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PLANTS Profile

Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam
Nissenan manzanita

Symbol: ARNI4
Group: Dicot
Family: Ericaceae
Duration: Perennial
Growth Habit: Shrub
Native Status:  

More Information:
  • Classification Report
  • Data Source and Documentation

Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam

  ARNI Arctostaphylos nisseniana Merriam, orth. var.   Nissenan manzanita

Distribution by State:
Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam

Distributional Map for Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam
Distribution Map Legend

Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam distribution:

County distributions for the following U.S. states are available at PLANTS:


Related Taxa:
Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam

35 genera in Ericaceae, 76 species in Arctostaphylos

Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam

Kingdom   Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom   Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision   Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division   Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class   Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass   Dilleniidae
Order   Ericales
Family   Ericaceae – Heath family
Genus   Arctostaphylos Adans. – manzanita
Species   Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam – Nissenan manzanita


Time Generated: 02/16/2009 03:39 PM MST