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Content:  Blossom Robinson



MMS Acronyms and Abbreviations

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



AAPL              American Association of Petroleum Landmen

AAPG              American Association of Petroleum Geologists

AASG              Association of American State Geologists

ABC                Activity Based Costing

ABS                 American Bureau of Shipping

ac                     acre

ACOE             Army Corps of Engineers

AGA                American Gas Association

AGI                 American Geological Institute

AGU                American Geophysical Union

AID                 Agency for International Development

AKR                Alaska Region

ANCSA           Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

ANILCA         Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

ANSI               American National Standards Institute

ANWR            Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

AMCR             Alternative Management Control Review

APD                Application for Permit to Drill

API                  American Petroleum Institute

ARNI               Aquatic Resource of National Importance

ARPA              Archaeological Resources Protection Act

ASCII              American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASLM             Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management

ASME             American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASPE               American Society of Petroleum Engineers

ASTM             American Society for Testing and Materials

ATL                 Atlantic

atm                   atmosphere

AUV                Autonomous Underwater Vehicle





BAH                Booz-Allen Hamilton

BACT              best available control technology

BAST              best available and safest technology

Bbbl                 billion barrels

bbl                   barrels

BBOE              billion barrels of oil equivalent

Bcf                   billion cubic feet

BIA                  Bureau of Indian Affairs

BLM                Bureau of Land Management (DOI)

BO                   Biological Opinion

BOE                barrels of oil equivalent

BOP                blowout preventer

bopd                barrels of oil per day

BOR                Bureau of Reclamation

BRD                Biological Resources Division (USGS)

Btu                   British thermal unit

BWASP           Bowhead Whale Aerial Survey Program





CAA                Clean Air Act

CAD                Critical Action Date

CARA             Conservation and Reinvestment Act

CCA                Central California Planning Area

CD                   Consistency Determination

CER                 Categorical Exclusion Review

CERCLA         Comprehensive Environmental Compensation and Liability Act

CEQ                Council on Environmental Quality

CFR                 Code of Federal Regulations

CGOM            Central Gulf of Mexico

CIDS               Concrete Island Drilling System

CIMO              Council of Information Management Officials

CIO                 Chief Information Officer

CMC               Center for Marine Conservation

CMI                 Coastal Management Institute

CNG                Compressed Natural Gas

COF                Covered Offshore Facility

COFR              Certificate of Financial Responsibility

COOGER        California Offshore Oil and Gas Energy Resources Study

COOL             Coordination of Operations on Offshore Leases

COST              Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test

COTR              Contract Officer’s Technical Representative

COTS              Commercial off-the-shelf

CWA               Clean Water Act

CVA                Certified Verification Agent

CZM                Coastal Zone Management

CZMA             Coastal Zone Management Act





DAD                Deputy Associate Director

DEIS                draft Environmental Impact Statement

DDCV             Deep Draft Caisson Vessel

DHS                Department of Homeland Security

DM (I)             District Manager

DM (II)            Departmental (DOI) Manual

DOC                Department of Commerce

DOE                Department of Energy

DOI                 Department of the Interior

DOCD             Development Operations Coordination Document

DOS                Department of State

DOT                Department of Transportation

DPP                 Development and Production Plan

DS                   District Supervisor

DWOP                        Deep Water Operations Plan

DPA                Deep Water Ports Act

DWRC            Departmental Web Resources Council

DWRR Deep Water Royalty Relief

DWRRA          Deep Water Royalty Relief Act

DWPA             Deep Water Port Act





EA                   Environmental Assessment

EAGLS            Electronic Account Government Ledger System

EC                   Executive Council

EDF                 Environmental Defense Fund

EEZ                 Exclusive Economic Zone

EFH                 Essential Fish Habitat

EFT                 Electronic Funds Transfer

EGOM             Eastern Gulf of Mexico

E-GOV            Electronic Government

EIA                  Energy Information Administration (DOE)

EIS                  Environmental Impact Statement

EJ                    Environmental Justice

EO                   Executive Order

EOR (I)            End-of-Operations Report

EOR (II)          Enhanced Oil Recovery

EP                    Exploration Plan

EPA                 Environmental Protection Agency

ESA                 Endangered Species Act

ESPIS              Environmental Studies Program Information System





FAD                Fish Attraction Device

FASB              Financial Accounting Standards Board

FACA              Federal Advisory Committee Act

FAIR               Federal Activities Inventory Reform

FCF                 Fisherman's Contingency Fund

FEED               Front End Engineering Design

FEIS                final Environmental Impact Statement

FERC              Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FGBNMS        Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary

FMC                Fishery Management Council

FMP                Fishery Management Plan

FMV                Fair Market Value

FOIA               Freedom of Information Act

FONNSI         Finding of No New Significant Impact

FONSI                        Finding of No Significant Impact

FOS                 Federal Offshore Statistics

FOSI               Finding of Significant Impact

FPPS               Federal Personnel Payroll System

FPSO              Floating Production Storage and Offloading

FR                   Federal Register

FRN                Federal Register Notice

FWPCA          Federal Water Pollution Control Act

FWS                Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI)

FY                   Fiscal Year





GCED              Gulf Coast Environmental Defense

G&G                geological and geophysical

GIS                  Geographical Information System

GIT                  Geological Interpretive Tools

GOM               Gulf of Mexico

GOMR            Gulf of Mexico Region

GPEA              Government Paperwork Elimination Act

GPRA              Government Performance and Results Act

GRI                  Gas Research Institute

GSA                Geological Society of America

GVS                Gas Verification System





ha                     hectare (2.471 acres)

HSA                Homeland Security Act

HSE                 Health & Safety Executive (United Kingdom)

HTML             Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP               Hypertext Transfer Protocol





IAA                 Interagency Agreement

IADC               International Association of Drilling Contractors

IAGDC            International Association of Geophysical Data Contractors

IBLA               Interior Board of Land Appeals

IBR                  Incorporated by Reference

IC (I)               Information Collection

IC (II)              Incident Command

ICARD            International Committee on Regulatory Authority, Research, and Development

IDEAS             Interior Department Electronic Acquisition System

IEA                  International Energy Administration

IEEE                Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IFR                  Interim Final Rulemaking

IG                    Inspector General

IMC                 Information Management Committee

IMO                International Maritime Organization

INC                 Incident of Noncompliance

IOGCC            Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission

IPAA               Independent Petroleum Association of America

IRF                  International Regulators Forum

IRMRC            Information Resources Management Review Council

ISO                  International Organization for Standardization

IT                     Information Technology

ITM                 Information Transfer Meeting





JIP                   Joint Industry Project





KM                  Knowledge Management





LLC                 Limited Liability Company

LNG                liquefied natural gas

LOOP              Louisiana Offshore Oil Port

LOA                Letter of Agreement

LOS                 Law of the Sea

LPG                 liquefied petroleum gas

LVS                 Liquids Verification System

LWCF             Land and Water Conservation Fund





m                     meter

MAFLA           Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana

MARAD          Maritime Administration

MARPOL        The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

MATL             Mid-Atlantic

Mcf                  thousand cubic feet

Mcfgpd            thousand cubic feet of gas per day

MCR               Management Control Review

md                   Measured Depth

MEC                Management Executive Council

MEFS              Minimum Economic Field Size

MER                Maximum Efficient Rate

MFCMA         Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976

MIB                 Main Interior Building

MIT                 Management Initiatives Team

MMA              Marine Managed Area

MMbbl            million barrels

MMPA            Marine Mammal Protection Act

MMS               Minerals Management Service

MPA                Marine Protected Area

MPR                Maximum Production Rate

MPRSA           Marine Protection Research and Sanctuary Act

MRM               Minerals Revenue Management (MMS)

MODU            Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit

MONTCAR    Monte Carlo (computer program for FMV)

MORICE         Mechanical Oil Recovery in Ice

MOU               Memorandum of Understanding

MPRSA           Marine Protection Resources and Sanctuaries Act

MSFCMA       Magnuson – Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (of 1996)

MSV                Minimum Suspension Volume

MTSA             Maritime Transportation Security Act

MWCP            Marine Wildlife Contingency Plans





NACE             National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NAICS            North American Industry Classification System

NARA             National Archives and Records Administration

NAS                National Academy of Science

NATL              North Atlantic

NCA                Northern California

NCP                National Contingency Plan

NEC                National Economic Council

NEED              National Energy Education and Development

NEP                 National Energy Plan

NEPA              National Environmental Policy Act

NFR                Notice of Final Rulemaking

NGA                Natural Gas Act

NGL                natural gas liquid

NGPA             Natural Gas Policy Act

NHPA             National Historic Preservation Act

NHPF              National Historic Preservation Fund

NMFS             National Marine Fisheries Service (DOC) also NOAA-Fisheries

nmi                   nautical mile

NMS               National Marine Sanctuary

NOA               Notice of Availability

NOAA             National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC)

NOAA-F         NOAA-Fisheries – also National Marine Fisheries Service (DOC)

NOI                 Notice of Intent (to Prepare an EIS)

NOIA              National Ocean Industries Association

NOPP              National Ocean Partnership Program

NORM            Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material

NOSAC          National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee (USCG)

NPD                Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (Norway)

NPDES            National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

NPR                Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

NPRA              National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska

NPC                National Petroleum Council

NPS                 National Park Service

NPSL              net profit share leases

NPV                Net Present Value

NRC                National Response Center

NRA                National Resource Assessment

NRDA             Natural Resource Damage Assessment

NRDC             Natural Resources Defense Council

NRHP              National Register of Historic Places

NSL                 National Studies List

NTL                 Notice to Lessees





OCRM                        Office of Coastal Resource Management (NOAA, DOC)

OCS                Outer Continental Shelf

OCSLA           Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act

ODPCP           Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan

OECM             Offshore Environmental Cost Model

OGOR             Oil and Gas Operations Report

OIG                 Office of Inspector General

OIR                 Offshore Incident Report

OMB               Office of Management and Budget

OEMM              Offshore Energy and Minerals Management (MMS)

OOC               Offshore Operators Committee

OPA (I)           Office of Policy Analysis

OPA (II)          Oil Pollution Act

OPD                official protraction diagram

OPM               Office of Personnel Management

OPS                 Office of Pipeline Safety (DOT)

ORA                Office of Regulatory Affairs

OSDBU           Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

OSFR              Oil Spill Financial Responsibility

OSHA             Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSIR               Oil Spill Intelligence Report

OSM               Office of Surface Mining

OSRA              Oil Spill Risk Assessment

OSRP              Oil Spill Response Plan

OSRO             Oil Spill Removal Organization





PAC                Pacific

PAME             Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment

PART              Performance Assessment Rating Tool

P&A                plugged and abandoned

PINC               Potential Incident of Noncompliance

PIRG               Public Interest Research Group

PLNG              Pressurized Liquefied Natural Gas

PMA                President’s Management Agenda

PMB                Policy, Management, and Budget

PNOS              Proposed Notice of Sale

POCS              Pacific OCS

POCSR           Pacific OCS Region

POE                 Plan of Exploration (same as EP)

POSAR           Physical Oceanography of the Slope and Rise

POTUS            President of the United States

PR                   Proposed Rule

PRA                 Paperwork Reduction Act

PREP               National Preparedness for Response Program

PRESTO          Probabilistic Resource Estimates Offshore

PSG                 Policy Steering Group (MMS.gov)





QI                    Qualified Individual

QIA                 Quality of Information Act





RAA                Regulatory Action Alert

RD                   Regional Director

RE                   Resource Evaluation

RFP                 Request for Proposal

RFII                 Request for Interest and Information

RIK                 Royalty-in-Kind

RM                  Regional Manager

ROD                Record of Decision

ROTAC           Regional Operations Technical Assessment Committee

ROV                Remotely Operated Vehicle

ROW               right of way

RP                   Recommended Practice

RR                   Royalty Relief

RS (I)               Regional Supervisor

RS (II)             Reoffering Sale

RFSA              Royalty Simplification and Fairness Act

RSPA              Research and Special Programs Administration (DOT)

RSV                 Royalty Suspension Volume

RTR                 Rigs to Reefs

RTWG             Regional Technical Working Group

RUE                 right of use and easement





SA                   Safety Alert

SAFE               Safety Award for Excellence

SATL               South Atlantic

SBA                 Small Business Administration

SBREFA          Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

SCA                Southern California

SDC                Steel Drilling Caisson

SEMP              Safety and Environmental Management Plan

SES                 Senior Executive Service

SID                  Secretarial Issue Document

S&G                Sand and Gravel

SLA                 Submerged Lands Act

SOL                 Office of the Solicitor (DOI)

SOO                suspension of operations

SOP                 suspension of production

SOW               Statement of Work

sp.                    single species

spp                   multiple species

SPE                 Society of Petroleum Engineers

SWSS              Sperm Whale Seismic Study





TAR                 Technology Assessment and Research

Tcf                   trillion cubic feet

TIMS               Technical Information Management System

TLP                 Tension Leg Platform

TPEC               Technical Performance Evaluation Committee

TVD                true vertical depth

TVDSS            true vertical depth subsea





UC                   Unified Command

UCRR              undiscovered conventionally recoverable resources

UERR              undiscovered economically recoverable resources

U.H.                 Undetermined hydrocarbon

UMRA             Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

UNCLOS        United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

UNEP              United Nations Environmental Program

URL                 Universal Resource Locator

USC                United States Code

USCG              United States Coast Guard

USGS              United States Geological Survey





VPOTUS         Vice-President of the United States





WGOM           Western Gulf of Mexico

WWW             World Wide Web





XML                extensible markup language






