. ~ . Alaharna ~ Preston Klein, . Jack Kytle, i0124 DE YANKS DRAPPED .~- Z OUTEN DE SKY. ~ ~ “Aunt“ Hattie Clayton said, “I‘se gittin‘ erroun‘ de ninety not eh, honey ‚ ~ I reckon de Kingdom am ‚ t fur away. ‚ She lives in a tiny cabin not far from Opelika. Her shoulders pre bent; her hair gray, but she still does a large amount of house— ~rflr~. She likes to sit on the turnhledown front porch on summer after— flOOflS, plying her knitting needles and stretching her aged legs in the ~arni sunlight. “tTwuz a long time ago, honey,“ she observed when talk of slave~ ~ clays was brought up, “but I ‘members as ef ‘twuz yestidy. Liy ol‘ ~~.stus wuz de ?iidder Day. She owned a plantation clos‘t to LJ~yette an‘ she was mighty good to US niggers. “01‘ Liistus boughten me when I was ju,s‘ a little tyke, so I don‘t ‘member ‘bout my pa~ny an‘ mammy. “Honey, I ‘members dat us little chilluns didn‘t go to de fiel‘s tvrel us was big ‘nuff to keep up a row. De oberseer, Liarse Joe Harris, .:~cLe us work, hut he wa~Ç good to us. Oi‘ Liistus, she wouldn‘t let us ~.-u~: vihin it wuz rain±n‘ an‘ cold.“ Asked aboui~ pleasures of the old plantation life, she chuckled arKi recalled: III kin heah de banjers yit. Law me, us had a good time in dem ~ Us danced most eb‘ry Sattidy night an‘ us made de rafters shake V.~j(1 us foots. Lots o‘ times Oie Lij~us would come to de dances a~‘ ioo:: on. An‘ whin er bra~~gger boy cut~ a cute bunch uv steps, de ~.en~olks would give ‘1m a dime or so. “Honey, us went t‘ de church on a Sundays. I allus did lak S~~~j~t and. I loved de ol‘ songs lak, ‘01‘ 8hip of Zion, an‘ ‘Happy