i 92 92 86 9s !I7 :I2 93 Y i 96 93 !I3 !>ti 112 85 !IIJ 93 94 !rO !I1 xs 91 CPL 91 .... .... .... 91 !I1 !I I 92 R!l !I1 S!I 96 $12 94 90 Yli $12 4'1 sa 9U 84 !I1 S!l 86 90 SS 56 88 91 87 90 93 w3 .... on :in .... .... .... .... .... go .... a 3 - 1 . aE 9 % 2 a .I u 5 a . at 2 a 9 e m a .r( - Ill& 4.64 1. 6s 2. 74 0.64 6. 67 Y. 42 2. 99 3. 14 5.32 4. 58 5. 63 5.47 3.51 3. 71 4. s4 2. 45 4.26 5.17 5. I 1 3. S i 4.02 5. 98 2. 71 !I. 94 4 93 3. i d 4. I!I 3.82 6.39 4. 56 6. 36 3 1s 4 01) 2.50 2 !lti 3. Y 1 5. 28 6. 46 1. 31 3. 13 5.35 2.8ti 2. I;4 2. i 5 3 60 3 22 3. 63 3. 4s 2. si3 5.03 3. 78 3. 7!1 3. 27 4. 00 4. 70 4.59 2.49 5.46 2. i o 3.51 1. li5 3.34 4. 17 3.54 3.37 2, 22 2. 44 2. 6U 5 L9 2. $5 2. 78 0.70 2.49 1.37 1.84 1.98 5.25 1. 51 0.3i 6. 2n 4. i n 3. n4 4.n; 2. ;n ... n. $17 ..... I. 05 n. n2 1.33 1.04 2.YI 1.01 0.90 1.90 Stations. Stations. G 2 z .- .* El - 0 52 49 so 54 5s 50 52 53 54 54 54 50 5 i 93 59 54 5s .;4 till 51 5:! 53 52 .5? .?2 53 63 63 @2 61 (i3 61 5 6 65 62 lj2 60 till ti1 64 fi4 I;:< 6" 1;4 fill 61 65 6:: I65 65 ti6 f i l 57 5'4 I GlJ 5s 1;3 6'1 63 60 57 tis 65 64 GO 15 1 1; I GO IU 66 62 37 31; 40 4u :is 41 311 48 41 41 37 4IJ X6 37 33 J2 35 ..... ..... 5n ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 2 .I a 2 - .... 35 33 :30 51 41 45 44 45 47 4 i H0 44 4 i 45 .... .... 47 36 41 46 46 41; 40 4G 44 45 50 49 .%I 4 i 45 :3i 46 47 -12 54 45 46 47 44 47 41 38 44 40 R!, 44 45 46 3s 39 36 .... .... .... 38 :<:I 3s 37 33 40 -12 44 49 .... .... .... 4n .... 33 37 3 i 41 42 44 47 44 40 44 41 Y2 42 35 44 48 41 3s 43 38 4s 41 42 .... .... !I 1 89 8 2 91 I S!I 9; 9: 91 Y.3 s9 !I I 94 !I1 94 91) !W !I I !I!I !I; <,2 !II S9 $1 I !I 1 94 9:: !I I ss 9s $IS !I i 96 !I4 !)i 9S 9% !I4 XI !IS $15 Y4 !IS 9Y 96 911 !IS 9s !Ii $15 !IS 94 91; 99 !I4 !I5 !l!l !IS 91 91; Hi 9; 9ll 96 01; !I7 $18 !I6 !I G $14 95 90 84 S4 $1 1 S!I !I I SO S4 YU X!l 84 Y6 !Ill S9 $7 R5 90 S6 !In .... .... .... .... .... Mr~i?w.-Cout~d. The Forks.. ............. Thomaston .............. Vanhoreu ............... Vanrehoro .............. I 1 Morulnnd. Itla. IO~PU-COU~'~. Waver1 y ................ Zearing ................. Kmwcrs. Achilles. ................ Alton ................... Anthony ................ Atchison ............... Baker .... ... Beloit.. ................ Burlingtoil .............. Clagr &Ute:::. .......... Co eyville ........... Colbv ................... Colubbus ............... Cunnlugharu.. .......... Elrlorado. ............... Ellinwood.. ............. Ellsworth ............... Emporia ................ Euglewood .............. Oreuola ................. Harrison ................ Hol ton .................. Horton ................. Hoaie. ............... Ins. 3.43 li. 93 1. li6 1. 40 1.61 I . 7Y 4.11 6. !!3 4. 57 5. 87 5. 2s 7. 5 i ..... 1 ..... 7. I1 10.7s 3.08 X. L'G 8. "5 7. 58 9.51 4. Sei s. 11 13. 72 16.07 3. 50 5. 4s 5. 2 12. XS 5. 71 14.27 2. 64 2. e:! 1u. 71 5.4!1 4.3Y 4. k6 3.22 5. 96 5.5k 11. i s 2.5s 2. il 4. 74 3. 93 3. i o 7. G? 4. 5:; h. 77 6.31 5. 62 11. i U 5. 91 4.3' 11. IS 7. ii 11.45 5.11 16. 93 5.5-1 :5. 95 7. SG 4.05 12. OR i. GS 11). 36 4. 69 9.79 4.46 7. 52 10. 72 5. 27 11.3i 3.03 3. 47 -1. i n 2.60 6. 66 11.64 6.45 13.22 5. 71 I . s4 2. 38 2 .z 2.113 1. SI 1.78 5. 511 4.30 I . 65 2. $13 3. 12 2.37 his. 2. 35 3. 7 i 3.96 4. 0ti 3.01 1.45 2. 4 i 2. 12 1. yz' 3. S.5 4. i s li. 03 1.49 2. 113 4. 53 2. s5 2. ci:! 2. i 9 2.38 3. X! 3. -12 3, 13 4. ?:! 3.25 2, 2:; 2. ti4 3. 31 5. 01 a. (J4 2. u3 3. 86 6. 63 4. Ik 1. 16 4. 54 4. X i 3. 26 6. :;5 4. 89 3. 84 3. 43 3.03 7.45 4.34 2. 73 2, 55 5. $6 3. 44 5. 25 2. i 3 3. 9; 3. PO 3. no 2.97 ti. 48 i. 24 4. 34 0. 64 4. 11!1 3.91) 4.39 2.47 1. !I2 3. !Ill 2.09 3. 5s 2. 43 2. 70 I . 4n 2. I;n 1. 0:c 2. i s 2.94 1. i G -. .c: I . 113 1. 29 2.111 2. 52 2. 64 :1. 31; :<. 17 2.16 2. s7 ?. !Ih 2. li 4. 15 2. $2 2. I;? 4, . > Annapolis .:. .......... Bachmans Valley.. ...... Boettcherville .......... Cambridge .............. Chase ................... Cheltenham ............. Chestertowu. ......... Clearspring ............ Coleiuan ................ Col legepart ............. Colori-. ................. Cu ni her1 an d ............ Darl i ngt ou .............. D e q a r k .. .............. l ~e u t o u ................. Easton .................. Fallston ................ Frederick ............... Grantsrille ............. (ireatfalls ............... (ireenspring Furnace.. .. Haucock Barney ................. ............... El Hutchinson ............. Independence ........... Jetmore.. ............... La Crosse ............... Van Bibber ............. Westem port ............ Wuudstoch- .............. illnsaachicarlls. Auherst ................ Bedford.. .... East TempletvU. ........ Fall River ............... Ludlow Center.. ........ hliddleboro .... nrousou ....... New Bedford.. . Proviucetowu Lakin. .................. Lamed.. ............... Lebauon ................ Lebo .................... DIacksville .............. McPherson .............. Morau.. ................. Norton .................. Norwich ................ Olathe .................. Ot.tawa .................. Paola. .................. Pliilli ysburg ........... Pleassoton .............. Saleiii ................... Soweraet *I .. ............ Sterling ................. Taiinton ............... Prlltt .................... Republic ............... Rab111a ................... Salina.. ................. Wehster ................ Westboro ................ West ... Wiuchendou ............ Worcester. .............. Michignii. Adrian .................. ... Beuzonia.. .............. Berlin .................. Rerrieu S ,rings Big Rapids.. .. .: :: :: :: :: Birmingham ............ Bloomingdale ........... Calumet. ................ ... Sedan. .................. Ulvsses. ................. Valley ~a i i ~. ............ Viroqua ................. Wakeeoey .............. Wallace ................. Walnut ................. Wamey 1 .............. Winfie d ................ h-mltrcky. Alpha.. ................. Anchorage .............. Bardstown .............. Beattyville .............. Beaver Dam. ............ Berea ................... Blandville.. ............. Bowlin Green Burnsife ..... 1: 1::: 1: 1: Cadiz ................... Calhoun.. ............... Catlettshorg ............. Earlington .............. Madison. ................ Mavfield ................. I I i h o c t e t ............. North Bridgton .......... oquossoc ................. Orono .................... Pstteu ................... Rumford Falls ........... South Lagrauge .......... 38-5 Minneaota-Cout'd. Grand Meadow.. ......... Hallock .................. Lake Winuibigoshish .... Leech .................... Long Prairie.. ........... Loverne.. ................ Milan ................... Minneapolis 1 ............ &Ion t evideo .............. hIorri8 ................... Mount Iron .............. New Londou ............ New Richlaud.. .......... New Ulm ................ Park Rapids. ............. Pine River ............ Pipestone ................ Pleasant h l O l I U ~l S .. ....... Pokegama F a l l s .. ....... Redwing a ................ Reeds ...................... Rolling Greeu.. .......... St. Charlea.. ............. St. 1'loud ................. St. Peter.. ................ Shakopee ................ Tower ................... Two Harbors ............. Willow River.. ........... \Viuueh;rgo. .............. Winoua .................. Zumbrota ............... Wurthiugt.ou ............ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Avalou.. ................. Hague11 ........................ Bethany. ................. Birch t re? ................ Blue S])rings ............. Boouville ...................... Brunswick ............... I'aru t.h ersv i I1 e 1:unceptiou .............. Darh-sville ................ ........... S7 Y!) S i 85 87 9 0 86 86 c;ano.. ................... (ilasgow .................. 88 87 Ironton .................. Jackson .................. 90 53 Koshkonung ............. Lamar ................... Laiuou t.e ...................... Lehauou ................. Lexington .............. Liherty .................. Lockwoud ..................... Louisiana ................ 88 90 115 117 S6 8s Mont.rea1 ................. Mountaingrove .......... Mount Vernon ........... Neosho .................. S8 S8 YO SB .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... Protelu.. ................. Rock p o r t ...................... Rolla .......................... 5t. Charles ............... 5t. Joseph.. ................... 93 S7 Sarcoxib ....................... Sedalia.. ................. Seymour ................. Jikeston .................. 85 S i 89 MONTHTY WEATHER REVIEW. JUNE, 1904 Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) - d 1 z - 0 io. 3 tis. 4 il.3 71). 1 69.4 (3.0 69.0 68.2 70. 4 i 3 .4 .... .... r- .... ... .... 67. n i l l . 0 i l . 1 i U 6 70.6 68.6 69. 9 71.2 .... .... .... 69.2 69.6 io. 4 7:?. 2 io. 1 72. a $9. 2 71.6 i?. 2 71.2 io. !I 70. 7 6!!. > io. 4 6%. 1 i o 1 72. 1 69.9 68. 8 6!1. 6 71.4 71.4 71.7 i0 6 71. 1 71. 4 7D. 6 72. 6 71.2 T2. 6 .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... 71. 6 71.0 68.8 i3. t 69. 1 69. 6 io. 8 69. 1 i l . i io. 4 69.4 io. 0 70. 5 71.8 54.4 56.4 56.4 57. 3 55.2 55.9 60. 1 61. 6 60.9 63.0 54.8 65.3 61.2 fi3.4 54.3 56.3 .... .... .... - g .- i4 - 82 83 84 89 ti!l 8:3 83 91 so S4 H I 82' S9 3R b!l Sti S i S8 80 90 $14 92 9 I 89 !I I 89 Hi 90 81 87 S6 63 83 i 6 ' 87 Y!I e91 8s Y9 !!O 341 81 ?I8 92 94 85 SS 35 33 97. 85 84 87 37 87 47 88 SY 86 94 88 39 S8 87 P5 s6 84 87 90 YO 88 !IO 86 ,h 89 85 85 88 e4 86 S i Sti 85 66 88 87 82 84 86 &4 "I ... 9n ... II! n91 ... - 1 3 2 - 45 39 31 34 43 45 3' 41 43 25 40 47 25 42 40 40 40 39 44 38 42 36 42 $2 $2 $2 43 40 45 21 12 34 32 38 35 49 43 45 32 46 42 40 3s 30 38 37 43 42 34 41 43 44 30 42 47 31 34 4 4 44 40 47 38 33 43 39 44 41 30 43 39 39 46 43 38 29 36 12 ... ... .... .... 42 35 41 37 33 39 41 50 4s 43 31 -13 44 42 44 .... - a 3 1 . at II il IRt. 0.90 0.88 3.31 1.00 1.01 1.30 1. 5s 1. 62 1.30 1.50 1.25 0. 79 1.31 0. 74 2. 3' 0. 67 4.20 I . 24 3. 66 1 . 4!I 1.13 1. GI) 1. 26 3. (10 5.6s 4.01 1. MI ?. 34 2. 3:' 2.70 5.20 2.03 2. 55 1. 21; 1.66 1.73 1.15 1. so 2. 7%) 2. 12 1.05 2. 70 ..... .... .... .... .... 2.3s 1.17 0. si, 2. 65 2. 10 3.01 1. 10 0. 90 3.43 0. 6s a. 23 1. 70 0.35 1.43 .... .... .... 3 15 1.96 1.51 1.00 I . 93 0. i 6 1.88 0. s1 I). so 2.20 1.61 3. 10 1.76 2. 10 1. !IO 0. 56 3.02 3. 60 4.64 4.26 3 . R S 3. 91: 2.37 3.45 3. 36 2. 49 3. !I' 1;. 15 4.28 3.08 3. 34 6. 61 5. 19 ~ E 3 .- z 9 - 0 31; 45 42 3s 33 40 3s 42 30 44 42 44 42 3 1 46 44 44 36 3s 43 42 32 .... ... 45 42 43 41 35 4:? 35 34 45 34 3:' 44 4s 41) 40 53 59 5'2 57 63 65 59 5s 53 53 54 59 53 60 61 63 59 5.1 .;y GU 6U 56 55 54 53 55 63 55 54 62 59 56 .... ... ... ... 6 o 54 5:? cu 56 55 551 I; 1 58 59 52: S f i 5s 53 I? 5s 54 64 ... ... ... __ d L z - 0 66.7 61.4 61. 1 IN. 4 62.5 fi8. 8 I?:'. 4 64. 8 6U. 6 63.2 5fi. 6 1%. 8 62.4 I;lr. 0 65. 8 65. 4 Ii6. (I 60. 4 .... 64, c 63.0 65. 2 $0. 6 65. 0 5s. i 54. 8 W.2 61.4 59. 7 6ti. 2 lis. 6 G4. 7 63. s ;!I. 3 l,.ll it;. 6 is. iJ 79. 4 P I . 2 76. s 72. s 78. :; 77.0 75. 4 i!l. 3 77. 5 79. 4 78. Y i s . 0 79. I 79. 1 tb. i i 6 . Y 7.1. 1 i Y . 1 78. 1 is. 4 .... 79. 2 -1 .... 7s. 5 ii. 6 SO. 6 ?!. 5 81). 0 78. 2 i 7 . 2 is. s i s . 4 79. 5 75. 7 1 t .S 79. 6 ?!I. 2 i7.2 79. 3 76. S i s . 5 75. 5 $1.0 79. a 71.3 71. 2 .... .... -_ .... .... Btatlons. Stations. I a 6 g .d 0 54 - 0 53 50 57' 54 56 S i 50 51 5" 5.1 .... .... ... ... ... 52 54 5s 52 56 51 52 53 .... .... .... 47 55 47 S3 5.5 51' 53 55 54 54 54 58 48 53 45 53 55 53 47 51 50 5:: 53 55 54 50 63 54 52 54 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 65 .... .... 65 45 55 53 M 51 50 55 M 47 4 i 53 51 37 30 32 3' 32 34 35 37 32 311 28 38 36 37 30 27 .... d J 67. 6 63.0 58.3 62.6 66.4 66. 7 51.6 59.4 67.3 53.4 62. Y 67.0 59.6 65. 8 64. 4 65. 8 61. 0 65. 3 63.4 5ti. J ti6.6 6.3. i 65.0 61. 3 66.0 6ti. 4 62. 5 1;s. 8 57. Y 64. 2 61. S 60. I; 62. 2 63. 4 67. 3 64. 3 55. ti! 67. 6 65.9 li6. 0 e. 3t 63.2 W'. 0 64.0 til. 6 65.6 61.0 63.2 66. Oc 65. 1 61. IC 63. 9 66.0 62. 2 1 3 . 1 65.8 67.0 61.2 67. 6 63.2 R5. 0 ti7. 0 55.7 64.0 G I . 3 GO. 2 G5. 4 62.7 65. 8 1;s. 5 165. 2 65.38 58.7d 53. s 65.6 tin. 2' ..... ..... 5n. 5 ..... ..... 6?. 9 61.0 62. 3 62. a 63.21 fin. 5 62.3 68.2 63.4 ti3. 5 $2. 6 G4.0 63.6 63. 6 ..... lin. 3 0 34 90 s3 84 86 55 55 86 4s SI S O 85 S4 45 !I 0 b!l h!l SS S i YO 62 s i .... .... 85 S4 SI; 85 Y5 s4 s; 83 S i xc S5 S!I S4 R5 S4 !IY $17 95 !AS $P2 94 94 $19 IWJ 94 00 91; 9 i !IS 96 D:: 95 ?!I !IS Y5 94 !4 i !IS 11JO 98 I I W .... r11s. Ins. 5.33 6.99 3. 25 6. 10 6. 15 7.65 7. 04 4. PO 6.38 6. 17 IS. 19 ti. 47 6.32 2. 24 8. 09 6. 19 5.55 7.45 6. 70 7.68 '1.27 4.40 1u. 91 7.07 3.20 6.02 10.27 5. 65 8. 86 Y. 71 4. 62 6.27 7. $2 5.1; 9. 84 6.40 9. 72 5.33 5. 1s 9.46 4. 14 3. 23 5. 87 3.93 5. 74 10.72 7.42 S. 36 6. 23 7.98 10.42 13. 79 7. 1s 2. $16 6.76 7.52 6. S5 7.31 8.10 5.39 1.60 5.95 5.75 7. 86 6. 75 5.36 8.05 7.51 9. 82 3. 74 3.51 6.10 2.93 3. 15 5.9u 4.97 9. 74 7.55 5. 83 7. 89 9.62 1.27 T. 0. 99 0.89 1.74 1.00 1.44 1.54 0.09 2.26 1.50 2. 05 1.81 1.15 1.91 ..... Ills. 5. 80 5. 12 2. 11; 2.74 fi. 12 4.13 3. i o 4. :31 3. s7 2. s3 2. .so 1 . 21 3. (15 4.35 5. 3; -. 46 . 114 .i 4 . :. I H 8. 35 7. I2 12.13 !. 08 :. 114 $53 5.58 Michigan-Cont'd. Cassopolis ................ Charlevoix ............... Chatham ................. Frankfort ............... Glndwin.. .............. (;rand ~a v e n ............ Grand Marais.. .......... Harbor Beach ............ Harrison ................. Harrisville ............... Hastiuga ................. Hayee.. .................. Hillsdale ................ Hiimboldt ............... Ionia .................... Ironwood ................ Ishpemiug .............. Ivau ..................... Jackson .................. Lansing ................. Manceloua ............... Yanistee ................. Menominee .............. Midland ................. Montague.. ............. hluunt Clemeus .......... Muategoo ............... Old XIission ...... Olivet.. .................. Ovid ..................... Owosso.. ............. Petoskey ............. Plyruout.h ............ Puwers .................. Reed C i t y .. .............. daginaw (W. S.). ......... St. Ignace.. .............. St. Josesh ................ Slocuru ................... S0ut.h Haven . . Thomaston ............... Thornville,. ............. Traverse City .... Vassar .................. Wasepi .................. Webberville ............. West Branch. ............ Wetmore. ................ \Vhilefi& P o i n t .. ........ Marine Cit.y.. ............ ................ ................ Collegeville .......... Detroit Ctiy. ............. F a n baul t ....... Farmington .............. Fergus Falls. ............. Cilencoe .................. Dean ..................... 90 ~ :roto ................... 87 JUiphau ................ 90 1)l Ih Uowuiug Fairport Fultou .................. h9 Iiallat Fayette .................. 87 Mississippi. Aberdeen ......... Agricultural Collrge. Austin .............. Batesville ........... Ray St. Louis.. ...... Riloxi .............. Booueville .......... Brookhaveu ......... ~' o l i ~~~~l ~i a ........... C'ulumbus ........... Coriuth ............ Crystal S )ring* Dock Hill. .. .: : : ::: : Edwards ............ Fnyett.e ............. Greeuvillea ......... Green ~i l l e b ......... Fayette (near) ...... Greenwood.. ........ Hazlehurst .......... Hernaniu.. ......... Holly S rings ...... IndianoTa .......... Kosciusko. .......... Lake.. .............. Lake C.omo.. ....... McNeill ............ Natchez ............. Pearlingt.on ......... Pittsboro ........... Pontotoc ............ Poplarville .......... Purl (iibsou ......... Sh WOJe ............. Stoniugtou .......... Waloo tyrove ........ Watervalley ........ Wayneaboro ....... Woudville .......... Yazoo City.. ....... Appleton City. ...... Arthur ............. Nisaoari. ..... 1110 9H 1112 Y i 0s 9 i 100 !I5 !I6 92 94 97 93 Ill:! .... ..... ...... 100 57 95 9s $19 Qli 9 G 9s 9s .... gn S9 JUNE, 1904. Troy ..................... Two Dot.. ................ Utiea. ................. Wolf Creek. ............. MONTHLP WEATHER RJZmW. TABLE II.-crimotOlo~ rccwd of voluntary and other cooperating observers-Continued. 36 90 90 69 289 Plattsmouth n . Plattamouth h . ................. Purdom .................. Ravenua ................. Rcdcloud ................ ..................... 4!l I:: 40 91 44 H!) 42 59. S 65. 4 65. s 65. 0 ..... ..... 63. 5 .... ..... 67. 4 154.3 RX. 2 67. 7 6s. o 2, R i 3.66 4.23 3. Y3 6.26 2. i 4 2..w 3.65 ti. 41 3.65 4, i s 4.04 $2 8 5. an 8;rlrlll .............................. Hautee .................. !I3 44 hu p ler ............................ ward .................. $111 iitlrticld.. ......................... 46 Htrang.. ........................ St.ratton ...................... Strooisbury .................. Hur~erior ................. !IO Wahoo .. y .. .......... 1;. Wakefield ................ Wallace .............................. Wau uet a .......................... Weeping Water Westpoint. ............... W i 1 her ............................. Wilwuville ......................... Wiuuebago.. ............ uer.. ........................ iiiurr ........................ .k .................... 1vel.nda. Aortiu .................. Battle Mountaiu ......... Belmnutr ............... Bww:iw<. ................. i!audelaria ............... Carsou City .............. ('ranes P.anch ..................... Dyer ..................... Elko ..................... Ely ...................... 4 i ........ !IO 41 .................. !IO 4s HX 31 90 ..... s i 36 100 3s 89 37 !I7 35 S i SUI Y1 32 $11 84 95 3? YO 30 Burchard ..................... Burwell ....................... Callaway ................. Central Cit.y. .................. 91 Crookston ..................... Colhert.sou ............... Curtis. ................... David C i t y .. ............ Dawaou .................. 93 91 87 90 Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) Pmciplta- (1 tion. Precipita- 11 tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit. ) Precipita- tion. ~ $ z - 63.3 62.2 65. 9 60. 4 tis. 4 61. 7 83. 8 63.0 63. 8 fA. 0 61. !I 60.8 6.4.9 61.3 67.2 68. 6 BO. 0 6%. !I lis. 6 70.0 tiY. 2 72.5 69. 1 64.9 68. 6 CY. 6 1;s. x 65. ti 67. 2 6!1. 1 69. i tin. Y 70. 0 70. 0 67. 5 io. 2 titi 0 69. 0 lin. 7 io. ti 6 i . 9 67. 6 i l l . 2 69. 0 6X. 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... 60. 6 io. 8 68. 0 68. 6 67. e 67.4 i0. 3 68. 0 6Y. 2 67.8 .... 76. 2 71. 2 71.3 69. 1 .... .... is. 9 55, 0 62. 8 61.9 73. 2 71.0 62. 0 64.4 66. ti .... .... .... .... 63. 6 i7.2 62. 7 61. 1 77. 1 64.9 6.4.4 60.4 74.3 72.0 64. 6 64.9 62. 6 .... .... - g .- I 5 - '35 40 35 37 34 36 36 32 36 33 37 31 37 37 48 39 48 4 i 4s -16 40 45 44 34 41 43 43 40 43 48 c 46 46 *2 -13 44 37 -11; 4li 4.5 41 49 47 43 -13 .... .... .... ... ... ... 40 45 49 4? 4.5 41 48 43 43 40 ... .w 48 4 i 4Y ... ... 57' 35 40 33 48 46 35 35 40 ... ... ... .... 34 50 33 R7 .IS 35 33 34 54 49 37 32 32 ... .... __ P s . 5 5 d c - ElEl d m El .- ~ Ins. 1.44 1.78 2. 51 2. i !l 1.95 3.03 6.65 2. 73 2. 80 1.48 1.97 1.98 2.39 3. 21 2.26 2.26 1.60 2.62 3. 1Y 2.50 3. 50 2. 78 3.32 3. i 6 1.91 3.05 3.80 4.59 5.00 4. 24 2. 50 5.20 3. 19 2.66 3.30 3. $5 3. 16 2.63 2. 70 3. 73 3. 15 3.07 3.00 2. 51 3.46 2, 61 2. 91; 3. 26 2. G i 2. 58 3. 13 2.89 2.36 2. 94 2.49 2.24 4. IO 4. 04 5.44 2. i 3 2.95 2.00 0. 13 3.2" 0. 32 3.37 4.04 0.18 5. 13 1.63 0.60 1.8:3 1.86 0. 25 18 -. 07 0. 85 T. 0. 6 2 1.05 0.52 3.20 0.38 0.00 1.88 0.70 2.38 1.25 4. os 1.80 2.10 1.26 2.01 ..... ..... 0. 26 ~~ P -5 :: d * - a . I .- ~ Ill& 5.79 5. 46 4.31 4. 63 5.24 3. 49 5.42 4. YO 6. 43 3. fJ3 2. R 7 7. 35 5. "2 2. 31 5. 90 5. (i5 5. 33 2. .%I 4. 77 5. 60 6. 00 2.47 5. II:? 3. 05 8. IJ5 4. 22 2. i!l 4. 21 3. !I1 4. XI; 4.01 5. 4,i 3. 77 2. Kl 3. 5s 7.9s 7. 93 4.25 5.31 5. 71; 5. i 4 3.96 i. 46 6. S i 4. 13 7. 16 2. 74 6.11 i. 0; 4.51 4. is 6.10 4.39 5. :w 0. (I5 T. I). 1: T. T. T. 0.20 0. 00 T. 0. IS 0.00 0.00 0. 10 0.00 T. 0. ?2 0.27 T T. (I. 00 T. 0. IJO T. 0. 00 T. T. 0. w T. 0.01) 0.00 0. 27 ..... n. 00 0. on Stations. .- g .* El s - 40 35 36 40 20 41 30 34 31 31 80 33 26 34 2 i 30 411 "5 37 37 34 34 "8 36 33 31 2 i 32 31 4s 37 41 ... .... 47 ... ... 47 4s $2 47 41; ... ... 47 ... ... 41 39 ... ... J? ... 46 46 45 41 45 48 ... ... ... ... 42 44 36 47 46 52 39 $2 50 ... ... ... ... 40 $2 44 55 36 45 46 53 35 .IC 40 39 43 46 42 45 40 ... ... d d - 66.4 IC 9 .... .... 66.3 64. 8 .... .... 61;. 6 6s. Y .... .... 6;. n 66. s IjC. 2 65. ti .... .... .... .... tis. 4 .... .... 164. !I li7.2 6;. 8 .... .... lj7. !I ti;. 5 t;i. 2 .... .... .... .... 65. 0' 61;. 4 .... .... .... l;!l. 0 .... .... tis. 3 68. 3 ti;. 8 6 .6 65. 8 .... .... .... .... .... titi. !J .... .... 65. 8 .... .... .... 61.8 ti!). u c4.0 61.5 69. 6 62. 2 64. 7 G?. w s i . 4 ti6. 0 ti;, 1 til). 6 .... cn. 4 67.4 61'. 5 6s. 0 Bti. R I. !I '. ti li0. 2 tis. 3 59. !I 61. 0 73. s 65.2 GO. 4 58. 8 > .- .... .LI 4 ~ $7 s5 $12 8Y w YL' 93 9" 91 :I? 95 93 93 x i 97 96 !I6 9s !I5 96 96 100 96 !I1 :I3 96 97 92 94 :Is !l i '1.5 !J4 8!l 94 :45 98 'I4 9.5 96 Y i 93 !AS 93 '1.5 ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ...... 96 !I3 !I5 !IS 93 y:: !I4 !I6 !lY !IH ~ 39 40 ... 45 HS ... ... 45 $2 42 41 4.2 43 ... ... ... ... ... ... fN8. T. I%& Monfana-Cout'd. Fort Benton .............. W Fort Harrison.. .......... S I GlasTw.. ................ 9t Glen i r e ................ 94 Grayling ................. 79 Greatfalls ............... 94 Hamilton ................ 67 Lame Deer ............... 93 Lswiatown .............. 91 h18. 60.5 1.36 60.5 ..... 6L. 7 1.59 60.2 2. 55 47.9 1.17 62 0 1. 01; 57,s 0. 67 62.4 2. is 57.4 0.50 ..... 2.57 R f 6 0.67 Sebraska-Cont'd. ' IAonp.. .................. 91 Lynch ................... 96 McCook ........................ h1arqaett.e ..................... Miuden .................. 53 hiasou. ....................... Osceo a . ...................... Palmer ....................... Sebraska-Cont'd. ' IAonp.. .................. 91 Lynch ................... 96 McCook ........................ h1arqaett.e ..................... Miuden .................. 53 hiasou. ....................... Osceo a . ...................... Palmer ....................... S e w Ifosipshirr. Alatead ................. Bartlett ................ Bethlehem .............. BrOvkhe*1. ............ Chatham ................ Coueord ................ iirnflon ................. Strat ford ................ Nerr, .Icrrry. Ashury Park ............ Barnegat.. Bayoune . . Relvidere ............... Bergen Poiut.. .......... Beverly ................. Bridgeton.. ............. Cautou .................. (?ape May C. H .. .... harlottehurg ........... hester.. ................ Dover.. ................ Enrlerood .............. He-uiugtuu ............. Friesbwg ............... Hi htstowu ............ Iudiau MillY. ............ Lakewad .............. Lamlwtville ........... LR). t 00 ................ nhurefitowu ............. Newark ................. Oceauic ................. Patersou ................ Phillipsburg ............ Plwsantvi ............ Raucocas. ............... leiii .................. ucly Hoot ............ merville .............. 11th Orange ........... Sussex .................. Trrutou. ............... Ilufagstnwu ............. Alamagordu ............. A lhert ................... Alliooluerque. ........... Arabela ................. Las Vegas ............... Lordsliurg ............. Lou Luuas.. ............ Luua.. .................. Maxwell (near) ........ hlesilla Park ............ Mouutaiuair ............ Ratou .................. Rotiada ................. Rvswell ................ San Eafael . Springer ............... Taos .................. ~. ~ ~~ ~ Lodge (irass.. ................. Marysville ............... 43 Yissoola ................. 90 fU.0 IJ. 6x .,d. 4 1. 06 59. IJ 1. 411 54. 3 u. YR 59.6 I 0.15 Ovaudo .................. !I7 Parrot .................. 92 Philipsburg .............. 88 Plains.. .................. 89 Poplar ................... Y5 Redlodge ................. 84 Rid elawn .............. 10.5 St. Peter. ............... 87 Tow nsend .................... St. jaaols ................. 91 Springhroot .............. Y6 1. 12 3.04 2. 49 1.67 :3. .54 0. 93 0.60 1. i 5 1. i 3 1. $2 1. '2 0. 46 .... 56. 8 5Y. 6 si. 0 56. J 52.6 59. 6 T. T. Repahlicau ......... St. Lilwrp. __ .. __ __ __ St. Paul ............ 1i .......... ........... ..... ~ 91 ..... .... 45 ..... 44, $2 Syracuse ...................... Tablerock ..................... li Tecumseh . h ............. 94 .... .... 67. 1 6' " 6.5. 6 .... .... 0. I .... .... 66.2 .... .... 67. 4 67. 8 2. so 4. 46 3. 72 5. 04 i. 17 2. 40 Y 73 5. 37 9. 7Y 2.97 5. 0s 8. %2 4. GO 4. 42 4. 79 5. i 6 6. 53 3 .2 i 7.37 5. 44 4.20 4. 12 5.21 4.06 4. 40 5.09 6.93 5. 54 6. 14 2.12 8. tis 4.93 6. 12 5.50 G. 02 5.46 5. (I5 4.31 5.57 5. RO 3. I3 7.57 7. 06 Trl:ulrrsrh I:. ................... Tekamah ............... !l:3 Trirliugtqm ............... $3 l1nirersit.v Fariri.. ...... 90 Bluehill.. ... Bradshaw ... Brokeii Bow.. . .... 68. 0 66.0 66. 3 68. 2 104 Y5 93 90 .... .... .... 67. !I 66.0 61. 1 67.5 67. S 70.0 65. 9 66.0 69. 1 .... .... .... .... 6% 4 64. 4 Gt;. 4 68. 4 BO. 5 6s. I) .... .... ..... 102' 73 96 Y5 85 94 87 SG 95 ... .... .... .... 5s IO? 94 84 1 (HI 89 89 85 98 96 89 91 91 .... ..... .............. Morey .................... Palisade ................. Palmetto ................. Pioche ................. ..... s. 14 s. 18 6. 69 7.58 3.09 4. 23 66.6 1 6.30 66. 8 5.39 63. 8J 2.00 Potts .................... "7 1 1 Reuo State Universitv.. . .I i(: I 40 Sodarille Wahuska Wood ................. MONTHLY WEATEIER RJZVIEW. TABLE II.-CZ~logicaZ reeoTd of aol.untary and other cooperating obeeruers-Continued. Edeutou ................. Fayetteville.. ............ Flat rock ................. 1.ioldsboro ................ Graham ................... Greeushoru .............. Heurietta ................ JUNE, 1904 Newheru.. ............... Pautego ................... Pt!uelo ................... riuehorst ................ ............... ............... Tarlroro .................. Washiugtou ............. Wapoesville 3.. .......... Wcldou n.. ............... Weldou h .. ................ Caudu. ............. Churchs Ferry ..... Dictiusou ................ Uou u y hrook ........ U t i usei th ............ Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) Stations. - 2 - a .- z 4 - 25 43 40 41 3s 40 37 4ti ... ... ... ... 46 42 46 43 32 3Y 36 43 4s 41 41 43 45 40 42 43 43 60 42 38 45 45 34 46 42 37 ?!I 40 42 42, 33 41 4 i 40 30 44 40 3Y 36 41 46 4' 41 44 39 49 46 43 40 44 38 44 38 45 41 40 48 42 44 39 41 43 .& 41 38 44 45 44 35 37 44 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ~ d I z - 52. Y 6G 9 65.8 61;. 0 65. S 63. 8 63.4 68. 4 .... .... .... .... 67.0 65. 8 66. 0 65. 5 6i. 4 66.0 64.4 64. 6 lii. 3 67. 4 65.0 62. G 66.4 63. ti 64. !I 64.2 66. i G7. 4 64. 6 63. 4 65. Y 6% 9 62. 1 67. 6 67. 9 64.0 59. ti 66. 4 64. 8 66.0 til. 7 64.0 66. 7 67.0 60.3 65. 6 65.8 65. 4 63. 2 66. 4 66.3 63. 6 64. 4 65.9 63.3 by. 0 67.4 64.0 64.0 654. 1 62. 64.0 61.3 67. 9 67. 1 63.3 66. 8 65.2 67.0 65. 4 64. 5 t i i . X 64. 7 67.0 65.2 65.2 66. 5 65 3 61. 6 64. 9 67. 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... Precipits- 11 tiou. ZIIR. 1. 72 6. OS 1.94 3.12 3. I6 4.3s 1. 70 4.06 5. $19 4.31 3. "9 3.69 1.68 3.41 2. 19 4.43 2. 60 1. 59 2. 35 2.40 2. 'I3 5.55 3. 88 2.!iO 2.44 4.07 3.51 4.00 2. 57 4.31 4.05 3.62 3.00 6. 51 3.46 4. 515 2. so 2. ?2 3. 91 2. 47 1.27 4.62 5. 36 2. 75 3.05 1.55 2.87 3. Y5 3.00 2. Y7 1. i 7 2. 92 2. !I9 1.49 5. 73 2. 75 2.54 3. I6 4. 13 1.64 3.40 2.2s 3.25 3.63 5.03 3. 6!1 2. 60 4. s5 4. 60 3. 3Y 4. 82 4. 01 3.29 4.65 2. 71 0. 47 1.22 3. 70 4.06 2. 01 2.22 2. 01 3. 24 4. 54 5.04 3.61 2.36 1.30 3.20 3. 10 2.69 2.60 ..... I;. i n 3. trz ..... 3. 45 ZIIS. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) iVorlh f\wo/iiiti. Bremnl ...... Brewers. ..... Brysou City.. ...... Currit tick .......... 95 96 !I 1 v i $15 !I4 5s 8 6 .... sa !!!I !I I 9:; 98 97 SI !IS 114 !I6 1I)ll !I:; .... ... 96 e4 100 94 !K 95 100 97 93 95 102 1:; 9G 97 s3 !ii 95 S8 !I0 S i :I2 S i !!O YO Y 3 s i !E 90 96 S8 1 on .... ~- i i 2 .3 - ..... 45 45 40 .t2 40 35 36 $2 :3!l 41 44 42 44 40 46 an : 1.56 5.58 11. 17 i. 06 6. :il' 4.35 3.59 1. S6 6.28 2 .3 2. 4li 4. 27 2. 12 S. 36 1. 47 2.86 3.96 3.29 2.68 2. i" 2. io 7. 65 8. 73 4. ;5 2. 49 2. 97 1. os 3.32 5.13 4. 71 2.49 1.03 2. 59 2.53 t. 2 -. -I -. . Stations. 1118. 0. 5 0 46 43 41 3!t 41 41 ... .... ... ... 47 34 .... .... 41 44 34 40 .... .... 44 Jo $2 411 43 J'? 45 -12 31 -12 4.2 -10 45 45 45 40 42 4 i 42 54 59 55 54 5" 59 i 0 55 55 .... .... ... .... .... ... ... 53 55 50 53 50 $2 5 i ... ... ... 51 54 51; 51 55 48 65 55 54 51 51 56 5s 4s 43 #.I 55 151 54 55 R2 an 55 51 56 55 5" 5; ... .... .... Ins. Ohio- Cont'd. Na oleon ................. N e h e .................... New Alexandria ......... New Berlin.. ............. New Breiuen ............. New Richmond .......... New Waterford .......... North Lewisburg.. ....... North Royalton.. ........ Norwalk ................. Oberliu .................. Ottawa.. ................. Pataskala ............... Philo.. ................... Ohio State University .... Orangeville .............. 6!1. 2 68.3 .. .3 67. I .... .... .... 71. 62. : GU. I TU. : 65. f 64. I il. 5 66. f 64. ( 64. I 66. : 66. ( 6i. f 6 i . : 70. - citi. 6 i . : 69. ; 69. I 6s. t 63. c2. 65. tis. I 79. t i!l. ( ,b. t I ,.: 41,. : iH. ( 19. : I ,.$ i 5 . ! , ,. f t.3. : i5. ! ,,.4 i7. ( .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 64. - -. -- -. :4. ( -" .... .... .... .." -_ ;:. : .... 71;. I z6. i ,2. ( l ,.4 i 5 . t i5. t IO. F ,l .4 -- .... "I -- 7i. 1 76. ! is. 3 ,,.? i 5 . € i5.C i7. C i 6 . € 7R. B ,I.? 77.4 76.2 7i. 2 .... -- -- XIiMintown ............. hlontruse ................ New Ueruiau towu ....... Oil City ................. Ottrville ................ Parker .................. Pocouo Lake ............ Point Pleasaot .......... Pottsville ............... Quakertown Keadiug. ._. Saegcrstown. ............ Rt. hlarvs ............... eisholtzville.. .......... Saltsl,o;g.. .............. Pulse.. .................. Rittman.. ................ Rocky ridge .............. Yhenandoah .......... Sidney ............... Wilsou ................... Wooster ................. Zaoesville ............... Oklahmna. Arapaho ................ Beaver ................... Busch .................... Chandler.. ............... Cleo.. .................... Cloud Chief ..... Eldorado ................. Enid .................... Fort Sill. ................. Frederick ................ Gage ..................... .... ................. Norman.. ............... Skirlmtire ............... Smet.liport .............. Hiuithn Corners.. ....... meraet ................ 11th Eatou ............. ate ('allege.. .......... wauda.. .............. Troutruu.. .............. LTToi4,utown ......... Warreu ................ Wellsbom ............... West Newtou ........... Wilkcsbarre.. ........... IViIliaiiisport ............ Rhode Idund. Bristvl .................. Giugstoo.. .............. I'a~'tu&ct. ............. Providence a ............ Providence c ............ Solrlh C!aro/iiui. Aikcu ................... Alleurlale ............... ri ngmoun t ............ arthlU. 94 1 . 4Q 4 . 21; fi . 4s 4 . i 5 5 . 5 i 9 . 11) I . 7" 5 .I :< 4 . @.I 4 . 60 .? . 89 2 . 17 4 . 20 5 . i 1 ?.SI 2 . 9 i 3 . 66 3.53 4 . 69 4 . 21 3 . n:3 5 . 51 5 . 71) 7: I!) 3 . 87 3.42 1.46 5 . 20 2 . SY 3 . 69 3. S6 2 . TJ 3 . RS ? . 56 3 . (JY 3 . i Y 5 . 14 5.39 1 . 71 3 . 03 1 . 751 8 . 32 3 . I 8 2 . 6s 5.113 2 . 74 2 . 60 6 . 35 3 . SO 2.65 6.39 3.17 :i n4 2 . 57 br . Tempersture . 1 Precipita- (Fahrenheit.) tion . ~ 4 6 .- U .. E - 0 5:: 56 53 54 56 52 51 46 5 i 5'2 42 su 5 2 GO 511 55 52 32 5s .... sa 21 tis .... .... 61 ti6 I52 166 A:! 5s 611 59 62 61 I;lj 6:l t i l 5:1 5s 51; l>L 65 Si 65 .... .... 61) 66 61 ti5 65 6U 64 61 6S 64 51 65 G I ; 53 58 5!4 60 61 61 55 65 J i 61 61 61 Ij 1 60 I;:< 5ti E:: I?:! 5s 53 51) 56 5!1 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 162 63 dQ 75.4 3 . SS 76.0 2.62 O I . 71.4 3 . 55 74.4 3 . S? 7: . 4 2 .G O I n . x 4.4u 2 .5 4 . 12 ill . 5 4 . 59 ,b.9 4.55 71.4 1.46 til; . ?< 3 . 7' 74 . 0 2 . 67 ..... 4.01 74. I) n . 4:I 71.1 I.!lS i s . Y 1 .x i i Y . i .{ . 97 i4.4 4.27 7.c . 6 .i . 87 I .%.S 2.24 - . 7:<:0 S.!H -c 7.1. 0 5 . 5 i $0 . 6 5 . U! ..... l;.w ..... 11.25 -_ ,I . 2 4 . l i 80 . 2 0 . s:< SI.(; IJ.!)Y SI1 . 4 2 . 5 r , , . I 4 . ou " .. - SI . 2 5.UI i:l . j: 6 . 14 ..... 2.5s i 6 . 8 1 . !Il 9 . (; 3 . "9 I . 4 .3 . 65 1.6 5.28 8 .2 5.i3 1.3 4.27 79.2 3.63 74.8 2.15 i Y . 2 4 . 64 ,b . I; 5 . 5!1 s3.u 1 . 15 72.4 .< . 71 P4 . ti 1.91) w.1.; 2 . U6 7.5. nr 2 .;!I 79 . 3 2.44 76 . 6 n . 351 ..... 3.10 i 4 . i c .? . !I4 78.2 4 . s4 79.1 6 . 56 74 . '? 4.73 41.2 4.50 7s . 6 5 . 2 su . 3 x . 40 .. si . b: 2.35 -- ,,.!l i .I I ,b . 4 4.54 ..... 4.40 i 9 . 4 9 .(I:! 75 . 4 2 . S9 l ,.2 2.OY 1 , . 9 5 . 25 ...... 3.96 4 . 3 1 .x i ...... ? !IS ...... 4 . 50 77 . 1 3.45 79.0 2.05 - . -_ -_ so . 2 fi . 55 ~ Temperature . (Fahrenheit. ) stations . l a Trzns.-Cont'd . Marliu ................... hlenardville .............. hlidlnud ................ ilIouut Blanc0 ............ ~a c o dochem ............. New B rau u fel s ............ Orange ..................... Pauter ................... Paris ..................... Pearsall .................. Pierw .................... Rhiueland ............... ................... Ri\wrside ................. Kockislaud .............. Rorkiaird ................. KdqJort ................. Kiiuge .................... Sabiunl ................. X;IU hIarros ............... S:tu Saha ................. S m t a Oertriides Raiich .... Shermau ................ souora ................... 811 arlaud ............... Sofuhur Suriurs .......... 9G 97 96 99 88 !I8 95 ... ... ... 100 104 Y4 $111 100 ... 92 ... HS 97' !6l 95 1W 92 99 95 Y4 ... ................. Tildru ................. 103 Triuity .................. 93 Tulia ................... 94 Tyler .................... 9s VFruou .................. !IS Victoria ................ 96 k ....... I :w w r ................... 83 Heher .................... 8s Heuefer .................. 89 Hite ...................... Huutsville ............... Ihapah ................... 90 Knuah ................... 92 Levau ................... 88 E<'lt(JD ................... 90 hfanti ................ Muuut Neho ............. 9.1 3Iouut . Pleasaut .......... 89 Ogdeu .................... 91 t?iuynitrh .................... Parowau ................. 89 Fayrou ........................ Plateau .................. 84 Promoutory * 1 ........... 95 ............... 98 .............. 90 .. loo .. 102 Salt Air .................. 87 Yciyio .................... 93 ............... s3 . 4 .. .. a z - 59' 62 62 w 50 60 4s .... .... .... 58 65 65 68 54 65 70 61 60 6i 59 64 56 63 62 G!! C2 61 63 4s $2 59 65 65 60 61 64 .... .... .... .... .... 44 36 .... 41 -9 .... 47 39 28 34 35 40 39 33 3 37 40 3(1 33 44 39 30 "9 51 25 36 36 33 34 41 33 %? "9 .E 30 30 39 33 4n .... .... .... as .... 36 27 10 33 30 34 46 43 49 26 .... ~ Precipita- tion . ..... ( 1.39 71.4 T . 62.4 0:n.r .... 1 1 .1 0 64." 1 .x 5Y.2 U.69 JUNE. 1904 . Ilirshiiigto.i-Cout'iI . Odessa ................... ..................... Port Towuseud .......... rdiruall ................. Katrlesuake .............. 1:epublic ................. Eitzville .................. Kosalia ................... Sedm-Wool ley ........... ilvnua ................ uobomisb .............. unqualwie .............. outhlieud .............. 011th Elleuslwrg ........ Trinidad ................ Twisp .................... Uuiou .................... Vancouver ............. Vaahon ................... \Vat.erville ............... Weuatchee (near) ........ \Vi Ihu r .................. Ziudel .................... IlZsl I.irginiu. Ba o r rof't .................. Bayard .................. Beus Ran ................ BzrkelPy Spriugs ......... Be W 9 .................. Kitzvjlle (near) ........... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . TABLE II.-t3imatobgical record of aoluntaq and other cooperating obsmere-Continued . Lewisburg ............... Lillydale ................. Logan .................... Lost Creek ................ hIauuingtou ......... Marliutuu ................ Martinsburg ............. New Mart.iusville ... Nuttallburg ......... Princeton ................ noolueg ................. Eowles org ................ Temperature . 1 (Fahrenheit.) Chiltou .................. Chippewa Falls ........... Cit vpoiut ................ Criuhrrry . . s t a ., .... Darliugton ............... Downing ................. 1- Utah.Cont'd . Snonville ................ Soldier Summit .......... Terrace .................. Thistle ............ Ashland .................. Barboursrille ............ Bedford .................. Bigstone Gap ............. Blacksburg ............... Buckinghaiu ............. Burkes Garden ........... Callaville ................ Charlottesville ........... Clarksville ............... Columbia ................ Dale Enterprise .......... DRnvilk ................. Fredericksburg ......... Lexington .............. Lincoln ................. Marion ................. McDowell ................ h1eudot.a ................. Newport Ne Petersburg . Radford .................. Riverton ................. Roanoke ................. Rockymount Saxe ..................... Sbeoandoah .............. Speers Ferry ............. Spottsville ............... Staootou ................. Stephens City .. Warsaw ...... .. Wilkersou .... .. Woodstock .............. Wytheville ............. Ilkdhisgton . Aberdeen ................ Asbford .................. Bellingham .............. Blaine ..... ... Briuuon .................. Cedonia .................. Centralia ................. Cheney ...... ... Clearbrook . . .. Clearwater ............... Cle Elum ................. Colfax .................... Colville .................. Crescent .................. Dayton ................... Ellensburg .............. Ephrata ................. Grandmound ............ Qrauite Falls ............ Horsehear en ............. Kennewick ..... Lacenter ................. Lakeside ................ Lester .................... Loomia ................... Mottin e r Ranch ......... Mount%leasant .......... Moxee ................... Northyort ............... 0 91 83 95 97 90 85 96 9u fi2 90 87 89 81 n7 91 85 D I 89 90 90 88 95 91 SY 3s Y8 34 93 93 Y2 91 93 3ti 9ti 95 93 r;? 9 1 96 89 Y:l 95 96 95 92 95 ..... ..... .... .... ..... ..... ..... 95 91 96 95 96 95 92 92 I * 79 81 95 93 105 38 58 92 91 97 93 Rz' 93 95 95 95 92 1w 93 107 87 95 92 98 95 103 94 96 95 ..... ,.. .... ..... .... . d a 5 28 .. . 0 21 34 29 38 37 36 25 51 34 37 40 $1 36 31 3Y 3ti 34 37 39 36 50 51 48 51 43 50 38 4R 51 4Y 44 54 53 50 48 53 43 45 45 45 35 52 50 .... .... .... .... 49 46 47 .... .... is 47 48 50 50 47 45 35 $2 38 40 32 33 31 33 35 25 32 29 31 40 26 32 32 35 33 41 31 .... .... .... .... .... 37 47 33 33 39 42 34 33 29 . d 3 . 59 . 9 51.4 65 . 1 G I .? 64.2 61 . 6 64.0 54.5 65.6 62 . I 61 . 8 66.2 60 . 7 63.3 62 . 8 64 . 0 64 . 6 62 . 4 1% . 6 64 . 7 61.0 73 . 4 i l . 2 i 0 . 9 6% 0 i4.3 63.0 74.2 71.9 72.2 67 . 7 75 . 8 71) . i 74.2 i? . 1 74.4 65.7 io . 0 70 . 6 6s . 7 63 . 6 75 . 4 i 3 . 8 .... ... .... .... .... 7 D .. i G6 . i 72 . 9 72.8 70 . 1 70.2 74.0 72 . 6 71.0 6!) . 1 55.8 57.6 56 . 6 57 . 8 61.? 58 . I 61.0 56 . B 55 . 4 55.9 5i . 7 59 . 7 61.0 67 . 1; 59.0 60.0 60.0 63.3 59 . 4 6 i . 4 53.3 .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... 60 . 3 6G . 6 56.3 65 1 64 . 6 59.4 50.4 j., ., 53 . G ... 61s . 0.26 0 . i 3 0 . 20 0.82 0 . 40 u . 51 0 .4 i 2.37 2.41 0 . 86 3.21 3.03 4 . 46 3 . 23 4.15 2.37 1.34 2.40 2 . X8 1.24 6.35 5.48 4 . 71 7.42 2 . 8'2 4 . 74 7.60 4 . 57 1 . 9:) 2 . 7 Y i . : .... .... .... Precipita- tion . I1 . 2 . . W g $3 2 . e .. - Ins . 0.40 1.37 I . 68 U . 71 1.56 2 . 73 IJ . 39 1 . ii u . 38 0 . 64 1 . 74 3 . 18 1.31 2.27 .. 3s 2. !IO 0 . 75 1 . ::o 0 . 23 0.011 I) . !I3 1 . 63 0 . :;!I 1 . (I1 0 . 4s 0 . ?!I 0 . Ja I . 122 2 .o j 4 . s4 4 . :;i 4 . 19 1; . 1!1 s . so 2. "1 6 . 12 li . O i ? . 6!l 4 . SI; .. 44 7 . 7 3 5 . 64 li . 11 4 . 94 s . 16 5 . !xi 3 . 55 3 . 74 4.03 4.9s 3 . >9 i . 53 4.54 4 . ti0 2 . $18 4 . 2!1 5 . 55 3 . s:! 4 . Gi 4 . -1; 3 . 4u 3 . s4 5 . i l 2 . 12 4 . (12 4.3u 4.1Y 4.00 .i . 75 3.09 4 . 20 3 . :Is 4 . 17 4.91 4 . 04 3 . 01; . > a)., 7 . 00 4 . 1;IJ .... 3 . "4 , . 65 I . 23 5 . io 3 .4 i s . 45 1 . 06 1 . 12 0 . 85 .1 . 5'2 3 . 50 1 . 62 2.40 4 . SC 4 .x i 1 . i l 4 . 92 stationa . ll..scoiisin.Cout'd . Easton .................. Eaii Claire .............. liraud Rapids ........... Grand River I.ocks ...... Grant sh ti rg ............. H.ioco<. k ................ I.ak* Milla ................ I. aucaster ............... Madison ................. Rlauitowoc .............. Meadow \'alley ......... hledft,rd. .............. M ~U ~~I I ~ ................ Aliuooqiia ............... Mount H4,rt.h ........... Neillsville .............. New Loudou ............ 0t.outo .................. (isceol a .................. P a r t y .................. Port \ ashiugtm ........ Prairie du Chienti ....... Prairie du C'hieu b ....... . Prru tice ................. Raciue .................. hebuy gau .............. taulcv ................. tevets Poiut ........... 'alley Juuctiou ......... Viroqua ................ Washhum .............. Watertuwu .............. Waukesha ............... Waupars ................ N' au sail ................. Whitehall ............... Alcova ...... Basin ... t .......... Battk 0 . ............ Bedford ............ Border .................. (1eutPuiitl ................ Chiiswater .............. Ihuiel .................. Evsuston ................ Fort Laraluie ........... Fort Washakie .......... Grigga ................. Irun hlotint.aio ......... Lolehama Ranch ........ Lusk .................... Marquette .............. Moore ................... Moorrroft ............. Phillips .................. Piue BhiE ............... Rawlins ................. solltll ass .............. Tenslzrp ................ Tl~rrwoyolis ............. Wells ................... Wilson .................. Tell,, mstoue Park I I; . C!.) YPllowstoue Pk . (L a k ~) . Yellowstone Pk.( Fuun'u Tellowstoue Pk . (U . Ha'u Yellowstour P:irk(Nomris: Potto Rico . Adjiiuta~ ................. Aguirre .................. Areciho ................. Cagllas ................... CauovanaR ............... Hyattvilltl ............... Rock spS,riugs ............ Hacieuda Josefa .......... Humacao ................ Juaua Diaz ............. La l.'armelita. Temperature . (Fahrenheit. ) . g a .I E z .. 0 59 84 85 !IO 81; Si S6 84 S i 83 Si $8 $5 S6 '58 YU Ljo $8 ss S i HI; Pti 85 85 S4 !I I S6 sti YO $2 99 87 45 S i s i $1; s7 h5 S4 84 58 RY i l 79 n3 M 84 81 i o 9U xu ss x i s7 YS SY 79 i 9 SI Si 90 8:! 87 85 X i 91 87 41 x:4 !I4 77 RII til so 81 .... .... ,. .... .... .... .... s9 85 $15 !IO !V2 83 !IO 8 I $1 1 Y" 92 90 95 87, ... .. E! 5 .I z - 0 3s 44 34 40 44 3 i 43 34 3!1 34 4:: 44 47 $2 41 40 *2 38 4u 44 41 3 i 40 45 JY 4 i 30 41 Jz 3s $2 40 41 33 43 $2 43 39 3ti 24 37 35 21 20 2'5 29 37 31 24 30 24 31 3'' 32 30 29 24 30 32 3 2 34 33 35 38 2s "1 31 3u 91 .... .... .... .... .... n., *., .... .... IS 1 !> 20 .... 55 71 59 E2 72 MI 57 1% GS 55 ill 74 58 64 .... ~ g z . 0 65 . 1 65 . 0 61.4 64 . 4 64.2 61 . s BL'. -1 63 . 6 6'2 . 2 65 . i 65 . 5 65 . i 61.2 64 .t i 65 . 4 G.1. i 65 . 2 1.5 . 2 1.4. s 63 . 4 w2 . R ti4 . 0 66 . 2 5s . 9 68 . 4 61.6 63.3 62.2 62 . 4 64.2 64.5 64 . 6 62 . 1 65 . 0 64 . 2 64 . 2 64 . 6 63 . 4 54 . 2 60 . 6 65 . 8 -17 . 2 50.7 55.8 56 . 4 5Y . 6 57 . 5 lICI/.#.t ai ned, th LIS: 1 Mean ut' i a. 111. + 2 p. UI. + 9 p. IN. + 9 p. IU. + 4. 0 hlrnn of E a. IU. 4- 8 p. 111. i 2. 8 hleau of 7 a. m. + I 1'. w. i 2. 4 h I t .a ~ of 6 a. 111. + 6 p. IU. + 2. .lu italio, letter fullovniug the uaiiie of a station, as "Lir- iugstou i t ' I " 1.iviugstou b," iualia>ateS that. two or illore ob- srrvvrs, a's tlie casr may IV. are reporting frvm tlie same stnti 16 20 1R 17 13 13 15 2i 21 13 19 21 42 22 s\ IS 7 S 13 9 15 6 ?3 14 26 34 15 ab 23 11 16 39 7 11 15 19 16 9 13 S 15 16 18 I 12 11 17 12 14 18 18 1s 8 19 1 6 23 17 1s 13 15 18 21 26 16 1 7 2'2 22 18 ...... Yours. IS 14 5 9 14 14 li 3 13 10 9 13 21 20 19 20 11 32 10 3 2 14 16 31 13 20 26 17 2 i 19 15 13 21 12 14 2 6 19 Y 1" S 17 21 12 8 16 ..... , a IO 17 1 9 9 1 2 "2 ZH 17 19 15 6 16 21 I 7 24 13 24 19 20 27 21 25 14 13 ?3 32 13 12 1 ?I 13 24 I D 25 13 20 I6 21 18 11 , I Hours 12 11 9 13 8 3 13 12 14 13 4 8 6 13 7 11 16 11 Y 14 20 3 15 11 12 18 13 19 1 li 2'. 1 1 17 12 24 $2 21 3' 4 5 ..... rj 11 13 h ?.? .JY 1Y 2 i 9 47 2.3 Yi 22 44 1s 11 S 5 11; 5 , 4 5 4 1s 13 1.3 26 21 19 17 I 14 ti 10 6 14 3 Y Koura. 16 11 27 12 16 25 21 16 21 19 111 19 12 23 24 13 29 22 18 13 19 20 12 1" 18 10 11 21 1s !3 31 12 "9 "0 "3 30 35 !2J "n ....... "0 12 J 32 14 15 11 15 15 I 6 17 11; 4 11; 27 I 1 R 1 li .,- -, 1 3 IS 4 13 34 14 6 3 2 21J 14 14 ...... ...... ...... ...... foicrs. 20 8 30 Y 25 17 18 26 15 20 13 23 10 23 21 11 16 20 13 17 20 11 a a 18 S 17 13 11 li 15 9 13 21 P i 31 24 21 24 29 21 S Ill 9 7 20 1 3 23 29 1'2 9 ?2 3. 13 13 ..... 2n J 1 13 3 4 2 21 6 1 I3 12 1 1 1J 1 12 5 5 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 21; Ij 2'; ...... ...... ...... ...... 51 ...... fours. 16 11 1s 3 20 20 19 13 15 21 6 11 13 7 1s 11 19 7 17 14 Y 36 19 36 36 2 i 17 21 1 Y 14 17 13 10 11 I ...... ! 9 9 li 15 25 2v 2!1 25 34 22 38 11 I I 21 "G 5 26 24 17 31) "3 1s 2h 33 34 11 19 37 8 12 49 15 1 9 .?\ 35 36 33 ...... 0 a. 24 w. e. 8. 4 w. 8. 76 e. 8. 45 e. 8. 23 e. a. 69 e. 8. 42 e. 8. 4 e. n. 56 e. s. 7 w. 8. 18 w. 8. 27 w. 8. 45 w. 2. 10 w. a. 30 e. 8. 49 w. e. s. 12 e. a. 27 e. e. 8. XI w. s. 38 e. s. !I w. 8. 23 w. s. 4 e. 9. 47 w. 8. 14 w. s. 22 2. 8. 45 e. 8. YE( w. s. 35 e. s. 17 P. s. il e. s. i6 e. s. s'c ?. 8. 14 w. 8. 22 w. u. 45 w. s. 45 e. I. 49 w. s. "i w. s. ,Y e. s. 3 w. s. 69 e. s. 63 e. F. 13 w. s. 9" e. E.. 15 e. 8. :1 2. s. 1 x e. 8. 60 e. 8. ?U r. 8. 8. ......... s. *5 w. w. 8. il; W. s. L" c. s. 15 w. s. 63 w. 11. 63 e. s. 14 w. b. 34 e. s. ?e w. s. 4 w. u. 81 w. s. 4 w. s. 23 w. b. 4:3 w. s. 38 w. 1. 54 w. F. 17 e. s. 51 w. s. 24 4. *. so w. 8. 48 e. . 40 P. . 1s w. s. s4 w. n. 8 w. s. 15 w. n. 62 e. n. 30 w. s. 7 e. u. 2 e. n. 53 e. u. 35 e. W. ......... 0 n. 24 e. 8. 31 w. s. Y e. 8. s. 45 e. e. 11 w. n. 73 e. e. 8. 63 e. s. 14 e. 8. 38 e. 8. 37 e. 8. 3Y e. 8. ?2 e. s. 6 w. s. 3 i e. s . 11 e. U. s. 63 e. 8. 27 e. w. ~ s. 74 w. 8. 6 i w. n. 57 w. n. i? w. u. i 6 n'. s. 34 w. 8. 13 w. u. 5 e. P. 25 e. s. 71 e. s. 70 e. 8. 43 e . s. 32 e. s. 56 e. u. 45 e. L. i? e. 11. 4; w. 11. 66 w, s. 33 w. u. 53 w, s. ss w. n. i w, 5. 7Y w. 11. 50 e. u. SI e. n. 39 w, 11. i 4 w, s. SO e. 1. "0 U' R. :ii w, s. 1'2n.. n. 46 w, 11. 7'2 w, u. "3 W, u. 65 w. s. 5s w. I I . 54 w. u. IS e. u. 52 w, u. 37 w 11. 13 t: 4. s. 78 w. u. 54 w, u. 56 w u. 4 i w, s. 67 a. u. 72 4, u. is w. W. 8. 11. ia W. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... s. i 3 e. s. 59 w. P. YS e, ......... ......... ......... b. 7 2 e G 12 5 11 10 21 20 19 7 11 7 12 14 3 9 14 21 20 l i 9 17 20 10 2 ?0 23 1 $1 17 16 "4 12 14 14 12 14 IS 1 0 1s "5 1" 3 26 14 2s 11 25 19 2s ?I 1 5 9 11 26 Y 27 "lj Y 31) 34 25 31 34 13 4 16 16 37 1 u "2 210 2n a ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... a 19 17 18 I? 3 16 17 E 12 14 15 1H 12 14 15 23 15 17 10 20 10 1 ti I 2 10 12 12 12 8 15 11 15 ... I 7 4 I4 14 8 11 5 1Y 12 1 18 4 ia 4 16 4 14 1; 11 Y 6 20 19 17 12 8 21 12 1!1 1s 1s 21 15 19 6 10 10 11 13 15 6 12 16 15 19 16 3 1'( 24 7 22 23 li 32 ?I 26 Ilod e Kaus ......................... IJklahoma. Okla .................... Ahilene, r e x ........................ El PaPo, T e s .. ....................... t d i t a . ~a n s ....................... Soalhrrn Slop?. Southern Plateair. Aruarillo, Tex ............. Sauta E'e, N. Mes .................... FlagsialY, Aris.. ..................... Mout oruery Ala .................... Vicksbu;g, Miss ...................... New Orleans, La ...................... Shreveport La.. ..... Fort Smith' Ark ..... Little Rucd, Ark.. .................... Corpus Christi Tex.. .. ~o r t Worth, T ~X ....... Galveston, Tex ...................... Palestine, Tex ........................ Ssu Antonio, Tex.. ................... Taylor, Tex. t ........................ Ohio LTnllry and Teilikessee Chatt.anooga Tenn ............ Knoxville, $enn .............. Memyhi8 Tenu.. .......... Nashvild, Tenn ........... Lexington, Ky. t .......... Louisville, Ky ........................ Evansville, 1nd.h ~:. .................. Iudiauapolis In ................... Ciucinnati Ohio ........ Columbus 'Ohio ........ Pittsburg 'Pa ........... Parkersbir W. Va .... Elkins, W. b a .......... Lower Lake Re Buffalo N. Y ..................... Oswego' N. Y ..................... Roches& N. Y .................. s racuse,k. Y. ....................... d i e P a ................ Clevkland Ohio ........ Sandusky' Ohio? ....... Toledo, o h i 0 . ........... Detroit, hfich ......................... [I r Luke Region. Alpena hZi% ......................... Escanaka Mich ....................... Grand Ha)pids Mich. ................ Houghtou, M;ch.t .................... Marquette, hlich ...................... Port Huron Nich .................... Ssult Ste. darie. hlich.. . Merizan hl(8s.t.. ................. Wedem Gulf Stales. Toii~a Arir.. ...................... I u d e p h e u c e , ('a].. .............. X d d l r Plafraa. I Carson CiW Nev .................... \Vi u UCIIII& Nev .................. Bnlt 1.ab-r City. Utah.. ............... (;rxud .I uuction, 1 '010. ............... Raker City, Oreg.. .................. I\loden:1. tab. ....... A'orlhern Plafeoa. I3 ni SP, Idlnho ......................... Pvrt Crrscrut, \Vnsh*. ............... Tato4,sh lalaud, Wash.. . Portlaud, Oreg.. ................... Roseburg, Vreg ...................... nfidddlr Pcrcije Chad Region. Eureka Cal .......................... Seattle Wash.. ............... T~CUIII b, W a y h .......... imont !ralual ais, ............... Red Bluff. C a r ...................... sacrameni.o Cal. ........... Point Reges Light, Cal* ............. Southeast Farallon, Cal *. ...... Fresno, Cal .......................... Los Angeles, Cal .................... sau Francis'co, CSI ......... south Pacijic Cbosl Region. Sau Diego Cal ....................... San Luis h a p o , c ~I .. ............... Wed Indica Basseterre, St. Kitts W. I Brill etowu Barbadbs.. .. CielrLrns ' ~u ~>a ......... Coluo, c?ol&his, S. A.t. ._ C'orayoa, W. I. ............ (;mud Haiuiltou Turk B h i u d a . W. I. t. ...... ..... Havaiia, h h a t ...................... j . 1 Kiugstnu. Jamaica.. ........................ Port of Bpaiu, Triuirlad t ........... .I _. ..... Puertdb Principe, Cuba.. Roseau Domiuica,, W.1.t. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. S ~U J U ~U , Purto mco ............ ...... ...... ...... 0 34 1 ...... ...... 9 i 16 15 Li S 3u 5 12 s '23 , ...... ...... ChicagoL 11,1&:;8.. ..................... Milwau ee ...................... Green Bay Wia ....................... Dnluth, hdnn.. ....................... Norlh Dakola. Moorhead Minu ...................... Bismarck,' N. Dak .................. ....... l\< ...... ...... 0 ...... From observations a t 8 p. UI. only. t Frolu observations a t 8 a. m. only. 296 Alabama ........... Arizona.. .......... Arkansas ........... California .......... Colorado ........... Connecticut ........ Delaware. .......... DisL of Columbia.. Florida.. ........... Georgia ............ MONTHLY WEBTHER REVIEW. TAB= IV.-Th&elorme and awmaa, June, 1904. 60 66 67 167 70 21 5 4 61 67 JUNE, 1904 Indiana ............ Indian Territory.. . Iowa ............... Kansas ............. Kentucky .......... Louisiana .......... Maine ............. Maryland ........... Massachusetts ...... Michigan .......... Minnesota .......... Mississippi. ........ Missouri ........... Montana ........... Nebraska ........... Nevada.. ........... New Hampshire.. .. New Jersey ......... New Mexico ........ New York.. ........ North Carolina North Dakota.. .... 68 20 1% 88 41 46 25 41 1Of 6; 5; 8t 5, 13; 4( 21 41 31 IO! 51 4 Pennsylvania ...... Rhode Island ...... - 22 - 13 18 1 11 10 12 7 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 4 10 ... ... ... ... ... 7 Y 2 21 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 i 4 1 1E ... ... ... ... ... ... i ... ... ... 1( 11 : ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 ... ... t ... ... ... 1: 1: .. .. ... .. .. .. - 2s: 9 I - 25 - 9 20 11 1 ... ... ... ... ... 14 5 1 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... l i 9 ... ... ... ... 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... “I ... ... t 1 2- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 1 1: ... ... .. .. .. .. .. South Carolina.. ... South Dakota.. ..... Tennessee .......... Texas .............. Utah ............... Vermont ........... Virginia ............ Washington ........ West Virginia.. .... Wisconsin .......... Wyoming .......... Sums. ............ - m ? - 12 0 IO 0 !6 0 7 0 17 0 I 4 0 13 0 I O 0 ?9 0 20 0 18 0 22 4 21 0 19 0 22 0 28 0 20 1 26 0 9 0 22 0 16 0 l i 1 21; 0 23 0 25 0 2; 2s C 11 C IC 1 I t ( 2; c 2: 1 26 ( 2: ( 2! ( 2( ( 1: I 2: 1 1 2. ( 2! 2! < 2: I 21 I! I! 2; 2: 2. I I 2: - 5 51 51 12, 6 1’ 41 7 4 6 3 299 - - - r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. 1. 1. i. i. 4. 4. 4. 4. r. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. fr . f ? JUNE, 1904. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 297 TAJjfiE V.-Accumubted amoulrte of pwipitdion jw aaeh 6 mintbte.8, for etorma in which the r& of fau equcrkd or ezcesded 0.96 in any 6 minulea, or 0.76 in 1 hour during June, 1904, at all atationa fi&hed loith self+egbfe*hg gages. Albany N. Y ............ Amarillo Tex ........... Alpena,'Mich ........... Ashevilld N.C. ......... Atlanta &a ............. Atlanti;! City, N. J. ..... Augusta Ga ............. Baltimok Md ........... Binghamtbn, N. Y ....... Birmingham, Ala ....... Do ................ Bismarck N. Dak ........ Block .Isl&d, R. I .. ..... Boise Idaho ............. BostoL, n h 8 ............. Buffalo N. I-.. .......... C a i r o ,h ................. Cape Henry, V a .. ..... Charleston, S. C .......... Charlotte. N. C ........... 30 29 T2 29 I 6-7 20 30 8 6 29 23-24 29 2 7 29 2 10-11 26 0.64 0.6i 0.Y7 e95 0. 63 0.82 0.95 0. YY 1.15 0.65 0.4!1 0. 3; 0. 5G 0. !I2 0.40 0.23 0. d7 0.5s 0.41; I). 3S ........... 0.63 0. 3Y (1. GI 1. I10 0.46 0.35 0. i l .......... .......... 0. i o ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ..... 0. 4 i 4:?" p. IU. 552 p. m. 1.40 1.45 ' 0. I16 u.ns 0. I19 n. u9 0. 511 IJ. 25 1.29 0. 92 0.78 0. s i 0. 3S 1.39 0. hS 1.03 ........... ......... 0. 93 0. rcl 0.53 n. 9.5 l.U2 (I. 94 0.67 I . 07 12:1:3 p. IU. 5:Od p. IU. 10:U7 8. m. 5 2 5 1'. Ill. ....................... n.5; I2:50 p. 111. 0. 77 X:40 p. iu. 2. 23 1 4 0 p. in. 1. 90 ..................... 0 .O Y 5 0 u :I. 111. 2.03 m. ni. 111. 6:04 p. tu. ......................... 12:49 p. m. 0. 01 0. I6 i:23 1,. m. T. 0.06 11:00:r.m. T. 0.?2 6:?5 11. m. 0. 24 0. 14 ................................... . . . . . . . . . . .Y 2J-25 10 30 .3 .2 21; 18 1!1 "2 20 .4 .. 1 28 26 .x 24 .6 1. 79 ............ ........... 2. 00 2.11 ............ 0.4; ................. 2.20 ........................ ............ 0.43 .................. ...................... U.8, 4:45 p. IU. 725 1'. IU. 1. 56 8:04 p. ru. 10:50 11. m. IJ. SS ....................... 0.29 ...................... 0.16 12:50 a. tu. 630 a.m. 3. 90 6:03 y , in. 5 :O a. 01. 1. i 4 .............. 5:15 1,. 111. Y:33 p. 111. ?:2(. a. i n . 3 :3 1 a. ;1;.'1 0. .SU I). 4 i 6 2 5 11. 111. 9:00 p. 111. 0. 0:: 0. 13 .............. ............................. Northfield, Vt.. ......... North Head Wash ...... Oklahoma, dkla.. ....... P o .. .............. Omaha, Nebr. ........... Palestine, Tex.. ......... Parkershur , W. Va ..... Penarrcola.l5a. .......... Philadelphia, Pa.. ....... Pittsbrirg Pa. ........... Pocatello' Idaho.. ....... Portland,'nle.. .......... Portlaud, Oreg .......... 7 9 4 9-10 1 21 5 29 b 7 28 2 21 1-2 Depths of precipitation (in inches) during period8 of time indicated. Stations. - 1.5 min. - 0.94 0. 62 0. i6 .... .... ... 0.35 0. 74 .... n. xu u. 61; .... .... .... .... .... n. so 0.33 0.44 0. G i 0. SR 0.56 .... .... .... 0.20 I). :;3 0.44 0. i5 0. H? 0. 15 u. 60 .... .... 0. 29 .... .... .... 0. .%2 0.43 0. 2; 0. 46 .... .... 1.04 0. i 3 0. 53 0. 09 0. 54 0.M .... .... 0. 34 0. 21 I). 61 0.40 0.47 .... .... 0.46 0. 62 0.23 u. 4'2 0. (53 0.47 0.20 .... .... .... ... I). L'I n. i o n. 33 .... (I. i 5 ... 0. $2 .... (1. M u. 45 (1. 4.5 0. s4 .... .... 0. s5 0.34 .... .... .... - IO min. -. 0.36 0.30 0. 60 ..... ..... .... 0 0 0 .... .... ..... ..... ..... 0. 14 0.16 0. 31 0.43 0.42 0. 34 0. 12 0.KI 0. 2s 0.34 li. ::2 0. '12 0. 11 0.48 .... .... .... .... 0. 10 .... .... .... 0. 45 .... n. 35 0. IF 0.3:1 0. 1% 0. lis 0. 65 0. 61 0. 32 .... .... .... .... 0. 41 0.24 0. 56 0.29 0.65 0. 26 0. 19 0.41 0. 29 .... .... .... .... .... .... 0.53 0.36 I). 32 .... .... u. 25 0.48 .... .... 0.14 ... ... 0. I 0. 5 0. 46 0. 26 0. 24 I). 5'' .... .... .... .... 0. i Y (I. 25 0. 31 0. 60 n.:<1 .... .... .... .... .... .... - a? m1u. - ..... .... 1.00 0.2: ..... .... .... ................ 20 I 25 min. min. min. 36 1 4 0 m1n. 1 6 5 mtn. 1 5 p min. 1 6 0 min. 1 8 0 min. IiFIirn min. min. -------- ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. ........... ............. 1 . ..... 0.54 ...................... 0.S6 .................................. 124U a.m. 1 1O:lO n. IU. 1 t: !i 1 5:lO a.m. 1 5:45 a. t u . 1 O+!i ! :: :i 1255 p. tu. 125 1'. IU. 1:02 p. 111. I :l i p. 111. ..... ...... ........... ........... .......... 0.86 ...... ........... I ............ I U .Z l I ............ I I I ............ ...... ..... ...... ...... O.O!I u. 0; 0.33 ..... .......... 5312 y. IU. 1'6;iJi 239 1'. tu. u. 10 R:3? 1'. 111. I). 66 mi lI1. n. us 7 3 0 p.ni. 0. O i 6:4i 1,. 111. 0. 01 ...... 0.05 0.08 0. I ? 0.15 0. 21 0. 11 ........... 4 3 7 p. 111. 2:l5 p. 111. 5:49 p. 111. 6315 p. 111. 6 :l i p. 111. 4:Oti 1'. 111. .................................................... ...... ...... ...... 1.22 11.43 i 1.63 11.61; I ...... I 1 ......I I 1.12 1.?5 1.41 1.52 1.64 1.46 1.95 ............ ... 6 29 6 20 15 14 3? 30 14 30 20 24 9 1 20 2 3 23 5 3 1-2 3-4 2 4 3 IO ?:! s 2!) 30 4 30 IO 17 55 6 15 24 Do ................ Chattanoo a, Tenu ...... Chicago, Ifi .............. Ciuciuuati, Ohio. ........ Cleveland, Ohio.. ........ Columbia. Ma ............ Columbia, S. C.. ......... Do ................ Columbus, Ohio .......... ... ...... ...... ..... 1 ......I ...... 1 ......I ...... ...... n .,Y ..... ..... ..... .... .. ..... .......... 3:1)5 2. 111. 4 3 ; 1,. 111. ?:.ii 1'. 111. 5:l4 1'. 111. 5356 1'. 111. 5:IJU 11. 111. 9:15 :I. 111. 1 .................... I). "6 ...... 0.53 ..... .. 354 1'. 111. 4 3 7 (I. 1u. 2:Oi 1,. 111. 4:35 p. 10. 5:17 p t i l . 8:55 a. m. 1 ................. 1.00 U.,O ...... ............ 14 I 1 .1 , 1 .....I ...... ...... I:::::: ,...... I ...... Concord, N. H.. ......... Corpus Christi, Tex.. ... Davenport, Iowa.. ....... Denver Cola ............ Detroit Mich ............ Dodge, t a u s ............ Dulut , Mtnn ........... Erie Pa ................. EscLnaba, Mich.. ........ Evansville, I n d ......... Fort Smith Ark.. ....... Fort Word, TRX - ...... Do ................ Galveston. Tex. ......... Grand Junction 1Mo .... Grand Rapids h i c h .... Green Bay, W:s .......... H:~nnihal Mo.. ......... Harrisbu; Pa Hatteras, &. c.: 1: :: 1::: Des Mdines, Iowa.. ..... Dubugue, '0". ......... Eastport Me ............ Elkins, *. Va.. ......... Huron, S. Dak .......... .............................. ...................... 0.26 ....... ............................. 0.47 . ............................. 0.51 . ........................ ......................... 0.5; 0.5:) ......................... ............................. O.I!l .. u. X? 10.56 1 .............I ............. 1 ...... 1 .... ?, 54 m o p . In. 12:m 1'. 111. 0. 64 0.12 3.16 I). ni. 1 3.41; I,. 111. 1 I . 34 1 IJ. 11 ................. ................. 0.90 ................. .......... 1 ............ 10.10 I ............ I ............ I - ..... I ...... ........... [ ............ 10.23 1 ............ 1 ............ 1 ......I ...... ...................... 0.54 .............................. ' ...... 11. N. 12:05 p. 111. 2. 14 2:5:3 a. 111. 3:43 n . m. IJ.02 (1.27 I% !:: a. tu. ~ 1. 15 1, 1:05 a. in. ~ 1:43 a. in. ~ 0% ~ 0.IlY 2 4 8 a. iu. 3:OS :I. m. 0.04 0. 13 ,:A a. m. , ,) 5:18 a.111., 5 2 s a. in. I 0.68 , 0.33 305 p. in. 1.39 1:OU p. ni. I:4I p. in. 0. 0s 235 a. u1. Indianapolis, Ind ....... Jacksourille, Fla. ....... Jupiter, Fla.. ........... .................................... 0.52 ............................ ....... ..... 0.65 0.32 0. 9:: .... 0. i 6 0.43 1.20 u. 53 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1?:23 p. 6:15 p. 10:14 a. .................................................... 0 .6 i 0.96 1 .7 1.5Y 1.99 2.17 ............ !::; I1.62 I 1 .6 7 I l .:2 ! ...... 1 ...... 1.; ._..I ...... I ...... . Ihb ............... Kalispell. Nont ........ Kansas City Mo.. ...... Kuoxville. Tenn ....... Key West, d a .. ........ ..... 0. -19 ..... ..... ..... ..... 0.72 ......... 0.66 I ..... 0.5s 0.79 n. 83 1 u. 93 Do ................ Los Ai1 eles Cal Louisvifle I p c h b u r k , 8,. ........ won. Cia.. ............ Metn his, Tenn ........ Merilian. ~i s s . ........ Milwaukee, Wis.. ...... Montgomery. Ala.. .... Nantncket Mass.. ..... Nashville, ?e m .. ...... Do ............... New Haven. Conn.. .... New Orleans, La.. ...... .... : : : : ....................... .I. .................................. ....................... n.41 ................................... 3 2 0 p. in. ! 6 5 0 1,. in. ~ 2. 45 1 450 p. m. ~ 6:l5 p. 111. 1 O$i 1 ::J 3:lS p. ni. 5:40 1,. m. 0.67 3 2 6 p. m. 3:40 p. 111. ....................... 0.65 ................................... ..... 0.54 ..... ..... ..... 0. i l ..... 0.61 ..... ...... ..... 1. "3 ..... .... .... 1.64 .... .... n. 64 1. u3 ...................... 0.56 ................................. ...................... 0.43 .................. : ............... m p. Ill. 1 3:25 tu. I 2.5; 1 i:o5 11.111. I 1 :j .j p. 1u. 1 T. ! n. 0s ........... 1 ...........I ...... ...... 3:zn 1'. 111. 4::n IJ. 111. 0. 011 4:lO 1'. 111. 4:45 1'. 111. 0. 01 0 .4 i ....................... .. 0 .Z 3:OO p. ni. 4:lO p. m. 1. 30 2:10 p. M. 1 3:i5 1'. 111. 1 1. 3s ... 0. 94 U .5 i u. 69 0.62 ..... ..... 0. 99 0. !IO 0. 35 0. SI; 0.20 ...... ..... ...... nu ............... New York. N. P.. ...... Norfolk. Va.. .......... ...... ................. U.26 ........... 1.311 1.61 ?.!I1 0.61 0.67 . ................ .......... ..... 1 ...... 0. S!I O .!l i 0.62 (I. 7.3 11. B.2 0. S.5 ..... 0.47 ........ .......... ........... ...... .....I 0.S6 10:55 1,. ni. I). N. 1. 25 G:OO p. m. 1 %I5 p. m. ~ 0.92 A .17 ...... 1.00 0. 40 .... 1. os 11. 50 ..... ..... 1. 1::: .......... ".'I ........... 1::::::::::::j y; ...................... .................................. 298 55. 2 5i.5 5s. s 54. 7 MONTEILY WEATHIZR RXVIEW. TAE& 'V.-AocnmM amuncnte of prectpitaiim for emh 6 m h u h , &.-Continued. - 0. 2 - 0.2 - 0.4 - 0.3 JUNE, 1904 Father Poiut Que.. .... hlontrenl, Que .......... Rockliffr .............. Ottawa, Out ............ Kingston, Ont .......... Torouto Out ........... White diver, Ont . . _. . Port Stauley, Ont ...... Saugern, Out.. ......... Quebec, Que.'. ......... 29.93 2Y. 67 29.78 29.45 29.64 29.68 29.62 28.69 29.36 29.29 Highest water. 1 Lowest water. ' % I s a Date. (I I e i i i l Date. 1 4 A - 5 % a a E 10-12 12,13 12-14 12-14 5 Fref. 7.4 4.0 6.S 4.5 c.4 30 30 30 99,30 LZI, 30 27 29,30 Feel. Fed. 8.1 2.6 !I. 4 3.0 4.6 1.0 s. 2 2. 2 9. 7 2.5 13.5 5.3 24.9 7.5 Exeeaeive rate. Depths of precipitation (in inches) during periods of time indicated. Stations. E%gan- Ended- 4 0. GI 1.07 I . 1s 1.63 1.44 0. 53 T. 0. 68 0. 59 0. 66 0. 61 0. 21) 0. 56 0.36 T. 1. 25 1.15 0. so 0. i 6 0. 9s 0.29 (1. 6'2 ?. 20 0. i!l 1.52 1.58 1. i G 0. i o 0. i 5 0. 11) 1.11 1.41 I . 19 0. i Y 1.52 0. i 6 1.88 1.1s 0.56 0.2'2 0. 58 1.24 ..... D 9 '16 5M)p.m. 7:15p.m. 21 5:30 p.m. 7:M p.m. 2 5:32 p.m. 6:12 p .~. 1 8:03 a. m. 9:55 a. m. 2S30 1:45 p. UI. 1). N. 0.44 0.48 0.53 ................................. 0.30 0.41 0.55 ............................. 0. 20 I). 63 1. OD . 1.18 ........................... 0.24 0.43 0. 55 0.68 0. ii 0.91 1. 01 1.06 1. 1.05 1.21 1.26 1.29 ... 0.53 .................... Pueblo, C.010 ........... Do ................ Raleigh, N. C ........... Do ....... Richmond Va .......... Rochester,' N. P. ........ Sacraniento, Cal. ........ St. Louis, hlo .......... Do ............... St. Paul. Minn .......... Salt Lake City, Utah.. .. Sau Antouio. Tex ....... Savaunah, Ga ........... Scranton Pa ............ Dab ................ Sea t.t.le, d'ash ........... Shreveport, La .......... Tampa, Fla ............. Do ................ Dab .............. Taylor, Tex. .......... 1 ........................ 2 1:40 a. IU. i:32 a. iu. 4 3:02 p. 01. 3:29 p. 111. 24 ....................... 2 ...................... 33 ............. 1:34 p. 111. 2:lO p. In. 27 2 2 5 1'. 111. 3:55 1'. 111. 1s ........................ 3 ....................... 4 2:45 a. m. 1:32 11. 111. 8 ........................ 6 4:40 11. m. 6:10 11. 111. 10 i :0 5 1,. in. R:W p. IU. 30 G:R5 1,. IU. 7:45 p. TU. 21 625 a. TU. 7:20 a. UI. 29 5:OS 13. iu. 2 3:30 p. 01. 10-11 820 p. m. ........... 1 ...... 0.01 0.05 0. 18 0. IHJ 0 .3 0.32 'r. 0 .m u. 55 ................. ................. ................. ................. ............... ............... 0.01 0 .1 1 0.26 0.11-1 0. IS 0. 36 ..... 0. 44 0.32 0.66 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... (I. 47 u. 66 0. R!I 0. 71 .... ..... .... 0.27 ...... ...... ...... ................. .................. ................. ................. .................. ................. .....I ...... i ..... 0.65 0.76 0.8? 0. SB 0. 94 0.96 ...................... 6 3 1 p. in. 2 :2 i 1'. 111. 6:5!l p. i n . ?:SO 1'. 111. .T ,..~ u. .....I "2 0.3) .. 1. u.17 0.40 ............... 0. 6 i 1 I). 73 1 0. i G 0.86 0.92 ..... ............ n.2:i ..................... ...................... i:15 a.in. 7 :s ) a. I U . 4 :4 i p. IU. 5:20 ID. IU. 7:Oi 11. 111. 755 1 8 . 111. 6:3R p. 111. i:9lJ 1,. 111. 6:50 a. i n . i:l(l :L 111. 12:W ii. 111. 1:17 a. IU. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...... ..... ..... 0.10 I ..... I ...... I ...... I ...... I ...... I ...... I ...... I ...... I ...... I ...... I ..... ........... 11:lO p. ni. 7:40 p. IU. 6:50 IJ. in. 9 5 5 a. iu. 3 4 8 1'. 111. 10:20 1'. Ill. ..................... 10:(12 1'. 111. ll:02 I,. 111. 3:29 1'. 111. 3:*2 I,. 111. 1:35 p. 111. ?:I0 1'. 111. 5315 p. 111. 5::;s 1). i n . Do .............. Do .............. Washington, I). C ....... Wichita Kans .......... Wythevllle. \'a ..... Yankton. 8. Dak ........ Havana, alba .......... San Juan, Porto Rico ... tvilniin.&ou. N. c.. ..... 355 1,. m. 4:40 1,. IU. l0:56 p. I l l . 11:35 1). 1u ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... i ........................ 8 ..................... 14 ....................... 17 ........................ I ~ .I I~atiniated. t Nu Inivcipitatio,u during m m t l i . TABLE V I . -Data f urniahed by the Canadian hfeteorological Service, Jicite, 1904. Temperature. I1 Precipitation. I pressure, iu inches. Teiuperatore. Preciyitat iou. I Pressi:re,iu inches. - a .- 2 a .- E! z 9 - 0 61. 2 45.4 50. 5 4% 9 46. 2 4s. 2 46. 7 39.5 3 i . ? 44. 7 46. 7 47.0 50. 1 36. 7 io. 0 42. 9 4x. 9 - - a 2 2 .- PI :: z - 0 'id. 9 65.6 71. 7 70. 6 7u. 0 75. 8 73.8 69. 1 64.2 68. 9 ill. R i 5 . 6 63.2 59. Ij 811. !I 66.2 6Y. * - E / 9 z z I I n s . 0 0 61.3 ~ 41.0 66.4 43. 9 65.7 46.4 62. 9 ' 48. 7 46. 3 66.4 4;. 1 71. 6 46.4 ~ 51.4 ~2 . 3 56.2 75.9 48.7 75. 1 55. 5 ill.? 54. I1 i3.2 53.0 74.4 43. 5 73. (I 53.2 71.6 51.0 63.3 il.: 45.4 111s. I fna. 3.36 I +o. 94 3.36 +0.63 4.32 +o. 93 4.42 1 1 .4 2 Ill& Ins. 29.98 +.U" 29.96 f.02 29.91 t .0 2 99.92 f.03 2Y.h9 +.04 29. 90 +. (I3 29.90 f. (I6 2Y. Y(I f.06 ?!I. h i +.os 29.94 -.03 2Y.89 +.03 29.93 +.06 30.12 +.11 30.02 +.I S 2Y. 90 +. (13 3U.12 .(IO Yt. Johns h'. F ......... Grand hlauau. N. B .... S dney, 6. B. I.. ....... &ifax, N. s .. ......... 6'2. 5 + 11. s 55.5 - 0. 9 61.1 - 1.1 59. s + 0.2 5% 1 - 1.8 2, 15 -(I. i !l 1.46 --1.3(1 Kamloops, B. C ... ..... 2s. 73 Victnria, B. C . _. ._ __ __. X(I.03 Harkrrville, H. L'.. __ __. 25. 2 Hamiltuu. Beri 2.58 -0.84 2.04 -0.72 2.3i -0.30 1 .w --n a ti?. 0 0.1) 54.3- 1.7 511. 7 - u. s 51;. 8 - 0. 1 5s. 1 + 0.4 5h. 1: - 0.9 56.0 - 0.3 48. 2 - 2 .5 75. 3 + 0.3 5 4 .6 . .... 60.21+ 0.2 62. si- 1. I1 29.95 + OS 29-99 1 C: 07 3:63 -Q:iQ 4.BY +1.5:3 2.83 $0.33 4.32 f1.01 1 .2 -0.20 64.5 - 0. 4 62.3 T 0. i 65. 3 ~ 0.0 62.1 - 1.3 63. 1 - 0. :j :36 +0.16 _. 54 4 .9 4 5.42 -n. 53 1 .i l ...... 5s. a + (I. 1 63. 1 - 0. i 61.3 f O .9 50. IJ0 +.O S 29.99 I+.02 .......I ..... I ~~ TABLE VII.-Heights of river8 referred to zero8 of gages, June, 190,j. d M - m a z Feel 6. '2 4 9 G. I 1 !I. 4 IO. 1 ti. 1 c: .... H :hest water. ~ Lowest water. Height.1 Date. 'Height.1 Date. .5s ~~ ~~~ Y 5 t -1 -I Fwl. Fed. 1 15 9.0 16 1n.4 I 23 1G.S 30 29.0 Feel. 14 14 12 12 18 13 10 Fed. 7. s 6. 5 7.5 9. 0 11.1 11. i 6. 8 Fwl. 4. 9 3. 1 4.6 6. 2 I;. 7 7. 4 4.5 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ St. Panl. AtiZ. ........... 1.9% Rei1 Wing, Miuii.. ......... 1,914 Heeds Lauding:, Alinn ..... 1.351 La Crosne. Wis. ........... I , ,419 Prairie do Chien. W 8 .. .. .I 1. i 5 9 11 11 10, 11 13, I4 6 x, 9 10,11 ........ hluacatine, Ivwa .......... 1,562 ........... 1,472 ............. 1,463 1.402 4.:; Grafton,Ill ................ 1,306 1.9 j l st. Louia, >lo.. ............ 1,264 4.4 .. Hannibal, &lo. ............ Dobuqoe, Iowa. ............ 1'699 Leclaire, Iowa ............ .I 1:609 JUNE, 1904. Tensersee River. Kingston, Tenn ............ Bridgeport Ala ............ Jobnsooville. Teun.. ...... Knoxville, Tenn.. ......... Chattanooga, Tenn.. ....... Riverton, Ala .............. Florence, h a .............. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE VII.-Hefghte of rivers mfmd lo zero8 of gagse-Continued. illilea. 635 656 462 402 256 225 95 299 Flint River. Woodbury, (i a .. ............. Albany, Ga. ............... Char fahooehce Rieer. Oakdale. Ga .............. West Point, Ga.. .......... - Id P :! - w. 2.4 2.2 2.9 2.6 3.5 5. 1 4.4 15.3 12. 1 10.2 12.4 12. 8 4.3 18. 4 21.0 16.9 3 .7 18. 3 11.5 29.8 15.5 18. 0 24.3 25.3 26. 1 4.9 .... 4.6 4.8 ti. 0 8.6 7. 7 0.9 0.9 2. 5 4.9 8. 2 1. 8 4.4 3.8 3.6 1.6 2.0 Y. 3 1.4 5.5 4.3 1.3 3.8 12.1 lo. 5 1.6 11.8 5.7 1.9 1.8 8. 5 .... .... 5. 5 0.5 G. 5 0.9 2.9 4.0 3. 1 1.1 2.6 3. 7 2.4 - s ;g :O i M p - 7erl 34 33 42 42 42 45 46 35 2s 16 17 25 25 10 IS 14 19 18 10 17 10 21 20 24 1 !I 11 14 13 20 30 ... on S 10 7 11 "3 i o 1s 25 1s 28 2:! 25 2; 3E 3E 3f 5( 5( 5( 5( 4f 2s 3: 4( 4: 11 2( 2( 14 1 4 3( li 2: 1f Ji 1; 31 li 2( 2f 1: 1- I 1: 2: - d 2 2 E +el. !l. 3 !3.1 !I . 1 !Y, 30 30 29.3u 28 11-14 21 r7-19 5 30 27, 28 30 :-21,26-2! l b l l 19-21 8,21, ?:! 13 29 "R 20 20, "I 1Y 19 13 .,., 20 22, 23 24.25 25 "7 311 30 1 -- 27, 28 !9,?0,28 21 7,15,16 ?ti, 27 1 12 30 IF IS29 ?.&'ti 23,24 17,1? 17,''s 211, 21 35,2G "i ;-1$,25.2 13 19,20 Mississip i Riwr Cont'd. Chester 41 .._;..I. ...... .I Memphis, Tenn ........... Helena Ark ............... Arkanins Cit , Ark Greenville, d s i,,... :::::::: Vicksborg. Miss.. ......... Natchez Miss .............. Donaldsonville, La ........ New Orleans, La.. ......... New d a r i d , Ma.. ......... Baton douge. La .......... Ilellorslone Riwr. Glendive, Mont.. .......... Jam= Rifler. Lsmoure N. Dak. ......... Missouri Ricer. Townsend. Mont. ......... Huron, i. Dak ............. 3 4 5. ti 6.7 3 4 6 2 3 4 5 9 4 ti 7 9 11 9 ?3 12 30 13 13,11 243 25 30 30 ....... I0 10 10 10 10 ....... 1,2 9, 10 i n 10 10 23 5 11 12 5 1,a 2 2 3 4 2,30 3 3 30 14 30 1 6 ,l i Y l i ,?S 3 ..... 7, * 2, ?n ?,21 2 3 2 4 1 4 R 2 18,19 20,21 21,22 %,25 21 26 2627 19 26 21,28 27 24.27 11 1 2 1 1 2 6 8 4 8 2 1 9 9 5,6 ....... ?+2Y 30 29 23 23 2S40 26 29,30 30 30 ....... -11, 13-1 30 29,30 30 27-30 1,18.29,3 18,29,30 20 27,?8 17 IS 3 ,2 7 27,28 2< LO, 25,26 1 2 1 ;, 7.9.18. 19,26 ?i-29 ........ 11,?2,30 !,13,26,2 29 IS, 2 6 2 8 29 ?1,27,2R 13-25 23 22 28 19-21,30 899 in, 11 13 14,15 1 h-20 19 2:i 24-?7 26-31) 2-1-26 23 I 3 4-6 3.4 6, 7 7. 9 9 10,11 12-14 12-14 14 :in 4, ,s, 27 5.1; 6 ti 4 6-S Cuna.herln'iid Riwr. Huruside, Ky. ............. Celiua, Teun.. ........... C'artha e Tenn ............ Nashvik, Teun ........... Clarksville, Tenn .......... d rknrrsas River. Wichita Kans.. ...... Webber; Fall?, Ind. T. Newport Ark .............. I'a-00 River. Tazoo City, Miss.. ......... Oiraehifa River. Camdeu, Ark.. ........... Arthur City, Tes. ......... ......... Utim N. T ................ Trilrrkliill N T.. ........ Sdwurctahy,'N. T ......... Ifudsun Rifler. Glens Falls, N. T ......... Cumberlaud, Md. ........ Harpers Ferry, W. Ya.. ... .Yheiinitduah Rirer. Danville, \'a. ............. Ruoifoke River. Clarksrille. \'a ............ Weldon, N. C .............. Chpe Feer Riwr. Fayetteville, N. C ......... li'ureuatau~ River. 618 383 308 193 126 832 465 403 256 176 150 80 304 122 688 515 327 118 1W 98 42 I 9 197 154 147 128 69 6 306 262 183 65 39 116 69 90 290 1 72 5s 260 111 55 196 129 112 10 149 51 35 52 45 37 50 347 268 30 79 203 96 .... 80 305 239 FortBeitdn Mont.. ...... Bismarck d. Dak. ........ Pierre, S.' Dak.. ........... Sioux City, Iowa .......... Omaha Nebr. ............. Plattsmouth, Nebr.. ...... Rt. Joseph, &Io ........... Kansas Citv. hlo.. ......... Cilasgow, hid .............. Boon rille, Mo. ........... Rermann, Ma.. ......... Dea Nuines Riiier. Illinois River. Peoria. Ill. ............... Des hloiues, Iowa.. ........ ~ ~~ i l l s k n y Rirer. Warren {a. ............... oil at,' P a ............... Parker, 'Pa. .............. 1 1 2 .3 ?? 1 I,", 22 7.31) s, 10, 11 30 1 $-IO 30 9 3 3 4 5 5 5 5,: , S S 10 11 10 2 3 !, 7, s, 29 2 4 3n 3 1 21 1 1 2 3 2 495 3n 30 E'reeport P a . ............. Red Batik Creek. Broukville, Pa. ............ Clarion River. Clarion P a ................ Lhhiaugh River. 1 Johnstown, Pa.. .......... .I Cheal River. 1-oughiogheny Riwr. ConBuence, Pa ........... West Newton. Pa. ........ Rowlesburg, W. V a . ..... lifoiioti a h h River. Fainuont. W. V a ......... Weston. 8. Va. ......... Greensboro Pa. ........... Ohio River. Pittsbur P a .............. Beaver Dam, P a ........... Wheeling W. Va .......... Parkersb&g, W. Va.. ..... Point Pleaaaut W. Va.. ... Huntineton. d. Va ........ Lock No. 4,'Pa. ........... Davis &nd Dam, Pa.. ... Louisville Ky.. ........... Evansvilld, I n d ............ Paducah Ky .............. Cairo, 111 ................... Bmrser Riiw. Ellwood Junction, P a . .... Mirskingiim Rirer. Zanesville, Ohio.. ......... ZdUc h-anairha River. New River. Radford. Va ............... Creston, W. Va ............ Conway. S. C ............... €W e e Rir,er. Cheraw S. C ............... Smiths 'Mills, S. C.. ....... Hinton,'W. Va.. .......... Charleston, W. v'a.. ....... Grraf h-atiaioha Riser. Lynch Qeek. Effingham, R. C ........... Black River. Kingstree, S. C. ......... Waferee River. Camden, S . C. ........... Sciofo Riser. Columbus, Ohio.. ......... Licking River. Falmouth, Ky ............. Miami Kioer. Dayton, Ohio ............. Kenlucky River. Beattyville, K y ........... High Brid e K y ......... Frankfort,%). ............ Il'abuh River. Mount Cnrmel, I l l .. ....... Clinch Rirer. Rpeers Ferry, Va ........... Clinton. Tenn.. ............ iiolslon River. Bluff City, Tenn.. ......... Rogersville, Tenn. ......... mrnch Broad River. Corignree River. Colombia, S . C.1.. ......... Satifee R i i w . St. Stephens, S. C ........ Sai~niinah River. Calhouu Falls S . C. ....... Broad Riwr. Carltou, Ga.. .............. Ocoiiee Riwr. Dublin. Ga ................ Augusta. cia. _'. ............ - 0." 1. i 3. $ 1.6 - 0. E n. 5 n. I 0. 0. c - 1 .1 1.: Ocnkiilgee River. Macon. Cia.. ............... Abberille,Ga ............. 1 1,2,30 1, ~~ Asheville, N. C. ............ Leadvale, Tenn.. ......... Hiuwsee River. Charleston, Tenn ........ .I 300 -~ 6,30 9 4 MONTHLY WEATHER BEVIEW. TAB&= VII.-H&gh of rimem refwed to zero8 of gagss.--Continued. Feel. 5.6 4.2 3.4 JUNE, 1904 Cboea River. - s . sg 8 8 B 9 reel. 30 22 17 45 35 35 33 35 43 25 7 20 10 25 40 25 21 24 - ~ Miles. - z . 2 % $B p 2 'eel. 40 39 21 18 24 26 - .... ... 24 ... 40 '1s 40 20 "0 15 23 25 -~ Columbus, Miss ........... Demopolis, Ala. .......... Blaek Warrim Rioer. Tuwdoosa, Ala ............ Sabine Rii er. Logansport, La. ........... Orange, Tex .............. Neches River. Rockland, Tex ........... !Trinity Riiw. Dallas, Tex ................ Riverside Ten.. .......... Brawe River. Kopperl, Tex .......... Waco, Tex ................. Beaumont, Tex.. .......... Liberty, +ex. ............. Highest water. 3W 155 90 180 10 110 40 330 100 32 369 301 - -3 a .5 -8 n >* 4:: 2 Feel. 12.2 2.8 15.0 7.7 18.4 5.3 4.7 3.4 5.6 6.6 3.4 3.5 6.5 2.3 2. 7 3. 7 1.7 5.1 - - 30 30 ?dl 30 29,:KJ 27-30 30 30 30 12.8 34.0 , 19.4 1 3'2.8 3.5 2.8 19.1 4.7 18.8 63. i 67.5 65.7 €2. i 64.0 65.3 63. 0 63.3 64.5 64.3 63.7 62.5 64.5 64. 0 62.0 61.3 63 5 63.0 63. 7 63.7 65. I 1 65.3 66.5 64.3 63.7 ti4.5 C L S 61. i 63.0 63.0 ___ t t 69 X 1 i 5 64 66 68 64 67 i 0 i o 64 67 64 69 167 66 6.3 68 64 67 67 1;s 71 i 5 6s 65 67 i o 62 69 82 81 i Y 4" 82 82 82 81 60 82 82 83 83 83 82 82 81 82 52 e 2 R2 63 5.1 R5 83 H2 R2 81 81 82 92.0 -- 68 69 69 69 73 i 3 74 74 71 72 73 69 73 73 73 72 73 il 72 71) 72 7' 72 69 68 74 73 71 72 i 4 ........ ....... 71.1 ........ ' 11 0-2 01 I 0 1 8-:j 1-3 6-4 1-3 3 30. U2 30.02 3 0 .~ 30.09 30.09 1-2 5-3 1 2 1 1 0-2 2 1-3 1-7 1-3 &6 1-3 4 2 2-5 1-3 3 1-3l 1 1-3 ? 0-2 4-2 0-2 1 1-0 2-7 1-0 6 0-1 s-1 2 4 3 30.04 30.63 30.00 30.03 30.03 30.05 29.99 2!>. 98 30.01 30.06 30.0\ 30. (I5 30.01 30.04 30.04 3u.05 :Ul. IS 63. 9 -1.1-2. ......... 67. t I ~~ Highest water. 3eight.l Date. [eight [eight Date. I Feel. 13. R 6. 0 16.0 9. 7 26.2 14. 6 23. i 15. S 15. i 15.2 35.4 20.6 34. s 4. s 4.4 91. 2 5.5 211. 9 Fed. 1. 6 3. 2 1.0 2.0 7. s 9.5 19. 0 12.4 11). 1 9. 6 22.0 17. 1 2s. 8 2. 5 1.7 16. 5 3.8 10,s Feel. 1 Feel Brozoa Rirvr-Cont'd. Niles. Hempstead, Tex .......... 215 ................ 76 Feel. 3.0 1,2,8 3.0 3 2. 7 4 5.0 3 9 20 27 8 IO 3, L3 9 5 2 2 9 8 4,5,